path: root/org.eclipse.jgit.test/tst/org/eclipse
diff options
authorThomas Wolf <>2021-10-13 22:21:52 +0200
committerThomas Wolf <>2021-11-04 10:54:36 -0400
commitc6d48ab2f8ac776eb0eb8b385a869d9c0ab9dbf8 (patch)
treef3f0829b4d3436c2865208cb744eb1c5bf26ae43 /org.eclipse.jgit.test/tst/org/eclipse
parent634302d2da74226cff9f78e121ad5b8216c476e6 (diff)
[test] test OpenSshConfigFile directly, not via the JSch config
This is a prerequisite for removing the JSch support bundle; otherwise OpenSshConfigFile would be left without tests. Copy OpenSshConfigTest from the JSch support bundle and adapt all tests to perform the equivalent checks on OpenSshConfigFile directly. Add a new lookupDefault() method to the SshConfigStore interface and implement it so that it behaves the same and the tests work identically. Change-Id: I046abd9197a8484003e77005024e5d973456f1a3
Diffstat (limited to 'org.eclipse.jgit.test/tst/org/eclipse')
1 files changed, 605 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/org.eclipse.jgit.test/tst/org/eclipse/jgit/internal/transport/ssh/ b/org.eclipse.jgit.test/tst/org/eclipse/jgit/internal/transport/ssh/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27bae3747c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org.eclipse.jgit.test/tst/org/eclipse/jgit/internal/transport/ssh/
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, 2021 Google Inc. and others
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+package org.eclipse.jgit.internal.transport.ssh;
+import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import java.time.Instant;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.RepositoryTestCase;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.SshConfigStore.HostConfig;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.SshConstants;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.util.FileUtils;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.util.SystemReader;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+public class OpenSshConfigFileTest extends RepositoryTestCase {
+ private File home;
+ private File configFile;
+ private OpenSshConfigFile osc;
+ @Override
+ @Before
+ public void setUp() throws Exception {
+ super.setUp();
+ home = new File(trash, "home");
+ FileUtils.mkdir(home);
+ configFile = new File(new File(home, ".ssh"), Constants.CONFIG);
+ FileUtils.mkdir(configFile.getParentFile());
+ mockSystemReader.setProperty(Constants.OS_USER_NAME_KEY, "jex_junit");
+ mockSystemReader.setProperty("TST_VAR", "TEST");
+ osc = new OpenSshConfigFile(home, configFile, "jex_junit");
+ }
+ private void config(String data) throws IOException {
+ long resolution = FS.getFileStoreAttributes(configFile.toPath())
+ .getFsTimestampResolution().toNanos();
+ Instant lastMtime = fs.lastModifiedInstant(configFile);
+ do {
+ try (final OutputStreamWriter fw = new OutputStreamWriter(
+ new FileOutputStream(configFile), UTF_8)) {
+ fw.write(data);
+ TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.sleep(resolution);
+ } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+ Thread.interrupted();
+ }
+ } while (lastMtime.equals(fs.lastModifiedInstant(configFile)));
+ }
+ private HostConfig lookup(String hostname) {
+ return osc.lookupDefault(hostname, 0, null);
+ }
+ private void assertHost(String expected, HostConfig h) {
+ assertEquals(expected, h.getValue(SshConstants.HOST_NAME));
+ }
+ private void assertUser(String expected, HostConfig h) {
+ assertEquals(expected, h.getValue(SshConstants.USER));
+ }
+ private void assertPort(int expected, HostConfig h) {
+ assertEquals(expected,
+ OpenSshConfigFile.positive(h.getValue(SshConstants.PORT)));
+ }
+ private void assertIdentity(File expected, HostConfig h) {
+ String actual = h.getValue(SshConstants.IDENTITY_FILE);
+ if (expected == null) {
+ assertNull(actual);
+ } else {
+ assertEquals(expected, new File(actual));
+ }
+ }
+ private void assertAttempts(int expected, HostConfig h) {
+ assertEquals(expected, OpenSshConfigFile
+ .positive(h.getValue(SshConstants.CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS)));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testNoConfig() {
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertHost("", h);
+ assertUser("jex_junit", h);
+ assertPort(22, h);
+ assertAttempts(1, h);
+ assertIdentity(null, h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSeparatorParsing() throws Exception {
+ config("Host\tfirst\n" +
+ "\tHostName\tfirst.tld\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "Host second\n" +
+ " HostName\tsecond.tld\n" +
+ "Host=third\n" +
+ "HostName=third.tld\n\n\n" +
+ "\t Host = fourth\n\n\n" +
+ " \t HostName\t=fourth.tld\n" +
+ "Host\t = last\n" +
+ "HostName \t last.tld");
+ assertNotNull(lookup("first"));
+ assertHost("first.tld", lookup("first"));
+ assertNotNull(lookup("second"));
+ assertHost("second.tld", lookup("second"));
+ assertNotNull(lookup("third"));
+ assertHost("third.tld", lookup("third"));
+ assertNotNull(lookup("fourth"));
+ assertHost("fourth.tld", lookup("fourth"));
+ assertNotNull(lookup("last"));
+ assertHost("last.tld", lookup("last"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testQuoteParsing() throws Exception {
+ config("Host \"good\"\n" +
+ " HostName=\"good.tld\"\n" +
+ " Port=\"6007\"\n" +
+ " User=\"gooduser\"\n" +
+ "Host multiple unquoted and \"quoted\" \"hosts\"\n" +
+ " Port=\"2222\"\n" +
+ "Host \"spaced\"\n" +
+ "# Bad host name, but testing preservation of spaces\n" +
+ " HostName=\" spaced\ttld \"\n" +
+ "# Misbalanced quotes\n" +
+ "Host \"bad\"\n" +
+ "# OpenSSH doesn't allow this but ...\n" +
+ " HostName=bad.tld\"\n");
+ assertHost("good.tld", lookup("good"));
+ assertUser("gooduser", lookup("good"));
+ assertPort(6007, lookup("good"));
+ assertPort(2222, lookup("multiple"));
+ assertPort(2222, lookup("quoted"));
+ assertPort(2222, lookup("and"));
+ assertPort(2222, lookup("unquoted"));
+ assertPort(2222, lookup("hosts"));
+ assertHost(" spaced\ttld ", lookup("spaced"));
+ assertHost("bad.tld\"", lookup("bad"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testCaseInsensitiveKeyLookup() throws Exception {
+ config("Host orcz\n" + "Port 29418\n"
+ + "\tHostName\nStrictHostKeyChecking yes\n");
+ final HostConfig c = lookup("orcz");
+ String exactCase = c.getValue("StrictHostKeyChecking");
+ assertEquals("yes", exactCase);
+ assertEquals(exactCase, c.getValue("stricthostkeychecking"));
+ assertEquals(exactCase, c.getValue("STRICTHOSTKEYCHECKING"));
+ assertEquals(exactCase, c.getValue("sTrIcThostKEYcheckING"));
+ assertNull(c.getValue("sTrIcThostKEYcheckIN"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAlias_DoesNotMatch() throws Exception {
+ config("Host orcz\n" + "Port 29418\n"
+ + "\tHostName\n");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertHost("", h);
+ assertUser("jex_junit", h);
+ assertPort(22, h);
+ assertIdentity(null, h);
+ final HostConfig h2 = lookup("orcz");
+ assertHost("", h);
+ assertUser("jex_junit", h);
+ assertPort(29418, h2);
+ assertIdentity(null, h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAlias_OptionsSet() throws Exception {
+ config("Host orcz\n" + "\tHostName\n" + "\tPort 2222\n"
+ + "\tUser jex\n" + "\tIdentityFile .ssh/id_jex\n"
+ + "\tForwardX11 no\n");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertHost("", h);
+ assertUser("jex", h);
+ assertPort(2222, h);
+ assertIdentity(new File(home, ".ssh/id_jex"), h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAlias_OptionsKeywordCaseInsensitive() throws Exception {
+ config("hOsT orcz\n" + "\thOsTnAmE\n" + "\tPORT 2222\n"
+ + "\tuser jex\n" + "\tidentityfile .ssh/id_jex\n"
+ + "\tForwardX11 no\n");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertHost("", h);
+ assertUser("jex", h);
+ assertPort(2222, h);
+ assertIdentity(new File(home, ".ssh/id_jex"), h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAlias_OptionsInherit() throws Exception {
+ config("Host orcz\n" + "\tHostName\n" + "\n" + "Host *\n"
+ + "\tHostName\n" + "\tPort 2222\n"
+ + "\tUser jex\n" + "\tIdentityFile .ssh/id_jex\n"
+ + "\tForwardX11 no\n");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertHost("", h);
+ assertUser("jex", h);
+ assertPort(2222, h);
+ assertIdentity(new File(home, ".ssh/id_jex"), h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAlias_PreferredAuthenticationsDefault() throws Exception {
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertNull(h.getValue(SshConstants.PREFERRED_AUTHENTICATIONS));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAlias_PreferredAuthentications() throws Exception {
+ config("Host orcz\n" + "\tPreferredAuthentications publickey\n");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertEquals("publickey",
+ h.getValue(SshConstants.PREFERRED_AUTHENTICATIONS));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAlias_InheritPreferredAuthentications() throws Exception {
+ config("Host orcz\n" + "\tHostName\n" + "\n" + "Host *\n"
+ + "\tPreferredAuthentications publickey, hostbased\n");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertEquals("publickey,hostbased",
+ h.getValue(SshConstants.PREFERRED_AUTHENTICATIONS));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAlias_BatchModeDefault() throws Exception {
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertNull(h.getValue(SshConstants.BATCH_MODE));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAlias_BatchModeYes() throws Exception {
+ config("Host orcz\n" + "\tBatchMode yes\n");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertTrue(OpenSshConfigFile.flag(h.getValue(SshConstants.BATCH_MODE)));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAlias_InheritBatchMode() throws Exception {
+ config("Host orcz\n" + "\tHostName\n" + "\n" + "Host *\n"
+ + "\tBatchMode yes\n");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertTrue(OpenSshConfigFile.flag(h.getValue(SshConstants.BATCH_MODE)));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAlias_ConnectionAttemptsDefault() throws Exception {
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertAttempts(1, h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAlias_ConnectionAttempts() throws Exception {
+ config("Host orcz\n" + "\tConnectionAttempts 5\n");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertAttempts(5, h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAlias_invalidConnectionAttempts() throws Exception {
+ config("Host orcz\n" + "\tConnectionAttempts -1\n");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertAttempts(1, h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAlias_badConnectionAttempts() throws Exception {
+ config("Host orcz\n" + "\tConnectionAttempts xxx\n");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertAttempts(1, h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testDefaultBlock() throws Exception {
+ config("ConnectionAttempts 5\n\nHost orcz\nConnectionAttempts 3\n");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertAttempts(5, h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testHostCaseInsensitive() throws Exception {
+ config("hOsT orcz\nConnectionAttempts 3\n");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertAttempts(3, h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testListValueSingle() throws Exception {
+ config("Host orcz\nUserKnownHostsFile /foo/bar\n");
+ final HostConfig c = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(c);
+ assertEquals("/foo/bar", c.getValue("UserKnownHostsFile"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testListValueMultiple() throws Exception {
+ // Tilde expansion occurs within the parser
+ config("Host orcz\nUserKnownHostsFile \"~/foo/ba z\" /foo/bar \n");
+ final HostConfig c = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(c);
+ assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { new File(home, "foo/ba z").getPath(),
+ "/foo/bar" },
+ c.getValues("UserKnownHostsFile").toArray());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRepeatedLookupsWithModification() throws Exception {
+ config("Host orcz\n" + "\tConnectionAttempts -1\n");
+ final HostConfig h1 = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h1);
+ assertAttempts(1, h1);
+ config("Host orcz\n" + "\tConnectionAttempts 5\n");
+ final HostConfig h2 = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h2);
+ assertNotSame(h1, h2);
+ assertAttempts(5, h2);
+ assertAttempts(1, h1);
+ assertNotSame(h1, h2);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testIdentityFile() throws Exception {
+ config("Host orcz\nIdentityFile \"~/foo/ba z\"\nIdentityFile /foo/bar");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ // Does tilde replacement
+ assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { new File(home, "foo/ba z").getPath(),
+ "/foo/bar" },
+ h.getValues(SshConstants.IDENTITY_FILE).toArray());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMultiIdentityFile() throws Exception {
+ config("IdentityFile \"~/foo/ba z\"\nHost orcz\nIdentityFile /foo/bar\nHOST *\nIdentityFile /foo/baz");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { new File(home, "foo/ba z").getPath(),
+ "/foo/bar", "/foo/baz" },
+ h.getValues(SshConstants.IDENTITY_FILE).toArray());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testNegatedPattern() throws Exception {
+ config("Host\nIdentityFile ~/foo/bar\nHOST !*\nIdentityFile /foo/baz");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertIdentity(new File(home, "foo/bar"), h);
+ assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { new File(home, "foo/bar").getPath() },
+ h.getValues(SshConstants.IDENTITY_FILE).toArray());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testPattern() throws Exception {
+ config("Host\nIdentityFile ~/foo/bar\nHOST *\nIdentityFile /foo/baz");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertIdentity(new File(home, "foo/bar"), h);
+ assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { new File(home, "foo/bar").getPath(),
+ "/foo/baz" },
+ h.getValues(SshConstants.IDENTITY_FILE).toArray());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMultiHost() throws Exception {
+ config("Host orcz *\nIdentityFile ~/foo/bar\nHOST *\nIdentityFile /foo/baz");
+ final HostConfig h1 = lookup("");
+ assertNotNull(h1);
+ assertIdentity(new File(home, "foo/bar"), h1);
+ assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { new File(home, "foo/bar").getPath(),
+ "/foo/baz" },
+ h1.getValues(SshConstants.IDENTITY_FILE).toArray());
+ final HostConfig h2 = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h2);
+ assertIdentity(new File(home, "foo/bar"), h2);
+ assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { new File(home, "foo/bar").getPath() },
+ h2.getValues(SshConstants.IDENTITY_FILE).toArray());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testEqualsSign() throws Exception {
+ config("Host=orcz\n\tConnectionAttempts = 5\n\tUser=\t foobar\t\n");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertAttempts(5, h);
+ assertUser("foobar", h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMissingArgument() throws Exception {
+ config("Host=orcz\n\tSendEnv\nIdentityFile\t\nForwardX11\n\tUser=\t foobar\t\n");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertUser("foobar", h);
+ assertEquals("[]", h.getValues("SendEnv").toString());
+ assertIdentity(null, h);
+ assertNull(h.getValue("ForwardX11"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testHomeDirUserReplacement() throws Exception {
+ config("Host=orcz\n\tIdentityFile %d/.ssh/%u_id_dsa");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertIdentity(new File(new File(home, ".ssh"), "jex_junit_id_dsa"), h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testHostnameReplacement() throws Exception {
+ config("Host=orcz\nHost *.*\n\tHostname %h\nHost *\n\tHostname");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertHost("", h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRemoteUserReplacement() throws Exception {
+ config("Host=orcz\n\tUser foo\n" + "Host *.*\n\tHostname %h\n"
+ + "Host *\n\tHostname\n\tIdentityFile ~/.ssh/%h_%r_id_dsa");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertIdentity(
+ new File(new File(home, ".ssh"),
+ "orcz.ex%20ample.org_foo_id_dsa"),
+ h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLocalhostFQDNReplacement() throws Exception {
+ String localhost = SystemReader.getInstance().getHostname();
+ config("Host=orcz\n\tIdentityFile ~/.ssh/%l_id_dsa");
+ final HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertIdentity(
+ new File(new File(home, ".ssh"), localhost + "_id_dsa"),
+ h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testPubKeyAcceptedAlgorithms() throws Exception {
+ config("Host=orcz\n\tPubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms ^ssh-rsa");
+ HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertEquals("^ssh-rsa",
+ h.getValue(SshConstants.PUBKEY_ACCEPTED_ALGORITHMS));
+ assertEquals("^ssh-rsa", h.getValue("PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testPubKeyAcceptedKeyTypes() throws Exception {
+ config("Host=orcz\n\tPubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ^ssh-rsa");
+ HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertEquals("^ssh-rsa",
+ h.getValue(SshConstants.PUBKEY_ACCEPTED_ALGORITHMS));
+ assertEquals("^ssh-rsa", h.getValue("PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testEolComments() throws Exception {
+ config("#Comment\nHost=orcz #Comment\n\tPubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms ^ssh-rsa # Comment\n#Comment");
+ HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertEquals("^ssh-rsa",
+ h.getValue(SshConstants.PUBKEY_ACCEPTED_ALGORITHMS));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testEnVarSubstitution() throws Exception {
+ config("Host orcz\nIdentityFile /tmp/${TST_VAR}\n"
+ + "CertificateFile /tmp/${}/foo\nUser ${TST_VAR}\nIdentityAgent /tmp/${TST_VAR/bar");
+ HostConfig h = lookup("orcz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertEquals("/tmp/TEST",
+ h.getValue(SshConstants.IDENTITY_FILE));
+ // No variable name
+ assertEquals("/tmp/${}/foo", h.getValue(SshConstants.CERTIFICATE_FILE));
+ // User doesn't get env var substitution:
+ assertUser("${TST_VAR}", h);
+ // Unterminated:
+ assertEquals("/tmp/${TST_VAR/bar",
+ h.getValue(SshConstants.IDENTITY_AGENT));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testNegativeMatch() throws Exception {
+ config("Host !foobar.baz *.baz\n" + "Port 29418\n");
+ HostConfig h = lookup("");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertPort(29418, h);
+ h = lookup("foobar.baz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertPort(22, h);
+ h = lookup("foo.baz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertPort(29418, h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testNegativeMatch2() throws Exception {
+ // Negative match after the positive match.
+ config("Host *.baz !foobar.baz\n" + "Port 29418\n");
+ HostConfig h = lookup("");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertPort(29418, h);
+ h = lookup("foobar.baz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertPort(22, h);
+ h = lookup("foo.baz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertPort(29418, h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testNoMatch() throws Exception {
+ config("Host !host1 !host2\n" + "Port 29418\n");
+ HostConfig h = lookup("host1");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertPort(22, h);
+ h = lookup("host2");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertPort(22, h);
+ h = lookup("host3");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertPort(22, h);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMultipleMatch() throws Exception {
+ config("Host\nPort 29418\nIdentityFile /foo\n\n"
+ + "Host *.bar\nPort 22\nIdentityFile /bar\n"
+ + "Host\nPort 47\nIdentityFile /baz\n");
+ HostConfig h = lookup("");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertPort(29418, h);
+ assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { "/foo", "/bar", "/baz" },
+ h.getValues(SshConstants.IDENTITY_FILE).toArray());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWhitespace() throws Exception {
+ config("Host foo \tbar baz\nPort 29418\n");
+ HostConfig h = lookup("foo");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertPort(29418, h);
+ h = lookup("bar");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertPort(29418, h);
+ h = lookup("baz");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertPort(29418, h);
+ h = lookup("\tbar");
+ assertNotNull(h);
+ assertPort(22, h);
+ }