package; import javassist.CannotCompileException; import javassist.CtBehavior; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.UUID; /** * Creates bytecode that when executed calls back to the instance's result method. * * Inserts callbacks in CtBehaviour * */ public abstract class Callback { public static HashMap callbacks = new HashMap(); private final String sourceCode; /** * Constructs a new Callback object. * * @param src The source code representing the inserted callback bytecode. * Can be one or many single statements or blocks each returning one object. * If many single statements or blocks are used they must be comma separated. */ public Callback(String src){ String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); callbacks.put(uuid, this); sourceCode = "((\""+uuid+"\")).result(new Object[]{"+src+"});"; } /** * Gets called when bytecode is executed * * @param objects Objects that the bytecode in callback returns */ public abstract void result(Object... objects); @Override public String toString(){ return sourceCode(); } public String sourceCode(){ return sourceCode; } /** * Inserts callback at the beginning of the body. * * @param callback The callback * * @see CtBehavior#insertBefore(String) */ public static void insertBefore(CtBehavior behavior, Callback callback) throws CannotCompileException { behavior.insertBefore(callback.toString()); } /** * Inserts callback at the end of the body. * The callback is inserted just before every return instruction. * It is not executed when an exception is thrown. * * @param behavior The behaviour to insert callback in * @param callback The callback * * @see CtBehavior#insertAfter(String, boolean) */ public static void insertAfter(CtBehavior behavior,Callback callback) throws CannotCompileException { behavior.insertAfter(callback.toString(), false); } /** * Inserts callback at the end of the body. * The callback is inserted just before every return instruction. * It is not executed when an exception is thrown. * * @param behavior The behaviour to insert callback in * @param callback The callback representing the inserted. * @param asFinally True if the inserted is executed * Not only when the control normally returns * but also when an exception is thrown. * If this parameter is true, the inserted code cannot * access local variables. * * @see CtBehavior#insertAfter(String, boolean) */ public static void insertAfter(CtBehavior behavior, Callback callback, boolean asFinally) throws CannotCompileException { behavior.insertAfter(callback.toString(), asFinally); } /** * Inserts callback at the specified line in the body. * * @param behavior The behaviour to insert callback in * @param callback The callback representing. * @param lineNum The line number. The callback is inserted at the * beginning of the code at the line specified by this * line number. * * @return The line number at which the callback has been inserted. * * @see CtBehavior#insertAt(int, String) */ public static int insertAt(CtBehavior behavior, Callback callback, int lineNum) throws CannotCompileException { return behavior.insertAt(lineNum, callback.toString()); } }