package javassist; import junit.framework.*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; public class JvstTestRoot extends TestCase { // the directory where all compiled class files are found. public static final String PATH = "../../target/test-classes/"; // the directory where javassist.jar is found. public static final String JAR_PATH = "../../"; ClassPool sloader, dloader; Loader cloader; protected void print(String msg) { System.out.println(msg); } protected void print(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } protected void setUp() throws Exception { sloader = ClassPool.getDefault(); dloader = new ClassPool(null); dloader.appendSystemPath(); dloader.insertClassPath("."); cloader = new Loader(dloader); } protected Object make(String name) throws Exception { return cloader.loadClass(name).getConstructor().newInstance(); } protected int invoke(Object target, String method) throws Exception { Method m = target.getClass().getMethod(method, new Class[0]); Object res = m.invoke(target, new Object[0]); return ((Integer)res).intValue(); } protected int invoke(Object target, String method, int arg) throws Exception { Method m = target.getClass().getMethod(method, new Class[] { int.class }); Object res = m.invoke(target, new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(arg)}); return ((Integer) res).intValue(); } }