path: root/pom.xml
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Update jetty to 10.0.15 and use it from Maven central directlyMatthias Sohn2023-04-281-2/+2
* Update bouncycastle to 1.73Matthias Sohn2023-04-281-2/+2
* Use bouncycastle libraries directly from Maven CentralMatthias Sohn2023-04-211-1/+1
* Merge branch 'stable-6.5'Matthias Sohn2023-04-061-3/+3
| * Downgrade maven-site-plugin to 3.12.1Matthias Sohn2023-03-301-1/+1
| * Use wagon-ssh-external to deploy Maven siteMatthias Sohn2023-03-301-2/+2
| * Rerun flaky tests 3 timesMatthias Sohn2023-03-071-0/+1
| * Prepare 6.5.1-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2023-03-071-1/+1
| * JGit v6.5.0.202303070854-rv6.5.0.202303070854-rMatthias Sohn2023-03-071-1/+1
* | [releng] Bump japicmp base versionThomas Wolf2023-03-291-1/+1
* | Merge branch 'stable-6.5'Matthias Sohn2023-03-031-1/+1
| * Update Orbit to R20230302014618 for 2023-03Matthias Sohn2023-03-021-1/+1
| * Prepare 6.5.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2023-03-011-1/+1
| * JGit v6.5.0.202302281825-rc1v6.5.0.202302281825-rc1Matthias Sohn2023-03-011-1/+1
| * Prepare 6.5.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2023-03-011-1/+1
| * JGit v6.5.0.202302221508-m3v6.5.0.202302221508-m3Matthias Sohn2023-02-221-1/+1
| * Prepare 6.5.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2023-02-011-1/+1
| * JGit v6.5.0.202302011120-m2v6.5.0.202302011120-m2Matthias Sohn2023-02-011-1/+1
* | Prepare 6.6.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2023-03-011-1/+1
* Upgrade maven pluginsMichael Keppler2023-01-131-23/+22
* Update Orbit to S20230101190934Matthias Sohn2023-01-111-4/+4
* Update jetty to 10.0.13Matthias Sohn2022-12-131-1/+1
* [releng] bump japicmp base versionThomas Wolf2022-12-011-1/+1
* Prepare 6.5.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2022-11-231-1/+1
* Update Apache Mina SSHD to 2.9.2Thomas Wolf2022-11-181-1/+1
* Update Orbit to S20221109014815Matthias Sohn2022-11-141-1/+1
* Fail build if there are license issues with dependenciesMatthias Sohn2022-10-131-0/+12
* Update org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore to 4.4.15Matthias Sohn2022-10-101-1/+1
* Update Orbit to S20220927175816Matthias Sohn2022-10-101-1/+1
* Update org.eclipse.jdt:ecj to 3.31.0Matthias Sohn2022-10-101-1/+1
* Update plexus compiler to 2.12.1Matthias Sohn2022-10-101-1/+1
* Update org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh to 3.5.2Matthias Sohn2022-10-101-1/+1
* Prepare 6.4.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2022-09-141-1/+1
* Prepare 6.3.1-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2022-09-121-1/+1
* JGit v6.3.0.202209071007-rv6.3.0.202209071007-rMatthias Sohn2022-09-071-1/+1
* JGit v6.3.0.2022009070944-rMatthias Sohn2022-09-071-1/+1
* Prepare 6.3.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2022-08-171-1/+1
* JGit v6.3.0.202208161710-m3v6.3.0.202208161710-m3Matthias Sohn2022-08-161-1/+1
* Update Orbit to S20220726152247 and bouncycastle to 1.71Matthias Sohn2022-07-271-5/+5
* Update jgit-last-release-version to Sohn2022-06-121-1/+1
* Prepare 6.3.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2022-06-071-1/+1
* Update Orbit to I20220502200629Matthias Sohn2022-05-021-1/+1
* [releng] bump japicmp base versionThomas Wolf2022-04-251-1/+1
* Update Tycho to 2.6.0Matthias Sohn2022-03-091-1/+1
* Merge branch 'stable-6.1'Matthias Sohn2022-03-091-0/+17
| * Prepare 6.1.1-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2022-03-081-1/+1
| * JGit v6.1.0.202203080745-rv6.1.0.202203080745-rMatthias Sohn2022-03-081-1/+1
| * Add dependency to dash-licensesMatthias Sohn2022-03-031-0/+17
| * Prepare 6.1.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2022-03-021-1/+1
| * JGit v6.1.0.202203021511-rc1v6.1.0.202203021511-rc1Matthias Sohn2022-03-021-1/+1