diff options
authorJörn Zaefferer <joern.zaefferer@gmail.com>2012-03-09 15:18:26 +0100
committerJörn Zaefferer <joern.zaefferer@gmail.com>2012-03-09 15:18:30 +0100
commitff5895a39fd90cc3fd89568c05f73906a506ef88 (patch)
parent60bbda3eb900eea18d35bfd8bdee59d970c4549b (diff)
Build/grunt: Add sizer task. Some cleanup in other areas.
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/grunt.js b/grunt.js
index a079f04cf..0aff5a963 100644
--- a/grunt.js
+++ b/grunt.js
@@ -65,6 +65,12 @@ config.init({
bannerI18n: createBanner(allI18nFiles),
bannerCSS: createBanner(cssFiles)
+ compare_size: {
+ files: [
+ "dist/jquery-ui.js",
+ "dist/jquery-ui.min.js"
+ ]
+ },
concat: {
ui: {
src: ['<banner:meta.bannerAll>', stripBanner(uiFiles)],
@@ -242,11 +248,6 @@ for (var key in files) {
files[key] = template.process(files[key], config());
config('files', files);
-// log.writeln(require('util').inspect(config().files))
-task.registerTask('x', function() {
- log.writeln(task.helper('concat', ['<file_strip_banner:ui/jquery.ui.core.js>']));
task.registerBasicTask('copy', 'Copy files to destination folder and replace @VERSION with pkg.version', function(data) {
function replaceVersion(source) {
@@ -377,9 +378,79 @@ task.registerTask('copy_themes', function() {
-// TODO add size task, see also build/sizer.js - copy from core grunt.js
+// TODO merge with code in jQuery Core, share as grunt plugin/npm
+// this here actually uses the provided filenames in the output
+// the helpers should just be regular functions, no need to share those with the world
+task.registerBasicTask("compare_size", "Compare size of this branch to master", function(data) {
+ var files = file.expand(data.src),
+ done = this.async(),
+ sizecache = __dirname + "/dist/.sizecache.json",
+ sources = {
+ min: file.read(files[1]),
+ max: file.read(files[0])
+ },
+ oldsizes = {},
+ sizes = {};
+ try {
+ oldsizes = JSON.parse(file.read(sizecache));
+ } catch(e) {
+ oldsizes = {};
+ }
+ // Obtain the current branch and continue...
+ task.helper("git_current_branch", function(err, branch) {
+ var key, diff;
+ // Derived and adapted from Corey Frang's original `sizer`
+ log.writeln( "sizes - compared to master" );
+ sizes[files[0]] = sources.max.length;
+ sizes[files[1]] = sources.min.length;
+ sizes[files[1] + '.gz'] = task.helper("gzip", sources.min).length;
+ for ( key in sizes ) {
+ diff = oldsizes[ key ] && ( sizes[ key ] - oldsizes[ key ] );
+ if ( diff > 0 ) {
+ diff = "+" + diff;
+ }
+ console.log( "%s %s %s",
+ task.helper("lpad", sizes[ key ], 8 ),
+ task.helper("lpad", diff ? "(" + diff + ")" : "(-)", 8 ),
+ key
+ );
+ }
+ if ( branch === "master" ) {
+ // If master, write to file - this makes it easier to compare
+ // the size of your current code state to the master branch,
+ // without returning to the master to reset the cache
+ file.write( sizecache, JSON.stringify(sizes) );
+ }
+ done();
+ });
+task.registerHelper("git_current_branch", function(done) {
+ task.helper("child_process", {
+ cmd: "git",
+ args: ["branch", "--no-color"]
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ var branch;
+ result.split("\n").forEach(function(branch) {
+ var matches = /^\* (.*)/.exec( branch );
+ if ( matches !== null && matches.length && matches[ 1 ] ) {
+ done( null, matches[ 1 ] );
+ }
+ });
+ });
+task.registerHelper("lpad", function(str, len, chr) {
+ return ( Array( len + 1 ).join( chr || " " ) + str ).substr( -len );
-task.registerTask('default', 'lint qunit');
+task.registerTask('default', 'lint qunit build compare_size');
+task.registerTask('sizer', 'concat:ui min:dist/jquery-ui.min.js compare_size');
task.registerTask('build', 'concat min css_min');
task.registerTask('release', 'build copy:dist copy:dist_min copy:dist_min_images copy:dist_css_min md5:dist zip:dist');
task.registerTask('release_themes', 'release download_themes copy_themes copy:themes md5:themes zip:themes');