path: root/pom.xml
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Update Jetty to 7.6.14.v20131031Matthias Sohn2013-11-181-1/+1
* Prepare 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2013-10-031-1/+1
* Prepare post 3.1.0 buildsstable-3.1Matthias Sohn2013-10-031-1/+1
* JGit v3.1.0.201310021548-rv3.1.0.201310021548-rMatthias Sohn2013-10-021-1/+1
* Prepare post 3.1.0 RC1 buildsMatthias Sohn2013-09-271-1/+1
* JGit v3.1.0.201309270735-rc1v3.1.0.201309270735-rc1Matthias Sohn2013-09-271-1/+1
* Merge branch 'stable-3.0'Matthias Sohn2013-09-041-9/+93
| * Prepare post 3.0.2-rc2 buildsMatthias Sohn2013-09-041-1/+1
| * JGit v3.0.2.201309041250-rc2v3.0.2.201309041250-rc2Matthias Sohn2013-09-041-1/+1
| * Uncomment eclipse-jar-signer pluginMatthias Sohn2013-09-041-2/+2
| * Update build to use CBI jarsigner pluginMatthias Sohn2013-09-041-0/+84
| * Update maven pluginsMatthias Sohn2013-08-301-8/+8
| * Update to Orbit Kepler SR1 release R20130827064939Matthias Sohn2013-08-281-1/+1
| * Update to Jetty 7.6.11.v20130520Matthias Sohn2013-08-211-1/+1
| * Prepare 3.0.2-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2013-08-191-1/+1
| * Prepare post buildsMatthias Sohn2013-06-131-1/+1
| * JGit v3.0.0.201306101825-rv3.0.0.201306101825-rMatthias Sohn2013-06-111-1/+1
| * Prepare post 3.0.0 RC3 buildsMatthias Sohn2013-06-041-1/+1
| * JGit v3.0.0.201306040240-rc3v3.0.0.201306040240-rc3Matthias Sohn2013-06-041-1/+1
| * Prepare post 3.0.0-rc2 buildsMatthias Sohn2013-05-291-1/+1
| * JGit v3.0.0.201305281830-rc2v3.0.0.201305281830-rc2Matthias Sohn2013-05-291-1/+1
| * Prepare post 3.0.0 M7 buildsMatthias Sohn2013-05-081-1/+1
| * JGit v3.0.0.201305080800-m7v3.0.0.201305080800-m7Matthias Sohn2013-05-081-1/+1
* | Update to Jetty 7.6.11.v20130520Matthias Sohn2013-07-081-1/+1
* | Prepare 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2013-06-131-2/+2
* | Move ArchiveCommand into standard porcelain APIJonathan Nieder2013-05-241-0/+1
* | Remove dependency by ArchiveCommand on archive formatsJonathan Nieder2013-05-241-0/+7
* Extend the FS class for Java7Robin Rosenberg2013-05-041-4/+12
* JGit 3.0: move internal classes into an internal subpackageShawn Pearce2013-03-181-1/+1
* Added read/write support for pack bitmap index.Colby Ranger2013-03-051-0/+7
* Update last release version to Sohn2013-02-241-1/+1
* Deploy Maven artifacts to Eclipse Nexus repositoryMatthias Sohn2013-02-231-3/+8
* Prepare 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2013-02-141-2/+2
* Prepare post buildsMatthias Sohn2013-02-131-1/+1
* JGit v2.3.0.201302130906v2.3.0.201302130906Matthias Sohn2013-02-131-1/+1
* Prepare post 2.3rc1 buildsMatthias Sohn2013-02-061-1/+1
* JGit v2.3.0.201302060400-rc1v2.3.0.201302060400-rc1Matthias Sohn2013-02-061-2/+2
* Update to latest orbit releaseMatthias Sohn2013-01-311-1/+2
* Add new committersMatthias Sohn2013-01-231-0/+6
* Update to jsch 0.1.46Matthias Sohn2013-01-231-1/+1
* Delete the iplog generatorMatthias Sohn2013-01-091-1/+0
* Prepare 2.3.0 buildsMatthias Sohn2012-12-211-1/+1
* Prepare post buildsstable-2.2Matthias Sohn2012-12-211-2/+2
* JGit v2.2.0.201212191850-rv2.2.0.201212191850-rMatthias Sohn2012-12-201-2/+2
* [RFC] archive: Switch to commons-compress as ZIP archiverJonathan Nieder2012-12-031-0/+7
* Update jgit's last release version for API change reportsMatthias Sohn2012-10-161-1/+1
* Prepare 2.2.0 buildsMatthias Sohn2012-09-191-1/+1
* Remove protobuf from top-level pom.xmlShawn O. Pearce2012-09-111-7/+0
* Delete storage.dht packageShawn O. Pearce2012-09-051-3/+0
* Update last jgit release version used in clirr API checksMatthias Sohn2012-08-271-1/+1