/* * Copyright (C) 2012, 2014 IBM Corporation and others. and others * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at * https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ package org.eclipse.jgit.pgm; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.io.File; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.CLIRepositoryTestCase; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RefUpdate; import org.eclipse.jgit.pgm.internal.CLIText; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; public class BranchTest extends CLIRepositoryTestCase { @Override @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); try (Git git = new Git(db)) { git.commit().setMessage("initial commit").call(); } } @Test public void testHelpAfterDelete() throws Exception { String err = toString(executeUnchecked("git branch -d")); String help = toString(executeUnchecked("git branch -h")); String errAndHelp = toString(executeUnchecked("git branch -d -h")); assertEquals(CLIText.fatalError(CLIText.get().branchNameRequired), err); assertEquals(toString(err, help), errAndHelp); } @Test public void testList() throws Exception { assertEquals("* master", toString(execute("git branch"))); assertEquals("* master 6fd41be initial commit", toString(execute("git branch -v"))); } @Test public void testListDetached() throws Exception { RefUpdate updateRef = db.updateRef(Constants.HEAD, true); updateRef.setNewObjectId(db.resolve("6fd41be")); updateRef.update(); assertEquals( toString("* (no branch) 6fd41be initial commit", "master 6fd41be initial commit"), toString(execute("git branch -v"))); } @Test public void testListContains() throws Exception { try (Git git = new Git(db)) { git.branchCreate().setName("initial").call(); RevCommit second = git.commit().setMessage("second commit") .call(); assertEquals(toString(" initial", "* master"), toString(execute("git branch --contains 6fd41be"))); assertEquals("* master", toString(execute("git branch --contains " + second.name()))); } } @Test public void testExistingBranch() throws Exception { assertEquals("fatal: A branch named 'master' already exists.", toString(executeUnchecked("git branch master"))); } @Test public void testRenameSingleArg() throws Exception { try { toString(execute("git branch -m")); fail("Must die"); } catch (Die e) { // expected, requires argument } String result = toString(execute("git branch -m slave")); assertEquals("", result); result = toString(execute("git branch -a")); assertEquals("* slave", result); } @Test public void testRenameTwoArgs() throws Exception { String result = toString(execute("git branch -m master slave")); assertEquals("", result); result = toString(execute("git branch -a")); assertEquals("* slave", result); } @Test public void testCreate() throws Exception { try { toString(execute("git branch a b")); fail("Must die"); } catch (Die e) { // expected, too many arguments } String result = toString(execute("git branch second")); assertEquals("", result); result = toString(execute("git branch")); assertEquals(toString("* master", "second"), result); result = toString(execute("git branch -v")); assertEquals(toString("* master 6fd41be initial commit", "second 6fd41be initial commit"), result); } @Test public void testDelete() throws Exception { try { toString(execute("git branch -d")); fail("Must die"); } catch (Die e) { // expected, requires argument } String result = toString(execute("git branch second")); assertEquals("", result); result = toString(execute("git branch -d second")); assertEquals("", result); result = toString(execute("git branch")); assertEquals("* master", result); } @Test public void testDeleteMultiple() throws Exception { String result = toString(execute("git branch second", "git branch third", "git branch fourth")); assertEquals("", result); result = toString(execute("git branch -d second third fourth")); assertEquals("", result); result = toString(execute("git branch")); assertEquals("* master", result); } @Test public void testDeleteForce() throws Exception { try { toString(execute("git branch -D")); fail("Must die"); } catch (Die e) { // expected, requires argument } String result = toString(execute("git branch second")); assertEquals("", result); result = toString(execute("git checkout second")); assertEquals("Switched to branch 'second'", result); File a = writeTrashFile("a", "a"); assertTrue(a.exists()); execute("git add a", "git commit -m 'added a'"); result = toString(execute("git checkout master")); assertEquals("Switched to branch 'master'", result); result = toString(execute("git branch")); assertEquals(toString("* master", "second"), result); try { toString(execute("git branch -d second")); fail("Must die"); } catch (Die e) { // expected, the current HEAD is on second and not merged to master } result = toString(execute("git branch -D second")); assertEquals("", result); result = toString(execute("git branch")); assertEquals("* master", result); } @Test public void testDeleteForceMultiple() throws Exception { String result = toString(execute("git branch second", "git branch third", "git branch fourth")); assertEquals("", result); result = toString(execute("git checkout second")); assertEquals("Switched to branch 'second'", result); File a = writeTrashFile("a", "a"); assertTrue(a.exists()); execute("git add a", "git commit -m 'added a'"); result = toString(execute("git checkout master")); assertEquals("Switched to branch 'master'", result); result = toString(execute("git branch")); assertEquals(toString("fourth", "* master", "second", "third"), result); try { toString(execute("git branch -d second third fourth")); fail("Must die"); } catch (Die e) { // expected, the current HEAD is on second and not merged to master } result = toString(execute("git branch")); assertEquals(toString("fourth", "* master", "second", "third"), result); result = toString(execute("git branch -D second third fourth")); assertEquals("", result); result = toString(execute("git branch")); assertEquals("* master", result); } @Test public void testCreateFromOldCommit() throws Exception { File a = writeTrashFile("a", "a"); assertTrue(a.exists()); execute("git add a", "git commit -m 'added a'"); File b = writeTrashFile("b", "b"); assertTrue(b.exists()); execute("git add b", "git commit -m 'added b'"); String result = toString(execute("git log -n 1 --reverse")); String firstCommitId = result.substring("commit ".length(), result.indexOf('\n')); result = toString(execute("git branch -f second " + firstCommitId)); assertEquals("", result); result = toString(execute("git branch")); assertEquals(toString("* master", "second"), result); result = toString(execute("git checkout second")); assertEquals("Switched to branch 'second'", result); assertFalse(b.exists()); } }