path: root/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_options.js
diff options
authorRichard Worth <rdworth@gmail.com>2009-02-04 04:35:18 +0000
committerRichard Worth <rdworth@gmail.com>2009-02-04 04:35:18 +0000
commit52005f42dda87e4dc06d5688c27bf6b82ad80621 (patch)
treeb41f7bce68c7384a1157e0902cd3004e02c529b3 /tests/unit/dialog/dialog_options.js
parentb18da5cd646fbe86ae9396c5faf2c519ac989f09 (diff)
dialog unit tests: split tests into individual files
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/unit/dialog/dialog_options.js')
1 files changed, 283 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_options.js b/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_options.js
index 2d2470852..0c5c4e1f5 100644
--- a/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_options.js
+++ b/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_options.js
@@ -5,8 +5,289 @@
module("dialog: options");
-test("testname", function() {
- ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("autoOpen", function() {
+ expect(2);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ autoOpen: false });
+ isNotOpen('.dialog({ autoOpen: false })');
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ autoOpen: true });
+ isOpen('.dialog({ autoOpen: true })');
+ el.remove();
+test("buttons", function() {
+ expect(17);
+ var buttons = {
+ "Ok": function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, "button click fires callback");
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ equals(ev.target, btn[0], "event target");
+ },
+ "Cancel": function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, "button click fires callback");
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ equals(ev.target, btn[1], "event target");
+ }
+ };
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ buttons: buttons });
+ var btn = $("button", dlg());
+ equals(btn.length, 2, "number of buttons");
+ var i = 0;
+ $.each(buttons, function(key, val) {
+ equals(btn.eq(i).text(), key, "text of button " + (i+1));
+ i++;
+ });
+ ok(btn.parent().hasClass('ui-dialog-buttonpane'), "buttons in container");
+ btn.trigger("click");
+ var newButtons = {
+ "Close": function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, "button click fires callback");
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ equals(ev.target, btn[0], "event target");
+ }
+ };
+ equals(el.data("buttons.dialog"), buttons, '.data("buttons.dialog") getter');
+ el.data("buttons.dialog", newButtons);
+ equals(el.data("buttons.dialog"), newButtons, '.data("buttons.dialog", ...) setter');
+ btn = $("button", dlg());
+ equals(btn.length, 1, "number of buttons after setter");
+ btn.trigger('click');
+ i = 0;
+ $.each(newButtons, function(key, val) {
+ equals(btn.eq(i).text(), key, "text of button " + (i+1));
+ i += 1;
+ });
+ el.remove();
+test("closeOnEscape", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("closeText", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ equals(dlg().find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close span').text(), 'close',
+ 'default close text');
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ closeText: "foo" });
+ equals(dlg().find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close span').text(), 'foo',
+ 'closeText on init');
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog().dialog('option', 'closeText', 'bar');
+ equals(dlg().find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close span').text(), 'bar',
+ 'closeText via option method');
+ el.remove();
+test("dialogClass", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ equals(dlg().is(".foo"), false, 'dialogClass not specified. foo class added');
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ dialogClass: "foo" });
+ equals(dlg().is(".foo"), true, 'dialogClass in init. foo class added');
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ dialogClass: "foo bar" });
+ equals(dlg().is(".foo"), true, 'dialogClass in init, two classes. foo class added');
+ equals(dlg().is(".bar"), true, 'dialogClass in init, two classes. bar class added');
+ el.remove();
+test("draggable", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ draggable: false });
+ shouldnotmove();
+ el.data('draggable.dialog', true);
+ shouldmove();
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ draggable: true });
+ shouldmove();
+ el.data('draggable.dialog', false);
+ shouldnotmove();
+ el.remove();
+test("height", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ equals(dlg().height(), dialog_defaults.minHeight, "default height");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ height: 437 });
+ equals(dlg().height(), 437, "explicit height");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ el.data('height.dialog', 438);
+ equals(dlg().height(), 438, "explicit height set after init");
+ el.remove();
+test("maxHeight", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ maxHeight: 400 });
+ drag('.ui-resizable-s', 1000, 1000);
+ equals(heightAfter, 400, "maxHeight");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ maxHeight: 400 });
+ drag('.ui-resizable-n', -1000, -1000);
+ equals(heightAfter, 400, "maxHeight");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ maxHeight: 400 }).data('maxHeight.dialog', 600);
+ drag('.ui-resizable-n', -1000, -1000);
+ equals(heightAfter, 600, "maxHeight");
+ el.remove();
+test("maxWidth", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ maxWidth: 400 });
+ drag('.ui-resizable-e', 1000, 1000);
+ equals(widthAfter, 400, "maxWidth");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ maxWidth: 400 });
+ drag('.ui-resizable-w', -1000, -1000);
+ equals(widthAfter, 400, "maxWidth");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ maxWidth: 400 }).data('maxWidth.dialog', 600);
+ drag('.ui-resizable-w', -1000, -1000);
+ equals(widthAfter, 600, "maxWidth");
+ el.remove();
+test("minHeight", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ minHeight: 10 });
+ drag('.ui-resizable-s', -1000, -1000);
+ equals(heightAfter, 10, "minHeight");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ minHeight: 10 });
+ drag('.ui-resizable-n', 1000, 1000);
+ equals(heightAfter, 10, "minHeight");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ minHeight: 10 }).data('minHeight.dialog', 30);
+ drag('.ui-resizable-n', 1000, 1000);
+ equals(heightAfter, 30, "minHeight");
+ el.remove();
+test("minWidth", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ minWidth: 10 });
+ drag('.ui-resizable-e', -1000, -1000);
+ equals(widthAfter, 10, "minWidth");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ minWidth: 10 });
+ drag('.ui-resizable-w', 1000, 1000);
+ equals(widthAfter, 10, "minWidth");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ minWidth: 30 }).data('minWidth.dialog', 30);
+ drag('.ui-resizable-w', 1000, 1000);
+ equals(widthAfter, 30, "minWidth");
+ el.remove();
+test("modal", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("position", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("resizable", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ shouldresize("[default]");
+ el.data('resizable.dialog', false);
+ shouldnotresize('disabled after init');
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ resizable: false });
+ shouldnotresize("disabled in init options");
+ el.data('resizable.dialog', true);
+ shouldresize('enabled after init');
+ el.remove();
+test("stack", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("title", function() {
+ expect(5);
+ function titleText() {
+ return dlg().find(".ui-dialog-title").html();
+ }
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ equals(titleText(), "&nbsp;", "[default]");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div title="foo"/>').dialog();
+ equals(titleText(), "foo", "title in element attribute");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ title: 'foo' });
+ equals(titleText(), "foo", "title in init options");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div title="foo"/>').dialog({ title: 'bar' });
+ equals(titleText(), "bar", "title in init options should override title in element attribute");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog().data('title.dialog', 'foo');
+ equals(titleText(), 'foo', 'title after init');
+ el.remove();
+test("width", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ equals(dlg().width(), dialog_defaults.width, "default width");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({width: 437 });
+ equals(dlg().width(), 437, "explicit width");
+ el.data('width.dialog', 438);
+ equals(dlg().width(), 438, 'explicit width after init');
+ el.remove();