package javassist; import*; import; import org.junit.FixMethodOrder; import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import javassist.expr.*; @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes","unused"}) @FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING) public class JvstTest2 extends JvstTestRoot { public JvstTest2(String name) { super(name); } public void testInsertAt() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.InsertAt"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("foo"); int line = 6; int ln = m1.insertAt(line, false, null); int ln2 = m1.insertAt(line, "counter++;"); assertEquals(ln, ln2); assertEquals(7, ln2); line = 8; ln = m1.insertAt(line, false, null); ln2 = m1.insertAt(line, "counter++;"); assertEquals(ln, ln2); assertEquals(8, ln2); CtMethod m2 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("bar2"); int ln3 = m2.insertAt(20, "{ int m = 13; j += m; }"); assertEquals(20, ln3); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(7, invoke(obj, "foo")); assertEquals(25, invoke(obj, "bar")); } public void testInsertLocal() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.InsertLocal"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("foo"); m1.insertBefore("{ i = s.length(); d = 0.14; }"); m1.insertAfter("{ field = i; }"); CtMethod m2 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("run2"); m2.insertAt(22, "{ s = \"12\"; k = 5; }"); CtMethod m3 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("run3"); m3.instrument(new ExprEditor() { public void edit(NewExpr n) throws CannotCompileException { n.replace("{ i++; $_ = $proceed($$); }"); } public void edit(FieldAccess f) throws CannotCompileException { f.replace("{ i++; $_ = $proceed($$); }"); } public void edit(MethodCall m) throws CannotCompileException { m.replace("{ i++; $_ = $proceed($$); }"); } }); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(317, invoke(obj, "run")); assertEquals(7, invoke(obj, "run2")); assertEquals(3, invoke(obj, "run3")); } public void testStaticMember() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.StaticMember"); CtMethod m = CtNewMethod.make( "public int run() {" + "return test2.StaticMember#k + test2.StaticMember#foo(); }", cc); cc.addMethod(m); m = CtNewMethod.make( "public int run2() {" + "return k + foo(); }", cc); cc.addMethod(m); m = CtNewMethod.make( "public int run3() {" + " test2.StaticMember sm = this;" + " return sm.k +; }", cc); cc.addMethod(m); m = CtNewMethod.make( "public int run4() {" + " return this.k +; }", cc); cc.addMethod(m); m = CtNewMethod.make( "public static int run5() {" + " return k + foo(); }", cc); cc.addMethod(m); m = CtNewMethod.make( "public int run6() {" + " test2.IStaticMember i = this; return; }", cc); cc.addMethod(m); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(10, invoke(obj, "run")); assertEquals(10, invoke(obj, "run2")); assertEquals(10, invoke(obj, "run3")); assertEquals(10, invoke(obj, "run4")); assertEquals(10, invoke(obj, "run5")); assertEquals(3, invoke(obj, "run6")); } public void testStaticMember2() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.StaticMember2"); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int run() {" + " return test2.StaticMember2.k +" + " + (test2.StaticMember2.f + f)" + " + test2.StaticMember2.f + f; }", cc)); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int run1() {" + " long j = 1L;" + " return (int)(j + ( + fj)" + " + + fj); }", cc)); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int run2() {" + " double x = 1.0;" + " double d = x + test2.StaticMember2.fd + fd" + " + (test2.StaticMember2.fd + fd);" + " return (int)(d * 10); }", cc)); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int run3() {" + " return (test2.StaticMember2.fb & fb) ? 1 : 0; }", cc)); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(54, invoke(obj, "run")); assertEquals(53, invoke(obj, "run1")); assertEquals(958, invoke(obj, "run2")); assertEquals(0, invoke(obj, "run3")); } public void testSuperCall() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.SuperCall"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("foo"); m1.instrument(new ExprEditor() { public void edit(MethodCall m) throws CannotCompileException { m.replace("{ $_ = $proceed($$); }"); } }); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); invoke(obj, "bar"); } public void testSetSuper() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.makeClass("test2.SetSuper"); CtClass cc2 = sloader.makeClass("test2.SetSuperParent"); CtClass intf = sloader.makeInterface("test2.SetSuperIntf"); CtClass remote = sloader.get("java.rmi.Remote"); cc.setSuperclass(cc2); cc.setInterfaces(new CtClass[] { intf }); intf.setSuperclass(remote); intf.writeFile(); cc2.writeFile(); cc.writeFile(); assertEquals(cc2, cc.getSuperclass()); assertEquals(intf, cc.getInterfaces()[0]); assertEquals(sloader.get("java.lang.Object"), intf.getSuperclass()); assertEquals(remote, intf.getInterfaces()[0]); make(cc.getName()); } public void testReplaceClassName() throws Exception { String oldName = "test2.ReplaceClassName2"; String newName = "test2.ReplaceClassName3"; CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.ReplaceClassName"); cc.replaceClassName(oldName, newName); cc.writeFile(); CtClass cc2 = dloader.get(cc.getName()); CtMethod m = cc2.getDeclaredMethod("foo"); assertEquals(newName, m.getParameterTypes()[0].getName()); } public void testCodeGen() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.CodeGen"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("run"); m1.insertBefore( "{ double d = true ? 1 : 0.1; " + " d = d > 0.5 ? 0.0 : - 1.0; " + " System.out.println(d); " + " String s = \"foo\"; " + " s = 1 + 2 + s + \"bar\"; " + " s += \"poi\" + 3 + seven() + seven(\":\" + ' '); " + " s += .14; " + " msg = s; " + " System.out.println(s); }"); // recursive type check is done if $proceed is used. CtMethod m2 = CtNewMethod.make( "public int test() {" + " String s = $proceed(\"int\" + (3 + 0.14)) + '.'; " + " System.out.println(s); return s.length(); }", cc, "this", "seven"); cc.addMethod(m2); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(19, invoke(obj, "run")); assertEquals(9, invoke(obj, "test")); } public void testCodeGen2() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.makeClass("test2.CodeGen2"); CtMethod m1 = CtNewMethod.make( "public int test() {" + " int len;" + " String s = \"foo\" + \"bar\" + 3;" + " System.out.println(s); len = s.length();" + " len = -3 + len; len = len - (7 - 2 + -1);" + " int k = 3; len += ~k - ~3;" + " return len; }", cc); cc.addMethod(m1); CtMethod m2 = CtNewMethod.make( "public int test2() {" + " double d = 0.2 - -0.1;" + " d += (0.2 + 0.3) * 1.0;" + " return (int)(d * 10); }", cc); cc.addMethod(m2); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(0, invoke(obj, "test")); assertEquals(8, invoke(obj, "test2")); } // not used anymore. private void notTestGetInner() throws Exception { ClassPool pool = ClassPool.getDefault(); CtClass c = pool.get("javassist.CtMethod.ConstParameter"); CtClass d = pool.get("javassist.CtMethod.ConstParameter"); CtClass e = pool.get("javassist.CtMethod$ConstParameter"); assertSame(c, d); assertSame(c, e); try { c = pool.get("test2.Inner.Fake"); fail("found not-existing class"); } catch (NotFoundException ex) {} } public void testInner() throws Exception { ClassPool pool = ClassPool.getDefault(); String classname = "test2.Inner"; CtClass target = pool.get(classname); String src = "public void sampleMethod() throws Exception {" + "java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();" + "java.rmi.activation.ActivationGroupDesc.CommandEnvironment ace " + " = null;" + "java.rmi.activation.ActivationGroupDesc agd " + " = new java.rmi.activation.ActivationGroupDesc(props,ace);}"; CtMethod newmethod = CtNewMethod.make(src, target); target.addMethod(newmethod); String src2 = "public java.lang.Character.Subset sampleMethod2() {" + " java.lang.Character.Subset s " + " = Character.UnicodeBlock.HIRAGANA; " + " return s; }"; CtMethod newmethod2 = CtNewMethod.make(src2, target); target.addMethod(newmethod2); target.writeFile(); } public void testURL() throws Exception { String url; ClassPool cp = new ClassPool(null); cp.appendSystemPath(); url = cp.find("java.lang.Object").toString(); System.out.println(url); if (JvstTest.java9) assertEquals("jrt:/java.base/java/lang/Object.class", url); else { assertTrue(url.startsWith("jar:file:")); assertTrue(url.endsWith(".jar!/java/lang/Object.class")); } assertNull(cp.find("class.not.Exist")); cp = new ClassPool(null); cp.insertClassPath("."); url = cp.find("test2.Inner").toString(); System.out.println("testURL: " + url); assertTrue(url.startsWith("file:/")); assertTrue(url.endsWith("/test2/Inner.class")); assertNull(cp.find("test2.TestURL")); cp = new ClassPool(null); cp.insertClassPath(JAR_PATH + "javassist.jar"); url = cp.find("javassist.CtClass").toString(); System.out.println("testURL: " + url); assertTrue(url.startsWith("jar:file:")); assertTrue(url.endsWith("javassist.jar!/javassist/CtClass.class")); assertNull(cp.find("javassist.TestURL")); cp = new ClassPool(null); cp.insertClassPath(new LoaderClassPath(cloader)); url = cp.find("javassist.CtMethod").toString(); System.out.println("testURL: " + url); assertTrue(url.startsWith("file:")); assertTrue(url.endsWith("/javassist/CtMethod.class")); assertNull(cp.find("javassist.TestURL")); cp = new ClassPool(null); cp.insertClassPath(new ByteArrayClassPath("test2.ByteArray", null)); url = cp.find("test2.ByteArray").toString(); System.out.println("testURL: " + url); assertTrue( url.equals("file:/ByteArrayClassPath/test2/ByteArray.class")); assertNull(cp.find("test2.TestURL")); } public void not_testURLClassPath() throws Exception { String host = ""; String path = "/~chiba/tmp/"; String url; ClassPool cp = new ClassPool(null); cp.insertClassPath(new URLClassPath(host, 80, path, "test")); url = cp.find("test.TestClassPath").toString(); System.out.println(url); assertEquals("http://" + host + ":80" + path + "test/TestClassPath.class", url); assertNull(cp.find("test.No")); } public void testGetURL() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("java.lang.String"); String url = cc.getURL().toString(); System.out.println(url); if (JvstTest.java9) { assertEquals("jrt:/java.base/java/lang/String.class", url); } else { assertTrue(url.startsWith("jar:file:")); assertTrue(url.endsWith(".jar!/java/lang/String.class")); } cc = sloader.get("int"); try { URL u = cc.getURL(); fail(); } catch (NotFoundException e) { assertEquals("int", e.getMessage()); } } public void testInheritance() throws Exception { ClassPool pool = ClassPool.getDefault(); String classname = "test2.Inherit"; CtClass target = pool.get(classname); String src = "public void sampleMethod() {" + " test2.Inherit i = new test2.Inherit();" + " test2.Inherit2 i2 = i;" + " test2.Inherit3 i3 = i;" + " i3.foo2(); i3.foo2(); i2.foo1(); }"; CtMethod newmethod = CtNewMethod.make(src, target); target.addMethod(newmethod); target.writeFile(); } public void testIncOp() throws Exception { CtClass target = sloader.makeClass("test2.IncOp"); String src = "public int sample() {" + " int ia[] = new int[50];" + " ia[0] = 1;" + " int v = ++(ia[0]);" + " return v; }"; CtMethod newmethod = CtNewMethod.make(src, target); target.addMethod(newmethod); target.writeFile(); Object obj = make(target.getName()); assertEquals(2, invoke(obj, "sample")); } public void testSetExceptions() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.SetExceptions"); CtMethod m = cc.getDeclaredMethod("f"); CtClass ex = m.getExceptionTypes()[0]; assertEquals("java.lang.Exception", ex.getName()); m.setExceptionTypes(null); assertEquals(0, m.getExceptionTypes().length); m.setExceptionTypes(new CtClass[0]); assertEquals(0, m.getExceptionTypes().length); m.setExceptionTypes(new CtClass[] { ex }); assertEquals(ex, m.getExceptionTypes()[0]); } public void testNullArg() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.makeClass("test2.NullArgTest"); CtMethod m1 = CtNewMethod.make( "public Object foo(Object[] obj, int idx) throws Throwable {" + " return null; }", cc); cc.addMethod(m1); CtMethod m2 = CtNewMethod.make( "public void bar() {, 0); }", cc); cc.addMethod(m2); CtMethod m3 = CtNewMethod.make( "public void bar2() {[])null, 0); }", cc); cc.addMethod(m3); cc.writeFile(); } public void testAddMethod() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.AddMethod"); CtMethod m = CtNewMethod.make( "public int f() { return 1; }", cc); try { cc.addMethod(m); fail(); } catch (CannotCompileException e) {} CtMethod m2 = CtNewMethod.make( "public void f(int i, int j) { return 1; }", cc); cc.addMethod(m2); try { cc.addField(new CtField(CtClass.longType, "f", cc)); fail(); } catch (CannotCompileException e) {} } public void testCopyStream() throws Exception { int[] size = { 100, 4096, 8000, 1023, 1024, 1025, 2047, 4096*3, 4096*6, 4096*6-1, 4096*256*3, 4096*256*6 }; for (int i = 0; i < size.length; i++) { byte[] data = new byte[size[i]]; for (int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) data[j] = (byte)j; InputStream ins = new ByteArrayInputStream(data); ByteArrayOutputStream outs = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ClassPoolTail.copyStream(ins, outs); byte[] data2 = outs.toByteArray(); if (data2.length != data.length) throw new Exception("bad size"); for (int k = 0; k < data.length; k++) if (data[k] != data2[k]) throw new Exception("bad element"); } } public void testDeclaringClass() throws Exception { try { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.NotExistingClass"); } catch (NotFoundException e) { System.out.println(e); } CtClass inner = sloader.get("test2.Nested$Inner"); CtClass outer = sloader.get("test2.Nested"); assertEquals(outer, inner.getDeclaringClass()); assertEquals(null, outer.getDeclaringClass()); assertEquals(null, CtClass.intType.getDeclaringClass()); CtClass inner3 = sloader.get("test2.Nested$Inner3"); outer.writeFile(); try { CtMethod m = CtNewMethod.make( "public void f(test2.Nested n) { return n.geti(); }", inner3); fail(); } catch (RuntimeException e) {} outer.defrost(); CtMethod m = CtNewMethod.make( "public int f(test2.Nested n) { " + "return n.geti() + test2.Nested.getj(1) + f() + g(); } ", inner3); inner3.addMethod(m); inner3.writeFile(); outer.writeFile(); Object nobj = make(outer.getName()); Object iobj = make(inner3.getName()); Method mth = iobj.getClass().getMethod("f", new Class[] { nobj.getClass() }); Object resobj = mth.invoke(iobj, new Object[] { nobj }); int res = ((Integer) resobj).intValue(); assertEquals(6, res); } public void testDeclaringClass2() throws Exception { CtClass out = sloader.get("test2.Anon"); CtClass inner = sloader.get("test2.Anon$1"); if (System.getProperty("java.vm.version").startsWith("1.4")) assertTrue(inner.getEnclosingBehavior() == null); else { assertEquals("make", inner.getEnclosingBehavior().getName()); assertEquals(out, inner.getDeclaringClass()); assertEquals(out, inner.getEnclosingBehavior().getDeclaringClass()); } assertNull(out.getEnclosingBehavior()); assertNull(out.getEnclosingBehavior()); CtClass inner2 = sloader.get("test2.Anon$Anon2$1"); assertTrue(inner2.getEnclosingBehavior() instanceof CtConstructor); assertEquals(sloader.get("test2.Anon$Anon2"), inner2.getEnclosingBehavior().getDeclaringClass()); CtClass inner3 = sloader.get("test2.Anon$Anon3$1"); assertTrue(inner3.getEnclosingBehavior() instanceof CtConstructor); assertTrue(((CtConstructor)inner3.getEnclosingBehavior()).isClassInitializer()); assertEquals(sloader.get("test2.Anon$Anon3"), inner3.getEnclosingBehavior().getDeclaringClass()); } public void testMethodInInner() throws Exception { CtClass inner = sloader.get("test2.Nested2$Inner"); CtClass outer = sloader.get("test2.Nested2"); String src = "public int f(test2.Nested2 n) {" + " n.i = 1; n.i++; n.i += 2; return n.i; }"; outer.writeFile(); try { CtMethod m = CtNewMethod.make(src, inner); fail(); } catch (RuntimeException e) {} outer.defrost(); CtMethod m = CtNewMethod.make(src, inner); inner.addMethod(m); src = "public int g(test2.Nested2 n) {" + " n.d = 1.0; n.d++; n.d += 2.0;" + " return n.d == 4.0 ? 7 : 8; }"; m = CtNewMethod.make(src, inner); inner.addMethod(m); src = "public int h(test2.Nested2 n) {" + " n.s = \"poi\";" + "return n.s.length() + f(n) + g(n); }"; m = CtNewMethod.make(src, inner); inner.addMethod(m); inner.writeFile(); outer.writeFile(); Object nobj = make(outer.getName()); Object iobj = make(inner.getName()); Method mth = iobj.getClass().getMethod("h", new Class[] { nobj.getClass() }); Object resobj = mth.invoke(iobj, new Object[] { nobj }); int res = ((Integer) resobj).intValue(); assertEquals(14, res); } public void testMethodInInner2() throws Exception { CtClass inner = sloader.get("test2.Nested3$Inner"); CtClass outer = sloader.get("test2.Nested3"); String src = "public int f() {" + " int k = 0;" + " test2.Nested3 n = new test2.Nested3(3);" + " k += n.geti();" + " n = new test2.Nested3();" + " k += n.geti();" + " n = new test2.Nested3(\"foo\");" + " k += n.geti();" + " return k; }"; outer.stopPruning(true); outer.writeFile(); try { CtMethod m = CtNewMethod.make(src, inner); fail(); } catch (RuntimeException e) {} outer.defrost(); CtMethod m = CtNewMethod.make(src, inner); inner.addMethod(m); inner.writeFile(); outer.writeFile(); Object iobj = make(inner.getName()); assertEquals(6, invoke(iobj, "f")); } public void testMakeNestedClass() throws Exception { CtClass outer = sloader.get("test2.Nested4"); try { CtClass inner = outer.makeNestedClass("Inner", false); fail(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { print(e.getMessage()); } CtClass nested = outer.makeNestedClass("Inner", true); outer.stopPruning(true); outer.writeFile(); outer.defrost(); String src = "public int f() { return test2.Nested4.value; }"; CtMethod m = CtNewMethod.make(src, nested); nested.addMethod(m); nested.writeFile(); outer.writeFile(); Object iobj = make(nested.getName()); assertEquals(6, invoke(iobj, "f")); } public void testPrivateMethod() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.PrivateMethod"); try { CtMethod m = CtNewMethod.make( "public int f(test2.PrivateMethod2 p) { return p.f(); }", cc); fail(); } catch (CannotCompileException e) {} } public void testArrayLength() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.makeClass("test2.ArrayLength"); CtMethod m2 = CtNewMethod.make( "public int f() { String[] s = new String[3]; " + "return s.length; }", cc); cc.addMethod(m2); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(3, invoke(obj, "f")); } public void testMakeStaticMethod() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.makeClass("test2.MakeStaticMethod"); CtMethod m = CtNewMethod.make(Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.STATIC, CtClass.intType, "create", new CtClass[] { CtClass.intType }, null, "{ return $1; }", cc); cc.addMethod(m); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int test() { return create(13); }", cc)); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(13, invoke(obj, "test")); } public void testNewExprTry() throws Exception { ExprEditor ed = new ExprEditor() { public void edit(NewExpr expr) throws CannotCompileException { StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer(300); code.append("{ try "); code.append("{ $_ = $proceed($$); }"); code.append("catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {}}"); expr.replace(code.toString()); } }; CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.NewExprTry"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("foo"); m1.instrument(ed); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(16, invoke(obj, "run")); } public void testToClass() throws Exception { ClassPool cp = ClassPool.getDefault(); CtClass cc = cp.makeClass("test2.ToClassTest"); Class c = cc.toClass(); assertEquals(getClass().getClassLoader(), c.getClassLoader()); } public void testAddCatchForConstructor() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.AddCatchForConstructor"); CtConstructor m1 = cc.getDeclaredConstructors()[0]; m1.addCatch("return;", sloader.get("java.lang.Exception")); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); } public void testAddLocalVar() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.AddLocalVar"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("foo"); m1.addLocalVariable("i", CtClass.intType); m1.insertBefore("i = 3;"); m1.insertAfter("$_ = i + 1;"); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(4, invoke(obj, "foo")); } public void testNewArray() throws Exception { ExprEditor ed = new ExprEditor() { int dim[] = { 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3 }; int cdim[] = { 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2 }; int counter = 0; public void edit(NewArray expr) throws CannotCompileException { try { CtClass str = sloader.get("java.lang.String"); if (counter < 3) assertEquals(str, expr.getComponentType()); else assertEquals(CtClass.intType, expr.getComponentType()); assertEquals(dim[counter], expr.getDimension()); assertEquals(cdim[counter], expr.getCreatedDimensions()); expr.replace("{ i += $1; $_ = $proceed($$); }"); ++counter; } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new CannotCompileException(e); } } }; CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.NewArray"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("foo"); m1.instrument(ed); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(48, invoke(obj, "run")); } public void testToString() throws Exception { System.out.println(sloader.get("int")); System.out.println(sloader.get("int[]")); System.out.println(sloader.get("java.lang.Object")); System.out.println(sloader.get("java.lang.String")); System.out.println(sloader.get("javassist.CtNewClass")); } public void testDotClass() throws Exception { testDotClass("test2.DotClass", false); testDotClass("test2.DotClass_", true); } private void testDotClass(String cname, boolean java5) throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.makeClass(cname); if (java5) cc.getClassFile2().setVersionToJava5(); CtMethod m = CtNewMethod.make( "public String getclass() {" + " return int.class.getName() + int[].class.getName()" + " + String.class.getName() + String[].class.getName()" + " + java.lang.Object.class.getName()" + " + java.util.Vector.class.getName(); }", cc); cc.addMethod(m); CtMethod m2 = CtNewMethod.make( "public int test() {" + " String s = getclass(); System.out.println(s);" + " return s.length(); }", cc); cc.addMethod(m2); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(72, invoke(obj, "test")); } public void testDotClass2() throws Exception { testDotClass2("test2.DotClass2", false); testDotClass2("test2.DotClass2_", true); } private void testDotClass2(String cname, boolean java5) throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.makeClass(cname); CtClass cc3 = sloader.makeClass("test2.DotClass3"); if (java5) cc.getClassFile2().setVersionToJava5(); CtMethod m = CtNewMethod.make( "public int test() {" + " return test2.DotClass3.class.getName().length(); }", cc); cc.addMethod(m); cc.writeFile(); // don't execute cc3.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); try { assertEquals(15, invoke(obj, "test")); } catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException e) { Throwable t = e.getCause(); assertTrue(t instanceof java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError); } } public void testDotClass4() throws Exception { testDotClass4("test2.DotClass4", false); testDotClass4("test2.DotClass4_", true); } private void testDotClass4(String cname, boolean java5) throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.makeClass(cname); if (java5) cc.getClassFile2().setVersionToJava5(); CtMethod m = CtNewMethod.make( "public int test() {" + " String s = Object.class.getName()" + " + Object[].class.getName();" + " return s.length(); }", cc); cc.addMethod(m); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(35, invoke(obj, "test")); } public void testSuperInterface() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.makeClass("test2.SuperInterface3"); CtClass cc2 = sloader.get("test2.SuperInterface2"); cc.addInterface(cc2); cc.addField(new CtField(cc2, "inner", cc)); CtMethod m = CtNewMethod.make( "public int getAge() { return inner.getAge(); }", cc); cc.addMethod(m); cc.writeFile(); } public void testPrune() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.Prune"); cc.stopPruning(false); System.out.println(cc); cc.addField(new CtField(CtClass.intType, "f", cc)); cc.toBytecode(); try { cc.defrost(); fail("can call defrost()"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage().indexOf("prune") >= 0); } System.out.println(cc); } public void testNewExprInTry() throws Exception { ExprEditor ed = new ExprEditor() { public void edit(NewExpr expr) throws CannotCompileException { expr.replace("$_ = new test2.HashMapWrapper($1, 1);"); } }; CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.NewExprInTry"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("foo"); m1.instrument(ed); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(1, invoke(obj, "run")); } public void testConstField() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.ConstField"); CtField f; f = cc.getField("b"); assertEquals(true, ((Boolean)f.getConstantValue()).booleanValue()); f = cc.getField("i"); assertEquals(3, ((Integer)f.getConstantValue()).intValue()); f = cc.getField("j"); assertEquals(7L, ((Long)f.getConstantValue()).longValue()); f = cc.getField("f"); assertEquals(8.0F, ((Float)f.getConstantValue()).floatValue(), 0.0); f = cc.getField("d"); assertEquals(9.0, ((Double)f.getConstantValue()).doubleValue(), 0.0); f = cc.getField("s"); assertEquals("const", f.getConstantValue()); f = cc.getField("obj"); assertEquals(null, f.getConstantValue()); f = cc.getField("integer"); assertEquals(null, f.getConstantValue()); f = cc.getField("k"); assertEquals(null, f.getConstantValue()); cc.getClassFile().prune(); f = cc.getField("i"); assertEquals(3, ((Integer)f.getConstantValue()).intValue()); f = cc.getField("k"); assertEquals(null, f.getConstantValue()); } public void testWhere() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.Where"); CtConstructor cons = cc.getClassInitializer(); cons.instrument(new ExprEditor() { public void edit(MethodCall m) throws CannotCompileException { System.out.println(m.where().getName()); } }); } public void testNewOp() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.NewOp"); CtMethod add = CtNewMethod.make( "public test2.NewOp2 " + " addMonitoringRemoteEventListener(" + " test2.NewOp2 listener)" + " throws java.rmi.RemoteException {" + " $0.listenerList.addElement(listener);" + " return new test2.NewOp2(0L, this, null, 0L);" + "}", cc); add.setModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC); cc.addMethod(add); /* CtMethod type= CtNewMethod.make( "public test2.Where getNewType() { return new test2.Where(); }", cc); cc.addMethod(type); */ cc.writeFile(); } public void testSwitch() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.makeClass("test2.Switch"); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int test1() {" + " int i = 1;" + " int j;" + " switch (i) {" + " case 0: j = i; break;" + " case 1: j = -i; break;" + " default: j = 0; break;" + " }" + " return j; }", cc)); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int test2() {" + " int i = 2;" + " int j = 7;" + " switch (i) {" + " case 0: j = i; break;" + " case 1: j = -i; break;" + " }" + " return j; }", cc)); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int test3() {" + " int i = Byte.MAX_VALUE;" + " int j;" + " switch (i) {" + " case Byte.MAX_VALUE: j = i; break;" + " case Byte.MIN_VALUE: j = -i; break;" + " default: j = 0; break;" + " }" + " return j; }", cc)); try { cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int test4() {" + " int i = Byte.MAX_VALUE;" + " int j;" + " switch (i) {" + " case Byte.MAX_VALUE: j = i; return j;" + " case Byte.MIN_VALUE: j = -i; return j;" + " default: j = 0;" + " }" + "}", cc)); fail("does not report an error (no return)"); } catch (CannotCompileException e) { System.out.println(e); } try { cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int test5() {" + " int i = Byte.MAX_VALUE;" + " int j;" + " switch (i) {" + " case Byte.MAX_VALUE: j = i; return j;" + " case Byte.MIN_VALUE: j = -i; return j;" + " }" + "}", cc)); fail("does not report an error (not default)"); } catch (CannotCompileException e) { System.out.println(e); } try { cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int test6() {" + " int i = Byte.MAX_VALUE;" + " int j;" + " switch (i) {" + " case Byte.MAX_VALUE: j = i; break;" + " default: j = -i; return j;" + " }" + " }", cc)); fail("does not report an error (break)"); } catch (CannotCompileException e) { System.out.println(e); } cc.addField(CtField.make("public static int k;", cc)); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public void foo() {" + " int i = 0;" + " k = 3;" + " switch (i) {" + " case Byte.MAX_VALUE: k = 1;" + " case Byte.MIN_VALUE: k = 2;" + " }" + "}", cc)); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int test7() {" + " int i = Byte.MAX_VALUE;" + " int j = 3; foo();" + " System.out.println(k);" + " switch (i) {" + " case Byte.MAX_VALUE: return k;" + " case Byte.MIN_VALUE: return j;" + " default: return 0;" + " }" + "}", cc)); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(-1, invoke(obj, "test1")); assertEquals(7, invoke(obj, "test2")); assertEquals(Byte.MAX_VALUE, invoke(obj, "test3")); assertEquals(3, invoke(obj, "test7")); } public void testGet() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("char[]"); CtClass cc2 = cc.getComponentType(); System.out.println(cc2); } public void testSynchronized() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.makeClass("test2.Synch"); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public synchronized int test1() {" + " int i = 0;" + " synchronized (this) {" + " i = 3;" + " }" + " return i; }", cc)); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public synchronized int test2() {" + " int i = 0;" + " synchronized (this) {" + " i = 3;" + " return i;" + " }" + "}", cc)); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public synchronized int test3() {" + " int i = 0;" + " synchronized (this) {" + " if (this instanceof String)" + " return i;" + " else" + " i = 3;" + " }" + " return i;" + "}", cc)); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public synchronized int test4() {" + " int i = 0;" + " synchronized (this) {" + " }" + " return i; }", cc)); try { cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public synchronized int test5() {" + " while (true)" + " synchronized (this) {" + " break;" + " }" + " return i; }", cc)); fail("does not report an error"); } catch (CannotCompileException e) { System.out.println(e); } cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public synchronized int test6() {" + " int i = 0;" + " while (true) {" + " synchronized (this) {" + " i = 3;" + " }" + " break; }" + " return i; }", cc)); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(3, invoke(obj, "test1")); assertEquals(3, invoke(obj, "test2")); assertEquals(3, invoke(obj, "test3")); assertEquals(0, invoke(obj, "test4")); } public void testTryFinally() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.Finally"); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int test1() {" + " a = 0;" + " try {" + " update();" + " } catch (NullPointerException e) {" + " a = 1;" + " } finally {" + " a = 2;" + " }" + " return a; }", cc)); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int test2() {" + " a = 0;" + " try {" + " update(); return a;" + " } catch (NullPointerException e) {" + " a = 1; throw e;" + " } finally {" + " a = 2; return a;" + " }" + "}", cc)); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int test3() {" + " a = 0;" + " try {" + " update(); return a;" + " } catch (NullPointerException e) {" + " a = 1;" + " } finally {" + " a = 2;" + " }" + " return a;" + "}", cc)); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int test4() {" + " a = 0;" + " try {" + " update(); return a;" + " } catch (NullPointerException e) {" + " a = 1; return a;" + " } finally {" + " a = 2;" + " }" + "}", cc)); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public double test5() {" + " b = 1.0;" + " try {" + " return b;" + // " } catch (NullPointerException e) {" + // " b = 2.0; return b;" + " } finally {" + " b += 3.0;" + " }" + "}", cc)); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int test5a() {" + " return (int)test5();" + "}", cc)); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int test6() {" + " a = 0;" + " try {" + " if (a > 0)" + " return a;" + " update(); a = 1;" + " }" + " catch (RuntimeException e) {" + " if (a > 0) a = 2; else a = 3;" + " }" + " catch (Throwable e) {" + " a = 4;" + " } finally {" + " try { if (a < 0) update(); return a; }" + " finally { if (a > 0) return a; a = 5; }" + " " + " }" + "}", cc)); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(2, invoke(obj, "test1")); assertEquals(2, invoke(obj, "test2")); assertEquals(2, invoke(obj, "test3")); assertEquals(1, invoke(obj, "test4")); assertEquals(1, invoke(obj, "test5a")); assertEquals(3, invoke(obj, "test6")); } public void testConstructorName() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.Construct"); CtConstructor[] cons = cc.getDeclaredConstructors(); assertEquals("Construct", cons[0].getName()); assertEquals("Construct", cons[1].getName()); assertEquals("", cc.getClassInitializer().getName()); } public void testRemoveCall() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.RemoveCall"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("bar"); m1.instrument(new ExprEditor() { public void edit(MethodCall m) throws CannotCompileException { m.replace("{ $_ = ($r)null; }"); } }); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(0, invoke(obj, "bar")); } public void testRemove() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.Remove"); testRemove2(cc, "f1"); testRemove2(cc, "f6"); testRemove2(cc, "f3"); CtField p = cc.getField("p"); try { cc.removeField(p); fail("non-existing field has been removed"); } catch (NotFoundException e) {} testRemove3(cc, "bar"); testRemove3(cc, "bar2"); testRemove4(cc, "(I)V"); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(7, invoke(obj, "foo")); } private void testRemove2(CtClass cc, String fieldName) throws Exception { CtField f = cc.getField(fieldName); cc.removeField(f); try { CtField f2 = cc.getField(fieldName); fail("the removed field still exists"); } catch (NotFoundException e) {} } private void testRemove3(CtClass cc, String methodName) throws Exception { CtMethod m = cc.getDeclaredMethod(methodName); cc.removeMethod(m); try { CtMethod m2 = cc.getDeclaredMethod(methodName); fail("the removed method still exists"); } catch (NotFoundException e) {} } private void testRemove4(CtClass cc, String desc) throws Exception { CtConstructor c = cc.getConstructor(desc); cc.removeConstructor(c); try { CtConstructor c2 = cc.getConstructor(desc); fail("the removed method still exists"); } catch (NotFoundException e) {} } public void testGetAndRename() throws Exception { try { CtClass cc = sloader.getAndRename("NotExisting", "Existing"); } catch (NotFoundException e) { System.out.println(e); } } public void testConstBody() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.ConstBody"); CtConstructor cons = new CtConstructor(new CtClass[] { sloader.get("java.lang.String"), sloader.get("java.lang.Integer") }, cc); cons.setBody("super((String)$1, (Integer)$2);"); cc.addConstructor(cons); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(1, invoke(obj, "bar")); } private String methodCallData = null; public void testMethodCall() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.MethodCall"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("bar"); m1.instrument(new ExprEditor() { public void edit(MethodCall m) throws CannotCompileException { if ("clone".equals(m.getMethodName())) methodCallData = m.getClassName(); } }); cc.writeFile(); assertEquals("java.lang.String[]", methodCallData); assertEquals("java.lang.String[]", sloader.get("[Ljava/lang/String;").getName()); assertEquals("int[][]", sloader.get("[[I").getName()); } public void testKmatcha() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.makeClass("test2.Kmatcha"); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public void display(String [] params){" + " if(params == null){" + " System.out.println(\"Nothing to display\");" + " }else{" + " int k = params.length - 1;" + " if(k >= 0)" + " do " + " System.out.println(params[k]);" + " while(--k >= 0);" + " }}", cc)); } public void testStrict() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.makeClass("test2.StrictTest"); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public strictfp int foo(){ " + " int strict = 1; return strict + 1; }", cc)); } public void testArrayLen() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.ArrayLenTest"); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int foo(){ return this.length; }", cc)); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(1, invoke(obj, "foo")); } public void testUnicodeIdentifier() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.makeClass("test2.UnicodeIdentifier"); String src = "public int foo(){ int \u5206 = 0; return \u5206; }"; cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make(src, cc)); } public void testBrennan() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.Brennan"); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int foo(){" + " java.text.SimpleDateFormat df;" + " if((df = (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)format) == null)" + " df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(\"yyyyMMdd\");" + " return 1;}", cc)); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(1, invoke(obj, "foo")); } public void testArrayAndNull() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.ArrayAndNull"); CtMethod m = cc.getDeclaredMethod("test"); m.insertAfter("if ($_ == null) $_ = new int[0];"); } public void testStaticArrays() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.makeClass("StaticArrays"); CtField f = new CtField(sloader.get("test2.StaticArraysMem[]"), "myStaticField", cc); f.setModifiers(Modifier.STATIC); cc.addField(f); CtConstructor init = cc.makeClassInitializer(); String body = "{\n"; body += ("myStaticField = new test2.StaticArraysMem[2];\n"); body += ("\n}"); init.setBody(body); } public void testObjectSuper() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("java.lang.Object"); try { cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int foo(){ return super.hashCode(); }", cc)); fail("could access the super of java.lang.Object"); } catch (CannotCompileException e) {} } public void testStaticFinal() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.makeClass("test2.StaticFinal"); CtField f = new CtField(CtClass.intType, "sff1", cc); f.setModifiers(Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.FINAL); cc.addField(f, "5"); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(5), f.getConstantValue()); f = new CtField(CtClass.longType, "sff2", cc); f.setModifiers(Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.FINAL); cc.addField(f, "6"); assertEquals(Long.valueOf(6), f.getConstantValue()); f = new CtField(CtClass.floatType, "sff3", cc); f.setModifiers(Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.FINAL); cc.addField(f, "7"); assertEquals(Float.valueOf(7.0F), f.getConstantValue()); f = new CtField(CtClass.floatType, "sff4", cc); f.setModifiers(Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.FINAL); cc.addField(f, "8.0"); assertEquals(Float.valueOf(8.0F), f.getConstantValue()); f = new CtField(CtClass.doubleType, "sff5", cc); f.setModifiers(Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.FINAL); cc.addField(f, "9"); assertEquals(Double.valueOf(9.0), f.getConstantValue()); f = new CtField(CtClass.doubleType, "sff6", cc); f.setModifiers(Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.FINAL); cc.addField(f, "10.0"); assertEquals(Double.valueOf(10.0), f.getConstantValue()); f = new CtField(sloader.get("java.lang.String"), "sff7", cc); f.setModifiers(Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.FINAL); cc.addField(f, "\"test\""); assertEquals("test", f.getConstantValue()); f = new CtField(sloader.get("java.lang.String"), "sff8", cc); f.setModifiers(Modifier.STATIC); cc.addField(f, "\"static\""); assertEquals(null, f.getConstantValue()); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int foo(){ return sff1 + sff7.length(); }", cc)); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(9, invoke(obj, "foo")); } public void testLocalVar() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.LocalVar"); CtMethod m = cc.getDeclaredMethod("toString"); m.addLocalVariable("var", CtClass.booleanType); m.insertBefore("{var = true; }"); m.insertAfter("{if (var) hashCode(); }", false); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(3, invoke(obj, "foo")); } public void testImportPackage() throws Exception { CtClass cc2 = sloader.makeClass("test2.Imported"); cc2.writeFile(); CtClass cc = sloader.makeClass("test2.Importer"); sloader.importPackage("test2"); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int foo(){ " + " Imported obj = new Imported();" + " return obj.getClass().getName().length(); }", cc)); sloader.clearImportedPackages(); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(14, invoke(obj, "foo")); } public void testArrayInit() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.makeClass("test2.ArrayInit"); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int foo(){ " + " int[] i = new int[] { 1, 2 };" + " double[] d = new double[] { 3.0, 4.0 };" + " String[] s = new String[] { \"foo\", \"12345\" };" + " return i[0] + (int)d[0] + s[1].length(); }", cc)); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public int bar(){ " + " int[] i = { 1, 2.0 };" + " double[] d = { 3.0, 4 };" + " String[] s = { \"foo\", \"12345\" };" + " return i[0] + (int)d[0] + s[1].length(); }", cc)); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(9, invoke(obj, "foo")); assertEquals(9, invoke(obj, "bar")); } }