path: root/tests/unit/resizable
diff options
authorJyoti Deka <dekajp@gmail.com>2014-08-04 07:29:11 -0400
committerMike Sherov <mike.sherov@gmail.com>2014-08-04 10:04:50 -0400
commit750a8fd0c267aaba784f6dc76924619dbb459762 (patch)
treec9f566eac31c2615c753154ab56878ec27aa5d69 /tests/unit/resizable
parent2779212a0e6e34fdea3f0d442e4d92218ac943fa (diff)
Resizable: Fix containment width with relative parent.
Refs #10140 Closes gh-1303
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/unit/resizable')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_options.js b/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_options.js
index d0f9f5f05..6d0390b72 100644
--- a/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_options.js
+++ b/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_options.js
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ test( "aspectRatio: Resizing can move objects", function() {
test( "containment", function() {
- expect( 8 );
+ expect( 4 );
var element = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable({
containment: "#container"
@@ -168,32 +168,70 @@ test( "containment", function() {
TestHelpers.resizable.drag( ".ui-resizable-se", 400, 400 );
equal( element.width(), 300, "constrained width at containment edge" );
equal( element.height(), 200, "constrained height at containment edge" );
+test( "containment - not immediate parent", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
// http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/7485 - Resizable: Containment calculation is wrong
// when containment element is not the immediate parent
- element = $( "#child" ).resizable({
+ var element = $( "#child" ).resizable({
containment: "#container2",
handles: "all"
TestHelpers.resizable.drag( ".ui-resizable-e", 300, 0 );
- equal( element.width(), 400, "element able to resize itself to max allowable width within container" );
+ equal( element.width(), 400, "Relative, contained within container width" );
TestHelpers.resizable.drag( ".ui-resizable-s", 0, 300 );
- equal( element.height(), 400, "element able to resize itself to max allowable height within container" );
+ equal( element.height(), 400, "Relative, contained within container height" );
+ $( "#child" ).css( { left: 50, top: 50 } );
+ $( "#parent" ).css( { left: 50, top: 50 } );
+ $( "#container2" ).css( { left: 50, top: 50 } );
- // http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/10140 - Resizable: Width calculation is wrong
- // when containment element is "position: relative"
element = $( "#child" ).resizable({
+ containment: "#container2",
+ handles: "all"
+ });
+ TestHelpers.resizable.drag( ".ui-resizable-e", 400, 0 );
+ equal( element.width(), 300, "Relative with Left, contained within container width" );
+ TestHelpers.resizable.drag( ".ui-resizable-s", 0, 400 );
+ equal( element.height(), 300, "Relative with Top, contained within container height" );
+test( "containment - immediate parent", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ // http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/10140 - Resizable: Width calculation is wrong when containment element is "position: relative"
+ // when containment element is immediate parent
+ var element = $( "#child" ).resizable({
containment: "parent",
handles: "all"
- TestHelpers.resizable.drag( ".ui-resizable-e", 300, 0 );
- equal( element.width(), 300, "element able to resize itself to max allowable width within container" );
+ TestHelpers.resizable.drag( ".ui-resizable-e", 400, 0 );
+ equal( element.width(), 300, "Relative, contained within container width" );
- TestHelpers.resizable.drag( ".ui-resizable-s", 0, 300 );
- equal( element.height(), 300, "element able to resize itself to max allowable height within container" );
+ TestHelpers.resizable.drag( ".ui-resizable-s", 0, 400 );
+ equal( element.height(), 300, "Relative, contained within container height" );
+ $( "#child" ).css( { left: 50, top: 50 } );
+ $( "#parent" ).css( { left: 50, top: 50 } );
+ $( "#container2" ).css( { left: 50, top: 50 } );
+ element = $( "#child" ).resizable({
+ containment: "parent",
+ handles: "all"
+ });
+ TestHelpers.resizable.drag( ".ui-resizable-e", 400, 0 );
+ equal( element.width(), 250, "Relative with Left, contained within container width" );
+ TestHelpers.resizable.drag( ".ui-resizable-s", 0, 400 );
+ equal( element.height(), 250, "Relative with Top, contained within container height" );
test("grid", function() {