path: root/tests/unit/slider
diff options
authorScott González <scott.gonzalez@gmail.com>2009-11-09 03:10:57 +0000
committerScott González <scott.gonzalez@gmail.com>2009-11-09 03:10:57 +0000
commit56c6def9266f24f97857cc7068fe2d65a7b285b0 (patch)
tree7f6d331f24befa20e8dd6d9215faf1615627d460 /tests/unit/slider
parentbff49fac188b0fa8ad85d9ce003666cd01c4dc38 (diff)
Slider: Added paging - page up/down jumps by 1/5 the size of the range.
Fixes #3096 - Add a paging option for slider
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/unit/slider')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unit/slider/slider_core.js b/tests/unit/slider/slider_core.js
index 0aadc913d..38d4f4669 100644
--- a/tests/unit/slider/slider_core.js
+++ b/tests/unit/slider/slider_core.js
@@ -83,6 +83,52 @@ test("keydown END on handle sets value to max", function() {
+test("keydown PAGE_UP on handle increases value by 1/5 range, not greater than max", function() {
+ $.each(['horizontal', 'vertical'], function(i, orientation) {
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 100,
+ min: 0,
+ orientation: orientation,
+ step: 1
+ };
+ el.slider(options);
+ el.slider("value", 70);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), 90);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), 100);
+ el.slider("destroy");
+ });
+test("keydown PAGE_DOWN on handle decreases value by 1/5 range, not less than min", function() {
+ $.each(['horizontal', 'vertical'], function(i, orientation) {
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 100,
+ min: 0,
+ orientation: orientation,
+ step: 1
+ };
+ el.slider(options);
+ el.slider("value", 30);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), 10);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), 0);
+ el.slider("destroy");
+ });
test("keydown UP on handle increases value by step, not greater than max", function() {
el = $('<div></div>');
options = {