path: root/tests/unit/datepicker
diff options
authorScott González <scott.gonzalez@gmail.com>2012-12-11 10:06:13 -0500
committerScott González <scott.gonzalez@gmail.com>2012-12-11 10:06:13 -0500
commit28fcef5e9e57b645af56615fdb1ab7abbe9869ec (patch)
tree68ac7fa29a4866b5e64b6a6f94445ef884fa15a6 /tests/unit/datepicker
parent694987f2f735476e0ebbea1fe80ec8c504af6846 (diff)
Datepicker tests: Handle async focus in IE.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/unit/datepicker')
2 files changed, 245 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_core.js b/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_core.js
index 67dd29eac..1388f9222 100644
--- a/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_core.js
+++ b/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_core.js
@@ -30,126 +30,159 @@ test("widget method", function() {
deepEqual($("body > #ui-datepicker-div:last-child")[0], actual);
-test('baseStructure', function() {
+asyncTest('baseStructure', function() {
expect( 58 );
var header, title, table, thead, week, panel, inl, child,
- inp = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inp').focus(),
+ inp = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inp'),
dp = $('#ui-datepicker-div');
- ok(dp.is(':visible'), 'Structure - datepicker visible');
- ok(!dp.is('.ui-datepicker-rtl'), 'Structure - not right-to-left');
- ok(!dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi'), 'Structure - not multi-month');
- equal(dp.children().length, 2, 'Structure - child count');
- header = dp.children(':first');
- ok(header.is('div.ui-datepicker-header'), 'Structure - header division');
- equal(header.children().length, 3, 'Structure - header child count');
- ok(header.children(':first').is('a.ui-datepicker-prev') && header.children(':first').html() !== '', 'Structure - prev link');
- ok(header.children(':eq(1)').is('a.ui-datepicker-next') && header.children(':eq(1)').html() !== '', 'Structure - next link');
- title = header.children(':last');
- ok(title.is('div.ui-datepicker-title') && title.html() !== '','Structure - title division');
- equal(title.children().length, 2, 'Structure - title child count');
- ok(title.children(':first').is('span.ui-datepicker-month') && title.children(':first').text() !== '', 'Structure - month text');
- ok(title.children(':last').is('span.ui-datepicker-year') && title.children(':last').text() !== '', 'Structure - year text');
- table = dp.children(':eq(1)');
- ok(table.is('table.ui-datepicker-calendar'), 'Structure - month table');
- ok(table.children(':first').is('thead'), 'Structure - month table thead');
- thead = table.children(':first').children(':first');
- ok(thead.is('tr'), 'Structure - month table title row');
- equal(thead.find('th').length, 7, 'Structure - month table title cells');
- ok(table.children(':eq(1)').is('tbody'), 'Structure - month table body');
- ok(table.children(':eq(1)').children('tr').length >= 4, 'Structure - month table week count');
- week = table.children(':eq(1)').children(':first');
- ok(week.is('tr'), 'Structure - month table week row');
- equal(week.children().length, 7, 'Structure - week child count');
- ok(week.children(':first').is('td.ui-datepicker-week-end'), 'Structure - month table first day cell');
- ok(week.children(':last').is('td.ui-datepicker-week-end'), 'Structure - month table second day cell');
- inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ function step1() {
+ inp[0].focus();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ ok(dp.is(':visible'), 'Structure - datepicker visible');
+ ok(!dp.is('.ui-datepicker-rtl'), 'Structure - not right-to-left');
+ ok(!dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi'), 'Structure - not multi-month');
+ equal(dp.children().length, 2, 'Structure - child count');
- // Editable month/year and button panel
- inp = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inp', {changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, showButtonPanel: true});
- inp.focus();
+ header = dp.children(':first');
+ ok(header.is('div.ui-datepicker-header'), 'Structure - header division');
+ equal(header.children().length, 3, 'Structure - header child count');
+ ok(header.children(':first').is('a.ui-datepicker-prev') && header.children(':first').html() !== '', 'Structure - prev link');
+ ok(header.children(':eq(1)').is('a.ui-datepicker-next') && header.children(':eq(1)').html() !== '', 'Structure - next link');
- title = dp.find('div.ui-datepicker-title');
- ok(title.children(':first').is('select.ui-datepicker-month'), 'Structure - month selector');
- ok(title.children(':last').is('select.ui-datepicker-year'), 'Structure - year selector');
+ title = header.children(':last');
+ ok(title.is('div.ui-datepicker-title') && title.html() !== '','Structure - title division');
+ equal(title.children().length, 2, 'Structure - title child count');
+ ok(title.children(':first').is('span.ui-datepicker-month') && title.children(':first').text() !== '', 'Structure - month text');
+ ok(title.children(':last').is('span.ui-datepicker-year') && title.children(':last').text() !== '', 'Structure - year text');
- panel = dp.children(':last');
- ok(panel.is('div.ui-datepicker-buttonpane'), 'Structure - button panel division');
- equal(panel.children().length, 2, 'Structure - button panel child count');
- ok(panel.children(':first').is('button.ui-datepicker-current'), 'Structure - today button');
- ok(panel.children(':last').is('button.ui-datepicker-close'), 'Structure - close button');
- inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ table = dp.children(':eq(1)');
+ ok(table.is('table.ui-datepicker-calendar'), 'Structure - month table');
+ ok(table.children(':first').is('thead'), 'Structure - month table thead');
+ thead = table.children(':first').children(':first');
+ ok(thead.is('tr'), 'Structure - month table title row');
+ equal(thead.find('th').length, 7, 'Structure - month table title cells');
+ ok(table.children(':eq(1)').is('tbody'), 'Structure - month table body');
+ ok(table.children(':eq(1)').children('tr').length >= 4, 'Structure - month table week count');
+ week = table.children(':eq(1)').children(':first');
+ ok(week.is('tr'), 'Structure - month table week row');
+ equal(week.children().length, 7, 'Structure - week child count');
+ ok(week.children(':first').is('td.ui-datepicker-week-end'), 'Structure - month table first day cell');
+ ok(week.children(':last').is('td.ui-datepicker-week-end'), 'Structure - month table second day cell');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
- // Multi-month 2
- inp = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inp', {numberOfMonths: 2});
- inp.focus();
- ok(dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi'), 'Structure multi [2] - multi-month');
- equal(dp.children().length, 3, 'Structure multi [2] - child count');
- child = dp.children(':first');
- ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group') && child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group-first'), 'Structure multi [2] - first month division');
- child = dp.children(':eq(1)');
- ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group') && child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group-last'), 'Structure multi [2] - second month division');
- child = dp.children(':eq(2)');
- ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-row-break'), 'Structure multi [2] - row break');
- ok(dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi-2'), 'Structure multi [2] - multi-2');
- inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ step2();
+ });
+ }
- // Multi-month 3
- inp = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inp', {numberOfMonths: 3});
- inp.focus();
- ok(dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi-3'), 'Structure multi [3] - multi-3');
- ok(! dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi-2'), 'Structure multi [3] - Trac #6704');
- inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ function step2() {
+ // Editable month/year and button panel
+ inp = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inp', {changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, showButtonPanel: true});
+ inp.focus();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ title = dp.find('div.ui-datepicker-title');
+ ok(title.children(':first').is('select.ui-datepicker-month'), 'Structure - month selector');
+ ok(title.children(':last').is('select.ui-datepicker-year'), 'Structure - year selector');
- // Multi-month [2, 2]
- inp = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inp', {numberOfMonths: [2, 2]});
- inp.focus();
- ok(dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi'), 'Structure multi - multi-month');
- equal(dp.children().length, 6, 'Structure multi [2,2] - child count');
- child = dp.children(':first');
- ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group') && child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group-first'), 'Structure multi [2,2] - first month division');
- child = dp.children(':eq(1)');
- ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group') && child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group-last'), 'Structure multi [2,2] - second month division');
- child = dp.children(':eq(2)');
- ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-row-break'), 'Structure multi [2,2] - row break');
- child = dp.children(':eq(3)');
- ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group') && child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group-first'), 'Structure multi [2,2] - third month division');
- child = dp.children(':eq(4)');
- ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group') && child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group-last'), 'Structure multi [2,2] - fourth month division');
- child = dp.children(':eq(5)');
- ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-row-break'), 'Structure multi [2,2] - row break');
- inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ panel = dp.children(':last');
+ ok(panel.is('div.ui-datepicker-buttonpane'), 'Structure - button panel division');
+ equal(panel.children().length, 2, 'Structure - button panel child count');
+ ok(panel.children(':first').is('button.ui-datepicker-current'), 'Structure - today button');
+ ok(panel.children(':last').is('button.ui-datepicker-close'), 'Structure - close button');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
- // Inline
- inl = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inl');
- dp = inl.children();
- ok(dp.is('.ui-datepicker-inline'), 'Structure inline - main div');
- ok(!dp.is('.ui-datepicker-rtl'), 'Structure inline - not right-to-left');
- ok(!dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi'), 'Structure inline - not multi-month');
- equal(dp.children().length, 2, 'Structure inline - child count');
- header = dp.children(':first');
- ok(header.is('div.ui-datepicker-header'), 'Structure inline - header division');
- equal(header.children().length, 3, 'Structure inline - header child count');
- table = dp.children(':eq(1)');
- ok(table.is('table.ui-datepicker-calendar'), 'Structure inline - month table');
- ok(table.children(':first').is('thead'), 'Structure inline - month table thead');
- ok(table.children(':eq(1)').is('tbody'), 'Structure inline - month table body');
- inl.datepicker('destroy');
- // Inline multi-month
- inl = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inl', {numberOfMonths: 2});
- dp = inl.children();
- ok(dp.is('.ui-datepicker-inline') && dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi'), 'Structure inline multi - main div');
- equal(dp.children().length, 3, 'Structure inline multi - child count');
- child = dp.children(':first');
- ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group') && child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group-first'), 'Structure inline multi - first month division');
- child = dp.children(':eq(1)');
- ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group') && child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group-last'), 'Structure inline multi - second month division');
- child = dp.children(':eq(2)');
- ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-row-break'), 'Structure inline multi - row break');
- inl.datepicker('destroy');
+ step3();
+ });
+ }
+ function step3() {
+ // Multi-month 2
+ inp = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inp', {numberOfMonths: 2});
+ inp.focus();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ ok(dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi'), 'Structure multi [2] - multi-month');
+ equal(dp.children().length, 3, 'Structure multi [2] - child count');
+ child = dp.children(':first');
+ ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group') && child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group-first'), 'Structure multi [2] - first month division');
+ child = dp.children(':eq(1)');
+ ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group') && child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group-last'), 'Structure multi [2] - second month division');
+ child = dp.children(':eq(2)');
+ ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-row-break'), 'Structure multi [2] - row break');
+ ok(dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi-2'), 'Structure multi [2] - multi-2');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ step4();
+ });
+ }
+ function step4() {
+ // Multi-month 3
+ inp = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inp', {numberOfMonths: 3});
+ inp.focus();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ ok(dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi-3'), 'Structure multi [3] - multi-3');
+ ok(! dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi-2'), 'Structure multi [3] - Trac #6704');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ step5();
+ });
+ }
+ function step5() {
+ // Multi-month [2, 2]
+ inp = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inp', {numberOfMonths: [2, 2]});
+ inp.focus();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ ok(dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi'), 'Structure multi - multi-month');
+ equal(dp.children().length, 6, 'Structure multi [2,2] - child count');
+ child = dp.children(':first');
+ ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group') && child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group-first'), 'Structure multi [2,2] - first month division');
+ child = dp.children(':eq(1)');
+ ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group') && child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group-last'), 'Structure multi [2,2] - second month division');
+ child = dp.children(':eq(2)');
+ ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-row-break'), 'Structure multi [2,2] - row break');
+ child = dp.children(':eq(3)');
+ ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group') && child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group-first'), 'Structure multi [2,2] - third month division');
+ child = dp.children(':eq(4)');
+ ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group') && child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group-last'), 'Structure multi [2,2] - fourth month division');
+ child = dp.children(':eq(5)');
+ ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-row-break'), 'Structure multi [2,2] - row break');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ // Inline
+ inl = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inl');
+ dp = inl.children();
+ ok(dp.is('.ui-datepicker-inline'), 'Structure inline - main div');
+ ok(!dp.is('.ui-datepicker-rtl'), 'Structure inline - not right-to-left');
+ ok(!dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi'), 'Structure inline - not multi-month');
+ equal(dp.children().length, 2, 'Structure inline - child count');
+ header = dp.children(':first');
+ ok(header.is('div.ui-datepicker-header'), 'Structure inline - header division');
+ equal(header.children().length, 3, 'Structure inline - header child count');
+ table = dp.children(':eq(1)');
+ ok(table.is('table.ui-datepicker-calendar'), 'Structure inline - month table');
+ ok(table.children(':first').is('thead'), 'Structure inline - month table thead');
+ ok(table.children(':eq(1)').is('tbody'), 'Structure inline - month table body');
+ inl.datepicker('destroy');
+ // Inline multi-month
+ inl = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inl', {numberOfMonths: 2});
+ dp = inl.children();
+ ok(dp.is('.ui-datepicker-inline') && dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi'), 'Structure inline multi - main div');
+ equal(dp.children().length, 3, 'Structure inline multi - child count');
+ child = dp.children(':first');
+ ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group') && child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group-first'), 'Structure inline multi - first month division');
+ child = dp.children(':eq(1)');
+ ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group') && child.is('div.ui-datepicker-group-last'), 'Structure inline multi - second month division');
+ child = dp.children(':eq(2)');
+ ok(child.is('div.ui-datepicker-row-break'), 'Structure inline multi - row break');
+ inl.datepicker('destroy');
+ start();
+ });
+ }
+ step1();
test('customStructure', function() {
diff --git a/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_options.js b/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_options.js
index 06fde26e6..7b0907d3a 100644
--- a/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_options.js
+++ b/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_options.js
@@ -87,76 +87,114 @@ test('change', function() {
equal($.datepicker._defaults.showOn, 'focus', 'Retain default showOn');
-test('invocation', function() {
+asyncTest('invocation', function() {
expect( 29 );
var button, image,
inp = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inp'),
dp = $('#ui-datepicker-div'),
body = $('body');
- // On focus
- button = inp.siblings('button');
- ok(button.length === 0, 'Focus - button absent');
- image = inp.siblings('img');
- ok(image.length === 0, 'Focus - image absent');
- inp.focus();
- ok(dp.is(':visible'), 'Focus - rendered on focus');
- inp.simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE});
- ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Focus - hidden on exit');
- inp.focus();
- ok(dp.is(':visible'), 'Focus - rendered on focus');
- body.simulate('mousedown', {});
- ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Focus - hidden on external click');
- inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
- // On button
- inp = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inp', {showOn: 'button', buttonText: 'Popup'});
- ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Button - initially hidden');
- button = inp.siblings('button');
- image = inp.siblings('img');
- ok(button.length === 1, 'Button - button present');
- ok(image.length === 0, 'Button - image absent');
- equal(button.text(), 'Popup', 'Button - button text');
- inp.focus();
- ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Button - not rendered on focus');
- button.click();
- ok(dp.is(':visible'), 'Button - rendered on button click');
- button.click();
- ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Button - hidden on second button click');
- inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
- // On image button
- inp = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inp', {showOn: 'button', buttonImageOnly: true,
- buttonImage: 'img/calendar.gif', buttonText: 'Cal'});
- ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Image button - initially hidden');
- button = inp.siblings('button');
- ok(button.length === 0, 'Image button - button absent');
- image = inp.siblings('img');
- ok(image.length === 1, 'Image button - image present');
- equal(image.attr('src'), 'img/calendar.gif', 'Image button - image source');
- equal(image.attr('title'), 'Cal', 'Image button - image text');
- inp.focus();
- ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Image button - not rendered on focus');
- image.click();
- ok(dp.is(':visible'), 'Image button - rendered on image click');
- image.click();
- ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Image button - hidden on second image click');
- inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
- // On both
- inp = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inp', {showOn: 'both', buttonImage: 'img/calendar.gif'});
- ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Both - initially hidden');
- button = inp.siblings('button');
- ok(button.length === 1, 'Both - button present');
- image = inp.siblings('img');
- ok(image.length === 0, 'Both - image absent');
- image = button.children('img');
- ok(image.length === 1, 'Both - button image present');
- inp.focus();
- ok(dp.is(':visible'), 'Both - rendered on focus');
- body.simulate('mousedown', {});
- ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Both - hidden on external click');
- button.click();
- ok(dp.is(':visible'), 'Both - rendered on button click');
- button.click();
- ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Both - hidden on second button click');
- inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ function step1() {
+ // On focus
+ button = inp.siblings('button');
+ ok(button.length === 0, 'Focus - button absent');
+ image = inp.siblings('img');
+ ok(image.length === 0, 'Focus - image absent');
+ inp[0].focus();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ ok(dp.is(':visible'), 'Focus - rendered on focus');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE});
+ ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Focus - hidden on exit');
+ inp[0].blur();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ inp[0].focus();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ ok(dp.is(':visible'), 'Focus - rendered on focus');
+ body.simulate('mousedown', {});
+ ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Focus - hidden on external click');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ step2();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ function step2() {
+ // On button
+ inp = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inp', {showOn: 'button', buttonText: 'Popup'});
+ ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Button - initially hidden');
+ button = inp.siblings('button');
+ image = inp.siblings('img');
+ ok(button.length === 1, 'Button - button present');
+ ok(image.length === 0, 'Button - image absent');
+ equal(button.text(), 'Popup', 'Button - button text');
+ inp[0].focus();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Button - not rendered on focus');
+ button.click();
+ ok(dp.is(':visible'), 'Button - rendered on button click');
+ button.click();
+ ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Button - hidden on second button click');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ step3();
+ });
+ }
+ function step3() {
+ // On image button
+ inp = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inp', {showOn: 'button', buttonImageOnly: true,
+ buttonImage: 'img/calendar.gif', buttonText: 'Cal'});
+ ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Image button - initially hidden');
+ button = inp.siblings('button');
+ ok(button.length === 0, 'Image button - button absent');
+ image = inp.siblings('img');
+ ok(image.length === 1, 'Image button - image present');
+ equal(image.attr('src'), 'img/calendar.gif', 'Image button - image source');
+ equal(image.attr('title'), 'Cal', 'Image button - image text');
+ inp[0].focus();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Image button - not rendered on focus');
+ image.click();
+ ok(dp.is(':visible'), 'Image button - rendered on image click');
+ image.click();
+ ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Image button - hidden on second image click');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ step4();
+ });
+ }
+ function step4() {
+ // On both
+ inp = TestHelpers.datepicker.init('#inp', {showOn: 'both', buttonImage: 'img/calendar.gif'});
+ ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Both - initially hidden');
+ button = inp.siblings('button');
+ ok(button.length === 1, 'Both - button present');
+ image = inp.siblings('img');
+ ok(image.length === 0, 'Both - image absent');
+ image = button.children('img');
+ ok(image.length === 1, 'Both - button image present');
+ inp[0].blur();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ inp[0].focus();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ ok(dp.is(':visible'), 'Both - rendered on focus');
+ body.simulate('mousedown', {});
+ ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Both - hidden on external click');
+ button.click();
+ ok(dp.is(':visible'), 'Both - rendered on button click');
+ button.click();
+ ok(!dp.is(':visible'), 'Both - hidden on second button click');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ start();
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ step1();
test('otherMonths', function() {