path: root/ui/jquery.effects.core.js
diff options
authorgnarf <gnarf@gnarf.net>2011-05-12 03:26:41 -0500
committergnarf <gnarf@gnarf.net>2011-05-12 07:11:01 -0500
commit2dcf72315141752ceb3e9813bffd53cf5655ebf9 (patch)
tree7cf088a6e0c383e6b550194e96daab27e8d7a60a /ui/jquery.effects.core.js
parentc241275a30360f67d0ecf991a6849f77d34740dd (diff)
effects.core: Rework animateClass to support a 'children' option - Fixes #3939 - Option to animate children elements in animateClass
Diffstat (limited to 'ui/jquery.effects.core.js')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/ui/jquery.effects.core.js b/ui/jquery.effects.core.js
index 537580d22..2320b06c3 100644
--- a/ui/jquery.effects.core.js
+++ b/ui/jquery.effects.core.js
@@ -225,42 +225,72 @@ $.effects.animateClass = function( value, duration, easing, callback ) {
var animated = $( this ),
baseClass = animated.attr( "class" ),
- originalStyleAttr = animated.attr( "style" ) || " ",
- originalStyle = getElementStyles.call( this ),
- newStyle,
- diff,
- prop;
+ allAnimations = o.children ? animated.find( "*" ).andSelf() : animated;
+ // map the animated objects to store the original styles.
+ allAnimations = allAnimations.map(function() {
+ var el = $( this );
+ return {
+ el: el,
+ originalStyleAttr: el.attr( "style" ) || " ",
+ start: getElementStyles.call( this )
+ };
+ });
+ // apply class change
$.each( classAnimationActions, function(i, action) {
if ( value[ action ] ) {
animated[ action + "Class" ]( value[ action ] );
- newStyle = getElementStyles.call( this );
finalClass = animated.attr( "class" );
+ // map all animated objects again - calculate new styles and diff
+ allAnimations = allAnimations.map(function() {
+ this.end = getElementStyles.call( this.el[ 0 ] );
+ this.diff = styleDifference( this.start, this.end );
+ return this;
+ });
+ // apply original class
animated.attr( "class", baseClass );
- diff = styleDifference( originalStyle, newStyle );
- animated
- .animate( diff, {
+ // map all animated objects again - this time collecting a promise
+ allAnimations = allAnimations.map(function() {
+ var styleInfo = this,
+ dfd = $.Deferred();
+ this.el.animate( this.diff, {
duration: duration,
easing: o.easing,
queue: false,
complete: function() {
- animated.attr( "class", finalClass );
+ dfd.resolve( styleInfo );
+ }
+ });
+ return dfd.promise();
+ });
- if ( typeof animated.attr( "style" ) === "object" ) {
- animated.attr( "style" ).cssText = "";
- animated.attr( "style" ).cssText = originalStyleAttr;
- } else {
- animated.attr( "style", originalStyleAttr );
- }
+ // once all animations have completed:
+ $.when.apply( $, allAnimations.get() ).done(function() {
- // this is guarnteed to be there if you use jQuery.speed()
- // it also handles dequeuing the next anim...
- o.complete.call( this );
+ // set the final class
+ animated.attr( "class", finalClass );
+ // for each animated element
+ $.each( arguments, function() {
+ if ( typeof this.el.attr( "style" ) === "object" ) {
+ this.el.attr( "style" ).cssText = "";
+ this.el.attr( "style" ).cssText = this.originalStyleAttr;
+ } else {
+ this.el.attr( "style", this.originalStyleAttr );
+ // this is guarnteed to be there if you use jQuery.speed()
+ // it also handles dequeuing the next anim...
+ o.complete.call( animated[ 0 ] );
+ });