/* * Copyright (C) 2010, Christian Halstrick * Copyright (C) 2010, 2014, Stefan Lay * Copyright (C) 2016, 2021 Laurent Delaigue and others * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at * https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ package org.eclipse.jgit.api; import java.io.IOException; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.jgit.annotations.Nullable; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeResult.MergeStatus; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.CheckoutConflictException; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.ConcurrentRefUpdateException; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.InvalidMergeHeadsException; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.JGitInternalException; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.NoHeadException; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.NoMessageException; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.WrongRepositoryStateException; import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheCheckout; import org.eclipse.jgit.events.WorkingTreeModifiedEvent; import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.CommitConfig; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Config.ConfigEnum; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectIdRef; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref.Storage; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RefUpdate; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RefUpdate.Result; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository; import org.eclipse.jgit.merge.ContentMergeStrategy; import org.eclipse.jgit.merge.MergeConfig; import org.eclipse.jgit.merge.MergeMessageFormatter; import org.eclipse.jgit.merge.MergeStrategy; import org.eclipse.jgit.merge.Merger; import org.eclipse.jgit.merge.ResolveMerger; import org.eclipse.jgit.merge.ResolveMerger.MergeFailureReason; import org.eclipse.jgit.merge.SquashMessageFormatter; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalkUtils; import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.FileTreeIterator; import org.eclipse.jgit.util.StringUtils; /** * A class used to execute a {@code Merge} command. It has setters for all * supported options and arguments of this command and a {@link #call()} method * to finally execute the command. Each instance of this class should only be * used for one invocation of the command (means: one call to {@link #call()}) * * @see Git documentation about Merge */ public class MergeCommand extends GitCommand { private MergeStrategy mergeStrategy = MergeStrategy.RECURSIVE; private ContentMergeStrategy contentStrategy; private List commits = new LinkedList<>(); private Boolean squash; private FastForwardMode fastForwardMode; private String message; private boolean insertChangeId; private ProgressMonitor monitor = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE; /** * Values for the "merge.conflictStyle" git config. * * @since 5.12 */ public enum ConflictStyle { /** "merge" style: only ours/theirs. This is the default. */ MERGE, /** "diff3" style: ours/base/theirs. */ DIFF3 } /** * The modes available for fast forward merges corresponding to the * --ff, --no-ff and --ff-only * options under branch.<name>.mergeoptions. */ public enum FastForwardMode implements ConfigEnum { /** * Corresponds to the default --ff option (for a fast forward update the * branch pointer only). */ FF, /** * Corresponds to the --no-ff option (create a merge commit even for a * fast forward). */ NO_FF, /** * Corresponds to the --ff-only option (abort unless the merge is a fast * forward). */ FF_ONLY; @Override public String toConfigValue() { return "--" + name().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).replace('_', '-'); //$NON-NLS-1$ } @Override public boolean matchConfigValue(String in) { if (StringUtils.isEmptyOrNull(in)) return false; if (!in.startsWith("--")) //$NON-NLS-1$ return false; return name().equalsIgnoreCase(in.substring(2).replace('-', '_')); } /** * The modes available for fast forward merges corresponding to the * options under merge.ff. */ public enum Merge { /** * {@link FastForwardMode#FF}. */ TRUE, /** * {@link FastForwardMode#NO_FF}. */ FALSE, /** * {@link FastForwardMode#FF_ONLY}. */ ONLY; /** * Map from FastForwardMode to * FastForwardMode.Merge. * * @param ffMode * the FastForwardMode value to be mapped * @return the mapped FastForwardMode.Merge value */ public static Merge valueOf(FastForwardMode ffMode) { switch (ffMode) { case NO_FF: return FALSE; case FF_ONLY: return ONLY; default: return TRUE; } } } /** * Map from FastForwardMode.Merge to * FastForwardMode. * * @param ffMode * the FastForwardMode.Merge value to be mapped * @return the mapped FastForwardMode value */ public static FastForwardMode valueOf(FastForwardMode.Merge ffMode) { switch (ffMode) { case FALSE: return NO_FF; case ONLY: return FF_ONLY; default: return FF; } } } private Boolean commit; /** * Constructor for MergeCommand. * * @param repo * the {@link org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository} */ protected MergeCommand(Repository repo) { super(repo); } /** * {@inheritDoc} *

* Execute the {@code Merge} command with all the options and parameters * collected by the setter methods (e.g. {@link #include(Ref)}) of this * class. Each instance of this class should only be used for one invocation * of the command. Don't call this method twice on an instance. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("boxing") public MergeResult call() throws GitAPIException, NoHeadException, ConcurrentRefUpdateException, CheckoutConflictException, InvalidMergeHeadsException, WrongRepositoryStateException, NoMessageException { checkCallable(); fallBackToConfiguration(); checkParameters(); DirCacheCheckout dco = null; try (RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repo)) { Ref head = repo.exactRef(Constants.HEAD); if (head == null) throw new NoHeadException( JGitText.get().commitOnRepoWithoutHEADCurrentlyNotSupported); StringBuilder refLogMessage = new StringBuilder("merge "); //$NON-NLS-1$ // Check for FAST_FORWARD, ALREADY_UP_TO_DATE // we know for now there is only one commit Ref ref = commits.get(0); refLogMessage.append(ref.getName()); // handle annotated tags ref = repo.getRefDatabase().peel(ref); ObjectId objectId = ref.getPeeledObjectId(); if (objectId == null) objectId = ref.getObjectId(); RevCommit srcCommit = revWalk.lookupCommit(objectId); ObjectId headId = head.getObjectId(); if (headId == null) { revWalk.parseHeaders(srcCommit); dco = new DirCacheCheckout(repo, repo.lockDirCache(), srcCommit.getTree()); dco.setFailOnConflict(true); dco.setProgressMonitor(monitor); dco.checkout(); RefUpdate refUpdate = repo .updateRef(head.getTarget().getName()); refUpdate.setNewObjectId(objectId); refUpdate.setExpectedOldObjectId(null); refUpdate.setRefLogMessage("initial pull", false); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (refUpdate.update() != Result.NEW) throw new NoHeadException( JGitText.get().commitOnRepoWithoutHEADCurrentlyNotSupported); setCallable(false); return new MergeResult(srcCommit, srcCommit, new ObjectId[] { null, srcCommit }, MergeStatus.FAST_FORWARD, mergeStrategy, null, null); } RevCommit headCommit = revWalk.lookupCommit(headId); if (revWalk.isMergedInto(srcCommit, headCommit)) { setCallable(false); return new MergeResult(headCommit, srcCommit, new ObjectId[] { headCommit, srcCommit }, MergeStatus.ALREADY_UP_TO_DATE, mergeStrategy, null, null); } else if (revWalk.isMergedInto(headCommit, srcCommit) && fastForwardMode != FastForwardMode.NO_FF) { // FAST_FORWARD detected: skip doing a real merge but only // update HEAD refLogMessage.append(": " + MergeStatus.FAST_FORWARD); //$NON-NLS-1$ dco = new DirCacheCheckout(repo, headCommit.getTree(), repo.lockDirCache(), srcCommit.getTree()); dco.setProgressMonitor(monitor); dco.setFailOnConflict(true); dco.checkout(); String msg = null; ObjectId newHead, base = null; MergeStatus mergeStatus = null; if (!squash) { updateHead(refLogMessage, srcCommit, headId); newHead = base = srcCommit; mergeStatus = MergeStatus.FAST_FORWARD; } else { msg = JGitText.get().squashCommitNotUpdatingHEAD; newHead = base = headId; mergeStatus = MergeStatus.FAST_FORWARD_SQUASHED; List squashedCommits = RevWalkUtils.find( revWalk, srcCommit, headCommit); String squashMessage = new SquashMessageFormatter().format( squashedCommits, head); repo.writeSquashCommitMsg(squashMessage); } setCallable(false); return new MergeResult(newHead, base, new ObjectId[] { headCommit, srcCommit }, mergeStatus, mergeStrategy, null, msg); } else { if (fastForwardMode == FastForwardMode.FF_ONLY) { return new MergeResult(headCommit, srcCommit, new ObjectId[] { headCommit, srcCommit }, MergeStatus.ABORTED, mergeStrategy, null, null); } String mergeMessage = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (!squash) { if (message != null) mergeMessage = message; else mergeMessage = new MergeMessageFormatter().format( commits, head); repo.writeMergeCommitMsg(mergeMessage); repo.writeMergeHeads(Arrays.asList(ref.getObjectId())); } else { List squashedCommits = RevWalkUtils.find( revWalk, srcCommit, headCommit); String squashMessage = new SquashMessageFormatter().format( squashedCommits, head); repo.writeSquashCommitMsg(squashMessage); } Merger merger = mergeStrategy.newMerger(repo); merger.setProgressMonitor(monitor); boolean noProblems; Map> lowLevelResults = null; Map failingPaths = null; List unmergedPaths = null; if (merger instanceof ResolveMerger) { ResolveMerger resolveMerger = (ResolveMerger) merger; resolveMerger.setContentMergeStrategy(contentStrategy); resolveMerger.setCommitNames(new String[] { "BASE", "HEAD", ref.getName() }); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ resolveMerger.setWorkingTreeIterator(new FileTreeIterator(repo)); noProblems = merger.merge(headCommit, srcCommit); lowLevelResults = resolveMerger .getMergeResults(); failingPaths = resolveMerger.getFailingPaths(); unmergedPaths = resolveMerger.getUnmergedPaths(); if (!resolveMerger.getModifiedFiles().isEmpty()) { repo.fireEvent(new WorkingTreeModifiedEvent( resolveMerger.getModifiedFiles(), null)); } } else noProblems = merger.merge(headCommit, srcCommit); refLogMessage.append(": Merge made by "); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (!revWalk.isMergedInto(headCommit, srcCommit)) refLogMessage.append(mergeStrategy.getName()); else refLogMessage.append("recursive"); //$NON-NLS-1$ refLogMessage.append('.'); if (noProblems) { dco = new DirCacheCheckout(repo, headCommit.getTree(), repo.lockDirCache(), merger.getResultTreeId()); dco.setFailOnConflict(true); dco.setProgressMonitor(monitor); dco.checkout(); String msg = null; ObjectId newHeadId = null; MergeStatus mergeStatus = null; if (!commit && squash) { mergeStatus = MergeStatus.MERGED_SQUASHED_NOT_COMMITTED; } if (!commit && !squash) { mergeStatus = MergeStatus.MERGED_NOT_COMMITTED; } if (commit && !squash) { try (Git git = new Git(getRepository())) { newHeadId = git.commit() .setReflogComment(refLogMessage.toString()) .setInsertChangeId(insertChangeId) .call().getId(); } mergeStatus = MergeStatus.MERGED; getRepository().autoGC(monitor); } if (commit && squash) { msg = JGitText.get().squashCommitNotUpdatingHEAD; newHeadId = headCommit.getId(); mergeStatus = MergeStatus.MERGED_SQUASHED; } return new MergeResult(newHeadId, null, new ObjectId[] { headCommit.getId(), srcCommit.getId() }, mergeStatus, mergeStrategy, null, msg); } if (failingPaths != null) { repo.writeMergeCommitMsg(null); repo.writeMergeHeads(null); return new MergeResult(null, merger.getBaseCommitId(), new ObjectId[] { headCommit.getId(), srcCommit.getId() }, MergeStatus.FAILED, mergeStrategy, lowLevelResults, failingPaths, null); } CommitConfig cfg = repo.getConfig().get(CommitConfig.KEY); char commentChar = cfg.getCommentChar(message); String mergeMessageWithConflicts = new MergeMessageFormatter() .formatWithConflicts(mergeMessage, unmergedPaths, commentChar); repo.writeMergeCommitMsg(mergeMessageWithConflicts); return new MergeResult(null, merger.getBaseCommitId(), new ObjectId[] { headCommit.getId(), srcCommit.getId() }, MergeStatus.CONFLICTING, mergeStrategy, lowLevelResults, null); } } catch (org.eclipse.jgit.errors.CheckoutConflictException e) { List conflicts = (dco == null) ? Collections . emptyList() : dco.getConflicts(); throw new CheckoutConflictException(conflicts, e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JGitInternalException( MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().exceptionCaughtDuringExecutionOfMergeCommand, e), e); } } private void checkParameters() throws InvalidMergeHeadsException { if (squash.booleanValue() && fastForwardMode == FastForwardMode.NO_FF) { throw new JGitInternalException( JGitText.get().cannotCombineSquashWithNoff); } if (commits.size() != 1) throw new InvalidMergeHeadsException( commits.isEmpty() ? JGitText.get().noMergeHeadSpecified : MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().mergeStrategyDoesNotSupportHeads, mergeStrategy.getName(), Integer.valueOf(commits.size()))); } /** * Use values from the configuration if they have not been explicitly * defined via the setters */ private void fallBackToConfiguration() { MergeConfig config = MergeConfig.getConfigForCurrentBranch(repo); if (squash == null) squash = Boolean.valueOf(config.isSquash()); if (commit == null) commit = Boolean.valueOf(config.isCommit()); if (fastForwardMode == null) fastForwardMode = config.getFastForwardMode(); } private void updateHead(StringBuilder refLogMessage, ObjectId newHeadId, ObjectId oldHeadID) throws IOException, ConcurrentRefUpdateException { RefUpdate refUpdate = repo.updateRef(Constants.HEAD); refUpdate.setNewObjectId(newHeadId); refUpdate.setRefLogMessage(refLogMessage.toString(), false); refUpdate.setExpectedOldObjectId(oldHeadID); Result rc = refUpdate.update(); switch (rc) { case NEW: case FAST_FORWARD: return; case REJECTED: case LOCK_FAILURE: throw new ConcurrentRefUpdateException( JGitText.get().couldNotLockHEAD, refUpdate.getRef(), rc); default: throw new JGitInternalException(MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().updatingRefFailed, Constants.HEAD, newHeadId.toString(), rc)); } } /** * Set merge strategy * * @param mergeStrategy * the {@link org.eclipse.jgit.merge.MergeStrategy} to be used * @return {@code this} */ public MergeCommand setStrategy(MergeStrategy mergeStrategy) { checkCallable(); this.mergeStrategy = mergeStrategy; return this; } /** * Sets the content merge strategy to use if the * {@link #setStrategy(MergeStrategy) merge strategy} is "resolve" or * "recursive". * * @param strategy * the {@link ContentMergeStrategy} to be used * @return {@code this} * @since 5.12 */ public MergeCommand setContentMergeStrategy(ContentMergeStrategy strategy) { checkCallable(); this.contentStrategy = strategy; return this; } /** * Reference to a commit to be merged with the current head * * @param aCommit * a reference to a commit which is merged with the current head * @return {@code this} */ public MergeCommand include(Ref aCommit) { checkCallable(); commits.add(aCommit); return this; } /** * Id of a commit which is to be merged with the current head * * @param aCommit * the Id of a commit which is merged with the current head * @return {@code this} */ public MergeCommand include(AnyObjectId aCommit) { return include(aCommit.getName(), aCommit); } /** * Include a commit * * @param name * a name of a {@code Ref} pointing to the commit * @param aCommit * the Id of a commit which is merged with the current head * @return {@code this} */ public MergeCommand include(String name, AnyObjectId aCommit) { return include(new ObjectIdRef.Unpeeled(Storage.LOOSE, name, aCommit.copy())); } /** * If true, will prepare the next commit in working tree and * index as if a real merge happened, but do not make the commit or move the * HEAD. Otherwise, perform the merge and commit the result. *

* In case the merge was successful but this flag was set to * true a {@link org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeResult} with status * {@link org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeResult.MergeStatus#MERGED_SQUASHED} or * {@link org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeResult.MergeStatus#FAST_FORWARD_SQUASHED} * is returned. * * @param squash * whether to squash commits or not * @return {@code this} * @since 2.0 */ public MergeCommand setSquash(boolean squash) { checkCallable(); this.squash = Boolean.valueOf(squash); return this; } /** * Sets the fast forward mode. * * @param fastForwardMode * corresponds to the --ff/--no-ff/--ff-only options. If * {@code null} use the value of the {@code merge.ff} option * configured in git config. If this option is not configured * --ff is the built-in default. * @return {@code this} * @since 2.2 */ public MergeCommand setFastForward( @Nullable FastForwardMode fastForwardMode) { checkCallable(); this.fastForwardMode = fastForwardMode; return this; } /** * Controls whether the merge command should automatically commit after a * successful merge * * @param commit * true if this command should commit (this is the * default behavior). false if this command should * not commit. In case the merge was successful but this flag was * set to false a * {@link org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeResult} with type * {@link org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeResult} with status * {@link org.eclipse.jgit.api.MergeResult.MergeStatus#MERGED_NOT_COMMITTED} * is returned * @return {@code this} * @since 3.0 */ public MergeCommand setCommit(boolean commit) { this.commit = Boolean.valueOf(commit); return this; } /** * Set the commit message to be used for the merge commit (in case one is * created) * * @param message * the message to be used for the merge commit * @return {@code this} * @since 3.5 */ public MergeCommand setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; return this; } /** * If set to true a change id will be inserted into the commit message * * An existing change id is not replaced. An initial change id (I000...) * will be replaced by the change id. * * @param insertChangeId * whether to insert a change id * @return {@code this} * @since 5.0 */ public MergeCommand setInsertChangeId(boolean insertChangeId) { checkCallable(); this.insertChangeId = insertChangeId; return this; } /** * The progress monitor associated with the diff operation. By default, this * is set to NullProgressMonitor * * @see NullProgressMonitor * @param monitor * A progress monitor * @return this instance * @since 4.2 */ public MergeCommand setProgressMonitor(ProgressMonitor monitor) { if (monitor == null) { monitor = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE; } this.monitor = monitor; return this; } }