path: root/org.eclipse.jgit.packaging
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Prepare 4.1.1-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2015-09-2816-16/+16
* JGit v4.1.0.201509280440-rv4.1.0.201509280440-rMatthias Sohn2015-09-2816-16/+16
* Merge branch 'stable-4.0'Matthias Sohn2015-09-154-9/+9
| * Prepare 4.0.3-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2015-09-1416-16/+16
| * JGit v4.0.2.201509141540-rv4.0.2.201509141540-rMatthias Sohn2015-09-1416-16/+16
| * Update build to final R20150821153341 Orbit repository for Mars.1Matthias Sohn2015-09-044-44/+5
| * Update org.apache.httpcomponentsMatthias Sohn2015-09-045-22/+22
| * Update com.jcraft.jsch to 0.1.53Matthias Sohn2015-08-194-6/+45
| * Prepare 4.0.2-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2015-06-2416-16/+16
| * JGit v4.0.1.201506240215-rv4.0.1.201506240215-rMatthias Sohn2015-06-2416-16/+16
* | Update Jetty to 9.2.13.v20150730Matthias Sohn2015-08-208-77/+77
* | Update org.apache.httpcomponentsMatthias Sohn2015-07-145-23/+23
* | Merge branch 'stable-4.0'Matthias Sohn2015-06-091-1/+1
| * Prepare 4.0.1-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2015-06-0916-16/+16
| * JGit v4.0.0.201506090130-rv4.0.0.201506090130-rMatthias Sohn2015-06-0916-16/+16
| * Update build to use Tycho 0.23Matthias Sohn2015-06-081-1/+1
| * Prepare post 4.0-RC3 buildsMatthias Sohn2015-06-0216-16/+16
| * JGit v4.0.0.201506020755-rc3v4.0.0.201506020755-rc3Matthias Sohn2015-06-0216-16/+16
* | Prepare 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2015-06-0316-17/+17
* Update 4.5 target platform to use final Mars Orbit repositoryMatthias Sohn2015-06-013-5/+5
* Update Mars target platforms to use Mars RC2 orbitMatthias Sohn2015-05-253-12/+12
* Update build to use eclipse-jarsigner-plugin 1.1.2Matthias Sohn2015-05-251-1/+1
* Update to Jetty 9.2.10Matthias Sohn2015-05-108-77/+77
* Update javax.servlet to 3.1Matthias Sohn2015-05-105-13/+13
* Use CBI eclipse-jarsigner-plugin 1.1.2-SNAPSHOTMatthias Sohn2015-05-041-1/+5
* Merge bundle org.eclipse.jgit.java7 into org.eclipse.jgitMatthias Sohn2015-03-2319-507/+0
* Merge branch 'stable-3.7'Matthias Sohn2015-02-2410-58/+193
| * Add log4j and slf4j-log4j bridge to jgit featureMatthias Sohn2015-02-176-3/+28
| * Use slf4j to log instead of printing to System.errMatthias Sohn2015-02-176-3/+20
| * Use Target Platform Definition DSL to generate target platformsMatthias Sohn2015-02-179-58/+151
| * Prepare post buildsMatthias Sohn2015-02-0418-18/+18
| * JGit v3.7.0.201502031740-rc1v3.7.0.201502031740-rc1Matthias Sohn2015-02-0318-18/+18
* | Set minimum required Java version to Java 7Matthias Sohn2015-02-092-1/+3
* | Prepare 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2015-01-2718-19/+19
* Prepare 3.7.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2014-12-2418-19/+19
* Merge branch 'stable-3.6'Matthias Sohn2014-12-2418-18/+18
| * Prepare 3.6.1-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2014-12-2318-18/+18
| * JGit v3.6.0.201412230720-rv3.6.0.201412230720-rMatthias Sohn2014-12-2318-18/+18
* | Build with Tycho 0.22.Alexander Kurtakov2014-12-091-1/+1
* Include the java7 feature in org.eclipse.jgit.featureMatthias Sohn2014-11-181-0/+6
* Prepare post 3.6.0-m1 buildsMatthias Sohn2014-11-1218-18/+18
* JGit v3.6.0.201411121045-m1v3.6.0.201411121045-m1Matthias Sohn2014-11-1218-18/+18
* 4.4 target platform should use Luna repositoryMatthias Sohn2014-11-091-1/+1
* Add target platform for Mars using Orbit S-buildMatthias Sohn2014-11-072-1/+82
* Prepare 3.6.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2014-09-0518-19/+19
* Update tycho and signing plugins to latest versionsMatthias Sohn2014-08-111-2/+2
* Update maven plugins to latest versionsMatthias Sohn2014-08-111-1/+1
* Prepare 3.5.0-SNAPSHOT buildsRobin Rosenberg2014-06-0418-19/+19
* Prepare post 3.4 RC3 buildsMatthias Sohn2014-06-0418-18/+18
* JGit v3.4.0.201406041058-rc3v3.4.0.201406041058-rc3Matthias Sohn2014-06-0418-18/+18