diff options
authorScott González <scott.gonzalez@gmail.com>2010-08-27 11:52:03 -0400
committerScott González <scott.gonzalez@gmail.com>2010-08-27 11:52:03 -0400
commita3d9a91661f83e1f890d079181d58cb195c96d44 (patch)
parentdd035d1123a4a2fa5e791cb4428310274c98eb31 (diff)
Core: Re-ordered functions.
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/ui/jquery.ui.core.js b/ui/jquery.ui.core.js
index 358296285..3199e7ff7 100644
--- a/ui/jquery.ui.core.js
+++ b/ui/jquery.ui.core.js
@@ -17,72 +17,9 @@ if ( $.ui.version ) {
-//Helper functions and ui object
$.extend( $.ui, {
version: "@VERSION",
- // $.ui.plugin is deprecated. Use the proxy pattern instead.
- plugin: {
- add: function( module, option, set ) {
- var proto = $.ui[ module ].prototype;
- for ( var i in set ) {
- proto.plugins[ i ] = proto.plugins[ i ] || [];
- proto.plugins[ i ].push( [ option, set[ i ] ] );
- }
- },
- call: function( instance, name, args ) {
- var set = instance.plugins[ name ];
- if ( !set || !instance.element[ 0 ].parentNode ) {
- return;
- }
- for ( var i = 0; i < set.length; i++ ) {
- if ( instance.options[ set[ i ][ 0 ] ] ) {
- set[ i ][ 1 ].apply( instance.element, args );
- }
- }
- }
- },
- contains: function( a, b ) {
- return document.compareDocumentPosition ?
- a.compareDocumentPosition( b ) & 16 :
- a !== b && a.contains( b );
- },
- hasScroll: function( el, a ) {
- //If overflow is hidden, the element might have extra content, but the user wants to hide it
- if ( $( el ).css( "overflow" ) === "hidden") {
- return false;
- }
- var scroll = ( a && a === "left" ) ? "scrollLeft" : "scrollTop",
- has = false;
- if ( el[ scroll ] > 0 ) {
- return true;
- }
- // TODO: determine which cases actually cause this to happen
- // if the element doesn't have the scroll set, see if it's possible to
- // set the scroll
- el[ scroll ] = 1;
- has = ( el[ scroll ] > 0 );
- el[ scroll ] = 0;
- return has;
- },
- isOverAxis: function( x, reference, size ) {
- //Determines when x coordinate is over "b" element axis
- return ( x > reference ) && ( x < ( reference + size ) );
- },
- isOver: function( y, x, top, left, height, width ) {
- //Determines when x, y coordinates is over "b" element
- return $.ui.isOverAxis( y, top, height ) && $.ui.isOverAxis( x, left, width );
- },
keyCode: {
ALT: 18,
@@ -278,4 +215,74 @@ $.extend( $.expr[ ":" ], {
+$.extend( $.ui, {
+ // $.ui.plugin is deprecated. Use the proxy pattern instead.
+ plugin: {
+ add: function( module, option, set ) {
+ var proto = $.ui[ module ].prototype;
+ for ( var i in set ) {
+ proto.plugins[ i ] = proto.plugins[ i ] || [];
+ proto.plugins[ i ].push( [ option, set[ i ] ] );
+ }
+ },
+ call: function( instance, name, args ) {
+ var set = instance.plugins[ name ];
+ if ( !set || !instance.element[ 0 ].parentNode ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0; i < set.length; i++ ) {
+ if ( instance.options[ set[ i ][ 0 ] ] ) {
+ set[ i ][ 1 ].apply( instance.element, args );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // will be deprecated when we switch to jQuery 1.4 - use jQuery.contains()
+ contains: function( a, b ) {
+ return document.compareDocumentPosition ?
+ a.compareDocumentPosition( b ) & 16 :
+ a !== b && a.contains( b );
+ },
+ // only used by resizable
+ hasScroll: function( el, a ) {
+ //If overflow is hidden, the element might have extra content, but the user wants to hide it
+ if ( $( el ).css( "overflow" ) === "hidden") {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var scroll = ( a && a === "left" ) ? "scrollLeft" : "scrollTop",
+ has = false;
+ if ( el[ scroll ] > 0 ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // TODO: determine which cases actually cause this to happen
+ // if the element doesn't have the scroll set, see if it's possible to
+ // set the scroll
+ el[ scroll ] = 1;
+ has = ( el[ scroll ] > 0 );
+ el[ scroll ] = 0;
+ return has;
+ },
+ // these are odd functions, fix the API or move into individual plugins
+ isOverAxis: function( x, reference, size ) {
+ //Determines when x coordinate is over "b" element axis
+ return ( x > reference ) && ( x < ( reference + size ) );
+ },
+ isOver: function( y, x, top, left, height, width ) {
+ //Determines when x, y coordinates is over "b" element
+ return $.ui.isOverAxis( y, top, height ) && $.ui.isOverAxis( x, left, width );
+ }
})( jQuery );