/* * Copyright (C) 2009, Google Inc. * and other copyright owners as documented in the project's IP log. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available * under the terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which * accompanies this distribution, is reproduced below, and is * available at http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc. nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.eclipse.jgit.lib; import static org.eclipse.jgit.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.MockSystemReader; import org.eclipse.jgit.util.SystemReader; import org.junit.Test; public class ValidRefNameTest { private static void assertValid(final boolean exp, final String name) { SystemReader instance = SystemReader.getInstance(); try { setUnixSystemReader(); assertEquals("\"" + name + "\"", exp, Repository.isValidRefName(name)); setWindowsSystemReader(); assertEquals("\"" + name + "\"", exp, Repository.isValidRefName(name)); } finally { SystemReader.setInstance(instance); } } private static void setWindowsSystemReader() { SystemReader.setInstance(new MockSystemReader() { { setWindows(); } }); } private static void setUnixSystemReader() { SystemReader.setInstance(new MockSystemReader() { { setUnix(); } }); } private static void assertInvalidOnWindows(final String name) { SystemReader instance = SystemReader.getInstance(); try { setUnixSystemReader(); assertEquals("\"" + name + "\"", true, Repository.isValidRefName(name)); setWindowsSystemReader(); assertEquals("\"" + name + "\"", false, Repository.isValidRefName(name)); } finally { SystemReader.setInstance(instance); } } @Test public void testEmptyString() { assertValid(false, ""); assertValid(false, "/"); } @Test public void testMustHaveTwoComponents() { assertValid(false, "master"); assertValid(true, "heads/master"); } @Test public void testValidHead() { assertValid(true, "refs/heads/master"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/pu"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/z"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/FoO"); } @Test public void testValidTag() { assertValid(true, "refs/tags/v1.0"); } @Test public void testNoLockSuffix() { assertValid(false, "refs/heads/master.lock"); } @Test public void testNoDirectorySuffix() { assertValid(false, "refs/heads/master/"); } @Test public void testNoSpace() { assertValid(false, "refs/heads/i haz space"); } @Test public void testNoAsciiControlCharacters() { for (char c = '\0'; c < ' '; c++) assertValid(false, "refs/heads/mast" + c + "er"); } @Test public void testNoBareDot() { assertValid(false, "refs/heads/."); assertValid(false, "refs/heads/.."); assertValid(false, "refs/heads/./master"); assertValid(false, "refs/heads/../master"); } @Test public void testNoLeadingOrTrailingDot() { assertValid(false, "."); assertValid(false, "refs/heads/.bar"); assertValid(false, "refs/heads/..bar"); assertValid(false, "refs/heads/bar."); } @Test public void testContainsDot() { assertValid(true, "refs/heads/m.a.s.t.e.r"); assertValid(false, "refs/heads/master..pu"); } @Test public void testNoMagicRefCharacters() { assertValid(false, "refs/heads/master^"); assertValid(false, "refs/heads/^master"); assertValid(false, "^refs/heads/master"); assertValid(false, "refs/heads/master~"); assertValid(false, "refs/heads/~master"); assertValid(false, "~refs/heads/master"); assertValid(false, "refs/heads/master:"); assertValid(false, "refs/heads/:master"); assertValid(false, ":refs/heads/master"); } @Test public void testShellGlob() { assertValid(false, "refs/heads/master?"); assertValid(false, "refs/heads/?master"); assertValid(false, "?refs/heads/master"); assertValid(false, "refs/heads/master["); assertValid(false, "refs/heads/[master"); assertValid(false, "[refs/heads/master"); assertValid(false, "refs/heads/master*"); assertValid(false, "refs/heads/*master"); assertValid(false, "*refs/heads/master"); } @Test public void testValidSpecialCharacterUnixs() { assertValid(true, "refs/heads/!"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/#"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/$"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/%"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/&"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/'"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/("); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/)"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/+"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/,"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/-"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/;"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/="); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/@"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/]"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/_"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/`"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/{"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/}"); // This is valid on UNIX, but not on Windows // hence we make in invalid due to non-portability // assertValid(false, "refs/heads/\\"); // More invalid characters on Windows, but we allow them assertInvalidOnWindows("refs/heads/\""); assertInvalidOnWindows("refs/heads/<"); assertInvalidOnWindows("refs/heads/>"); assertInvalidOnWindows("refs/heads/|"); } @Test public void testUnicodeNames() { assertValid(true, "refs/heads/\u00e5ngstr\u00f6m"); } @Test public void testRefLogQueryIsValidRef() { assertValid(false, "refs/heads/master@{1}"); assertValid(false, "refs/heads/master@{1.hour.ago}"); } @Test public void testWindowsReservedNames() { // re-using code from DirCacheCheckoutTest, hence // only testing for one of the special names. assertInvalidOnWindows("refs/heads/con"); assertInvalidOnWindows("refs/con/x"); assertInvalidOnWindows("con/heads/x"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/conx"); assertValid(true, "refs/heads/xcon"); } @Test public void testNormalizeBranchName() { assertEquals(true, Repository.normalizeBranchName("").equals("")); assertEquals(true, Repository.normalizeBranchName("__@#$@#$@$____ _") .equals("")); assertEquals(true, Repository.normalizeBranchName("~`!@#$%^&*()_+}]{[|\\\";?>.<,/") .equals("")); assertEquals(true, Repository.normalizeBranchName("Bug 12345 :::: Hello World") .equals("Bug_12345-Hello_World")); assertEquals(true, Repository.normalizeBranchName("Bug 12345 :::: Hello::: World") .equals("Bug_12345-Hello-_World")); assertEquals(true, Repository.normalizeBranchName(":::Bug 12345 - Hello World") .equals("Bug_12345-Hello_World")); assertEquals(true, Repository.normalizeBranchName("---Bug 12345 - Hello World") .equals("Bug_12345-Hello_World")); assertEquals(true, Repository.normalizeBranchName("Bug 12345 ---- Hello --- World") .equals("Bug_12345-Hello-World")); assertEquals(true, Repository.normalizeBranchName(null) == null); assertEquals(true, Repository.normalizeBranchName("Bug 12345 - Hello World!") .equals("Bug_12345-Hello_World")); assertEquals(true, Repository.normalizeBranchName("Bug 12345 : Hello World!") .equals("Bug_12345-Hello_World")); assertEquals(true, Repository.normalizeBranchName("Bug 12345 _ Hello World!") .equals("Bug_12345_Hello_World")); assertEquals(true, Repository .normalizeBranchName("Bug 12345 - Hello World!") .equals("Bug_12345-Hello_World")); assertEquals(true, Repository.normalizeBranchName(" Bug 12345 - Hello World! ") .equals("Bug_12345-Hello_World")); assertEquals(true, Repository .normalizeBranchName(" Bug 12345 - Hello World! ") .equals("Bug_12345-Hello_World")); assertEquals(true, Repository .normalizeBranchName( "Bug 12345 - Hello______ World!") .equals("Bug_12345-Hello_World")); assertEquals(true, Repository.normalizeBranchName("_Bug 12345 - Hello World!") .equals("Bug_12345-Hello_World")); assertEquals(true, Repository .normalizeBranchName( "Bug 12345 - Hello Wo!@#$%^&*(rld {@") .equals("Bug_12345-Hello_World_")); assertEquals(true, Repository.normalizeBranchName("Bug 1#$ 2345 - Hello World") .equals("Bug_12345-Hello_World")); } @Test public void testNormalizeAlreadyValidRefName() { assertEquals(true, Repository.normalizeBranchName("refs/heads/m.a.s.t.e.r") .equals("refs/heads/m.a.s.t.e.r")); } @Test public void testNormalizeTrimmedUnicodeAlreadyValidRefName() { assertEquals(true, Repository.normalizeBranchName(" \u00e5ngstr\u00f6m\t") .equals("\u00e5ngstr\u00f6m")); } }