path: root/org.eclipse.jgit.pgm.test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'org.eclipse.jgit.pgm.test')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/org.eclipse.jgit.pgm.test/tst/org/eclipse/jgit/pgm/ b/org.eclipse.jgit.pgm.test/tst/org/eclipse/jgit/pgm/
index a2a5044a5a..87137b475f 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.jgit.pgm.test/tst/org/eclipse/jgit/pgm/
+++ b/org.eclipse.jgit.pgm.test/tst/org/eclipse/jgit/pgm/
@@ -46,9 +46,11 @@ import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeNoException;
@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ public class ArchiveTest extends CLIRepositoryTestCase {
public void testEmptyArchive() throws Exception {
final byte[] result = CLIGitCommand.rawExecute( //
- "git archive " + emptyTree, db);
+ "git archive --format=zip " + emptyTree, db);
assertArrayEquals(new String[0], listZipEntries(result));
@@ -119,11 +121,171 @@ public class ArchiveTest extends CLIRepositoryTestCase {
git.commit().setMessage("populate toplevel").call();
final byte[] result = CLIGitCommand.rawExecute( //
- "git archive HEAD", db);
+ "git archive --format=zip HEAD", db);
assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "a", "c" }, //
+ private void commitGreeting() throws Exception {
+ writeTrashFile("greeting", "hello, world!");
+ git.add().addFilepattern("greeting").call();
+ git.commit().setMessage("a commit with a file").call();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testDefaultFormatIsTar() throws Exception {
+ commitGreeting();
+ final byte[] result = CLIGitCommand.rawExecute( //
+ "git archive HEAD", db);
+ assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "greeting" }, //
+ listTarEntries(result));
+ }
+ private static String shellQuote(String s) {
+ return "'" + s.replace("'", "'\\''") + "'";
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testFormatOverridesFilename() throws Exception {
+ final File archive = new File(db.getWorkTree(), "format-overrides-name.tar");
+ final String path = archive.getAbsolutePath();
+ commitGreeting();
+ assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "" },
+ execute("git archive " +
+ "--format=zip " +
+ shellQuote("--output=" + path) + " " +
+ "HEAD"));
+ assertContainsEntryWithMode(path, "", "greeting");
+ assertIsZip(archive);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testUnrecognizedExtensionMeansTar() throws Exception {
+ final File archive = new File(db.getWorkTree(), "example.txt");
+ final String path = archive.getAbsolutePath();
+ commitGreeting();
+ assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "" },
+ execute("git archive " +
+ shellQuote("--output=" + path) + " " +
+ "HEAD"));
+ assertTarContainsEntry(path, "", "greeting");
+ assertIsTar(archive);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testNoExtensionMeansTar() throws Exception {
+ final File archive = new File(db.getWorkTree(), "example");
+ final String path = archive.getAbsolutePath();
+ commitGreeting();
+ assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "" },
+ execute("git archive " +
+ shellQuote("--output=" + path) + " " +
+ "HEAD"));
+ assertIsTar(archive);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testExtensionMatchIsAnchored() throws Exception {
+ final File archive = new File(db.getWorkTree(), "");
+ final String path = archive.getAbsolutePath();
+ commitGreeting();
+ assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "" },
+ execute("git archive " +
+ shellQuote("--output=" + path) + " " +
+ "HEAD"));
+ assertIsTar(archive);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testZipExtension() throws Exception {
+ final File archiveWithDot = new File(db.getWorkTree(), "");
+ final File archiveNoDot = new File(db.getWorkTree(), "greetingzip");
+ commitGreeting();
+ execute("git archive " +
+ shellQuote("--output=" + archiveWithDot.getAbsolutePath()) + " " +
+ "HEAD");
+ execute("git archive " +
+ shellQuote("--output=" + archiveNoDot.getAbsolutePath()) + " " +
+ "HEAD");
+ assertIsZip(archiveWithDot);
+ assertIsTar(archiveNoDot);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testTarExtension() throws Exception {
+ final File archive = new File(db.getWorkTree(), "tarball.tar");
+ final String path = archive.getAbsolutePath();
+ commitGreeting();
+ assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "" },
+ execute("git archive " +
+ shellQuote("--output=" + path) + " " +
+ "HEAD"));
+ assertIsTar(archive);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testTgzExtensions() throws Exception {
+ commitGreeting();
+ for (String ext : Arrays.asList("tar.gz", "tgz")) {
+ final File archiveWithDot = new File(db.getWorkTree(), "tarball." + ext);
+ final File archiveNoDot = new File(db.getWorkTree(), "tarball" + ext);
+ execute("git archive " +
+ shellQuote("--output=" + archiveWithDot.getAbsolutePath()) + " " +
+ "HEAD");
+ execute("git archive " +
+ shellQuote("--output=" + archiveNoDot.getAbsolutePath()) + " " +
+ "HEAD");
+ assertIsGzip(archiveWithDot);
+ assertIsTar(archiveNoDot);
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testTbz2Extension() throws Exception {
+ commitGreeting();
+ for (String ext : Arrays.asList("tar.bz2", "tbz", "tbz2")) {
+ final File archiveWithDot = new File(db.getWorkTree(), "tarball." + ext);
+ final File archiveNoDot = new File(db.getWorkTree(), "tarball" + ext);
+ execute("git archive " +
+ shellQuote("--output=" + archiveWithDot.getAbsolutePath()) + " " +
+ "HEAD");
+ execute("git archive " +
+ shellQuote("--output=" + archiveNoDot.getAbsolutePath()) + " " +
+ "HEAD");
+ assertIsBzip2(archiveWithDot);
+ assertIsTar(archiveNoDot);
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testTxzExtension() throws Exception {
+ commitGreeting();
+ for (String ext : Arrays.asList("tar.xz", "txz")) {
+ final File archiveWithDot = new File(db.getWorkTree(), "tarball." + ext);
+ final File archiveNoDot = new File(db.getWorkTree(), "tarball" + ext);
+ execute("git archive " +
+ shellQuote("--output=" + archiveWithDot.getAbsolutePath()) + " " +
+ "HEAD");
+ execute("git archive " +
+ shellQuote("--output=" + archiveNoDot.getAbsolutePath()) + " " +
+ "HEAD");
+ assertIsXz(archiveWithDot);
+ assertIsTar(archiveNoDot);
+ }
+ }
public void testArchiveWithSubdir() throws Exception {
writeTrashFile("a", "a file with content!");
@@ -141,7 +303,7 @@ public class ArchiveTest extends CLIRepositoryTestCase {
git.commit().setMessage("add subdir").call();
final byte[] result = CLIGitCommand.rawExecute( //
- "git archive master", db);
+ "git archive --format=zip master", db);
String[] expect = { "a", "b.c", "b0c", "b/a", "b/b", "c" };
String[] actual = listZipEntries(result);
@@ -195,7 +357,7 @@ public class ArchiveTest extends CLIRepositoryTestCase {
git.commit().setMessage("three files with different modes").call();
final byte[] zipData = CLIGitCommand.rawExecute( //
- "git archive master", db);
+ "git archive --format=zip master", db);
writeRaw("", zipData);
assertContainsEntryWithMode("", "-rw-", "plain");
assertContainsEntryWithMode("", "-rwx", "executable");
@@ -238,7 +400,7 @@ public class ArchiveTest extends CLIRepositoryTestCase {
git.commit().setMessage("file with long name").call();
final byte[] result = CLIGitCommand.rawExecute( //
- "git archive HEAD", db);
+ "git archive --format=zip HEAD", db);
assertArrayEquals(new String[] { filename },
@@ -266,7 +428,7 @@ public class ArchiveTest extends CLIRepositoryTestCase {
git.commit().setMessage("add file with content").call();
final byte[] result = CLIGitCommand.rawExecute( //
- "git archive HEAD", db);
+ "git archive --format=zip HEAD", db);
assertArrayEquals(new String[] { payload }, //
zipEntryContent(result, "xyzzy"));
@@ -323,6 +485,44 @@ public class ArchiveTest extends CLIRepositoryTestCase {
+ private void assertMagic(long offset, byte[] magicBytes, File file) throws Exception {
+ BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(
+ new FileInputStream(file));
+ try {
+ in.skip(offset);
+ byte[] actual = new byte[magicBytes.length];
+ assertArrayEquals(magicBytes, actual);
+ } finally {
+ in.close();
+ }
+ }
+ private void assertMagic(byte[] magicBytes, File file) throws Exception {
+ assertMagic(0, magicBytes, file);
+ }
+ private void assertIsTar(File file) throws Exception {
+ assertMagic(257, new byte[] { 'u', 's', 't', 'a', 'r', 0 }, file);
+ }
+ private void assertIsZip(File file) throws Exception {
+ assertMagic(new byte[] { 'P', 'K', 3, 4 }, file);
+ }
+ private void assertIsGzip(File file) throws Exception {
+ assertMagic(new byte[] { 037, (byte) 0213 }, file);
+ }
+ private void assertIsBzip2(File file) throws Exception {
+ assertMagic(new byte[] { 'B', 'Z', 'h' }, file);
+ }
+ private void assertIsXz(File file) throws Exception {
+ assertMagic(new byte[] { (byte) 0xfd, '7', 'z', 'X', 'Z', 0 }, file);
+ }
private void assertContainsEntryWithMode(String zipFilename, String mode, String name) //
throws Exception {
grepForEntry(name, mode, "zipinfo", zipFilename);