/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Google Inc. and others * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at * https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ package org.eclipse.jgit.patch; import static org.eclipse.jgit.util.RawParseUtils.match; import static org.eclipse.jgit.util.RawParseUtils.nextLF; import static org.eclipse.jgit.util.RawParseUtils.parseBase10; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.text.MessageFormat; import org.eclipse.jgit.diff.Edit; import org.eclipse.jgit.diff.EditList; import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AbbreviatedObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.util.MutableInteger; /** * Hunk header describing the layout of a single block of lines */ public class HunkHeader { /** Details about an old image of the file. */ public abstract static class OldImage { /** First line number the hunk starts on in this file. */ int startLine; /** Total number of lines this hunk covers in this file. */ int lineCount; /** Number of lines deleted by the post-image from this file. */ int nDeleted; /** Number of lines added by the post-image not in this file. */ int nAdded; /** * Get line number where hunk starts * * @return first line number the hunk starts on in this file. */ public int getStartLine() { return startLine; } /** * Get number of lines this hunk covers * * @return total number of lines this hunk covers in this file. */ public int getLineCount() { return lineCount; } /** * Get number of lines deleted by the post-image * * @return number of lines deleted by the post-image from this file. */ public int getLinesDeleted() { return nDeleted; } /** * Get number of lines added by the post-image * * @return number of lines added by the post-image not in this file. */ public int getLinesAdded() { return nAdded; } /** * Get id of the pre-image file * * @return object id of the pre-image file. */ public abstract AbbreviatedObjectId getId(); } final FileHeader file; /** Offset within {@link #file}.buf to the "@@ -" line. */ final int startOffset; /** Position 1 past the end of this hunk within {@link #file}'s buf. */ int endOffset; private final OldImage old; /** First line number in the post-image file where the hunk starts */ int newStartLine; /** Total number of post-image lines this hunk covers (context + inserted) */ int newLineCount; /** Total number of lines of context appearing in this hunk */ int nContext; private EditList editList; HunkHeader(FileHeader fh, int offset) { this(fh, offset, new OldImage() { @Override public AbbreviatedObjectId getId() { return fh.getOldId(); } }); } HunkHeader(FileHeader fh, int offset, OldImage oi) { file = fh; startOffset = offset; old = oi; } HunkHeader(FileHeader fh, EditList editList) { this(fh, fh.buf.length); this.editList = editList; endOffset = startOffset; nContext = 0; if (editList.isEmpty()) { newStartLine = 0; newLineCount = 0; } else { newStartLine = editList.get(0).getBeginB(); Edit last = editList.get(editList.size() - 1); newLineCount = last.getEndB() - newStartLine; } } /** * Get header for the file this hunk applies to. * * @return header for the file this hunk applies to. */ public FileHeader getFileHeader() { return file; } /** * Get the byte array holding this hunk's patch script. * * @return the byte array holding this hunk's patch script. */ public byte[] getBuffer() { return file.buf; } /** * Get offset of the start of this hunk in {@link #getBuffer()}. * * @return offset of the start of this hunk in {@link #getBuffer()}. */ public int getStartOffset() { return startOffset; } /** * Get offset one past the end of the hunk in {@link #getBuffer()}. * * @return offset one past the end of the hunk in {@link #getBuffer()}. */ public int getEndOffset() { return endOffset; } /** * Get information about the old image mentioned in this hunk. * * @return information about the old image mentioned in this hunk. */ public OldImage getOldImage() { return old; } /** * Get first line number in the post-image file where the hunk starts. * * @return first line number in the post-image file where the hunk starts. */ public int getNewStartLine() { return newStartLine; } /** * Get total number of post-image lines this hunk covers. * * @return total number of post-image lines this hunk covers. */ public int getNewLineCount() { return newLineCount; } /** * Get total number of lines of context appearing in this hunk. * * @return total number of lines of context appearing in this hunk. */ public int getLinesContext() { return nContext; } /** * Convert to a list describing the content edits performed within the hunk. * * @return a list describing the content edits performed within the hunk. */ public EditList toEditList() { if (editList == null) { editList = new EditList(); final byte[] buf = file.buf; int c = nextLF(buf, startOffset); int oLine = old.startLine; int nLine = newStartLine; Edit in = null; SCAN: for (; c < endOffset; c = nextLF(buf, c)) { switch (buf[c]) { case ' ': case '\n': in = null; oLine++; nLine++; continue; case '-': if (in == null) { in = new Edit(oLine - 1, nLine - 1); editList.add(in); } oLine++; in.extendA(); continue; case '+': if (in == null) { in = new Edit(oLine - 1, nLine - 1); editList.add(in); } nLine++; in.extendB(); continue; case '\\': // Matches "\ No newline at end of file" continue; default: break SCAN; } } } return editList; } void parseHeader() { // Parse "@@ -236,9 +236,9 @@ protected boolean" // final byte[] buf = file.buf; final MutableInteger ptr = new MutableInteger(); ptr.value = nextLF(buf, startOffset, ' '); old.startLine = -parseBase10(buf, ptr.value, ptr); if (buf[ptr.value] == ',') old.lineCount = parseBase10(buf, ptr.value + 1, ptr); else old.lineCount = 1; newStartLine = parseBase10(buf, ptr.value + 1, ptr); if (buf[ptr.value] == ',') newLineCount = parseBase10(buf, ptr.value + 1, ptr); else newLineCount = 1; } int parseBody(Patch script, int end) { final byte[] buf = file.buf; int c = nextLF(buf, startOffset), last = c; old.nDeleted = 0; old.nAdded = 0; SCAN: for (; c < end; last = c, c = nextLF(buf, c)) { switch (buf[c]) { case ' ': case '\n': nContext++; continue; case '-': old.nDeleted++; continue; case '+': old.nAdded++; continue; case '\\': // Matches "\ No newline at end of file" continue; default: break SCAN; } } if (last < end && nContext + old.nDeleted - 1 == old.lineCount && nContext + old.nAdded == newLineCount && match(buf, last, Patch.SIG_FOOTER) >= 0) { // This is an extremely common occurrence of "corruption". // Users add footers with their signatures after this mark, // and git diff adds the git executable version number. // Let it slide; the hunk otherwise looked sound. // old.nDeleted--; return last; } if (nContext + old.nDeleted < old.lineCount) { final int missingCount = old.lineCount - (nContext + old.nDeleted); script.error(buf, startOffset, MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().truncatedHunkOldLinesMissing, Integer.valueOf(missingCount))); } else if (nContext + old.nAdded < newLineCount) { final int missingCount = newLineCount - (nContext + old.nAdded); script.error(buf, startOffset, MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().truncatedHunkNewLinesMissing, Integer.valueOf(missingCount))); } else if (nContext + old.nDeleted > old.lineCount || nContext + old.nAdded > newLineCount) { final String oldcnt = old.lineCount + ":" + newLineCount; //$NON-NLS-1$ final String newcnt = (nContext + old.nDeleted) + ":" //$NON-NLS-1$ + (nContext + old.nAdded); script.warn(buf, startOffset, MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().hunkHeaderDoesNotMatchBodyLineCountOf, oldcnt, newcnt)); } return c; } void extractFileLines(OutputStream[] out) throws IOException { final byte[] buf = file.buf; int ptr = startOffset; int eol = nextLF(buf, ptr); if (endOffset <= eol) return; // Treat the hunk header as though it were from the ancestor, // as it may have a function header appearing after it which // was copied out of the ancestor file. // out[0].write(buf, ptr, eol - ptr); SCAN: for (ptr = eol; ptr < endOffset; ptr = eol) { eol = nextLF(buf, ptr); switch (buf[ptr]) { case ' ': case '\n': case '\\': out[0].write(buf, ptr, eol - ptr); out[1].write(buf, ptr, eol - ptr); break; case '-': out[0].write(buf, ptr, eol - ptr); break; case '+': out[1].write(buf, ptr, eol - ptr); break; default: break SCAN; } } } void extractFileLines(final StringBuilder sb, final String[] text, final int[] offsets) { final byte[] buf = file.buf; int ptr = startOffset; int eol = nextLF(buf, ptr); if (endOffset <= eol) return; copyLine(sb, text, offsets, 0); SCAN: for (ptr = eol; ptr < endOffset; ptr = eol) { eol = nextLF(buf, ptr); switch (buf[ptr]) { case ' ': case '\n': case '\\': copyLine(sb, text, offsets, 0); skipLine(text, offsets, 1); break; case '-': copyLine(sb, text, offsets, 0); break; case '+': copyLine(sb, text, offsets, 1); break; default: break SCAN; } } } void copyLine(final StringBuilder sb, final String[] text, final int[] offsets, final int fileIdx) { final String s = text[fileIdx]; final int start = offsets[fileIdx]; int end = s.indexOf('\n', start); if (end < 0) end = s.length(); else end++; sb.append(s, start, end); offsets[fileIdx] = end; } void skipLine(final String[] text, final int[] offsets, final int fileIdx) { final String s = text[fileIdx]; final int end = s.indexOf('\n', offsets[fileIdx]); offsets[fileIdx] = end < 0 ? s.length() : end + 1; } @SuppressWarnings("nls") @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("HunkHeader["); buf.append(getOldImage().getStartLine()); buf.append(','); buf.append(getOldImage().getLineCount()); buf.append("->"); buf.append(getNewStartLine()).append(',').append(getNewLineCount()); buf.append(']'); return buf.toString(); } }