path: root/ui/source
diff options
authorRichard Worth <rdworth@gmail.com>2008-06-07 17:35:27 +0000
committerRichard Worth <rdworth@gmail.com>2008-06-07 17:35:27 +0000
commit3524ef0c26f8760615c01217045c72f9bb20dde9 (patch)
treed7fa5208fb99d2f7d074706f1eed86a6a4b53acd /ui/source
parent2ac4aa61e5167d9aa427b70fc5f1ad9b934fdf3c (diff)
removed extra level ui folder
Diffstat (limited to 'ui/source')
56 files changed, 0 insertions, 8050 deletions
diff --git a/ui/source/effects.blind.js b/ui/source/effects.blind.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 34dd829e8..000000000
--- a/ui/source/effects.blind.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Effects Blind
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Eisenberger (aaronchi@gmail.com)
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Blind
- *
- * Depends:
- * effects.core.js
- *
- */
-(function($) {
-$.effects.blind = function(o) {
- return this.queue(function() {
- // Create element
- var el = $(this), props = ['position','top','left'];
- // Set options
- var mode = $.effects.setMode(el, o.options.mode || 'hide'); // Set Mode
- var direction = o.options.direction || 'vertical'; // Default direction
- // Adjust
- $.effects.save(el, props); el.show(); // Save & Show
- var wrapper = $.effects.createWrapper(el).css({overflow:'hidden'}); // Create Wrapper
- var ref = (direction == 'vertical') ? 'height' : 'width';
- var distance = (direction == 'vertical') ? wrapper.height() : wrapper.width();
- if(mode == 'show') wrapper.css(ref, 0); // Shift
- // Animation
- var animation = {};
- animation[ref] = mode == 'show' ? distance : 0;
- // Animate
- wrapper.animate(animation, o.duration, o.options.easing, function() {
- if(mode == 'hide') el.hide(); // Hide
- $.effects.restore(el, props); $.effects.removeWrapper(el); // Restore
- if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(el[0], arguments); // Callback
- el.dequeue();
- });
- });
diff --git a/ui/source/effects.bounce.js b/ui/source/effects.bounce.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 85f843fab..000000000
--- a/ui/source/effects.bounce.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Effects Bounce
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Eisenberger (aaronchi@gmail.com)
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Bounce
- *
- * Depends:
- * effects.core.js
- *
- */
-(function($) {
-$.effects.bounce = function(o) {
- return this.queue(function() {
- // Create element
- var el = $(this), props = ['position','top','left'];
- // Set options
- var mode = $.effects.setMode(el, o.options.mode || 'effect'); // Set Mode
- var direction = o.options.direction || 'up'; // Default direction
- var distance = o.options.distance || 20; // Default distance
- var times = o.options.times || 5; // Default # of times
- var speed = o.duration || 250; // Default speed per bounce
- if (/show|hide/.test(mode)) props.push('opacity'); // Avoid touching opacity to prevent clearType and PNG issues in IE
- // Adjust
- $.effects.save(el, props); el.show(); // Save & Show
- $.effects.createWrapper(el); // Create Wrapper
- var ref = (direction == 'up' || direction == 'down') ? 'top' : 'left';
- var motion = (direction == 'up' || direction == 'left') ? 'pos' : 'neg';
- var distance = o.options.distance || (ref == 'top' ? el.outerHeight({margin:true}) / 3 : el.outerWidth({margin:true}) / 3);
- if (mode == 'show') el.css('opacity', 0).css(ref, motion == 'pos' ? -distance : distance); // Shift
- if (mode == 'hide') distance = distance / (times * 2);
- if (mode != 'hide') times--;
- // Animate
- if (mode == 'show') { // Show Bounce
- var animation = {opacity: 1};
- animation[ref] = (motion == 'pos' ? '+=' : '-=') + distance;
- el.animate(animation, speed / 2, o.options.easing);
- distance = distance / 2;
- times--;
- };
- for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) { // Bounces
- var animation1 = {}, animation2 = {};
- animation1[ref] = (motion == 'pos' ? '-=' : '+=') + distance;
- animation2[ref] = (motion == 'pos' ? '+=' : '-=') + distance;
- el.animate(animation1, speed / 2, o.options.easing).animate(animation2, speed / 2, o.options.easing);
- distance = (mode == 'hide') ? distance * 2 : distance / 2;
- };
- if (mode == 'hide') { // Last Bounce
- var animation = {opacity: 0};
- animation[ref] = (motion == 'pos' ? '-=' : '+=') + distance;
- el.animate(animation, speed / 2, o.options.easing, function(){
- el.hide(); // Hide
- $.effects.restore(el, props); $.effects.removeWrapper(el); // Restore
- if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(this, arguments); // Callback
- });
- } else {
- var animation1 = {}, animation2 = {};
- animation1[ref] = (motion == 'pos' ? '-=' : '+=') + distance;
- animation2[ref] = (motion == 'pos' ? '+=' : '-=') + distance;
- el.animate(animation1, speed / 2, o.options.easing).animate(animation2, speed / 2, o.options.easing, function(){
- $.effects.restore(el, props); $.effects.removeWrapper(el); // Restore
- if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(this, arguments); // Callback
- });
- };
- el.queue('fx', function() { el.dequeue(); });
- el.dequeue();
- });
diff --git a/ui/source/effects.clip.js b/ui/source/effects.clip.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fc0fb22ad..000000000
--- a/ui/source/effects.clip.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Effects Clip
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Eisenberger (aaronchi@gmail.com)
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Clip
- *
- * Depends:
- * effects.core.js
- *
- */
-(function($) {
-$.effects.clip = function(o) {
- return this.queue(function() {
- // Create element
- var el = $(this), props = ['position','top','left','width','height'];
- // Set options
- var mode = $.effects.setMode(el, o.options.mode || 'hide'); // Set Mode
- var direction = o.options.direction || 'vertical'; // Default direction
- // Adjust
- $.effects.save(el, props); el.show(); // Save & Show
- $.effects.createWrapper(el).css({overflow:'hidden'}); // Create Wrapper
- var ref = {
- size: (direction == 'vertical') ? 'height' : 'width',
- position: (direction == 'vertical') ? 'top' : 'left'
- };
- var distance = (direction == 'vertical') ? el.height() : el.width();
- if(mode == 'show') { el.css(ref.size, 0); el.css(ref.position, distance / 2); } // Shift
- // Animation
- var animation = {};
- animation[ref.size] = mode == 'show' ? distance : 0;
- animation[ref.position] = mode == 'show' ? 0 : distance / 2;
- // Animate
- el.animate(animation, { queue: false, duration: o.duration, easing: o.options.easing, complete: function() {
- if(mode == 'hide') el.hide(); // Hide
- $.effects.restore(el, props); $.effects.removeWrapper(el); // Restore
- if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(this, arguments); // Callback
- el.dequeue();
- }});
- });
diff --git a/ui/source/effects.core.js b/ui/source/effects.core.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c8641d97c..000000000
--- a/ui/source/effects.core.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Effects
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Eisenberger (aaronchi@gmail.com)
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/
- *
- */
-;(function($) {
-$.effects = $.effects || {}; //Add the 'effects' scope
-$.extend($.effects, {
- save: function(el, set) {
- for(var i=0;i<set.length;i++) {
- if(set[i] !== null) $.data(el[0], "ec.storage."+set[i], el[0].style[set[i]]);
- }
- },
- restore: function(el, set) {
- for(var i=0;i<set.length;i++) {
- if(set[i] !== null) el.css(set[i], $.data(el[0], "ec.storage."+set[i]));
- }
- },
- setMode: function(el, mode) {
- if (mode == 'toggle') mode = el.is(':hidden') ? 'show' : 'hide'; // Set for toggle
- return mode;
- },
- getBaseline: function(origin, original) { // Translates a [top,left] array into a baseline value
- // this should be a little more flexible in the future to handle a string & hash
- var y, x;
- switch (origin[0]) {
- case 'top': y = 0; break;
- case 'middle': y = 0.5; break;
- case 'bottom': y = 1; break;
- default: y = origin[0] / original.height;
- };
- switch (origin[1]) {
- case 'left': x = 0; break;
- case 'center': x = 0.5; break;
- case 'right': x = 1; break;
- default: x = origin[1] / original.width;
- };
- return {x: x, y: y};
- },
- createWrapper: function(el) {
- if (el.parent().attr('id') == 'fxWrapper')
- return el;
- var props = {width: el.outerWidth({margin:true}), height: el.outerHeight({margin:true}), 'float': el.css('float')};
- el.wrap('<div id="fxWrapper" style="font-size:100%;background:transparent;border:none;margin:0;padding:0"></div>');
- var wrapper = el.parent();
- if (el.css('position') == 'static'){
- wrapper.css({position: 'relative'});
- el.css({position: 'relative'});
- } else {
- var top = parseInt(el.css('top'), 10); if(isNaN(top)) top = 'auto';
- var left = parseInt(el.css('left'), 10); if(isNaN(top)) left = 'auto';
- wrapper.css({ position: el.css('position'), top: top, left: left, zIndex: el.css('z-index') }).show();
- el.css({position: 'relative', top:0, left:0});
- }
- wrapper.css(props);
- return wrapper;
- },
- removeWrapper: function(el) {
- if (el.parent().attr('id') == 'fxWrapper')
- return el.parent().replaceWith(el);
- return el;
- },
- setTransition: function(el, list, factor, val) {
- val = val || {};
- $.each(list,function(i, x){
- unit = el.cssUnit(x);
- if (unit[0] > 0) val[x] = unit[0] * factor + unit[1];
- });
- return val;
- },
- animateClass: function(value, duration, easing, callback) {
- var cb = (typeof easing == "function" ? easing : (callback ? callback : null));
- var ea = (typeof easing == "object" ? easing : null);
- return this.each(function() {
- var offset = {}; var that = $(this); var oldStyleAttr = that.attr("style") || '';
- if(typeof oldStyleAttr == 'object') oldStyleAttr = oldStyleAttr["cssText"]; /* Stupidly in IE, style is a object.. */
- if(value.toggle) { that.hasClass(value.toggle) ? value.remove = value.toggle : value.add = value.toggle; }
- //Let's get a style offset
- var oldStyle = $.extend({}, (document.defaultView ? document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this,null) : this.currentStyle));
- if(value.add) that.addClass(value.add); if(value.remove) that.removeClass(value.remove);
- var newStyle = $.extend({}, (document.defaultView ? document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this,null) : this.currentStyle));
- if(value.add) that.removeClass(value.add); if(value.remove) that.addClass(value.remove);
- // The main function to form the object for animation
- for(var n in newStyle) {
- if( typeof newStyle[n] != "function" && newStyle[n] /* No functions and null properties */
- && n.indexOf("Moz") == -1 && n.indexOf("length") == -1 /* No mozilla spezific render properties. */
- && newStyle[n] != oldStyle[n] /* Only values that have changed are used for the animation */
- && (n.match(/color/i) || (!n.match(/color/i) && !isNaN(parseInt(newStyle[n],10)))) /* Only things that can be parsed to integers or colors */
- && (oldStyle.position != "static" || (oldStyle.position == "static" && !n.match(/left|top|bottom|right/))) /* No need for positions when dealing with static positions */
- ) offset[n] = newStyle[n];
- }
- that.animate(offset, duration, ea, function() { // Animate the newly constructed offset object
- // Change style attribute back to original. For stupid IE, we need to clear the damn object.
- if(typeof $(this).attr("style") == 'object') { $(this).attr("style")["cssText"] = ""; $(this).attr("style")["cssText"] = oldStyleAttr; } else $(this).attr("style", oldStyleAttr);
- if(value.add) $(this).addClass(value.add); if(value.remove) $(this).removeClass(value.remove);
- if(cb) cb.apply(this, arguments);
- });
- });
- }
-//Extend the methods of jQuery
- //Save old methods
- _show: $.fn.show,
- _hide: $.fn.hide,
- __toggle: $.fn.toggle,
- _addClass: $.fn.addClass,
- _removeClass: $.fn.removeClass,
- _toggleClass: $.fn.toggleClass,
- // New ec methods
- effect: function(fx,o,speed,callback) {
- return $.effects[fx] ? $.effects[fx].call(this, {method: fx, options: o || {}, duration: speed, callback: callback }) : null;
- },
- show: function() {
- if(!arguments[0] || (arguments[0].constructor == Number || /(slow|normal|fast)/.test(arguments[0])))
- return this._show.apply(this, arguments);
- else {
- var o = arguments[1] || {}; o['mode'] = 'show';
- return this.effect.apply(this, [arguments[0], o, arguments[2] || o.duration, arguments[3] || o.callback]);
- }
- },
- hide: function() {
- if(!arguments[0] || (arguments[0].constructor == Number || /(slow|normal|fast)/.test(arguments[0])))
- return this._hide.apply(this, arguments);
- else {
- var o = arguments[1] || {}; o['mode'] = 'hide';
- return this.effect.apply(this, [arguments[0], o, arguments[2] || o.duration, arguments[3] || o.callback]);
- }
- },
- toggle: function(){
- if(!arguments[0] || (arguments[0].constructor == Number || /(slow|normal|fast)/.test(arguments[0])) || (arguments[0].constructor == Function))
- return this.__toggle.apply(this, arguments);
- else {
- var o = arguments[1] || {}; o['mode'] = 'toggle';
- return this.effect.apply(this, [arguments[0], o, arguments[2] || o.duration, arguments[3] || o.callback]);
- }
- },
- addClass: function(classNames,speed,easing,callback) {
- return speed ? $.effects.animateClass.apply(this, [{ add: classNames },speed,easing,callback]) : this._addClass(classNames);
- },
- removeClass: function(classNames,speed,easing,callback) {
- return speed ? $.effects.animateClass.apply(this, [{ remove: classNames },speed,easing,callback]) : this._removeClass(classNames);
- },
- toggleClass: function(classNames,speed,easing,callback) {
- return speed ? $.effects.animateClass.apply(this, [{ toggle: classNames },speed,easing,callback]) : this._toggleClass(classNames);
- },
- morph: function(remove,add,speed,easing,callback) {
- return $.effects.animateClass.apply(this, [{ add: add, remove: remove },speed,easing,callback]);
- },
- switchClass: function() {
- return this.morph.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- // helper functions
- cssUnit: function(key) {
- var style = this.css(key), val = [];
- $.each( ['em','px','%','pt'], function(i, unit){
- if(style.indexOf(unit) > 0)
- val = [parseFloat(style), unit];
- });
- return val;
- }
- * jQuery Color Animations
- * Copyright 2007 John Resig
- * Released under the MIT and GPL licenses.
- */
-// We override the animation for all of these color styles
-jQuery.each(['backgroundColor', 'borderBottomColor', 'borderLeftColor', 'borderRightColor', 'borderTopColor', 'color', 'outlineColor'], function(i,attr){
- jQuery.fx.step[attr] = function(fx){
- if ( fx.state == 0 ) {
- fx.start = getColor( fx.elem, attr );
- fx.end = getRGB( fx.end );
- }
- fx.elem.style[attr] = "rgb(" + [
- Math.max(Math.min( parseInt((fx.pos * (fx.end[0] - fx.start[0])) + fx.start[0]), 255), 0),
- Math.max(Math.min( parseInt((fx.pos * (fx.end[1] - fx.start[1])) + fx.start[1]), 255), 0),
- Math.max(Math.min( parseInt((fx.pos * (fx.end[2] - fx.start[2])) + fx.start[2]), 255), 0)
- ].join(",") + ")";
- }
-// Color Conversion functions from highlightFade
-// By Blair Mitchelmore
-// http://jquery.offput.ca/highlightFade/
-// Parse strings looking for color tuples [255,255,255]
-function getRGB(color) {
- var result;
- // Check if we're already dealing with an array of colors
- if ( color && color.constructor == Array && color.length == 3 )
- return color;
- // Look for rgb(num,num,num)
- if (result = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*\)/.exec(color))
- return [parseInt(result[1]), parseInt(result[2]), parseInt(result[3])];
- // Look for rgb(num%,num%,num%)
- if (result = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*\)/.exec(color))
- return [parseFloat(result[1])*2.55, parseFloat(result[2])*2.55, parseFloat(result[3])*2.55];
- // Look for #a0b1c2
- if (result = /#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/.exec(color))
- return [parseInt(result[1],16), parseInt(result[2],16), parseInt(result[3],16)];
- // Look for #fff
- if (result = /#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])/.exec(color))
- return [parseInt(result[1]+result[1],16), parseInt(result[2]+result[2],16), parseInt(result[3]+result[3],16)];
- // Look for rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) == transparent in Safari 3
- if (result = /rgba\(0, 0, 0, 0\)/.exec(color))
- return colors['transparent']
- // Otherwise, we're most likely dealing with a named color
- return colors[jQuery.trim(color).toLowerCase()];
-function getColor(elem, attr) {
- var color;
- do {
- color = jQuery.curCSS(elem, attr);
- // Keep going until we find an element that has color, or we hit the body
- if ( color != '' && color != 'transparent' || jQuery.nodeName(elem, "body") )
- break;
- attr = "backgroundColor";
- } while ( elem = elem.parentNode );
- return getRGB(color);
-// Some named colors to work with
-// From Interface by Stefan Petre
-// http://interface.eyecon.ro/
-var colors = {
- aqua:[0,255,255],
- azure:[240,255,255],
- beige:[245,245,220],
- black:[0,0,0],
- blue:[0,0,255],
- brown:[165,42,42],
- cyan:[0,255,255],
- darkblue:[0,0,139],
- darkcyan:[0,139,139],
- darkgrey:[169,169,169],
- darkgreen:[0,100,0],
- darkkhaki:[189,183,107],
- darkmagenta:[139,0,139],
- darkolivegreen:[85,107,47],
- darkorange:[255,140,0],
- darkorchid:[153,50,204],
- darkred:[139,0,0],
- darksalmon:[233,150,122],
- darkviolet:[148,0,211],
- fuchsia:[255,0,255],
- gold:[255,215,0],
- green:[0,128,0],
- indigo:[75,0,130],
- khaki:[240,230,140],
- lightblue:[173,216,230],
- lightcyan:[224,255,255],
- lightgreen:[144,238,144],
- lightgrey:[211,211,211],
- lightpink:[255,182,193],
- lightyellow:[255,255,224],
- lime:[0,255,0],
- magenta:[255,0,255],
- maroon:[128,0,0],
- navy:[0,0,128],
- olive:[128,128,0],
- orange:[255,165,0],
- pink:[255,192,203],
- purple:[128,0,128],
- violet:[128,0,128],
- red:[255,0,0],
- silver:[192,192,192],
- white:[255,255,255],
- yellow:[255,255,0],
- transparent: [255,255,255]
- * jQuery Easing v1.3 - http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/
- *
- * Uses the built in easing capabilities added In jQuery 1.1
- * to offer multiple easing options
- *
- * TERMS OF USE - jQuery Easing
- *
- * Open source under the BSD License.
- *
- * Copyright © 2008 George McGinley Smith
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
- * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
- * conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
- * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
- * provided with the distribution.
- *
- * Neither the name of the author nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse
- * or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
-// t: current time, b: begInnIng value, c: change In value, d: duration
-jQuery.easing['jswing'] = jQuery.easing['swing'];
-jQuery.extend( jQuery.easing,
- def: 'easeOutQuad',
- swing: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- //alert(jQuery.easing.default);
- return jQuery.easing[jQuery.easing.def](x, t, b, c, d);
- },
- easeInQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return c*(t/=d)*t + b;
- },
- easeOutQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) + b;
- },
- easeInOutQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t + b;
- return -c/2 * ((--t)*(t-2) - 1) + b;
- },
- easeInCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return c*(t/=d)*t*t + b;
- },
- easeOutCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*t + 1) + b;
- },
- easeInOutCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t + b;
- return c/2*((t-=2)*t*t + 2) + b;
- },
- easeInQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return c*(t/=d)*t*t*t + b;
- },
- easeOutQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return -c * ((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t - 1) + b;
- },
- easeInOutQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t*t + b;
- return -c/2 * ((t-=2)*t*t*t - 2) + b;
- },
- easeInQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return c*(t/=d)*t*t*t*t + b;
- },
- easeOutQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t*t + 1) + b;
- },
- easeInOutQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t*t*t + b;
- return c/2*((t-=2)*t*t*t*t + 2) + b;
- },
- easeInSine: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return -c * Math.cos(t/d * (Math.PI/2)) + c + b;
- },
- easeOutSine: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return c * Math.sin(t/d * (Math.PI/2)) + b;
- },
- easeInOutSine: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return -c/2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI*t/d) - 1) + b;
- },
- easeInExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return (t==0) ? b : c * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t/d - 1)) + b;
- },
- easeOutExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return (t==d) ? b+c : c * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t/d) + 1) + b;
- },
- easeInOutExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- if (t==0) return b;
- if (t==d) return b+c;
- if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) + b;
- return c/2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --t) + 2) + b;
- },
- easeInCirc: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return -c * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t/=d)*t) - 1) + b;
- },
- easeOutCirc: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return c * Math.sqrt(1 - (t=t/d-1)*t) + b;
- },
- easeInOutCirc: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return -c/2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t*t) - 1) + b;
- return c/2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t-=2)*t) + 1) + b;
- },
- easeInElastic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- var s=1.70158;var p=0;var a=c;
- if (t==0) return b; if ((t/=d)==1) return b+c; if (!p) p=d*.3;
- if (a < Math.abs(c)) { a=c; var s=p/4; }
- else var s = p/(2*Math.PI) * Math.asin (c/a);
- return -(a*Math.pow(2,10*(t-=1)) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p )) + b;
- },
- easeOutElastic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- var s=1.70158;var p=0;var a=c;
- if (t==0) return b; if ((t/=d)==1) return b+c; if (!p) p=d*.3;
- if (a < Math.abs(c)) { a=c; var s=p/4; }
- else var s = p/(2*Math.PI) * Math.asin (c/a);
- return a*Math.pow(2,-10*t) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p ) + c + b;
- },
- easeInOutElastic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- var s=1.70158;var p=0;var a=c;
- if (t==0) return b; if ((t/=d/2)==2) return b+c; if (!p) p=d*(.3*1.5);
- if (a < Math.abs(c)) { a=c; var s=p/4; }
- else var s = p/(2*Math.PI) * Math.asin (c/a);
- if (t < 1) return -.5*(a*Math.pow(2,10*(t-=1)) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p )) + b;
- return a*Math.pow(2,-10*(t-=1)) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p )*.5 + c + b;
- },
- easeInBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) {
- if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158;
- return c*(t/=d)*t*((s+1)*t - s) + b;
- },
- easeOutBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) {
- if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158;
- return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*((s+1)*t + s) + 1) + b;
- },
- easeInOutBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) {
- if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158;
- if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*(t*t*(((s*=(1.525))+1)*t - s)) + b;
- return c/2*((t-=2)*t*(((s*=(1.525))+1)*t + s) + 2) + b;
- },
- easeInBounce: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return c - jQuery.easing.easeOutBounce (x, d-t, 0, c, d) + b;
- },
- easeOutBounce: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- if ((t/=d) < (1/2.75)) {
- return c*(7.5625*t*t) + b;
- } else if (t < (2/2.75)) {
- return c*(7.5625*(t-=(1.5/2.75))*t + .75) + b;
- } else if (t < (2.5/2.75)) {
- return c*(7.5625*(t-=(2.25/2.75))*t + .9375) + b;
- } else {
- return c*(7.5625*(t-=(2.625/2.75))*t + .984375) + b;
- }
- },
- easeInOutBounce: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- if (t < d/2) return jQuery.easing.easeInBounce (x, t*2, 0, c, d) * .5 + b;
- return jQuery.easing.easeOutBounce (x, t*2-d, 0, c, d) * .5 + c*.5 + b;
- }
- *
- *
- * Open source under the BSD License.
- *
- * Copyright © 2001 Robert Penner
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
- * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
- * conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
- * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
- * provided with the distribution.
- *
- * Neither the name of the author nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse
- * or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- */
diff --git a/ui/source/effects.drop.js b/ui/source/effects.drop.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e45bc9bd3..000000000
--- a/ui/source/effects.drop.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Effects Drop
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Eisenberger (aaronchi@gmail.com)
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Drop
- *
- * Depends:
- * effects.core.js
- *
- */
-(function($) {
-$.effects.drop = function(o) {
- return this.queue(function() {
- // Create element
- var el = $(this), props = ['position','top','left','opacity'];
- // Set options
- var mode = $.effects.setMode(el, o.options.mode || 'hide'); // Set Mode
- var direction = o.options.direction || 'left'; // Default Direction
- // Adjust
- $.effects.save(el, props); el.show(); // Save & Show
- $.effects.createWrapper(el); // Create Wrapper
- var ref = (direction == 'up' || direction == 'down') ? 'top' : 'left';
- var motion = (direction == 'up' || direction == 'left') ? 'pos' : 'neg';
- var distance = o.options.distance || (ref == 'top' ? el.outerHeight({margin:true}) / 2 : el.outerWidth({margin:true}) / 2);
- if (mode == 'show') el.css('opacity', 0).css(ref, motion == 'pos' ? -distance : distance); // Shift
- // Animation
- var animation = {opacity: mode == 'show' ? 1 : 0};
- animation[ref] = (mode == 'show' ? (motion == 'pos' ? '+=' : '-=') : (motion == 'pos' ? '-=' : '+=')) + distance;
- // Animate
- el.animate(animation, { queue: false, duration: o.duration, easing: o.options.easing, complete: function() {
- if(mode == 'hide') el.hide(); // Hide
- $.effects.restore(el, props); $.effects.removeWrapper(el); // Restore
- if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(this, arguments); // Callback
- el.dequeue();
- }});
- });
diff --git a/ui/source/effects.explode.js b/ui/source/effects.explode.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e93e6d6e..000000000
--- a/ui/source/effects.explode.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Effects Explode
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Paul Bakaus (ui.jquery.com)
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Explode
- *
- * Depends:
- * effects.core.js
- *
- */
-(function($) {
-$.effects.explode = function(o) {
- return this.queue(function() {
- var rows = o.options.pieces ? Math.round(Math.sqrt(o.options.pieces)) : 3;
- var cells = o.options.pieces ? Math.round(Math.sqrt(o.options.pieces)) : 3;
- o.options.mode = o.options.mode == 'toggle' ? ($(this).is(':visible') ? 'hide' : 'show') : o.options.mode;
- var el = $(this).show().css('visibility', 'hidden');
- var offset = el.offset();
- //Substract the margins - not fixing the problem yet.
- offset.top -= parseInt(el.css("marginTop")) || 0;
- offset.left -= parseInt(el.css("marginLeft")) || 0;
- var width = el.outerWidth(true);
- var height = el.outerHeight(true);
- for(var i=0;i<rows;i++) { // =
- for(var j=0;j<cells;j++) { // ||
- el
- .clone()
- .appendTo('body')
- .wrap('<div></div>')
- .css({
- position: 'absolute',
- visibility: 'visible',
- left: -j*(width/cells),
- top: -i*(height/rows)
- })
- .parent()
- .addClass('effects-explode')
- .css({
- position: 'absolute',
- overflow: 'hidden',
- width: width/cells,
- height: height/rows,
- left: offset.left + j*(width/cells) + (o.options.mode == 'show' ? (j-Math.floor(cells/2))*(width/cells) : 0),
- top: offset.top + i*(height/rows) + (o.options.mode == 'show' ? (i-Math.floor(rows/2))*(height/rows) : 0),
- opacity: o.options.mode == 'show' ? 0 : 1
- }).animate({
- left: offset.left + j*(width/cells) + (o.options.mode == 'show' ? 0 : (j-Math.floor(cells/2))*(width/cells)),
- top: offset.top + i*(height/rows) + (o.options.mode == 'show' ? 0 : (i-Math.floor(rows/2))*(height/rows)),
- opacity: o.options.mode == 'show' ? 1 : 0
- }, o.duration || 500);
- }
- }
- // Set a timeout, to call the callback approx. when the other animations have finished
- setTimeout(function() {
- o.options.mode == 'show' ? el.css({ visibility: 'visible' }) : el.css({ visibility: 'visible' }).hide();
- if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(el[0]); // Callback
- el.dequeue();
- $('.effects-explode').remove();
- }, o.duration || 500);
- });
diff --git a/ui/source/effects.fold.js b/ui/source/effects.fold.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b006df978..000000000
--- a/ui/source/effects.fold.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Effects Fold
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Eisenberger (aaronchi@gmail.com)
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Fold
- *
- * Depends:
- * effects.core.js
- *
- */
-(function($) {
-$.effects.fold = function(o) {
- return this.queue(function() {
- // Create element
- var el = $(this), props = ['position','top','left'];
- // Set options
- var mode = $.effects.setMode(el, o.options.mode || 'hide'); // Set Mode
- var size = o.options.size || 15; // Default fold size
- // Adjust
- $.effects.save(el, props); el.show(); // Save & Show
- var wrapper = $.effects.createWrapper(el).css({overflow:'hidden'}); // Create Wrapper
- var ref = (mode == 'show') ? ['width', 'height'] : ['height', 'width'];
- var distance = (mode == 'show') ? [wrapper.width(), wrapper.height()] : [wrapper.height(), wrapper.width()];
- if(mode == 'show') wrapper.css({height: size, width: 0}); // Shift
- // Animation
- var animation1 = {}, animation2 = {};
- animation1[ref[0]] = mode == 'show' ? distance[0] : size;
- animation2[ref[1]] = mode == 'show' ? distance[1] : 0;
- // Animate
- wrapper.animate(animation1, o.duration / 2, o.options.easing)
- .animate(animation2, o.duration / 2, o.options.easing, function() {
- if(mode == 'hide') el.hide(); // Hide
- $.effects.restore(el, props); $.effects.removeWrapper(el); // Restore
- if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(el[0], arguments); // Callback
- el.dequeue();
- });
- });
diff --git a/ui/source/effects.highlight.js b/ui/source/effects.highlight.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d6e3a1b1..000000000
--- a/ui/source/effects.highlight.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Effects Highlight
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Eisenberger (aaronchi@gmail.com)
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Highlight
- *
- * Depends:
- * effects.core.js
- *
- */
-;(function($) {
-$.effects.highlight = function(o) {
- return this.queue(function() {
- // Create element
- var el = $(this), props = ['backgroundImage','backgroundColor','opacity'];
- // Set options
- var mode = $.effects.setMode(el, o.options.mode || 'show'); // Set Mode
- var color = o.options.color || "#ffff99"; // Default highlight color
- var oldColor = el.css("backgroundColor");
- // Adjust
- $.effects.save(el, props); el.show(); // Save & Show
- el.css({backgroundImage: 'none', backgroundColor: color}); // Shift
- // Animation
- var animation = {backgroundColor: oldColor };
- if (mode == "hide") animation['opacity'] = 0;
- // Animate
- el.animate(animation, { queue: false, duration: o.duration, easing: o.options.easing, complete: function() {
- if(mode == "hide") el.hide();
- $.effects.restore(el, props);
- if (mode == "show" && jQuery.browser.msie) this.style.removeAttribute('filter');
- if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(this, arguments);
- el.dequeue();
- }});
- });
diff --git a/ui/source/effects.pulsate.js b/ui/source/effects.pulsate.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 690e79805..000000000
--- a/ui/source/effects.pulsate.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Effects Pulsate
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Eisenberger (aaronchi@gmail.com)
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Pulsate
- *
- * Depends:
- * effects.core.js
- *
- */
-(function($) {
-$.effects.pulsate = function(o) {
- return this.queue(function() {
- // Create element
- var el = $(this);
- // Set options
- var mode = $.effects.setMode(el, o.options.mode || 'show'); // Set Mode
- var times = o.options.times || 5; // Default # of times
- // Adjust
- if (mode != 'hide') times--;
- if (el.is(':hidden')) { // Show fadeIn
- el.css('opacity', 0);
- el.show(); // Show
- el.animate({opacity: 1}, o.duration / 2, o.options.easing);
- times--;
- }
- // Animate
- for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) { // Pulsate
- el.animate({opacity: 0}, o.duration / 2, o.options.easing).animate({opacity: 1}, o.duration / 2, o.options.easing);
- };
- if (mode == 'hide') { // Last Pulse
- el.animate({opacity: 0}, o.duration / 2, o.options.easing, function(){
- el.hide(); // Hide
- if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(this, arguments); // Callback
- });
- } else {
- el.animate({opacity: 0}, o.duration / 2, o.options.easing).animate({opacity: 1}, o.duration / 2, o.options.easing, function(){
- if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(this, arguments); // Callback
- });
- };
- el.queue('fx', function() { el.dequeue(); });
- el.dequeue();
- });
diff --git a/ui/source/effects.scale.js b/ui/source/effects.scale.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bf8fdf9d..000000000
--- a/ui/source/effects.scale.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Effects Scale
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Eisenberger (aaronchi@gmail.com)
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Scale
- *
- * Depends:
- * effects.core.js
- *
- */
-(function($) {
-$.effects.puff = function(o) {
- return this.queue(function() {
- // Create element
- var el = $(this);
- // Set options
- var options = $.extend(true, {}, o);
- var mode = $.effects.setMode(el, o.options.mode || 'hide'); // Set Mode
- var percent = parseInt(o.options.percent) || 150; // Set default puff percent
- options.fade = true; // It's not a puff if it doesn't fade! :)
- var original = {height: el.height(), width: el.width()}; // Save original
- // Adjust
- var factor = percent / 100;
- el.from = (mode == 'hide') ? original : {height: original.height * factor, width: original.width * factor};
- // Animation
- options.from = el.from;
- options.percent = (mode == 'hide') ? percent : 100;
- options.mode = mode;
- // Animate
- el.effect('scale', options, o.duration, o.callback);
- el.dequeue();
- });
-$.effects.scale = function(o) {
- return this.queue(function() {
- // Create element
- var el = $(this);
- // Set options
- var options = $.extend(true, {}, o);
- var mode = $.effects.setMode(el, o.options.mode || 'effect'); // Set Mode
- var percent = parseInt(o.options.percent) || (parseInt(o.options.percent) == 0 ? 0 : (mode == 'hide' ? 0 : 100)); // Set default scaling percent
- var direction = o.options.direction || 'both'; // Set default axis
- var origin = o.options.origin; // The origin of the scaling
- if (mode != 'effect') { // Set default origin and restore for show/hide
- origin = origin || ['middle','center'];
- options.restore = true;
- }
- var original = {height: el.height(), width: el.width()}; // Save original
- el.from = o.options.from || (mode == 'show' ? {height: 0, width: 0} : original); // Default from state
- // Adjust
- var factor = { // Set scaling factor
- y: direction != 'horizontal' ? (percent / 100) : 1,
- x: direction != 'vertical' ? (percent / 100) : 1
- };
- el.to = {height: original.height * factor.y, width: original.width * factor.x}; // Set to state
- if (origin) { // Calculate baseline shifts
- var baseline = $.effects.getBaseline(origin, original);
- el.from.top = (original.height - el.from.height) * baseline.y;
- el.from.left = (original.width - el.from.width) * baseline.x;
- el.to.top = (original.height - el.to.height) * baseline.y;
- el.to.left = (original.width - el.to.width) * baseline.x;
- };
- if (o.options.fade) { // Fade option to support puff
- if (mode == 'show') {el.from.opacity = 0; el.to.opacity = 1;};
- if (mode == 'hide') {el.from.opacity = 1; el.to.opacity = 0;};
- };
- // Animation
- options.from = el.from; options.to = el.to; options.mode = mode;
- // Animate
- el.effect('size', options, o.duration, o.callback);
- el.dequeue();
- });
-$.effects.size = function(o) {
- return this.queue(function() {
- // Create element
- var el = $(this), props = ['position','top','left','width','height','overflow','opacity'];
- var props1 = ['position','overflow','opacity']; // Always restore
- var props2 = ['width','height','overflow']; // Copy for children
- var cProps = ['fontSize'];
- var vProps = ['borderTopWidth', 'borderBottomWidth', 'paddingTop', 'paddingBottom'];
- var hProps = ['borderLeftWidth', 'borderRightWidth', 'paddingLeft', 'paddingRight'];
- // Set options
- var mode = $.effects.setMode(el, o.options.mode || 'effect'); // Set Mode
- var restore = o.options.restore || false; // Default restore
- var scale = o.options.scale || 'both'; // Default scale mode
- var original = {height: el.height(), width: el.width()}; // Save original
- el.from = o.options.from || original; // Default from state
- el.to = o.options.to || original; // Default to state
- // Adjust
- var factor = { // Set scaling factor
- from: {y: el.from.height / original.height, x: el.from.width / original.width},
- to: {y: el.to.height / original.height, x: el.to.width / original.width}
- };
- if (scale == 'box' || scale == 'both') { // Scale the css box
- if (factor.from.y != factor.to.y) { // Vertical props scaling
- props = props.concat(vProps);
- el.from = $.effects.setTransition(el, vProps, factor.from.y, el.from);
- el.to = $.effects.setTransition(el, vProps, factor.to.y, el.to);
- };
- if (factor.from.x != factor.to.x) { // Horizontal props scaling
- props = props.concat(hProps);
- el.from = $.effects.setTransition(el, hProps, factor.from.x, el.from);
- el.to = $.effects.setTransition(el, hProps, factor.to.x, el.to);
- };
- };
- if (scale == 'content' || scale == 'both') { // Scale the content
- if (factor.from.y != factor.to.y) { // Vertical props scaling
- props = props.concat(cProps);
- el.from = $.effects.setTransition(el, cProps, factor.from.y, el.from);
- el.to = $.effects.setTransition(el, cProps, factor.to.y, el.to);
- };
- };
- $.effects.save(el, restore ? props : props1); el.show(); // Save & Show
- $.effects.createWrapper(el); // Create Wrapper
- el.css('overflow','hidden').css(el.from); // Shift
- // Animate
- if (scale == 'content' || scale == 'both') { // Scale the children
- vProps = vProps.concat(['marginTop','marginBottom']).concat(cProps); // Add margins/font-size
- hProps = hProps.concat(['marginLeft','marginRight']); // Add margins
- props2 = props.concat(vProps).concat(hProps); // Concat
- el.find("*[width]").each(function(){
- child = $(this);
- if (restore) $.effects.save(child, props2);
- var c_original = {height: child.height(), width: child.width()}; // Save original
- child.from = {height: c_original.height * factor.from.y, width: c_original.width * factor.from.x};
- child.to = {height: c_original.height * factor.to.y, width: c_original.width * factor.to.x};
- if (factor.from.y != factor.to.y) { // Vertical props scaling
- child.from = $.effects.setTransition(child, vProps, factor.from.y, child.from);
- child.to = $.effects.setTransition(child, vProps, factor.to.y, child.to);
- };
- if (factor.from.x != factor.to.x) { // Horizontal props scaling
- child.from = $.effects.setTransition(child, hProps, factor.from.x, child.from);
- child.to = $.effects.setTransition(child, hProps, factor.to.x, child.to);
- };
- child.css(child.from); // Shift children
- child.animate(child.to, o.duration, o.options.easing, function(){
- if (restore) $.effects.restore(child, props2); // Restore children
- }); // Animate children
- });
- };
- // Animate
- el.animate(el.to, { queue: false, duration: o.duration, easing: o.options.easing, complete: function() {
- if(mode == 'hide') el.hide(); // Hide
- $.effects.restore(el, restore ? props : props1); $.effects.removeWrapper(el); // Restore
- if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(this, arguments); // Callback
- el.dequeue();
- }});
- });
diff --git a/ui/source/effects.shake.js b/ui/source/effects.shake.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d1f54477e..000000000
--- a/ui/source/effects.shake.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Effects Shake
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Eisenberger (aaronchi@gmail.com)
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Shake
- *
- * Depends:
- * effects.core.js
- *
- */
-(function($) {
-$.effects.shake = function(o) {
- return this.queue(function() {
- // Create element
- var el = $(this), props = ['position','top','left'];
- // Set options
- var mode = $.effects.setMode(el, o.options.mode || 'effect'); // Set Mode
- var direction = o.options.direction || 'left'; // Default direction
- var distance = o.options.distance || 20; // Default distance
- var times = o.options.times || 3; // Default # of times
- var speed = o.duration || o.options.duration || 140; // Default speed per shake
- // Adjust
- $.effects.save(el, props); el.show(); // Save & Show
- $.effects.createWrapper(el); // Create Wrapper
- var ref = (direction == 'up' || direction == 'down') ? 'top' : 'left';
- var motion = (direction == 'up' || direction == 'left') ? 'pos' : 'neg';
- // Animation
- var animation = {}, animation1 = {}, animation2 = {};
- animation[ref] = (motion == 'pos' ? '-=' : '+=') + distance;
- animation1[ref] = (motion == 'pos' ? '+=' : '-=') + distance * 2;
- animation2[ref] = (motion == 'pos' ? '-=' : '+=') + distance * 2;
- // Animate
- el.animate(animation, speed, o.options.easing);
- for (var i = 1; i < times; i++) { // Shakes
- el.animate(animation1, speed, o.options.easing).animate(animation2, speed, o.options.easing);
- };
- el.animate(animation1, speed, o.options.easing).
- animate(animation, speed / 2, o.options.easing, function(){ // Last shake
- $.effects.restore(el, props); $.effects.removeWrapper(el); // Restore
- if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(this, arguments); // Callback
- });
- el.queue('fx', function() { el.dequeue(); });
- el.dequeue();
- });
diff --git a/ui/source/effects.slide.js b/ui/source/effects.slide.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ce76a5509..000000000
--- a/ui/source/effects.slide.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Effects Slide
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Eisenberger (aaronchi@gmail.com)
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Slide
- *
- * Depends:
- * effects.core.js
- *
- */
-(function($) {
-$.effects.slide = function(o) {
- return this.queue(function() {
- // Create element
- var el = $(this), props = ['position','top','left'];
- // Set options
- var mode = $.effects.setMode(el, o.options.mode || 'show'); // Set Mode
- var direction = o.options.direction || 'left'; // Default Direction
- // Adjust
- $.effects.save(el, props); el.show(); // Save & Show
- $.effects.createWrapper(el).css({overflow:'hidden'}); // Create Wrapper
- var ref = (direction == 'up' || direction == 'down') ? 'top' : 'left';
- var motion = (direction == 'up' || direction == 'left') ? 'pos' : 'neg';
- var distance = o.options.distance || (ref == 'top' ? el.outerHeight({margin:true}) : el.outerWidth({margin:true}));
- if (mode == 'show') el.css(ref, motion == 'pos' ? -distance : distance); // Shift
- // Animation
- var animation = {};
- animation[ref] = (mode == 'show' ? (motion == 'pos' ? '+=' : '-=') : (motion == 'pos' ? '-=' : '+=')) + distance;
- // Animate
- el.animate(animation, { queue: false, duration: o.duration, easing: o.options.easing, complete: function() {
- if(mode == 'hide') el.hide(); // Hide
- $.effects.restore(el, props); $.effects.removeWrapper(el); // Restore
- if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(this, arguments); // Callback
- el.dequeue();
- }});
- });
diff --git a/ui/source/effects.transfer.js b/ui/source/effects.transfer.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7812c4e2b..000000000
--- a/ui/source/effects.transfer.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Effects Transfer
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Eisenberger (aaronchi@gmail.com)
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Transfer
- *
- * Depends:
- * effects.core.js
- *
- */
-(function($) {
-$.effects.transfer = function(o) {
- return this.queue(function() {
- // Create element
- var el = $(this);
- // Set options
- var mode = $.effects.setMode(el, o.options.mode || 'effect'); // Set Mode
- var target = $(o.options.to); // Find Target
- var position = el.offset();
- var transfer = $('<div class="ui-effects-transfer"></div>').appendTo(document.body);
- // Set target css
- transfer.addClass(o.options.className);
- transfer.css({
- top: position.top,
- left: position.left,
- height: el.outerHeight(true) - parseInt(transfer.css('borderTopWidth')) - parseInt(transfer.css('borderBottomWidth')),
- width: el.outerWidth(true) - parseInt(transfer.css('borderLeftWidth')) - parseInt(transfer.css('borderRightWidth')),
- position: 'absolute'
- });
- // Animation
- position = target.offset();
- animation = {
- top: position.top,
- left: position.top,
- height: target.outerHeight() - parseInt(transfer.css('borderTopWidth')) - parseInt(transfer.css('borderBottomWidth')),
- width: target.outerWidth() - parseInt(transfer.css('borderLeftWidth')) - parseInt(transfer.css('borderRightWidth'))
- };
- // Animate
- transfer.animate(animation, o.duration, o.options.easing, function() {
- transfer.remove(); // Remove div
- if(o.callback) o.callback.apply(el[0], arguments); // Callback
- el.dequeue();
- });
- });
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-am.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-am.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 32ba8c27a..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-am.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Armenian(UTF-8) initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Levon Zakaryan (levon.zakaryan@gmail.com)*/
- $.datepicker.regional['am'] = {clearText: 'Õ„Õ¡Ö„Ö€Õ¥Õ¬', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: 'Õ“Õ¡Õ¯Õ¥Õ¬', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: '&lt;Õ†Õ¡Õ­.', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: 'Õ€Õ¡Õ».&gt;', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: 'Ô±ÕµÕ½Ö…Ö€', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['Õ€Õ¸Ö‚Õ¶Õ¾Õ¡Ö€','Õ“Õ¥Õ¿Ö€Õ¾Õ¡Ö€','Õ„Õ¡Ö€Õ¿','Ô±ÕºÖ€Õ«Õ¬','Õ„Õ¡ÕµÕ«Õ½','Õ€Õ¸Ö‚Õ¶Õ«Õ½',
- 'Õ€Õ¸Ö‚Õ¬Õ«Õ½','Õ•Õ£Õ¸Õ½Õ¿Õ¸Õ½','ÕÕ¥ÕºÕ¿Õ¥Õ´Õ¢Õ¥Ö€','Õ€Õ¸Õ¯Õ¿Õ¥Õ´Õ¢Õ¥Ö€','Õ†Õ¸ÕµÕ¥Õ´Õ¢Õ¥Ö€','Ô´Õ¥Õ¯Õ¿Õ¥Õ´Õ¢Õ¥Ö€'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Õ€Õ¸Ö‚Õ¶Õ¾','Õ“Õ¥Õ¿Ö€','Õ„Õ¡Ö€Õ¿','Ô±ÕºÖ€','Õ„Õ¡ÕµÕ«Õ½','Õ€Õ¸Ö‚Õ¶Õ«Õ½',
- 'Õ€Õ¸Ö‚Õ¬','Õ•Õ£Õ½','ÕÕ¥Õº','Õ€Õ¸Õ¯','Õ†Õ¸Õµ','Ô´Õ¥Õ¯'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: 'Õ‡Ô²Õ', weekStatus: '',
- dayNames: ['Õ¯Õ«Ö€Õ¡Õ¯Õ«','Õ¥Õ¯Õ¸Ö‚Õ·Õ¡Õ¢Õ©Õ«','Õ¥Ö€Õ¥Ö„Õ·Õ¡Õ¢Õ©Õ«','Õ¹Õ¸Ö€Õ¥Ö„Õ·Õ¡Õ¢Õ©Õ«','Õ°Õ«Õ¶Õ£Õ·Õ¡Õ¢Õ©Õ«','Õ¸Ö‚Ö€Õ¢Õ¡Õ©','Õ·Õ¡Õ¢Õ¡Õ©'],
- dayNamesShort: ['Õ¯Õ«Ö€','Õ¥Ö€Õ¯','Õ¥Ö€Ö„','Õ¹Ö€Ö„','Õ°Õ¶Õ£','Õ¸Ö‚Ö€Õ¢','Õ·Õ¢Õ©'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Õ¯Õ«Ö€','Õ¥Ö€Õ¯','Õ¥Ö€Ö„','Õ¹Ö€Ö„','Õ°Õ¶Õ£','Õ¸Ö‚Ö€Õ¢','Õ·Õ¢Õ©'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'dd.mm.yy', firstDay: 1,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['am']);
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ar.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ar.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e4e08562..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ar.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* Arabic Translation for jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Khaled Al Horani -- koko.dw@gmail.com */
- $.datepicker.regional['ar'] = {
- clearText: 'äÙíÝ',
- clearStatus: 'ÇãÓÍ ÇáÊÇÑíÎ ÇáÍÇáí',
- closeText: 'ÅÛáÇÞ',
- closeStatus: 'ÅÛáÇÞ ÈÏæä ÍÝÙ',
- prevText: '<ÇáÓÇÈÞ',
- prevStatus: 'ÚÑÖ ÇáÔåÑ ÇáÓÇÈÞ',
- nextText: 'ÇáÊÇáí>',
- nextStatus: 'ÚÑÖ ÇáÔåÑ ÇáÞÇÏã',
- currentText: 'Çáíæã',
- currentStatus: 'ÚÑÖ ÇáÔåÑ ÇáÍÇáí',
- monthNames: ['ßÇäæä ÇáËÇäí', 'ÔÈÇØ', 'ÂÐÇÑ', 'äíÓÇä', 'ÂÐÇÑ', 'ÍÒíÑÇä', 'ÊãæÒ', 'ÂÈ', 'Ãíáæá', 'ÊÔÑíä ÇáÃæá', 'ÊÔÑíä ÇáËÇäí', 'ßÇäæä ÇáÃæá'],
- monthNamesShort: ['ßÇäæä ÇáËÇäí', 'ÔÈÇØ', 'ÂÐÇÑ', 'äíÓÇä', 'ÂÐÇÑ', 'ÍÒíÑÇä', 'ÊãæÒ', 'ÂÈ', 'Ãíáæá', 'ÊÔÑíä ÇáÃæá', 'ÊÔÑíä ÇáËÇäí', 'ßÇäæä ÇáÃæá'],
- monthStatus: 'ÚÑÖ ÔåÑ ÂÎÑ',
- yearStatus: 'ÚÑÖ ÓäÉ ÂÎÑì',
- weekHeader: 'ÃÓÈæÚ',
- weekStatus: 'ÃÓÈæÚ ÇáÓäÉ',
- dayNames: ['ÇáÓÈÊ', 'ÇáÃÍÏ', 'ÇáÇËäíä', 'ÇáËáÇËÇÁ', 'ÇáÃÑÈÚÇÁ', 'ÇáÎãíÓ', 'ÇáÌãÚÉ'],
- dayNamesShort: ['ÇáÓÈÊ', 'ÇáÃÍÏ', 'ÇáÇËäíä', 'ÇáËáÇËÇÁ', 'ÇáÃÑÈÚÇÁ', 'ÇáÎãíÓ', 'ÇáÌãÚÉ'],
- dayNamesMin: ['ÇáÓÈÊ', 'ÇáÃÍÏ', 'ÇáÇËäíä', 'ÇáËáÇËÇÁ', 'ÇáÃÑÈÚÇÁ', 'ÇáÎãíÓ', 'ÇáÌãÚÉ'],
- dayStatus: 'ÇÎÊÑ DD ááíæã ÇáÃæá ãä ÇáÃÓÈæÚ',
- dateStatus: 'ÇÎÊÑ D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', firstDay: 0,
- initStatus: 'ÇÎÊÑ íæã',
- isRTL: true
- };
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['ar']);
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-bg.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-bg.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f1a81537..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-bg.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* German initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Stoyan Kyosev (http://svest.org). */
- $.datepicker.regional['bg'] = {clearText: 'изчиÑти', clearStatus: 'изчиÑти актуалната дата',
- closeText: 'затвори', closeStatus: 'затвори без промени',
- prevText: '&#x3c;назад', prevStatus: 'покажи поÑÐ»ÐµÐ´Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¼ÐµÑец',
- nextText: 'напред&#x3e;', nextStatus: 'покажи ÑÐ»ÐµÐ´Ð²Ð°Ñ‰Ð¸Ñ Ð¼ÐµÑец',
- currentText: 'днеÑ', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['Януари','Февруари','Март','Ðприл','Май','Юни',
- 'Юли','ÐвгуÑÑ‚','Септември','Октомври','Ðоември','Декември'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Яну','Фев','Мар','Ðпр','Май','Юни',
- 'Юли','Ðвг','Сеп','Окт','Ðов','Дек'],
- monthStatus: 'покажи друг меÑец', yearStatus: 'покажи друга година',
- weekHeader: 'Wk', weekStatus: 'Ñедмица от меÑеца',
- dayNames: ['ÐеделÑ','Понеделник','Вторник','СрÑда','Четвъртък','Петък','Събота'],
- dayNamesShort: ['Ðед','Пон','Вто','СрÑ','Чет','Пет','Съб'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Ðе','По','Ð’Ñ‚','Ср','Че','Пе','Съ'],
- dayStatus: 'Сложи DD като първи ден от Ñедмицата', dateStatus: 'Избери D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'dd.mm.yy', firstDay: 1,
- initStatus: 'Избери дата', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['bg']);
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ca.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ca.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 709a96ae8..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ca.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Inicialització en català per a l'extenció 'calendar' per jQuery. */
-/* Writers: (joan.leon@gmail.com). */
- $.datepicker.regional['ca'] = {clearText: 'Netejar', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: 'Tancar', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: '&lt;Ant', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: 'Seg&gt;', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: 'Avui', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['Gener','Febrer','Mar&ccedil;','Abril','Maig','Juny',
- 'Juliol','Agost','Setembre','Octubre','Novembre','Decembre'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Gen','Feb','Mar','Abr','Mai','Jun',
- 'Jul','Ago','Set','Oct','Nov','Dec'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: 'Sm', weekStatus: '',
- dayNames: ['Diumenge','Dilluns','Dimarts','Dimecres','Dijous','Divendres','Dissabte'],
- dayNamesShort: ['Dug','Dln','Dmt','Dmc','Djs','Dvn','Dsb'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Dg','Dl','Dt','Dc','Dj','Dv','Ds'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy', firstDay: 0,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['ca']);
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-cs.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-cs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e195deb43..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-cs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Czech initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Tomas Muller (tomas@tomas-muller.net). */
- $.datepicker.regional['cs'] = {clearText: 'Vymazat', clearStatus: 'Vymaže zadané datum',
- closeText: 'Zavřít', closeStatus: 'Zavře kalendář beze změny',
- prevText: '&#x3c;Dříve', prevStatus: 'Přejít na předchozí měsí',
- nextText: 'Později&#x3e;', nextStatus: 'Přejít na další měsíc',
- currentText: 'Nyní', currentStatus: 'Přejde na aktuální měsíc',
- monthNames: ['leden','únor','bÅ™ezen','duben','kvÄ›ten','Äerven',
- 'Äervenec','srpen','září','říjen','listopad','prosinec'],
- monthNamesShort: ['led','úno','bÅ™e','dub','kvÄ›','Äer',
- 'Ävc','srp','zář','říj','lis','pro'],
- monthStatus: 'Přejít na jiný měsíc', yearStatus: 'Přejít na jiný rok',
- weekHeader: 'Týd', weekStatus: 'Týden v roce',
- dayNames: ['nedÄ›le', 'pondÄ›lí', 'úterý', 'stÅ™eda', 'Ätvrtek', 'pátek', 'sobota'],
- dayNamesShort: ['ne', 'po', 'út', 'st', 'Ät', 'pá', 'so'],
- dayNamesMin: ['ne','po','út','st','Ät','pá','so'],
- dayStatus: 'Nastavit DD jako první den v týdnu', dateStatus: '\'Vyber\' DD, M d',
- dateFormat: 'dd.mm.yy', firstDay: 1,
- initStatus: 'Vyberte datum', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['cs']);
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-da.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-da.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 794f6ef44..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-da.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Danish initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Jan Christensen ( deletestuff@gmail.com). */
- $.datepicker.regional['da'] = {clearText: 'Nulstil', clearStatus: 'Nulstil den aktuelle dato',
- closeText: 'Luk', closeStatus: 'Luk uden ændringer',
- prevText: '&#x3c;Forrige', prevStatus: 'Vis forrige måned',
- nextText: 'Næste&#x3e;', nextStatus: 'Vis næste måned',
- currentText: 'Idag', currentStatus: 'Vis aktuel måned',
- monthNames: ['Januar','Februar','Marts','April','Maj','Juni',
- 'Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','December'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','Maj','Jun',
- 'Jul','Aug','Sep','Okt','Nov','Dec'],
- monthStatus: 'Vis en anden måned', yearStatus: 'Vis et andet år',
- weekHeader: 'Uge', weekStatus: 'Ã…rets uge',
- dayNames: ['Søndag','Mandag','Tirsdag','Onsdag','Torsdag','Fredag','Lørdag'],
- dayNamesShort: ['Søn','Man','Tir','Ons','Tor','Fre','Lør'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Sø','Ma','Ti','On','To','Fr','Lø'],
- dayStatus: 'Sæt DD som første ugedag', dateStatus: 'Vælg D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy', firstDay: 0,
- initStatus: 'Vælg en dato', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['da']);
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-de.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-de.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d31af3a1b..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-de.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* German initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Milian Wolff (mail@milianw.de). */
- $.datepicker.regional['de'] = {clearText: 'löschen', clearStatus: 'aktuelles Datum löschen',
- closeText: 'schließen', closeStatus: 'ohne Änderungen schließen',
- prevText: '&#x3c;zurück', prevStatus: 'letzten Monat zeigen',
- nextText: 'Vor&#x3e;', nextStatus: 'nächsten Monat zeigen',
- currentText: 'heute', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni',
- 'Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Feb','Mär','Apr','Mai','Jun',
- 'Jul','Aug','Sep','Okt','Nov','Dez'],
- monthStatus: 'anderen Monat anzeigen', yearStatus: 'anderes Jahr anzeigen',
- weekHeader: 'Wo', weekStatus: 'Woche des Monats',
- dayNames: ['Sonntag','Montag','Dienstag','Mittwoch','Donnerstag','Freitag','Samstag'],
- dayNamesShort: ['So','Mo','Di','Mi','Do','Fr','Sa'],
- dayNamesMin: ['So','Mo','Di','Mi','Do','Fr','Sa'],
- dayStatus: 'Setze DD als ersten Wochentag', dateStatus: 'Wähle D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'dd.mm.yy', firstDay: 1,
- initStatus: 'Wähle ein Datum', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['de']);
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-es.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-es.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c5fdd719d..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-es.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Inicialización en español para la extensión 'UI date picker' para jQuery. */
-/* Traducido por Vester (xvester@gmail.com). */
- $.datepicker.regional['es'] = {clearText: 'Limpiar', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: 'Cerrar', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: '&lt;Ant', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: 'Sig&gt;', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: 'Hoy', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['Enero','Febrero','Marzo','Abril','Mayo','Junio',
- 'Julio','Agosto','Septiembre','Octubre','Noviembre','Diciembre'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Ene','Feb','Mar','Abr','May','Jun',
- 'Jul','Ago','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dic'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: 'Sm', weekStatus: '',
- dayNames: ['Domingo','Lunes','Martes','Mi&eacute;rcoles','Jueves','Viernes','S&aacute;dabo'],
- dayNamesShort: ['Dom','Lun','Mar','Mi&eacute;','Juv','Vie','S&aacute;b'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Do','Lu','Ma','Mi','Ju','Vi','S&aacute;'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', firstDay: 0,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['es']);
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-fi.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-fi.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 550a980aa..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-fi.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-/* Finnish initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Harri Kilpiö (harrikilpio@gmail.com). */
- $.datepicker.regional['fi'] = {
- clearText: 'Tyhjenn&auml;', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: 'Sulje', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: '&laquo;Edellinen', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: 'Seuraava&raquo;', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: 'T&auml;n&auml;&auml;n', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['Tammikuu','Helmikuu','Maaliskuu','Huhtikuu','Toukokuu','Kes&auml;kuu',
- 'Hein&auml;kuu','Elokuu','Syyskuu','Lokakuu','Marraskuu','Joulukuu'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Tammi','Helmi','Maalis','Huhti','Touko','Kes&auml;',
- 'Hein&auml;','Elo','Syys','Loka','Marras','Joulu'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: 'Vk', weekStatus: '',
- dayNamesShort: ['Su','Ma','Ti','Ke','To','Pe','Su'],
- dayNames: ['Sunnuntai','Maanantai','Tiistai','Keskiviikko','Torstai','Perjantai','Lauantai'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Su','Ma','Ti','Ke','To','Pe','La'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'dd.mm.yy', firstDay: 1,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['fi']);
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-fr.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-fr.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b3e390706..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-fr.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* French initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Keith Wood (kbwood@iprimus.com.au) and Stéphane Nahmani (sholby@sholby.net). */
- $.datepicker.regional['fr'] = {clearText: 'Effacer', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: 'Fermer', closeStatus: 'Fermer sans modifier',
- prevText: '&lt;Préc', prevStatus: 'Voir le mois précédent',
- nextText: 'Suiv&gt;', nextStatus: 'Voir le mois suivant',
- currentText: 'Courant', currentStatus: 'Voir le mois courant',
- monthNames: ['Janvier','Février','Mars','Avril','Mai','Juin',
- 'Juillet','Août','Septembre','Octobre','Novembre','Décembre'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Fév','Mar','Avr','Mai','Jun',
- 'Jul','Aoû','Sep','Oct','Nov','Déc'],
- monthStatus: 'Voir un autre mois', yearStatus: 'Voir un autre année',
- weekHeader: 'Sm', weekStatus: '',
- dayNames: ['Dimanche','Lundi','Mardi','Mercredi','Jeudi','Vendredi','Samedi'],
- dayNamesShort: ['Dim','Lun','Mar','Mer','Jeu','Ven','Sam'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Di','Lu','Ma','Me','Je','Ve','Sa'],
- dayStatus: 'Utiliser DD comme premier jour de la semaine', dateStatus: 'Choisir le DD, MM d',
- dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', firstDay: 0,
- initStatus: 'Choisir la date', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['fr']);
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-he.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-he.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 87f55f729..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-he.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Hebrew initialisation for the UI Datepicker extension. */
-/* Written by Amir Hardon (ahardon at gmail dot com). */
- jQuery.datepicker.regional['he'] = {clearText: 'נקה', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: 'סגור', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: '&#x3c;הקוד×', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: 'הב×&#x3e;', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: 'היו×', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['ינו×ר','פברו×ר','מרץ','×פריל','מ××™','יוני',
- 'יולי','×וגוסט','ספטמבר','×וקטובר','נובמבר','דצמבר'],
- monthNamesShort: ['1','2','3','4','5','6',
- '7','8','9','10','11','12'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: 'Sm', weekStatus: '',
- dayNames: ['ר×שון','שני','שלישי','רביעי','חמישי','שישי','שבת'],
- dayNamesShort: ['×\'','ב\'','×’\'','ד\'','×”\'','ו\'','שבת'],
- dayNamesMin: ['×\'','ב\'','×’\'','ד\'','×”\'','ו\'','שבת'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'DD, M d',
- dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', firstDay: 0,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: true};
- jQuery.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['he']);
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-hu.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-hu.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d71a3ddf..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-hu.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Hungarian initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Istvan Karaszi (jquerycalendar@spam.raszi.hu). */
- $.datepicker.regional['hu'] = {clearText: 'törlés', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: 'bezárás', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: '&laquo;&nbsp;vissza', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: 'előre&nbsp;&raquo;', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: 'ma', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['Január', 'Február', 'Március', 'Ãprilis', 'Május', 'Június',
- 'Július', 'Augusztus', 'Szeptember', 'Október', 'November', 'December'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Már', 'Ãpr', 'Máj', 'Jún',
- 'Júl', 'Aug', 'Szep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: 'Hé', weekStatus: '',
- dayNames: ['Vasámap', 'Hétfö', 'Kedd', 'Szerda', 'Csütörtök', 'Péntek', 'Szombat'],
- dayNamesShort: ['Vas', 'Hét', 'Ked', 'Sze', 'Csü', 'Pén', 'Szo'],
- dayNamesMin: ['V', 'H', 'K', 'Sze', 'Cs', 'P', 'Szo'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', firstDay: 1,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['hu']);
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-id.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-id.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c14e2fc4..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-id.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Indonesian initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Deden Fathurahman (dedenf@gmail.com). */
- $.datepicker.regional['id'] = {clearText: 'kosongkan', clearStatus: 'bersihkan tanggal yang sekarang',
- closeText: 'Tutup', closeStatus: 'Tutup tanpa mengubah',
- prevText: '<mundur', prevStatus: 'Tampilkan bulan sebelumnya',
- nextText: 'maju>', nextStatus: 'Tampilkan bulan berikutnya',
- currentText: 'hari ini', currentStatus: 'Tampilkan bulan sekarang',
- monthNames: ['Januari','Februari','Maret','April','Mei','Juni',
- 'Juli','Agustus','September','Oktober','Nopember','Desember'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','Mei','Jun',
- 'Jul','Agus','Sep','Okt','Nop','Des'],
- monthStatus: 'Tampilkan bulan yang berbeda', yearStatus: 'Tampilkan tahun yang berbeda',
- weekHeader: 'Mg', weekStatus: 'Minggu dalam tahun',
- dayNames: ['Minggu','Senin','Selasa','Rabu','Kamis','Jumat','Sabtu'],
- dayNamesShort: ['Min','Sen','Sel','Rab','kam','Jum','Sab'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Mg','Sn','Sl','Rb','Km','jm','Sb'],
- dayStatus: 'gunakan DD sebagai awal hari dalam minggu', dateStatus: 'pilih le DD, MM d',
- dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', firstDay: 0,
- initStatus: 'Pilih Tanggal', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['id']);
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-is.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-is.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 65316eed0..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-is.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Icelandic initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Haukur H. Thorsson (haukur@eskill.is). */
- $.datepicker.regional['is'] = {clearText: 'Hreinsa', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: 'Loka', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: '< Fyrri', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: 'N&aelig;sti >', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: '&Iacute; dag', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['Jan&uacute;ar','Febr&uacute;ar','Mars','Apr&iacute;l','Ma&iacute','J&uacute;n&iacute;',
- 'J&uacute;l&iacute;','&Aacute;g&uacute;st','September','Okt&oacute;ber','N&oacute;vember','Desember'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','Ma&iacute;','J&uacute;n',
- 'J&uacute;l','&Aacute;g&uacute;','Sep','Okt','N&oacute;v','Des'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: 'Vika', weekStatus: '',
- dayNames: ['Sunnudagur','M&aacute;nudagur','&THORN;ri&eth;judagur','Mi&eth;vikudagur','Fimmtudagur','F&ouml;studagur','Laugardagur'],
- dayNamesShort: ['Sun','M&aacute;n','&THORN;ri','Mi&eth;','Fim','F&ouml;s','Lau'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Su','M&aacute;','&THORN;r','Mi','Fi','F&ouml;','La'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', firstDay: 0,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['is']);
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-it.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-it.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a1ee89599..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-it.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Italian initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Apaella (apaella@gmail.com). */
- $.datepicker.regional['it'] = {clearText: 'Svuota', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: 'Chiudi', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: '&lt;Prec', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: 'Succ&gt;', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: 'Oggi', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['Gennaio','Febbraio','Marzo','Aprile','Maggio','Giugno',
- 'Luglio','Agosto','Settembre','Ottobre','Novembre','Dicembre'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Gen','Feb','Mar','Apr','Mag','Giu',
- 'Lug','Ago','Set','Ott','Nov','Dic'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: 'Sm', weekStatus: '',
- dayNames: ['Domenica','Luned&#236','Marted&#236','Mercoled&#236','Gioved&#236','Venerd&#236','Sabato'],
- dayNamesShort: ['Dom','Lun','Mar','Mer','Gio','Ven','Sab'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Do','Lu','Ma','Me','Gio','Ve','Sa'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', firstDay: 1,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['it']);
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ja.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ja.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e33909fe5..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ja.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Japanese (UTF-8) initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Milly. */
- $.datepicker.regional['ja'] = {clearText: '&#21066;&#38500;', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: '&#38281;&#12376;&#12427;', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: '&lt;&#21069;&#26376;', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: '&#27425;&#26376;&gt;', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: '&#20170;&#26085;', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['1&#26376;','2&#26376;','3&#26376;','4&#26376;','5&#26376;','6&#26376;',
- '7&#26376;','8&#26376;','9&#26376;','10&#26376;','11&#26376;','12&#26376;'],
- monthNamesShort: ['1&#26376;','2&#26376;','3&#26376;','4&#26376;','5&#26376;','6&#26376;',
- '7&#26376;','8&#26376;','9&#26376;','10&#26376;','11&#26376;','12&#26376;'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: 'Wk', weekStatus: '',
- dayNames: ['&#26085;','&#26376;','&#28779;','&#27700;','&#26408;','&#37329;','&#22303;'],
- dayNamesShort: ['&#26085;','&#26376;','&#28779;','&#27700;','&#26408;','&#37329;','&#22303;'],
- dayNamesMin: ['&#26085;','&#26376;','&#28779;','&#27700;','&#26408;','&#37329;','&#22303;'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'yy/mm/dd', firstDay: 0,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['ja']);
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ko.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ko.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1381e66b7..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ko.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Korean initialisation for the jQuery calendar extension. */
-/* Written by DaeKwon Kang (ncrash.dk@gmail.com). */
- $.datepicker.regional['ko'] = {clearText: '지우기', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: '닫기', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: 'ì´ì „달', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: '다ìŒë‹¬', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: '오늘', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['1ì›”(JAN)','2ì›”(FEB)','3ì›”(MAR)','4ì›”(APR)','5ì›”(MAY)','6ì›”(JUN)',
- '7ì›”(JUL)','8ì›”(AUG)','9ì›”(SEP)','10ì›”(OCT)','11ì›”(NOV)','12ì›”(DEC)'],
- monthNamesShort: ['1ì›”(JAN)','2ì›”(FEB)','3ì›”(MAR)','4ì›”(APR)','5ì›”(MAY)','6ì›”(JUN)',
- '7ì›”(JUL)','8ì›”(AUG)','9ì›”(SEP)','10ì›”(OCT)','11ì›”(NOV)','12ì›”(DEC)'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: 'Wk', weekStatus: '',
- dayNames: ['ì¼','ì›”','í™”','수','목','금','토'],
- dayNamesShort: ['ì¼','ì›”','í™”','수','목','금','토'],
- dayNamesMin: ['ì¼','ì›”','í™”','수','목','금','토'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', firstDay: 0,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['ko']);
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-lt.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-lt.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 120e82b2f..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-lt.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * Lithuanian (UTF-8) initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin.
- *
- * @author Arturas Paleicikas <arturas@avalon.lt>
- */
- $.datepicker.regional['lt'] = {clearText: 'IÅ¡valyti', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: 'Uždaryti', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: '&lt;Atgal', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: 'Pirmyn&gt;', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: 'Å iandien', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['Sausis','Vasaris','Kovas','Balandis','Gegužė','Birželis',
- 'Liepa','Rugpjūtis','Rugsėjis','Spalis','Lapkritis','Gruodis'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Sau','Vas','Kov','Bal','Geg','Bir',
- 'Lie','Rugp','Rugs','Spa','Lap','Gru'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: '', weekStatus: '',
- dayNames: ['sekmadienis','pirmadienis','antradienis','treÄiadienis','ketvirtadienis','penktadienis','Å¡eÅ¡tadienis'],
- dayNamesShort: ['sek','pir','ant','tre','ket','pen','šeš'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Se','Pr','An','Tr','Ke','Pe','Å e'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', firstDay: 1,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['lt']);
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-lv.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-lv.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 809185df5..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-lv.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * @author Arturas Paleicikas <arturas.paleicikas@metasite.net>
- */
- $.datepicker.regional['lv'] = {
- clearText: 'Notīrīt', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: 'Aizvērt', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: 'Iepr', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: 'NÄka', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: 'Å odien', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['JanvÄris','FebruÄris','Marts','AprÄ«lis','Maijs','JÅ«nijs',
- 'JÅ«lijs','Augusts','Septembris','Oktobris','Novembris','Decembris'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','Mai','JÅ«n',
- 'JÅ«l','Aug','Sep','Okt','Nov','Dec'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: 'Nav', weekStatus: '',
- dayNames: ['svētdiena','pirmdiena','otrdiena','trešdiena','ceturtdiena','piektdiena','sestdiena'],
- dayNamesShort: ['svt','prm','otr','tre','ctr','pkt','sst'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Sv','Pr','Ot','Tr','Ct','Pk','Ss'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy', firstDay: 1,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['lv']);
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-nl.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-nl.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d52d6f33..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-nl.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* Dutch (UTF-8) initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
- $.datepicker.regional['nl'] = {clearText: 'Wissen', clearStatus: 'Wis de huidige datum',
- closeText: 'Sluiten', closeStatus: 'Sluit zonder verandering',
- prevText: '&lt;Terug', prevStatus: 'Laat de voorgaande maand zien',
- nextText: 'Volgende&gt;', nextStatus: 'Laat de volgende maand zien',
- currentText: 'Vandaag', currentStatus: 'Laat de huidige maand zien',
- monthNames: ['Januari','Februari','Maart','April','Mei','Juni',
- 'Juli','Augustus','September','Oktober','November','December'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Feb','Mrt','Apr','Mei','Jun',
- 'Jul','Aug','Sep','Okt','Nov','Dec'],
- monthStatus: 'Laat een andere maand zien', yearStatus: 'Laat een ander jaar zien',
- weekHeader: 'Wk', weekStatus: 'Week van het jaar',
- dayNames: ['Zondag','Maandag','Dinsdag','Woensdag','Donderdag','Vrijdag','Zaterdag'],
- dayNamesShort: ['Zon','Maa','Din','Woe','Don','Vri','Zat'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Zo','Ma','Di','Wo','Do','Vr','Za'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'dd.mm.yy', firstDay: 1,
- initStatus: 'Kies een datum', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['nl']);
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-no.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-no.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 42932b0f9..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-no.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-/* Norwegian initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Naimdjon Takhirov (naimdjon@gmail.com). */
- $.datepicker.regional['no'] = {clearText: 'Tøm', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: 'Lukk', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: '&laquo;Forrige', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: 'Neste&raquo;', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: 'I dag', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['Januar','Februar','Mars','April','Mai','Juni',
- 'Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Desember'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','Mai','Jun',
- 'Jul','Aug','Sep','Okt','Nov','Des'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: 'Uke', weekStatus: '',
- dayNamesShort: ['Søn','Man','Tir','Ons','Tor','Fre','Lør'],
- dayNames: ['Søndag','Mandag','Tirsdag','Onsdag','Torsdag','Fredag','Lørdag'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Sø','Ma','Ti','On','To','Fr','Lø'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', firstDay: 0,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['no']);
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-pl.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-pl.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bb3112d96..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-pl.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Polish initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Jacek Wysocki (jacek.wysocki@gmail.com). */
- $.datepicker.regional['pl'] = {clearText: 'Wyczyść', clearStatus: 'Wyczyść obecną datę',
- closeText: 'Zamknij', closeStatus: 'Zamknij bez zapisywania',
- prevText: '&#x3c;Poprzedni', prevStatus: 'Pokaż poprzedni miesiąc',
- nextText: 'Następny&#x3e;', nextStatus: 'Pokaż następny miesiąc',
- currentText: 'Dziś', currentStatus: 'Pokaż aktualny miesiąc',
- monthNames: ['Styczeń','Luty','Marzec','Kwiecień','Maj','Czerwiec',
- 'Lipiec','Sierpień','Wrzesień','Październik','Listopad','Grudzień'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Sty','Lu','Mar','Kw','Maj','Cze',
- 'Lip','Sie','Wrz','Pa','Lis','Gru'],
- monthStatus: 'Pokaż inny miesiąc', yearStatus: 'Pokaż inny rok',
- weekHeader: 'Tydz', weekStatus: 'Tydzień roku',
- dayNames: ['Niedziela','Poniedzialek','Wtorek','Åšroda','Czwartek','PiÄ…tek','Sobota'],
- dayNamesShort: ['Nie','Pn','Wt','Åšr','Czw','Pt','So'],
- dayNamesMin: ['N','Pn','Wt','Åšr','Cz','Pt','So'],
- dayStatus: 'Ustaw DD jako pierwszy dzień tygodnia', dateStatus: 'Wybierz D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', firstDay: 1,
- initStatus: 'Wybierz datÄ™', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['pl']);
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-pt-BR.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-pt-BR.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 457341983..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-pt-BR.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Brazilian initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Leonildo Costa Silva (leocsilva@gmail.com). */
- $.datepicker.regional['pt-BR'] = {clearText: 'Limpar', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: 'Fechar', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: '&lt;Anterior', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: 'Pr&oacute;ximo&gt;', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: 'Hoje', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['Janeiro','Fevereiro','Mar&ccedil;o','Abril','Maio','Junho',
- 'Julho','Agosto','Setembro','Outubro','Novembro','Dezembro'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Fev','Mar','Abr','Mai','Jun',
- 'Jul','Ago','Set','Out','Nov','Dez'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: 'Sm', weekStatus: '',
- dayNames: ['Domingo','Segunda-feira','Ter&ccedil;a-feira','Quarta-feira','Quinta-feira','Sexta-feira','Sabado'],
- dayNamesShort: ['Dom','Seg','Ter','Qua','Qui','Sex','Sab'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Dom','Seg','Ter','Qua','Qui','Sex','Sab'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', firstDay: 0,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['pt-BR']);
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ro.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ro.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5902596af..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ro.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Romanian initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Edmond L. (ll_edmond@walla.com). */
- $.datepicker.regional['ro'] = {clearText: 'Curat', clearStatus: 'Sterge data curenta',
- closeText: 'Inchide', closeStatus: 'Inchide fara schimbare',
- prevText: '&#x3c;Anterior', prevStatus: 'Arata luna trecuta',
- nextText: 'Urmator&#x3e;', nextStatus: 'Arata luna urmatoare',
- currentText: 'Azi', currentStatus: 'Arata luna curenta',
- monthNames: ['Ianuarie','Februarie','Martie','Aprilie','Mai','Junie',
- 'Julie','August','Septembrie','Octobrie','Noiembrie','Decembrie'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Ian', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'Mai', 'Jun',
- 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Noi', 'Dec'],
- monthStatus: 'Arata o luna diferita', yearStatus: 'Arat un an diferit',
- weekHeader: 'Sapt', weekStatus: 'Saptamana anului',
- dayNames: ['Duminica', 'Luni', 'Marti', 'Miercuri', 'Joi', 'Vineri', 'Sambata'],
- dayNamesShort: ['Dum', 'Lun', 'Mar', 'Mie', 'Joi', 'Vin', 'Sam'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Du','Lu','Ma','Mi','Jo','Vi','Sa'],
- dayStatus: 'Seteaza DD ca prima saptamana zi', dateStatus: 'Selecteaza D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy', firstDay: 0,
- initStatus: 'Selecteaza o data', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['ro']);
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ru.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ru.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b6518c50..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ru.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Russian (UTF-8) initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Andrew Stromnov (stromnov@gmail.com). */
- $.datepicker.regional['ru'] = {clearText: 'ОчиÑтить', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: 'Закрыть', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: '&lt;Пред', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: 'След&gt;', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: 'СегоднÑ', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['Январь','Февраль','Март','Ðпрель','Май','Июнь',
- 'Июль','ÐвгуÑÑ‚','СентÑбрь','ОктÑбрь','ÐоÑбрь','Декабрь'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Янв','Фев','Мар','Ðпр','Май','Июн',
- 'Июл','Ðвг','Сен','Окт','ÐоÑ','Дек'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: 'Ðе', weekStatus: '',
- dayNames: ['воÑкреÑенье','понедельник','вторник','Ñреда','четверг','пÑтница','Ñуббота'],
- dayNamesShort: ['вÑк','пнд','втр','Ñрд','чтв','птн','Ñбт'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Ð’Ñ','Пн','Ð’Ñ‚','Ср','Чт','Пт','Сб'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'dd.mm.yy', firstDay: 1,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['ru']);
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-sk.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-sk.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c486fd7bb..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-sk.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Slovak initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Vojtech Rinik (vojto@hmm.sk). */
- $.datepicker.regional['sk'] = {clearText: 'Zmazať', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: 'Zavrieť', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: '&lt;Predchádzajúci', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: 'Nasledujúci&gt;', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: 'Dnes', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['Január','Február','Marec','Apríl','Máj','Jún',
- 'Júl','August','September','Október','November','December'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','Máj','Jún',
- 'Júl','Aug','Sep','Okt','Nov','Dec'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: 'Ty', weekStatus: '',
- dayNames: ['Nedel\'a','Pondelok','Utorok','Streda','Å tvrtok','Piatok','Sobota'],
- dayNamesShort: ['Ned','Pon','Uto','Str','Å tv','Pia','Sob'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Ne','Po','Ut','St','Å t','Pia','So'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'dd.mm.yy', firstDay: 0,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['sk']);
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-sv.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-sv.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 87befa260..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-sv.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Swedish initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Anders Ekdahl ( anders@nomadiz.se). */
- $.datepicker.regional['sv'] = {clearText: 'Rensa', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: 'Stäng', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: '&laquo;Förra', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: 'Nästa&raquo;', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: 'Idag', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['Januari','Februari','Mars','April','Maj','Juni',
- 'Juli','Augusti','September','Oktober','November','December'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','Maj','Jun',
- 'Jul','Aug','Sep','Okt','Nov','Dec'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: 'Ve', weekStatus: '',
- dayNamesShort: ['Sön','Mån','Tis','Ons','Tor','Fre','Lör'],
- dayNames: ['Söndag','Måndag','Tisdag','Onsdag','Torsdag','Fredag','Lördag'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Sö','Må','Ti','On','To','Fr','Lö'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', firstDay: 0,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['sv']);
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-th.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-th.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cfbf0ccc7..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-th.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Thai initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by pipo (pipo@sixhead.com). */
- $.datepicker.regional['th'] = {clearText: 'ลบ', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: 'ปิด', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: '&laquo;&nbsp;ย้อน', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: 'ถัดไป&nbsp;&raquo;', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: 'วันนี้', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['มà¸à¸£à¸²à¸„ม','à¸à¸¸à¸¡à¸ à¸²à¸žà¸±à¸™à¸˜à¹Œ','มีนาคม','เมษายน','พฤษภาคม','มิถุนายน',
- 'à¸à¸£à¸à¸à¸²à¸„ม','สิงหาคม','à¸à¸±à¸™à¸¢à¸²à¸¢à¸™','ตุลาคม','พฤศจิà¸à¸²à¸¢à¸™','ธันวาคม'],
- monthNamesShort: ['ม.ค.','à¸.พ.','มี.ค.','เม.ย.','พ.ค.','มิ.ย.',
- 'à¸.ค.','ส.ค.','à¸.ย.','ต.ค.','พ.ย.','ธ.ค.'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: 'Sm', weekStatus: '',
- dayNames: ['อาทิตย์','จันทร์','อังคาร','พุธ','พฤหัสบดี','ศุà¸à¸£à¹Œ','เสาร์'],
- dayNamesShort: ['อา.','จ.','อ.','พ.','พฤ.','ศ.','ส.'],
- dayNamesMin: ['อา.','จ.','อ.','พ.','พฤ.','ศ.','ส.'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', firstDay: 0,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['th']);
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-tr.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-tr.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 80670d14b..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-tr.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Turkish initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Izzet Emre Erkan (kara@karalamalar.net). */
- $.datepicker.regional['tr'] = {clearText: 'temizle', clearStatus: 'geçerli tarihi temizler',
- closeText: 'kapat', closeStatus: 'sadece göstergeyi kapat',
- prevText: '&#x3c;geri', prevStatus: 'önceki ayı göster',
- nextText: 'ileri&#x3e', nextStatus: 'sonraki ayı göster',
- currentText: 'bugün', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['Ocak','Şubat','Mart','Nisan','Mayıs','Haziran',
- 'Temmuz','Ağustos','Eylül','Ekim','Kasım','Aralık'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Oca','Åžub','Mar','Nis','May','Haz',
- 'Tem','AÄŸu','Eyl','Eki','Kas','Ara'],
- monthStatus: 'başka ay', yearStatus: 'başka yıl',
- weekHeader: 'Hf', weekStatus: 'Ayın haftaları',
- dayNames: ['Pazar','Pazartesi','Salı','Çarşamba','Perşembe','Cuma','Cumartesi'],
- dayNamesShort: ['Pz','Pt','Sa','Ça','Pe','Cu','Ct'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Pz','Pt','Sa','Ça','Pe','Cu','Ct'],
- dayStatus: 'Haftanın ilk gününü belirleyin', dateStatus: 'D, M d seçiniz',
- dateFormat: 'dd.mm.yy', firstDay: 1,
- initStatus: 'Bir tarih seçiniz', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['tr']);
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ua.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ua.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f233c6395..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-ua.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Ukrainian (UTF-8) initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Maxim Drogobitskiy (maxdao@gmail.com). */
- $.datepicker.regional['ua'] = {clearText: 'ОчиÑтити', clearStatus: '',
- closeText: 'Закрити', closeStatus: '',
- prevText: '&lt;&lt;', prevStatus: '',
- nextText: '&gt;&gt;', nextStatus: '',
- currentText: 'Сьогодні', currentStatus: '',
- monthNames: ['Січень','Лютий','Березень','Квітень','Травень','Червень',
- 'Липень','Серпень','ВереÑень','Жовтень','ЛиÑтопад','Грудень'],
- monthNamesShort: ['Січ','Лют','Бер','Кві','Тра','Чер',
- 'Лип','Сер','Вер','Жов','ЛиÑ','Гру'],
- monthStatus: '', yearStatus: '',
- weekHeader: 'Ðе', weekStatus: '',
- dayNames: ['неділÑ','понеділок','вівторок','Ñереда','четвер','пÑтницÑ','Ñуббота'],
- dayNamesShort: ['нед','пнд','вів','Ñрд','чтв','птн','Ñбт'],
- dayNamesMin: ['Ðд','Пн','Ð’Ñ‚','Ср','Чт','Пт','Сб'],
- dayStatus: 'DD', dateStatus: 'D, M d',
- dateFormat: 'dd.mm.yy', firstDay: 1,
- initStatus: '', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['ua']);
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-zh-CN.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-zh-CN.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 05dad7244..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-zh-CN.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Chinese initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Cloudream (cloudream@gmail.com). */
- $.datepicker.regional['zh-CN'] = {clearText: '清除', clearStatus: '清除已选日期',
- closeText: '关闭', closeStatus: 'ä¸æ”¹å˜å½“å‰é€‰æ‹©',
- prevText: '&lt;上月', prevStatus: '显示上月',
- nextText: '下月&gt;', nextStatus: '显示下月',
- currentText: '今天', currentStatus: '显示本月',
- monthNames: ['一月','二月','三月','四月','五月','六月',
- '七月','八月','ä¹æœˆ','å月','å一月','å二月'],
- monthNamesShort: ['一','二','三','四','五','六',
- '七','å…«','ä¹','å','å一','å二'],
- monthStatus: '选择月份', yearStatus: '选择年份',
- weekHeader: '周', weekStatus: '年内周次',
- dayNames: ['星期日','星期一','星期二','星期三','星期四','星期五','星期六'],
- dayNamesShort: ['周日','周一','周二','周三','周四','周五','周六'],
- dayNamesMin: ['日','一','二','三','四','五','六'],
- dayStatus: '设置 DD 为一周起始', dateStatus: '选择 m月 d日, DD',
- dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', firstDay: 1,
- initStatus: '请选择日期', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['zh-CN']);
diff --git a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-zh-TW.js b/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-zh-TW.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d1bca8d04..000000000
--- a/ui/source/i18n/ui.datepicker-zh-TW.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-/* Chinese initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
-/* Written by Ressol (ressol@gmail.com). */
- $.datepicker.regional['zh-TW'] = {
- clearText: '清除', clearStatus: '清除已é¸æ—¥æœŸ',
- closeText: '關閉', closeStatus: 'ä¸æ”¹è®Šç›®å‰çš„é¸æ“‡',
- prevText: '&lt;上月', prevStatus: '顯示上月',
- nextText: '下月&gt;', nextStatus: '顯示下月',
- currentText: '今天', currentStatus: '顯示本月',
- monthNames: ['一月','二月','三月','四月','五月','六月',
- '七月','八月','ä¹æœˆ','å月','å一月','å二月'],
- monthNamesShort: ['一','二','三','四','五','六',
- '七','å…«','ä¹','å','å一','å二'],
- monthStatus: 'é¸æ“‡æœˆä»½', yearStatus: 'é¸æ“‡å¹´ä»½',
- weekHeader: '周', weekStatus: '年內周次',
- dayNames: ['星期日','星期一','星期二','星期三','星期四','星期五','星期六'],
- dayNamesShort: ['周日','周一','周二','周三','周四','周五','周六'],
- dayNamesMin: ['日','一','二','三','四','五','六'],
- dayStatus: '設定 DD 為一周起始', dateStatus: 'é¸æ“‡ m月 dæ—¥, DD',
- dateFormat: 'yy/mm/dd', firstDay: 1,
- initStatus: 'è«‹é¸æ“‡æ—¥æœŸ', isRTL: false};
- $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['zh-TW']);
diff --git a/ui/source/ui.accordion.js b/ui/source/ui.accordion.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ba499d49..000000000
--- a/ui/source/ui.accordion.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Accordion
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Jörn Zaefferer
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Accordion
- *
- * Depends:
- * ui.core.js
- *
- * Revision: $Id: ui.accordion.js 5656 2008-05-21 19:35:33Z braeker $
- */
-(function($) {
-$.widget("ui.accordion", {
- init: function() {
- var options = this.options;
- if ( options.navigation ) {
- var current = this.element.find("a").filter(options.navigationFilter);
- if ( current.length ) {
- if ( current.filter(options.header).length ) {
- options.active = current;
- } else {
- options.active = current.parent().parent().prev();
- current.addClass("current");
- }
- }
- }
- // calculate active if not specified, using the first header
- options.headers = this.element.find(options.header);
- options.active = findActive(options.headers, options.active);
- // IE7-/Win - Extra vertical space in Lists fixed
- if ($.browser.msie) {
- this.element.find('a').css('zoom', '1');
- }
- if (!this.element.hasClass("ui-accordion")) {
- this.element.addClass("ui-accordion");
- $("<span class='ui-accordion-left'/>").insertBefore(options.headers);
- $("<span class='ui-accordion-right'/>").appendTo(options.headers);
- options.headers.addClass("ui-accordion-header").attr("tabindex", "0");
- }
- var maxHeight;
- if ( options.fillSpace ) {
- maxHeight = this.element.parent().height();
- options.headers.each(function() {
- maxHeight -= $(this).outerHeight();
- });
- var maxPadding = 0;
- options.headers.next().each(function() {
- maxPadding = Math.max(maxPadding, $(this).innerHeight() - $(this).height());
- }).height(maxHeight - maxPadding);
- } else if ( options.autoHeight ) {
- maxHeight = 0;
- options.headers.next().each(function() {
- maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, $(this).outerHeight());
- }).height(maxHeight);
- }
- options.headers
- .not(options.active || "")
- .next()
- .hide();
- options.active.parent().andSelf().addClass(options.selectedClass);
- if (options.event) {
- this.element.bind((options.event) + ".accordion", clickHandler);
- }
- },
- activate: function(index) {
- // call clickHandler with custom event
- clickHandler.call(this.element[0], {
- target: findActive( this.options.headers, index )[0]
- });
- },
- destroy: function() {
- this.options.headers.next().css("display", "");
- if ( this.options.fillSpace || this.options.autoHeight ) {
- this.options.headers.next().css("height", "");
- }
- $.removeData(this.element[0], "accordion");
- this.element.removeClass("ui-accordion").unbind(".accordion");
- }
-function scopeCallback(callback, scope) {
- return function() {
- return callback.apply(scope, arguments);
- };
-function completed(cancel) {
- // if removed while animated data can be empty
- if (!$.data(this, "accordion")) {
- return;
- }
- var instance = $.data(this, "accordion");
- var options = instance.options;
- options.running = cancel ? 0 : --options.running;
- if ( options.running ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( options.clearStyle ) {
- options.toShow.add(options.toHide).css({
- height: "",
- overflow: ""
- });
- }
- $(this).triggerHandler("accordionchange", [options.data], options.change);
-function toggle(toShow, toHide, data, clickedActive, down) {
- var options = $.data(this, "accordion").options;
- options.toShow = toShow;
- options.toHide = toHide;
- options.data = data;
- var complete = scopeCallback(completed, this);
- // count elements to animate
- options.running = toHide.size() === 0 ? toShow.size() : toHide.size();
- if ( options.animated ) {
- if ( !options.alwaysOpen && clickedActive ) {
- $.ui.accordion.animations[options.animated]({
- toShow: jQuery([]),
- toHide: toHide,
- complete: complete,
- down: down,
- autoHeight: options.autoHeight
- });
- } else {
- $.ui.accordion.animations[options.animated]({
- toShow: toShow,
- toHide: toHide,
- complete: complete,
- down: down,
- autoHeight: options.autoHeight
- });
- }
- } else {
- if ( !options.alwaysOpen && clickedActive ) {
- toShow.toggle();
- } else {
- toHide.hide();
- toShow.show();
- }
- complete(true);
- }
-function clickHandler(event) {
- var options = $.data(this, "accordion").options;
- if (options.disabled) {
- return false;
- }
- // called only when using activate(false) to close all parts programmatically
- if ( !event.target && !options.alwaysOpen ) {
- options.active.parent().andSelf().toggleClass(options.selectedClass);
- var toHide = options.active.next(),
- data = {
- instance: this,
- options: options,
- newHeader: jQuery([]),
- oldHeader: options.active,
- newContent: jQuery([]),
- oldContent: toHide
- },
- toShow = (options.active = $([]));
- toggle.call(this, toShow, toHide, data );
- return false;
- }
- // get the click target
- var clicked = $(event.target);
- // due to the event delegation model, we have to check if one
- // of the parent elements is our actual header, and find that
- if ( clicked.parents(options.header).length ) {
- while ( !clicked.is(options.header) ) {
- clicked = clicked.parent();
- }
- }
- var clickedActive = clicked[0] == options.active[0];
- // if animations are still active, or the active header is the target, ignore click
- if (options.running || (options.alwaysOpen && clickedActive)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!clicked.is(options.header)) {
- return;
- }
- // switch classes
- options.active.parent().andSelf().toggleClass(options.selectedClass);
- if ( !clickedActive ) {
- clicked.parent().andSelf().addClass(options.selectedClass);
- }
- // find elements to show and hide
- var toShow = clicked.next(),
- toHide = options.active.next(),
- //data = [clicked, options.active, toShow, toHide],
- data = {
- instance: this,
- options: options,
- newHeader: clicked,
- oldHeader: options.active,
- newContent: toShow,
- oldContent: toHide
- },
- down = options.headers.index( options.active[0] ) > options.headers.index( clicked[0] );
- options.active = clickedActive ? $([]) : clicked;
- toggle.call(this, toShow, toHide, data, clickedActive, down );
- return false;
-function findActive(headers, selector) {
- return selector != undefined
- ? typeof selector == "number"
- ? headers.filter(":eq(" + selector + ")")
- : headers.not(headers.not(selector))
- : selector === false
- ? $([])
- : headers.filter(":eq(0)");
-$.extend($.ui.accordion, {
- defaults: {
- selectedClass: "selected",
- alwaysOpen: true,
- animated: 'slide',
- event: "click",
- header: "a",
- autoHeight: true,
- running: 0,
- navigationFilter: function() {
- return this.href.toLowerCase() == location.href.toLowerCase();
- }
- },
- animations: {
- slide: function(options, additions) {
- options = $.extend({
- easing: "swing",
- duration: 300
- }, options, additions);
- if ( !options.toHide.size() ) {
- options.toShow.animate({height: "show"}, options);
- return;
- }
- var hideHeight = options.toHide.height(),
- showHeight = options.toShow.height(),
- difference = showHeight / hideHeight;
- options.toShow.css({ height: 0, overflow: 'hidden' }).show();
- options.toHide.filter(":hidden").each(options.complete).end().filter(":visible").animate({height:"hide"},{
- step: function(now) {
- var current = (hideHeight - now) * difference;
- if ($.browser.msie || $.browser.opera) {
- current = Math.ceil(current);
- }
- options.toShow.height( current );
- },
- duration: options.duration,
- easing: options.easing,
- complete: function() {
- if ( !options.autoHeight ) {
- options.toShow.css("height", "auto");
- }
- options.complete();
- }
- });
- },
- bounceslide: function(options) {
- this.slide(options, {
- easing: options.down ? "bounceout" : "swing",
- duration: options.down ? 1000 : 200
- });
- },
- easeslide: function(options) {
- this.slide(options, {
- easing: "easeinout",
- duration: 700
- });
- }
- }
-// deprecated, use accordion("activate", index) instead
-$.fn.activate = function(index) {
- return this.accordion("activate", index);
diff --git a/ui/source/ui.core.js b/ui/source/ui.core.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b96ced5a..000000000
--- a/ui/source/ui.core.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI @VERSION
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Paul Bakaus (ui.jquery.com)
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI
- *
- * $Id: ui.core.js 5587 2008-05-13 19:56:42Z scott.gonzalez $
- */
-;(function($) {
-$.ui = {
- plugin: {
- add: function(module, option, set) {
- var proto = $.ui[module].prototype;
- for(var i in set) {
- proto.plugins[i] = proto.plugins[i] || [];
- proto.plugins[i].push([option, set[i]]);
- }
- },
- call: function(instance, name, args) {
- var set = instance.plugins[name];
- if(!set) { return; }
- for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i++) {
- if (instance.options[set[i][0]]) {
- set[i][1].apply(instance.element, args);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- cssCache: {},
- css: function(name) {
- if ($.ui.cssCache[name]) { return $.ui.cssCache[name]; }
- var tmp = $('<div class="ui-resizable-gen">').addClass(name).css({position:'absolute', top:'-5000px', left:'-5000px', display:'block'}).appendTo('body');
- //if (!$.browser.safari)
- //tmp.appendTo('body');
- //Opera and Safari set width and height to 0px instead of auto
- //Safari returns rgba(0,0,0,0) when bgcolor is not set
- $.ui.cssCache[name] = !!(
- (!(/auto|default/).test(tmp.css('cursor')) || (/^[1-9]/).test(tmp.css('height')) || (/^[1-9]/).test(tmp.css('width')) ||
- !(/none/).test(tmp.css('backgroundImage')) || !(/transparent|rgba\(0, 0, 0, 0\)/).test(tmp.css('backgroundColor')))
- );
- try { $('body').get(0).removeChild(tmp.get(0)); } catch(e){}
- return $.ui.cssCache[name];
- },
- disableSelection: function(e) {
- e.unselectable = "on";
- e.onselectstart = function() { return false; };
- if (e.style) { e.style.MozUserSelect = "none"; }
- },
- enableSelection: function(e) {
- e.unselectable = "off";
- e.onselectstart = function() { return true; };
- if (e.style) { e.style.MozUserSelect = ""; }
- },
- hasScroll: function(e, a) {
- var scroll = /top/.test(a||"top") ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft', has = false;
- if (e[scroll] > 0) return true; e[scroll] = 1;
- has = e[scroll] > 0 ? true : false; e[scroll] = 0;
- return has;
- }
-/** jQuery core modifications and additions **/
-var _remove = $.fn.remove;
-$.fn.remove = function() {
- $("*", this).add(this).trigger("remove");
- return _remove.apply(this, arguments );
-// $.widget is a factory to create jQuery plugins
-// taking some boilerplate code out of the plugin code
-// created by Scott González and Jörn Zaefferer
-function getter(namespace, plugin, method) {
- var methods = $[namespace][plugin].getter || [];
- methods = (typeof methods == "string" ? methods.split(/,?\s+/) : methods);
- return ($.inArray(method, methods) != -1);
-$.widget = function(name, prototype) {
- var namespace = name.split(".")[0];
- name = name.split(".")[1];
- // create plugin method
- $.fn[name] = function(options) {
- var isMethodCall = (typeof options == 'string'),
- args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
- if (isMethodCall && getter(namespace, name, options)) {
- var instance = $.data(this[0], name);
- return (instance ? instance[options].apply(instance, args)
- : undefined);
- }
- return this.each(function() {
- var instance = $.data(this, name);
- if (isMethodCall && instance) {
- instance[options].apply(instance, args);
- } else if (!isMethodCall) {
- $.data(this, name, new $[namespace][name](this, options));
- }
- });
- };
- // create widget constructor
- $[namespace][name] = function(element, options) {
- var self = this;
- this.widgetName = name;
- this.widgetBaseClass = namespace + '-' + name;
- this.options = $.extend({}, $[namespace][name].defaults, options);
- this.element = $(element)
- .bind('setData.' + name, function(e, key, value) {
- return self.setData(key, value);
- })
- .bind('getData.' + name, function(e, key) {
- return self.getData(key);
- })
- .bind('remove', function() {
- return self.destroy();
- });
- this.init();
- };
- // add widget prototype
- $[namespace][name].prototype = $.extend({}, $.widget.prototype, prototype);
-$.widget.prototype = {
- init: function() {},
- destroy: function() {
- this.element.removeData(this.widgetName);
- },
- getData: function(key) {
- return this.options[key];
- },
- setData: function(key, value) {
- this.options[key] = value;
- if (key == 'disabled') {
- this.element[value ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](
- this.widgetBaseClass + '-disabled');
- }
- },
- enable: function() {
- this.setData('disabled', false);
- },
- disable: function() {
- this.setData('disabled', true);
- }
-/** Mouse Interaction Plugin **/
-$.ui.mouse = {
- mouseInit: function() {
- var self = this;
- this.element.bind('mousedown.'+this.widgetName, function(e) {
- return self.mouseDown(e);
- });
- // Prevent text selection in IE
- if ($.browser.msie) {
- this._mouseUnselectable = this.element.attr('unselectable');
- this.element.attr('unselectable', 'on');
- }
- this.started = false;
- },
- // TODO: make sure destroying one instance of mouse doesn't mess with
- // other instances of mouse
- mouseDestroy: function() {
- this.element.unbind('.'+this.widgetName);
- // Restore text selection in IE
- ($.browser.msie
- && this.element.attr('unselectable', this._mouseUnselectable));
- },
- mouseDown: function(e) {
- // we may have missed mouseup (out of window)
- (this._mouseStarted && this.mouseUp(e));
- this._mouseDownEvent = e;
- var self = this,
- btnIsLeft = (e.which == 1),
- elIsCancel = ($(e.target).is(this.options.cancel));
- if (!btnIsLeft || elIsCancel) {
- return true;
- }
- this._mouseDelayMet = !this.options.delay;
- if (!this._mouseDelayMet) {
- this._mouseDelayTimer = setTimeout(function() {
- self._mouseDelayMet = true;
- }, this.options.delay);
- }
- if (this.mouseDistanceMet(e) && this.mouseDelayMet(e)) {
- this._mouseStarted = (this.mouseStart(e) !== false);
- if (!this._mouseStarted) { return false; }
- }
- // these delegates are required to keep context
- this._mouseMoveDelegate = function(e) {
- return self.mouseMove(e);
- };
- this._mouseUpDelegate = function(e) {
- return self.mouseUp(e);
- };
- $(document)
- .bind('mousemove.'+this.widgetName, this._mouseMoveDelegate)
- .bind('mouseup.'+this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate);
- return false;
- },
- mouseMove: function(e) {
- // IE mouseup check - mouseup happened when mouse was out of window
- if ($.browser.msie && !e.button) {
- return this.mouseUp(e);
- }
- if (this._mouseStarted) {
- this.mouseDrag(e);
- return false;
- }
- if (this.mouseDistanceMet(e) && this.mouseDelayMet(e)) {
- this._mouseStarted =
- (this.mouseStart(this._mouseDownEvent, e) !== false);
- (this._mouseStarted ? this.mouseDrag(e) : this.mouseUp(e));
- }
- return !this._mouseStarted;
- },
- mouseUp: function(e) {
- $(document)
- .unbind('mousemove.'+this.widgetName, this._mouseMoveDelegate)
- .unbind('mouseup.'+this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate);
- if (this._mouseStarted) {
- this._mouseStarted = false;
- this.mouseStop(e);
- }
- return false;
- },
- mouseDistanceMet: function(e) {
- return (Math.max(
- Math.abs(this._mouseDownEvent.pageX - e.pageX),
- Math.abs(this._mouseDownEvent.pageY - e.pageY)
- ) >= this.options.distance
- );
- },
- mouseDelayMet: function(e) {
- return this._mouseDelayMet;
- },
- // These are placeholder methods, to be overriden by extending plugin
- mouseStart: function(e) {},
- mouseDrag: function(e) {},
- mouseStop: function(e) {}
-$.ui.mouse.defaults = {
- cancel: null,
- distance: 1,
- delay: 0
-})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/source/ui.datepicker.js b/ui/source/ui.datepicker.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c1f1b3c4d..000000000
--- a/ui/source/ui.datepicker.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1450 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Datepicker
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008 Marc Grabanski
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Datepicker
- *
- * Depends:
- * ui.core.js
- *
- * Marc Grabanski (m@marcgrabanski.com) and Keith Wood (kbwood@virginbroadband.com.au).
- */
-(function($) { // hide the namespace
-/* Date picker manager.
- Use the singleton instance of this class, $.datepicker, to interact with the date picker.
- Settings for (groups of) date pickers are maintained in an instance object
- (DatepickerInstance), allowing multiple different settings on the same page. */
-function Datepicker() {
- this.debug = false; // Change this to true to start debugging
- this._nextId = 0; // Next ID for a date picker instance
- this._inst = []; // List of instances indexed by ID
- this._curInst = null; // The current instance in use
- this._disabledInputs = []; // List of date picker inputs that have been disabled
- this._datepickerShowing = false; // True if the popup picker is showing , false if not
- this._inDialog = false; // True if showing within a "dialog", false if not
- this.regional = []; // Available regional settings, indexed by language code
- this.regional[''] = { // Default regional settings
- clearText: 'Clear', // Display text for clear link
- clearStatus: 'Erase the current date', // Status text for clear link
- closeText: 'Close', // Display text for close link
- closeStatus: 'Close without change', // Status text for close link
- prevText: '&#x3c;Prev', // Display text for previous month link
- prevStatus: 'Show the previous month', // Status text for previous month link
- nextText: 'Next&#x3e;', // Display text for next month link
- nextStatus: 'Show the next month', // Status text for next month link
- currentText: 'Today', // Display text for current month link
- currentStatus: 'Show the current month', // Status text for current month link
- monthNames: ['January','February','March','April','May','June',
- 'July','August','September','October','November','December'], // Names of months for drop-down and formatting
- monthNamesShort: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], // For formatting
- monthStatus: 'Show a different month', // Status text for selecting a month
- yearStatus: 'Show a different year', // Status text for selecting a year
- weekHeader: 'Wk', // Header for the week of the year column
- weekStatus: 'Week of the year', // Status text for the week of the year column
- dayNames: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'], // For formatting
- dayNamesShort: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'], // For formatting
- dayNamesMin: ['Su','Mo','Tu','We','Th','Fr','Sa'], // Column headings for days starting at Sunday
- dayStatus: 'Set DD as first week day', // Status text for the day of the week selection
- dateStatus: 'Select DD, M d', // Status text for the date selection
- dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy', // See format options on parseDate
- firstDay: 0, // The first day of the week, Sun = 0, Mon = 1, ...
- initStatus: 'Select a date', // Initial Status text on opening
- isRTL: false // True if right-to-left language, false if left-to-right
- };
- this._defaults = { // Global defaults for all the date picker instances
- showOn: 'focus', // 'focus' for popup on focus,
- // 'button' for trigger button, or 'both' for either
- showAnim: 'show', // Name of jQuery animation for popup
- defaultDate: null, // Used when field is blank: actual date,
- // +/-number for offset from today, null for today
- appendText: '', // Display text following the input box, e.g. showing the format
- buttonText: '...', // Text for trigger button
- buttonImage: '', // URL for trigger button image
- buttonImageOnly: false, // True if the image appears alone, false if it appears on a button
- closeAtTop: true, // True to have the clear/close at the top,
- // false to have them at the bottom
- mandatory: false, // True to hide the Clear link, false to include it
- hideIfNoPrevNext: false, // True to hide next/previous month links
- // if not applicable, false to just disable them
- changeMonth: true, // True if month can be selected directly, false if only prev/next
- changeYear: true, // True if year can be selected directly, false if only prev/next
- yearRange: '-10:+10', // Range of years to display in drop-down,
- // either relative to current year (-nn:+nn) or absolute (nnnn:nnnn)
- changeFirstDay: true, // True to click on day name to change, false to remain as set
- showOtherMonths: false, // True to show dates in other months, false to leave blank
- showWeeks: false, // True to show week of the year, false to omit
- calculateWeek: this.iso8601Week, // How to calculate the week of the year,
- // takes a Date and returns the number of the week for it
- shortYearCutoff: '+10', // Short year values < this are in the current century,
- // > this are in the previous century,
- // string value starting with '+' for current year + value
- showStatus: false, // True to show status bar at bottom, false to not show it
- statusForDate: this.dateStatus, // Function to provide status text for a date -
- // takes date and instance as parameters, returns display text
- minDate: null, // The earliest selectable date, or null for no limit
- maxDate: null, // The latest selectable date, or null for no limit
- speed: 'normal', // Speed of display/closure
- beforeShowDay: null, // Function that takes a date and returns an array with
- // [0] = true if selectable, false if not,
- // [1] = custom CSS class name(s) or '', e.g. $.datepicker.noWeekends
- beforeShow: null, // Function that takes an input field and
- // returns a set of custom settings for the date picker
- onSelect: null, // Define a callback function when a date is selected
- onClose: null, // Define a callback function when the datepicker is closed
- numberOfMonths: 1, // Number of months to show at a time
- stepMonths: 1, // Number of months to step back/forward
- rangeSelect: false, // Allows for selecting a date range on one date picker
- rangeSeparator: ' - ' // Text between two dates in a range
- };
- $.extend(this._defaults, this.regional['']);
- this._datepickerDiv = $('<div id="ui-datepicker-div"></div>');
-$.extend(Datepicker.prototype, {
- /* Class name added to elements to indicate already configured with a date picker. */
- markerClassName: 'hasDatepicker',
- /* Debug logging (if enabled). */
- log: function () {
- if (this.debug)
- console.log.apply('', arguments);
- },
- /* Register a new date picker instance - with custom settings. */
- _register: function(inst) {
- var id = this._nextId++;
- this._inst[id] = inst;
- return id;
- },
- /* Retrieve a particular date picker instance based on its ID. */
- _getInst: function(id) {
- return this._inst[id] || id;
- },
- /* Override the default settings for all instances of the date picker.
- @param settings object - the new settings to use as defaults (anonymous object)
- @return the manager object */
- setDefaults: function(settings) {
- extendRemove(this._defaults, settings || {});
- return this;
- },
- /* Attach the date picker to a jQuery selection.
- @param target element - the target input field or division or span
- @param settings object - the new settings to use for this date picker instance (anonymous) */
- _attachDatepicker: function(target, settings) {
- // check for settings on the control itself - in namespace 'date:'
- var inlineSettings = null;
- for (attrName in this._defaults) {
- var attrValue = target.getAttribute('date:' + attrName);
- if (attrValue) {
- inlineSettings = inlineSettings || {};
- try {
- inlineSettings[attrName] = eval(attrValue);
- } catch (err) {
- inlineSettings[attrName] = attrValue;
- }
- }
- }
- var nodeName = target.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- var instSettings = (inlineSettings ?
- $.extend(settings || {}, inlineSettings || {}) : settings);
- if (nodeName == 'input') {
- var inst = (inst && !inlineSettings ? inst :
- new DatepickerInstance(instSettings, false));
- this._connectDatepicker(target, inst);
- } else if (nodeName == 'div' || nodeName == 'span') {
- var inst = new DatepickerInstance(instSettings, true);
- this._inlineDatepicker(target, inst);
- }
- },
- /* Detach a datepicker from its control.
- @param target element - the target input field or division or span */
- _destroyDatepicker: function(target) {
- var nodeName = target.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- var calId = target._calId;
- target._calId = null;
- var $target = $(target);
- if (nodeName == 'input') {
- $target.siblings('.ui-datepicker-append').replaceWith('').end()
- .siblings('.ui-datepicker-trigger').replaceWith('').end()
- .removeClass(this.markerClassName)
- .unbind('focus', this._showDatepicker)
- .unbind('keydown', this._doKeyDown)
- .unbind('keypress', this._doKeyPress);
- var wrapper = $target.parents('.ui-datepicker-wrap');
- if (wrapper)
- wrapper.replaceWith(wrapper.html());
- } else if (nodeName == 'div' || nodeName == 'span')
- $target.removeClass(this.markerClassName).empty();
- if ($('input[_calId=' + calId + ']').length == 0)
- // clean up if last for this ID
- this._inst[calId] = null;
- },
- /* Enable the date picker to a jQuery selection.
- @param target element - the target input field or division or span */
- _enableDatepicker: function(target) {
- target.disabled = false;
- $(target).siblings('button.ui-datepicker-trigger').each(function() { this.disabled = false; }).end()
- .siblings('img.ui-datepicker-trigger').css({opacity: '1.0', cursor: ''});
- this._disabledInputs = $.map(this._disabledInputs,
- function(value) { return (value == target ? null : value); }); // delete entry
- },
- /* Disable the date picker to a jQuery selection.
- @param target element - the target input field or division or span */
- _disableDatepicker: function(target) {
- target.disabled = true;
- $(target).siblings('button.ui-datepicker-trigger').each(function() { this.disabled = true; }).end()
- .siblings('img.ui-datepicker-trigger').css({opacity: '0.5', cursor: 'default'});
- this._disabledInputs = $.map($.datepicker._disabledInputs,
- function(value) { return (value == target ? null : value); }); // delete entry
- this._disabledInputs[$.datepicker._disabledInputs.length] = target;
- },
- /* Is the first field in a jQuery collection disabled as a datepicker?
- @param target element - the target input field or division or span
- @return boolean - true if disabled, false if enabled */
- _isDisabledDatepicker: function(target) {
- if (!target)
- return false;
- for (var i = 0; i < this._disabledInputs.length; i++) {
- if (this._disabledInputs[i] == target)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- /* Update the settings for a date picker attached to an input field or division.
- @param target element - the target input field or division or span
- @param name string - the name of the setting to change or
- object - the new settings to update
- @param value any - the new value for the setting (omit if above is an object) */
- _changeDatepicker: function(target, name, value) {
- var settings = name || {};
- if (typeof name == 'string') {
- settings = {};
- settings[name] = value;
- }
- if (inst = this._getInst(target._calId)) {
- extendRemove(inst._settings, settings);
- this._updateDatepicker(inst);
- }
- },
- /* Set the dates for a jQuery selection.
- @param target element - the target input field or division or span
- @param date Date - the new date
- @param endDate Date - the new end date for a range (optional) */
- _setDateDatepicker: function(target, date, endDate) {
- if (inst = this._getInst(target._calId)) {
- inst._setDate(date, endDate);
- this._updateDatepicker(inst);
- }
- },
- /* Get the date(s) for the first entry in a jQuery selection.
- @param target element - the target input field or division or span
- @return Date - the current date or
- Date[2] - the current dates for a range */
- _getDateDatepicker: function(target) {
- var inst = this._getInst(target._calId);
- if (inst) {
- inst._setDateFromField($(target));
- }
- return (inst ? inst._getDate() : null);
- },
- /* Handle keystrokes. */
- _doKeyDown: function(e) {
- var inst = $.datepicker._getInst(this._calId);
- if ($.datepicker._datepickerShowing)
- switch (e.keyCode) {
- case 9: $.datepicker._hideDatepicker(null, '');
- break; // hide on tab out
- case 13: $.datepicker._selectDay(inst, inst._selectedMonth, inst._selectedYear,
- $('td.ui-datepicker-days-cell-over', inst._datepickerDiv)[0]);
- return false; // don't submit the form
- break; // select the value on enter
- case 27: $.datepicker._hideDatepicker(null, inst._get('speed'));
- break; // hide on escape
- case 33: $.datepicker._adjustDate(inst,
- (e.ctrlKey ? -1 : -inst._get('stepMonths')), (e.ctrlKey ? 'Y' : 'M'));
- break; // previous month/year on page up/+ ctrl
- case 34: $.datepicker._adjustDate(inst,
- (e.ctrlKey ? +1 : +inst._get('stepMonths')), (e.ctrlKey ? 'Y' : 'M'));
- break; // next month/year on page down/+ ctrl
- case 35: if (e.ctrlKey) $.datepicker._clearDate(inst);
- break; // clear on ctrl+end
- case 36: if (e.ctrlKey) $.datepicker._gotoToday(inst);
- break; // current on ctrl+home
- case 37: if (e.ctrlKey) $.datepicker._adjustDate(inst, -1, 'D');
- break; // -1 day on ctrl+left
- case 38: if (e.ctrlKey) $.datepicker._adjustDate(inst, -7, 'D');
- break; // -1 week on ctrl+up
- case 39: if (e.ctrlKey) $.datepicker._adjustDate(inst, +1, 'D');
- break; // +1 day on ctrl+right
- case 40: if (e.ctrlKey) $.datepicker._adjustDate(inst, +7, 'D');
- break; // +1 week on ctrl+down
- }
- else if (e.keyCode == 36 && e.ctrlKey) // display the date picker on ctrl+home
- $.datepicker._showDatepicker(this);
- },
- /* Filter entered characters - based on date format. */
- _doKeyPress: function(e) {
- var inst = $.datepicker._getInst(this._calId);
- var chars = $.datepicker._possibleChars(inst._get('dateFormat'));
- var chr = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode == undefined ? e.keyCode : e.charCode);
- return e.ctrlKey || (chr < ' ' || !chars || chars.indexOf(chr) > -1);
- },
- /* Attach the date picker to an input field. */
- _connectDatepicker: function(target, inst) {
- var input = $(target);
- if (input.is('.' + this.markerClassName))
- return;
- var appendText = inst._get('appendText');
- var isRTL = inst._get('isRTL');
- if (appendText) {
- if (isRTL)
- input.before('<span class="ui-datepicker-append">' + appendText);
- else
- input.after('<span class="ui-datepicker-append">' + appendText);
- }
- var showOn = inst._get('showOn');
- if (showOn == 'focus' || showOn == 'both') // pop-up date picker when in the marked field
- input.focus(this._showDatepicker);
- if (showOn == 'button' || showOn == 'both') { // pop-up date picker when button clicked
- input.wrap('<span class="ui-datepicker-wrap">');
- var buttonText = inst._get('buttonText');
- var buttonImage = inst._get('buttonImage');
- var trigger = $(inst._get('buttonImageOnly') ?
- $('<img>').addClass('ui-datepicker-trigger').attr({ src: buttonImage, alt: buttonText, title: buttonText }) :
- $('<button>').addClass('ui-datepicker-trigger').attr({ type: 'button' }).html(buttonImage != '' ?
- $('<img>').attr({ src:buttonImage, alt:buttonText, title:buttonText }) : buttonText));
- if (isRTL)
- input.before(trigger);
- else
- input.after(trigger);
- trigger.click(function() {
- if ($.datepicker._datepickerShowing && $.datepicker._lastInput == target)
- $.datepicker._hideDatepicker();
- else
- $.datepicker._showDatepicker(target);
- });
- }
- input.addClass(this.markerClassName).keydown(this._doKeyDown).keypress(this._doKeyPress)
- .bind("setData.datepicker", function(event, key, value) {
- inst._settings[key] = value;
- }).bind("getData.datepicker", function(event, key) {
- return inst._get(key);
- });
- input[0]._calId = inst._id;
- },
- /* Attach an inline date picker to a div. */
- _inlineDatepicker: function(target, inst) {
- var input = $(target);
- if (input.is('.' + this.markerClassName))
- return;
- input.addClass(this.markerClassName).append(inst._datepickerDiv)
- .bind("setData.datepicker", function(event, key, value){
- inst._settings[key] = value;
- }).bind("getData.datepicker", function(event, key){
- return inst._get(key);
- });
- input[0]._calId = inst._id;
- this._updateDatepicker(inst);
- },
- /* Tidy up after displaying the date picker. */
- _inlineShow: function(inst) {
- var numMonths = inst._getNumberOfMonths(); // fix width for dynamic number of date pickers
- inst._datepickerDiv.width(numMonths[1] * $('.ui-datepicker', inst._datepickerDiv[0]).width());
- },
- /* Pop-up the date picker in a "dialog" box.
- @param input element - ignored
- @param dateText string - the initial date to display (in the current format)
- @param onSelect function - the function(dateText) to call when a date is selected
- @param settings object - update the dialog date picker instance's settings (anonymous object)
- @param pos int[2] - coordinates for the dialog's position within the screen or
- event - with x/y coordinates or
- leave empty for default (screen centre)
- @return the manager object */
- _dialogDatepicker: function(input, dateText, onSelect, settings, pos) {
- var inst = this._dialogInst; // internal instance
- if (!inst) {
- inst = this._dialogInst = new DatepickerInstance({}, false);
- this._dialogInput = $('<input type="text" size="1" style="position: absolute; top: -100px;"/>');
- this._dialogInput.keydown(this._doKeyDown);
- $('body').append(this._dialogInput);
- this._dialogInput[0]._calId = inst._id;
- }
- extendRemove(inst._settings, settings || {});
- this._dialogInput.val(dateText);
- this._pos = (pos ? (pos.length ? pos : [pos.pageX, pos.pageY]) : null);
- if (!this._pos) {
- var browserWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;
- var browserHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;
- var scrollX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft;
- var scrollY = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
- this._pos = // should use actual width/height below
- [(browserWidth / 2) - 100 + scrollX, (browserHeight / 2) - 150 + scrollY];
- }
- // move input on screen for focus, but hidden behind dialog
- this._dialogInput.css('left', this._pos[0] + 'px').css('top', this._pos[1] + 'px');
- inst._settings.onSelect = onSelect;
- this._inDialog = true;
- this._datepickerDiv.addClass('ui-datepicker-dialog');
- this._showDatepicker(this._dialogInput[0]);
- if ($.blockUI)
- $.blockUI(this._datepickerDiv);
- return this;
- },
- /* Pop-up the date picker for a given input field.
- @param input element - the input field attached to the date picker or
- event - if triggered by focus */
- _showDatepicker: function(input) {
- input = input.target || input;
- if (input.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'input') // find from button/image trigger
- input = $('input', input.parentNode)[0];
- if ($.datepicker._isDisabledDatepicker(input) || $.datepicker._lastInput == input) // already here
- return;
- var inst = $.datepicker._getInst(input._calId);
- var beforeShow = inst._get('beforeShow');
- extendRemove(inst._settings, (beforeShow ? beforeShow.apply(input, [input, inst]) : {}));
- $.datepicker._hideDatepicker(null, '');
- $.datepicker._lastInput = input;
- inst._setDateFromField(input);
- if ($.datepicker._inDialog) // hide cursor
- input.value = '';
- if (!$.datepicker._pos) { // position below input
- $.datepicker._pos = $.datepicker._findPos(input);
- $.datepicker._pos[1] += input.offsetHeight; // add the height
- }
- var isFixed = false;
- $(input).parents().each(function() {
- isFixed |= $(this).css('position') == 'fixed';
- });
- if (isFixed && $.browser.opera) { // correction for Opera when fixed and scrolled
- $.datepicker._pos[0] -= document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
- $.datepicker._pos[1] -= document.documentElement.scrollTop;
- }
- inst._datepickerDiv.css('position', ($.datepicker._inDialog && $.blockUI ?
- 'static' : (isFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute')))
- .css({ left: $.datepicker._pos[0] + 'px', top: $.datepicker._pos[1] + 'px' });
- $.datepicker._pos = null;
- inst._rangeStart = null;
- $.datepicker._updateDatepicker(inst);
- if (!inst._inline) {
- var speed = inst._get('speed');
- var postProcess = function() {
- $.datepicker._datepickerShowing = true;
- $.datepicker._afterShow(inst);
- };
- var showAnim = inst._get('showAnim') || 'show';
- inst._datepickerDiv[showAnim](speed, postProcess);
- if (speed == '')
- postProcess();
- if (inst._input[0].type != 'hidden')
- inst._input[0].focus();
- $.datepicker._curInst = inst;
- }
- },
- /* Generate the date picker content. */
- _updateDatepicker: function(inst) {
- inst._datepickerDiv.empty().append(inst._generateDatepicker());
- var numMonths = inst._getNumberOfMonths();
- if (numMonths[0] != 1 || numMonths[1] != 1)
- inst._datepickerDiv.addClass('ui-datepicker-multi');
- else
- inst._datepickerDiv.removeClass('ui-datepicker-multi');
- if (inst._get('isRTL'))
- inst._datepickerDiv.addClass('ui-datepicker-rtl');
- else
- inst._datepickerDiv.removeClass('ui-datepicker-rtl');
- if (inst._input && inst._input[0].type != 'hidden')
- $(inst._input[0]).focus();
- },
- /* Tidy up after displaying the date picker. */
- _afterShow: function(inst) {
- var numMonths = inst._getNumberOfMonths(); // fix width for dynamic number of date pickers
- inst._datepickerDiv.width(numMonths[1] * $('.ui-datepicker', inst._datepickerDiv[0])[0].offsetWidth);
- if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 7) { // fix IE < 7 select problems
- $('iframe.ui-datepicker-cover').css({width: inst._datepickerDiv.width() + 4,
- height: inst._datepickerDiv.height() + 4});
- }
- // re-position on screen if necessary
- var isFixed = inst._datepickerDiv.css('position') == 'fixed';
- var pos = inst._input ? $.datepicker._findPos(inst._input[0]) : null;
- var browserWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;
- var browserHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;
- var scrollX = (isFixed ? 0 : document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft);
- var scrollY = (isFixed ? 0 : document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop);
- // reposition date picker horizontally if outside the browser window
- if ((inst._datepickerDiv.offset().left + inst._datepickerDiv.width() -
- (isFixed && $.browser.msie ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : 0)) >
- (browserWidth + scrollX)) {
- inst._datepickerDiv.css('left', Math.max(scrollX,
- pos[0] + (inst._input ? $(inst._input[0]).width() : null) - inst._datepickerDiv.width() -
- (isFixed && $.browser.opera ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : 0)) + 'px');
- }
- // reposition date picker vertically if outside the browser window
- if ((inst._datepickerDiv.offset().top + inst._datepickerDiv.height() -
- (isFixed && $.browser.msie ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : 0)) >
- (browserHeight + scrollY) ) {
- inst._datepickerDiv.css('top', Math.max(scrollY,
- pos[1] - (this._inDialog ? 0 : inst._datepickerDiv.height()) -
- (isFixed && $.browser.opera ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : 0)) + 'px');
- }
- },
- /* Find an object's position on the screen. */
- _findPos: function(obj) {
- while (obj && (obj.type == 'hidden' || obj.nodeType != 1)) {
- obj = obj.nextSibling;
- }
- var position = $(obj).offset();
- return [position.left, position.top];
- },
- /* Hide the date picker from view.
- @param input element - the input field attached to the date picker
- @param speed string - the speed at which to close the date picker */
- _hideDatepicker: function(input, speed) {
- var inst = this._curInst;
- if (!inst)
- return;
- var rangeSelect = inst._get('rangeSelect');
- if (rangeSelect && this._stayOpen) {
- this._selectDate(inst, inst._formatDate(
- inst._currentDay, inst._currentMonth, inst._currentYear));
- }
- this._stayOpen = false;
- if (this._datepickerShowing) {
- speed = (speed != null ? speed : inst._get('speed'));
- var showAnim = inst._get('showAnim');
- inst._datepickerDiv[(showAnim == 'slideDown' ? 'slideUp' :
- (showAnim == 'fadeIn' ? 'fadeOut' : 'hide'))](speed, function() {
- $.datepicker._tidyDialog(inst);
- });
- if (speed == '')
- this._tidyDialog(inst);
- var onClose = inst._get('onClose');
- if (onClose) {
- onClose.apply((inst._input ? inst._input[0] : null),
- [inst._getDate(), inst]); // trigger custom callback
- }
- this._datepickerShowing = false;
- this._lastInput = null;
- inst._settings.prompt = null;
- if (this._inDialog) {
- this._dialogInput.css({ position: 'absolute', left: '0', top: '-100px' });
- if ($.blockUI) {
- $.unblockUI();
- $('body').append(this._datepickerDiv);
- }
- }
- this._inDialog = false;
- }
- this._curInst = null;
- },
- /* Tidy up after a dialog display. */
- _tidyDialog: function(inst) {
- inst._datepickerDiv.removeClass('ui-datepicker-dialog').unbind('.ui-datepicker');
- $('.ui-datepicker-prompt', inst._datepickerDiv).remove();
- },
- /* Close date picker if clicked elsewhere. */
- _checkExternalClick: function(event) {
- if (!$.datepicker._curInst)
- return;
- var $target = $(event.target);
- if (($target.parents("#ui-datepicker-div").length == 0) &&
- !$target.hasClass('hasDatepicker') &&
- !$target.hasClass('ui-datepicker-trigger') &&
- $.datepicker._datepickerShowing && !($.datepicker._inDialog && $.blockUI)) {
- $.datepicker._hideDatepicker(null, '');
- }
- },
- /* Adjust one of the date sub-fields. */
- _adjustDate: function(id, offset, period) {
- var inst = this._getInst(id);
- inst._adjustDate(offset, period);
- this._updateDatepicker(inst);
- },
- /* Action for current link. */
- _gotoToday: function(id) {
- var date = new Date();
- var inst = this._getInst(id);
- inst._selectedDay = date.getDate();
- inst._drawMonth = inst._selectedMonth = date.getMonth();
- inst._drawYear = inst._selectedYear = date.getFullYear();
- this._adjustDate(inst);
- },
- /* Action for selecting a new month/year. */
- _selectMonthYear: function(id, select, period) {
- var inst = this._getInst(id);
- inst._selectingMonthYear = false;
- inst[period == 'M' ? '_drawMonth' : '_drawYear'] =
- select.options[select.selectedIndex].value - 0;
- this._adjustDate(inst);
- },
- /* Restore input focus after not changing month/year. */
- _clickMonthYear: function(id) {
- var inst = this._getInst(id);
- if (inst._input && inst._selectingMonthYear && !$.browser.msie)
- inst._input[0].focus();
- inst._selectingMonthYear = !inst._selectingMonthYear;
- },
- /* Action for changing the first week day. */
- _changeFirstDay: function(id, day) {
- var inst = this._getInst(id);
- inst._settings.firstDay = day;
- this._updateDatepicker(inst);
- },
- /* Action for selecting a day. */
- _selectDay: function(id, month, year, td) {
- if ($(td).is('.ui-datepicker-unselectable'))
- return;
- var inst = this._getInst(id);
- var rangeSelect = inst._get('rangeSelect');
- if (rangeSelect) {
- if (!this._stayOpen) {
- $('.ui-datepicker td').removeClass('ui-datepicker-current-day');
- $(td).addClass('ui-datepicker-current-day');
- }
- this._stayOpen = !this._stayOpen;
- }
- inst._selectedDay = inst._currentDay = $('a', td).html();
- inst._selectedMonth = inst._currentMonth = month;
- inst._selectedYear = inst._currentYear = year;
- this._selectDate(id, inst._formatDate(
- inst._currentDay, inst._currentMonth, inst._currentYear));
- if (this._stayOpen) {
- inst._endDay = inst._endMonth = inst._endYear = null;
- inst._rangeStart = new Date(inst._currentYear, inst._currentMonth, inst._currentDay);
- this._updateDatepicker(inst);
- }
- else if (rangeSelect) {
- inst._endDay = inst._currentDay;
- inst._endMonth = inst._currentMonth;
- inst._endYear = inst._currentYear;
- inst._selectedDay = inst._currentDay = inst._rangeStart.getDate();
- inst._selectedMonth = inst._currentMonth = inst._rangeStart.getMonth();
- inst._selectedYear = inst._currentYear = inst._rangeStart.getFullYear();
- inst._rangeStart = null;
- if (inst._inline)
- this._updateDatepicker(inst);
- }
- },
- /* Erase the input field and hide the date picker. */
- _clearDate: function(id) {
- var inst = this._getInst(id);
- if (inst._get('mandatory'))
- return;
- this._stayOpen = false;
- inst._endDay = inst._endMonth = inst._endYear = inst._rangeStart = null;
- this._selectDate(inst, '');
- },
- /* Update the input field with the selected date. */
- _selectDate: function(id, dateStr) {
- var inst = this._getInst(id);
- dateStr = (dateStr != null ? dateStr : inst._formatDate());
- if (inst._rangeStart)
- dateStr = inst._formatDate(inst._rangeStart) + inst._get('rangeSeparator') + dateStr;
- if (inst._input)
- inst._input.val(dateStr);
- var onSelect = inst._get('onSelect');
- if (onSelect)
- onSelect.apply((inst._input ? inst._input[0] : null), [dateStr, inst]); // trigger custom callback
- else if (inst._input)
- inst._input.trigger('change'); // fire the change event
- if (inst._inline)
- this._updateDatepicker(inst);
- else if (!this._stayOpen) {
- this._hideDatepicker(null, inst._get('speed'));
- this._lastInput = inst._input[0];
- if (typeof(inst._input[0]) != 'object')
- inst._input[0].focus(); // restore focus
- this._lastInput = null;
- }
- },
- /* Set as beforeShowDay function to prevent selection of weekends.
- @param date Date - the date to customise
- @return [boolean, string] - is this date selectable?, what is its CSS class? */
- noWeekends: function(date) {
- var day = date.getDay();
- return [(day > 0 && day < 6), ''];
- },
- /* Set as calculateWeek to determine the week of the year based on the ISO 8601 definition.
- @param date Date - the date to get the week for
- @return number - the number of the week within the year that contains this date */
- iso8601Week: function(date) {
- var checkDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), (date.getTimezoneOffset() / -60));
- var firstMon = new Date(checkDate.getFullYear(), 1 - 1, 4); // First week always contains 4 Jan
- var firstDay = firstMon.getDay() || 7; // Day of week: Mon = 1, ..., Sun = 7
- firstMon.setDate(firstMon.getDate() + 1 - firstDay); // Preceding Monday
- if (firstDay < 4 && checkDate < firstMon) { // Adjust first three days in year if necessary
- checkDate.setDate(checkDate.getDate() - 3); // Generate for previous year
- return $.datepicker.iso8601Week(checkDate);
- } else if (checkDate > new Date(checkDate.getFullYear(), 12 - 1, 28)) { // Check last three days in year
- firstDay = new Date(checkDate.getFullYear() + 1, 1 - 1, 4).getDay() || 7;
- if (firstDay > 4 && (checkDate.getDay() || 7) < firstDay - 3) { // Adjust if necessary
- checkDate.setDate(checkDate.getDate() + 3); // Generate for next year
- return $.datepicker.iso8601Week(checkDate);
- }
- }
- return Math.floor(((checkDate - firstMon) / 86400000) / 7) + 1; // Weeks to given date
- },
- /* Provide status text for a particular date.
- @param date the date to get the status for
- @param inst the current datepicker instance
- @return the status display text for this date */
- dateStatus: function(date, inst) {
- return $.datepicker.formatDate(inst._get('dateStatus'), date, inst._getFormatConfig());
- },
- /* Parse a string value into a date object.
- The format can be combinations of the following:
- d - day of month (no leading zero)
- dd - day of month (two digit)
- D - day name short
- DD - day name long
- m - month of year (no leading zero)
- mm - month of year (two digit)
- M - month name short
- MM - month name long
- y - year (two digit)
- yy - year (four digit)
- '...' - literal text
- '' - single quote
- @param format String - the expected format of the date
- @param value String - the date in the above format
- @param settings Object - attributes include:
- shortYearCutoff Number - the cutoff year for determining the century (optional)
- dayNamesShort String[7] - abbreviated names of the days from Sunday (optional)
- dayNames String[7] - names of the days from Sunday (optional)
- monthNamesShort String[12] - abbreviated names of the months (optional)
- monthNames String[12] - names of the months (optional)
- @return Date - the extracted date value or null if value is blank */
- parseDate: function (format, value, settings) {
- if (format == null || value == null)
- throw 'Invalid arguments';
- value = (typeof value == 'object' ? value.toString() : value + '');
- if (value == '')
- return null;
- var shortYearCutoff = (settings ? settings.shortYearCutoff : null) || this._defaults.shortYearCutoff;
- var dayNamesShort = (settings ? settings.dayNamesShort : null) || this._defaults.dayNamesShort;
- var dayNames = (settings ? settings.dayNames : null) || this._defaults.dayNames;
- var monthNamesShort = (settings ? settings.monthNamesShort : null) || this._defaults.monthNamesShort;
- var monthNames = (settings ? settings.monthNames : null) || this._defaults.monthNames;
- var year = -1;
- var month = -1;
- var day = -1;
- var literal = false;
- // Check whether a format character is doubled
- var lookAhead = function(match) {
- var matches = (iFormat + 1 < format.length && format.charAt(iFormat + 1) == match);
- if (matches)
- iFormat++;
- return matches;
- };
- // Extract a number from the string value
- var getNumber = function(match) {
- lookAhead(match);
- var size = (match == 'y' ? 4 : 2);
- var num = 0;
- while (size > 0 && iValue < value.length &&
- value.charAt(iValue) >= '0' && value.charAt(iValue) <= '9') {
- num = num * 10 + (value.charAt(iValue++) - 0);
- size--;
- }
- if (size == (match == 'y' ? 4 : 2))
- throw 'Missing number at position ' + iValue;
- return num;
- };
- // Extract a name from the string value and convert to an index
- var getName = function(match, shortNames, longNames) {
- var names = (lookAhead(match) ? longNames : shortNames);
- var size = 0;
- for (var j = 0; j < names.length; j++)
- size = Math.max(size, names[j].length);
- var name = '';
- var iInit = iValue;
- while (size > 0 && iValue < value.length) {
- name += value.charAt(iValue++);
- for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++)
- if (name == names[i])
- return i + 1;
- size--;
- }
- throw 'Unknown name at position ' + iInit;
- };
- // Confirm that a literal character matches the string value
- var checkLiteral = function() {
- if (value.charAt(iValue) != format.charAt(iFormat))
- throw 'Unexpected literal at position ' + iValue;
- iValue++;
- };
- var iValue = 0;
- for (var iFormat = 0; iFormat < format.length; iFormat++) {
- if (literal)
- if (format.charAt(iFormat) == "'" && !lookAhead("'"))
- literal = false;
- else
- checkLiteral();
- else
- switch (format.charAt(iFormat)) {
- case 'd':
- day = getNumber('d');
- break;
- case 'D':
- getName('D', dayNamesShort, dayNames);
- break;
- case 'm':
- month = getNumber('m');
- break;
- case 'M':
- month = getName('M', monthNamesShort, monthNames);
- break;
- case 'y':
- year = getNumber('y');
- break;
- case "'":
- if (lookAhead("'"))
- checkLiteral();
- else
- literal = true;
- break;
- default:
- checkLiteral();
- }
- }
- if (year < 100) {
- year += new Date().getFullYear() - new Date().getFullYear() % 100 +
- (year <= shortYearCutoff ? 0 : -100);
- }
- var date = new Date(year, month - 1, day);
- if (date.getFullYear() != year || date.getMonth() + 1 != month || date.getDate() != day) {
- throw 'Invalid date'; // E.g. 31/02/*
- }
- return date;
- },
- /* Format a date object into a string value.
- The format can be combinations of the following:
- d - day of month (no leading zero)
- dd - day of month (two digit)
- D - day name short
- DD - day name long
- m - month of year (no leading zero)
- mm - month of year (two digit)
- M - month name short
- MM - month name long
- y - year (two digit)
- yy - year (four digit)
- '...' - literal text
- '' - single quote
- @param format String - the desired format of the date
- @param date Date - the date value to format
- @param settings Object - attributes include:
- dayNamesShort String[7] - abbreviated names of the days from Sunday (optional)
- dayNames String[7] - names of the days from Sunday (optional)
- monthNamesShort String[12] - abbreviated names of the months (optional)
- monthNames String[12] - names of the months (optional)
- @return String - the date in the above format */
- formatDate: function (format, date, settings) {
- if (!date)
- return '';
- var dayNamesShort = (settings ? settings.dayNamesShort : null) || this._defaults.dayNamesShort;
- var dayNames = (settings ? settings.dayNames : null) || this._defaults.dayNames;
- var monthNamesShort = (settings ? settings.monthNamesShort : null) || this._defaults.monthNamesShort;
- var monthNames = (settings ? settings.monthNames : null) || this._defaults.monthNames;
- // Check whether a format character is doubled
- var lookAhead = function(match) {
- var matches = (iFormat + 1 < format.length && format.charAt(iFormat + 1) == match);
- if (matches)
- iFormat++;
- return matches;
- };
- // Format a number, with leading zero if necessary
- var formatNumber = function(match, value) {
- return (lookAhead(match) && value < 10 ? '0' : '') + value;
- };
- // Format a name, short or long as requested
- var formatName = function(match, value, shortNames, longNames) {
- return (lookAhead(match) ? longNames[value] : shortNames[value]);
- };
- var output = '';
- var literal = false;
- if (date) {
- for (var iFormat = 0; iFormat < format.length; iFormat++) {
- if (literal)
- if (format.charAt(iFormat) == "'" && !lookAhead("'"))
- literal = false;
- else
- output += format.charAt(iFormat);
- else
- switch (format.charAt(iFormat)) {
- case 'd':
- output += formatNumber('d', date.getDate());
- break;
- case 'D':
- output += formatName('D', date.getDay(), dayNamesShort, dayNames);
- break;
- case 'm':
- output += formatNumber('m', date.getMonth() + 1);
- break;
- case 'M':
- output += formatName('M', date.getMonth(), monthNamesShort, monthNames);
- break;
- case 'y':
- output += (lookAhead('y') ? date.getFullYear() :
- (date.getYear() % 100 < 10 ? '0' : '') + date.getYear() % 100);
- break;
- case "'":
- if (lookAhead("'"))
- output += "'";
- else
- literal = true;
- break;
- default:
- output += format.charAt(iFormat);
- }
- }
- }
- return output;
- },
- /* Extract all possible characters from the date format. */
- _possibleChars: function (format) {
- var chars = '';
- var literal = false;
- for (var iFormat = 0; iFormat < format.length; iFormat++)
- if (literal)
- if (format.charAt(iFormat) == "'" && !lookAhead("'"))
- literal = false;
- else
- chars += format.charAt(iFormat);
- else
- switch (format.charAt(iFormat)) {
- case 'd' || 'm' || 'y':
- chars += '0123456789';
- break;
- case 'D' || 'M':
- return null; // Accept anything
- case "'":
- if (lookAhead("'"))
- chars += "'";
- else
- literal = true;
- break;
- default:
- chars += format.charAt(iFormat);
- }
- return chars;
- }
-/* Individualised settings for date picker functionality applied to one or more related inputs.
- Instances are managed and manipulated through the Datepicker manager. */
-function DatepickerInstance(settings, inline) {
- this._id = $.datepicker._register(this);
- this._selectedDay = 0; // Current date for selection
- this._selectedMonth = 0; // 0-11
- this._selectedYear = 0; // 4-digit year
- this._drawMonth = 0; // Current month at start of datepicker
- this._drawYear = 0;
- this._input = null; // The attached input field
- this._inline = inline; // True if showing inline, false if used in a popup
- this._datepickerDiv = (!inline ? $.datepicker._datepickerDiv :
- $('<div id="ui-datepicker-div-' + this._id + '" class="ui-datepicker-inline">'));
- // customise the date picker object - uses manager defaults if not overridden
- this._settings = extendRemove(settings || {}); // clone
- if (inline)
- this._setDate(this._getDefaultDate());
-$.extend(DatepickerInstance.prototype, {
- /* Get a setting value, defaulting if necessary. */
- _get: function(name) {
- return this._settings[name] !== undefined ? this._settings[name] : $.datepicker._defaults[name];
- },
- /* Parse existing date and initialise date picker. */
- _setDateFromField: function(input) {
- this._input = $(input);
- var dateFormat = this._get('dateFormat');
- var dates = this._input ? this._input.val().split(this._get('rangeSeparator')) : null;
- this._endDay = this._endMonth = this._endYear = null;
- var date = defaultDate = this._getDefaultDate();
- if (dates.length > 0) {
- var settings = this._getFormatConfig();
- if (dates.length > 1) {
- date = $.datepicker.parseDate(dateFormat, dates[1], settings) || defaultDate;
- this._endDay = date.getDate();
- this._endMonth = date.getMonth();
- this._endYear = date.getFullYear();
- }
- try {
- date = $.datepicker.parseDate(dateFormat, dates[0], settings) || defaultDate;
- } catch (e) {
- $.datepicker.log(e);
- date = defaultDate;
- }
- }
- this._selectedDay = date.getDate();
- this._drawMonth = this._selectedMonth = date.getMonth();
- this._drawYear = this._selectedYear = date.getFullYear();
- this._currentDay = (dates[0] ? date.getDate() : 0);
- this._currentMonth = (dates[0] ? date.getMonth() : 0);
- this._currentYear = (dates[0] ? date.getFullYear() : 0);
- this._adjustDate();
- },
- /* Retrieve the default date shown on opening. */
- _getDefaultDate: function() {
- var date = this._determineDate('defaultDate', new Date());
- var minDate = this._getMinMaxDate('min', true);
- var maxDate = this._getMinMaxDate('max');
- date = (minDate && date < minDate ? minDate : date);
- date = (maxDate && date > maxDate ? maxDate : date);
- return date;
- },
- /* A date may be specified as an exact value or a relative one. */
- _determineDate: function(name, defaultDate) {
- var offsetNumeric = function(offset) {
- var date = new Date();
- date.setDate(date.getDate() + offset);
- return date;
- };
- var offsetString = function(offset, getDaysInMonth) {
- var date = new Date();
- var matches = /^([+-]?[0-9]+)\s*(d|D|w|W|m|M|y|Y)?$/.exec(offset);
- if (matches) {
- var year = date.getFullYear();
- var month = date.getMonth();
- var day = date.getDate();
- switch (matches[2] || 'd') {
- case 'd' : case 'D' :
- day += (matches[1] - 0); break;
- case 'w' : case 'W' :
- day += (matches[1] * 7); break;
- case 'm' : case 'M' :
- month += (matches[1] - 0);
- day = Math.min(day, getDaysInMonth(year, month));
- break;
- case 'y': case 'Y' :
- year += (matches[1] - 0);
- day = Math.min(day, getDaysInMonth(year, month));
- break;
- }
- date = new Date(year, month, day);
- }
- return date;
- };
- var date = this._get(name);
- return (date == null ? defaultDate :
- (typeof date == 'string' ? offsetString(date, this._getDaysInMonth) :
- (typeof date == 'number' ? offsetNumeric(date) : date)));
- },
- /* Set the date(s) directly. */
- _setDate: function(date, endDate) {
- this._selectedDay = this._currentDay = date.getDate();
- this._drawMonth = this._selectedMonth = this._currentMonth = date.getMonth();
- this._drawYear = this._selectedYear = this._currentYear = date.getFullYear();
- if (this._get('rangeSelect')) {
- if (endDate) {
- this._endDay = endDate.getDate();
- this._endMonth = endDate.getMonth();
- this._endYear = endDate.getFullYear();
- } else {
- this._endDay = this._currentDay;
- this._endMonth = this._currentMonth;
- this._endYear = this._currentYear;
- }
- }
- this._adjustDate();
- },
- /* Retrieve the date(s) directly. */
- _getDate: function() {
- var startDate = (!this._currentYear || (this._input && this._input.val() == '') ? null :
- new Date(this._currentYear, this._currentMonth, this._currentDay));
- if (this._get('rangeSelect')) {
- return [startDate, (!this._endYear ? null :
- new Date(this._endYear, this._endMonth, this._endDay))];
- } else
- return startDate;
- },
- /* Generate the HTML for the current state of the date picker. */
- _generateDatepicker: function() {
- var today = new Date();
- today = new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate()); // clear time
- var showStatus = this._get('showStatus');
- var isRTL = this._get('isRTL');
- // build the date picker HTML
- var clear = (this._get('mandatory') ? '' :
- '<div class="ui-datepicker-clear"><a onclick="jQuery.datepicker._clearDate(' + this._id + ');"' +
- (showStatus ? this._addStatus(this._get('clearStatus') || '&#xa0;') : '') + '>' +
- this._get('clearText') + '</a></div>');
- var controls = '<div class="ui-datepicker-control">' + (isRTL ? '' : clear) +
- '<div class="ui-datepicker-close"><a onclick="jQuery.datepicker._hideDatepicker();"' +
- (showStatus ? this._addStatus(this._get('closeStatus') || '&#xa0;') : '') + '>' +
- this._get('closeText') + '</a></div>' + (isRTL ? clear : '') + '</div>';
- var prompt = this._get('prompt');
- var closeAtTop = this._get('closeAtTop');
- var hideIfNoPrevNext = this._get('hideIfNoPrevNext');
- var numMonths = this._getNumberOfMonths();
- var stepMonths = this._get('stepMonths');
- var isMultiMonth = (numMonths[0] != 1 || numMonths[1] != 1);
- var minDate = this._getMinMaxDate('min', true);
- var maxDate = this._getMinMaxDate('max');
- var drawMonth = this._drawMonth;
- var drawYear = this._drawYear;
- if (maxDate) {
- var maxDraw = new Date(maxDate.getFullYear(),
- maxDate.getMonth() - numMonths[1] + 1, maxDate.getDate());
- maxDraw = (minDate && maxDraw < minDate ? minDate : maxDraw);
- while (new Date(drawYear, drawMonth, 1) > maxDraw) {
- drawMonth--;
- if (drawMonth < 0) {
- drawMonth = 11;
- drawYear--;
- }
- }
- }
- // controls and links
- var prev = '<div class="ui-datepicker-prev">' + (this._canAdjustMonth(-1, drawYear, drawMonth) ?
- '<a onclick="jQuery.datepicker._adjustDate(' + this._id + ', -' + stepMonths + ', \'M\');"' +
- (showStatus ? this._addStatus(this._get('prevStatus') || '&#xa0;') : '') + '>' +
- this._get('prevText') + '</a>' :
- (hideIfNoPrevNext ? '' : '<label>' + this._get('prevText') + '</label>')) + '</div>';
- var next = '<div class="ui-datepicker-next">' + (this._canAdjustMonth(+1, drawYear, drawMonth) ?
- '<a onclick="jQuery.datepicker._adjustDate(' + this._id + ', +' + stepMonths + ', \'M\');"' +
- (showStatus ? this._addStatus(this._get('nextStatus') || '&#xa0;') : '') + '>' +
- this._get('nextText') + '</a>' :
- (hideIfNoPrevNext ? '>' : '<label>' + this._get('nextText') + '</label>')) + '</div>';
- var html = (prompt ? '<div class="ui-datepicker-prompt">' + prompt + '</div>' : '') +
- (closeAtTop && !this._inline ? controls : '') +
- '<div class="ui-datepicker-links">' + (isRTL ? next : prev) +
- (this._isInRange(today) ? '<div class="ui-datepicker-current">' +
- '<a onclick="jQuery.datepicker._gotoToday(' + this._id + ');"' +
- (showStatus ? this._addStatus(this._get('currentStatus') || '&#xa0;') : '') + '>' +
- this._get('currentText') + '</a></div>' : '') + (isRTL ? prev : next) + '</div>';
- var showWeeks = this._get('showWeeks');
- for (var row = 0; row < numMonths[0]; row++)
- for (var col = 0; col < numMonths[1]; col++) {
- var selectedDate = new Date(drawYear, drawMonth, this._selectedDay);
- html += '<div class="ui-datepicker-one-month' + (col == 0 ? ' ui-datepicker-new-row' : '') + '">' +
- this._generateMonthYearHeader(drawMonth, drawYear, minDate, maxDate,
- selectedDate, row > 0 || col > 0) + // draw month headers
- '<table class="ui-datepicker" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><thead>' +
- '<tr class="ui-datepicker-title-row">' +
- (showWeeks ? '<td>' + this._get('weekHeader') + '</td>' : '');
- var firstDay = this._get('firstDay');
- var changeFirstDay = this._get('changeFirstDay');
- var dayNames = this._get('dayNames');
- var dayNamesShort = this._get('dayNamesShort');
- var dayNamesMin = this._get('dayNamesMin');
- for (var dow = 0; dow < 7; dow++) { // days of the week
- var day = (dow + firstDay) % 7;
- var status = this._get('dayStatus') || '&#xa0;';
- status = (status.indexOf('DD') > -1 ? status.replace(/DD/, dayNames[day]) :
- status.replace(/D/, dayNamesShort[day]));
- html += '<td' + ((dow + firstDay + 6) % 7 >= 5 ? ' class="ui-datepicker-week-end-cell"' : '') + '>' +
- (!changeFirstDay ? '<span' :
- '<a onclick="jQuery.datepicker._changeFirstDay(' + this._id + ', ' + day + ');"') +
- (showStatus ? this._addStatus(status) : '') + ' title="' + dayNames[day] + '">' +
- dayNamesMin[day] + (changeFirstDay ? '</a>' : '</span>') + '</td>';
- }
- html += '</tr></thead><tbody>';
- var daysInMonth = this._getDaysInMonth(drawYear, drawMonth);
- if (drawYear == this._selectedYear && drawMonth == this._selectedMonth) {
- this._selectedDay = Math.min(this._selectedDay, daysInMonth);
- }
- var leadDays = (this._getFirstDayOfMonth(drawYear, drawMonth) - firstDay + 7) % 7;
- var currentDate = (!this._currentDay ? new Date(9999, 9, 9) :
- new Date(this._currentYear, this._currentMonth, this._currentDay));
- var endDate = this._endDay ? new Date(this._endYear, this._endMonth, this._endDay) : currentDate;
- var printDate = new Date(drawYear, drawMonth, 1 - leadDays);
- var numRows = (isMultiMonth ? 6 : Math.ceil((leadDays + daysInMonth) / 7)); // calculate the number of rows to generate
- var beforeShowDay = this._get('beforeShowDay');
- var showOtherMonths = this._get('showOtherMonths');
- var calculateWeek = this._get('calculateWeek') || $.datepicker.iso8601Week;
- var dateStatus = this._get('statusForDate') || $.datepicker.dateStatus;
- for (var dRow = 0; dRow < numRows; dRow++) { // create date picker rows
- html += '<tr class="ui-datepicker-days-row">' +
- (showWeeks ? '<td class="ui-datepicker-week-col">' + calculateWeek(printDate) + '</td>' : '');
- for (var dow = 0; dow < 7; dow++) { // create date picker days
- var daySettings = (beforeShowDay ?
- beforeShowDay.apply((this._input ? this._input[0] : null), [printDate]) : [true, '']);
- var otherMonth = (printDate.getMonth() != drawMonth);
- var unselectable = otherMonth || !daySettings[0] ||
- (minDate && printDate < minDate) || (maxDate && printDate > maxDate);
- html += '<td class="ui-datepicker-days-cell' +
- ((dow + firstDay + 6) % 7 >= 5 ? ' ui-datepicker-week-end-cell' : '') + // highlight weekends
- (otherMonth ? ' ui-datepicker-otherMonth' : '') + // highlight days from other months
- (printDate.getTime() == selectedDate.getTime() && drawMonth == this._selectedMonth ?
- ' ui-datepicker-days-cell-over' : '') + // highlight selected day
- (unselectable ? ' ui-datepicker-unselectable' : '') + // highlight unselectable days
- (otherMonth && !showOtherMonths ? '' : ' ' + daySettings[1] + // highlight custom dates
- (printDate.getTime() >= currentDate.getTime() && printDate.getTime() <= endDate.getTime() ? // in current range
- ' ui-datepicker-current-day' : '') + // highlight selected day
- (printDate.getTime() == today.getTime() ? ' ui-datepicker-today' : '')) + '"' + // highlight today (if different)
- (unselectable ? '' : ' onmouseover="jQuery(this).addClass(\'ui-datepicker-days-cell-over\');' +
- (!showStatus || (otherMonth && !showOtherMonths) ? '' : 'jQuery(\'#ui-datepicker-status-' +
- this._id + '\').html(\'' + (dateStatus.apply((this._input ? this._input[0] : null),
- [printDate, this]) || '&#xa0;') +'\');') + '"' +
- ' onmouseout="jQuery(this).removeClass(\'ui-datepicker-days-cell-over\');' +
- (!showStatus || (otherMonth && !showOtherMonths) ? '' : 'jQuery(\'#ui-datepicker-status-' +
- this._id + '\').html(\'&#xa0;\');') + '" onclick="jQuery.datepicker._selectDay(' +
- this._id + ',' + drawMonth + ',' + drawYear + ', this);"') + '>' + // actions
- (otherMonth ? (showOtherMonths ? printDate.getDate() : '&#xa0;') : // display for other months
- (unselectable ? printDate.getDate() : '<a>' + printDate.getDate() + '</a>')) + '</td>'; // display for this month
- printDate.setDate(printDate.getDate() + 1);
- }
- html += '</tr>';
- }
- drawMonth++;
- if (drawMonth > 11) {
- drawMonth = 0;
- drawYear++;
- }
- html += '</tbody></table></div>';
- }
- html += (showStatus ? '<div style="clear: both;"></div><div id="ui-datepicker-status-' + this._id +
- '" class="ui-datepicker-status">' + (this._get('initStatus') || '&#xa0;') + '</div>' : '') +
- (!closeAtTop && !this._inline ? controls : '') +
- '<div style="clear: both;"></div>' +
- ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 7 && !this._inline ?
- '<iframe src="javascript:false;" class="ui-datepicker-cover"></iframe>' : '');
- return html;
- },
- /* Generate the month and year header. */
- _generateMonthYearHeader: function(drawMonth, drawYear, minDate, maxDate, selectedDate, secondary) {
- minDate = (this._rangeStart && minDate && selectedDate < minDate ? selectedDate : minDate);
- var showStatus = this._get('showStatus');
- var html = '<div class="ui-datepicker-header">';
- // month selection
- var monthNames = this._get('monthNames');
- if (secondary || !this._get('changeMonth'))
- html += monthNames[drawMonth] + '&#xa0;';
- else {
- var inMinYear = (minDate && minDate.getFullYear() == drawYear);
- var inMaxYear = (maxDate && maxDate.getFullYear() == drawYear);
- html += '<select class="ui-datepicker-new-month" ' +
- 'onchange="jQuery.datepicker._selectMonthYear(' + this._id + ', this, \'M\');" ' +
- 'onclick="jQuery.datepicker._clickMonthYear(' + this._id + ');"' +
- (showStatus ? this._addStatus(this._get('monthStatus') || '&#xa0;') : '') + '>';
- for (var month = 0; month < 12; month++) {
- if ((!inMinYear || month >= minDate.getMonth()) &&
- (!inMaxYear || month <= maxDate.getMonth())) {
- html += '<option value="' + month + '"' +
- (month == drawMonth ? ' selected="selected"' : '') +
- '>' + monthNames[month] + '</option>';
- }
- }
- html += '</select>';
- }
- // year selection
- if (secondary || !this._get('changeYear'))
- html += drawYear;
- else {
- // determine range of years to display
- var years = this._get('yearRange').split(':');
- var year = 0;
- var endYear = 0;
- if (years.length != 2) {
- year = drawYear - 10;
- endYear = drawYear + 10;
- } else if (years[0].charAt(0) == '+' || years[0].charAt(0) == '-') {
- year = new Date().getFullYear() + parseInt(years[0], 10);
- endYear = new Date().getFullYear() + parseInt(years[1], 10);
- } else {
- year = parseInt(years[0], 10);
- endYear = parseInt(years[1], 10);
- }
- year = (minDate ? Math.max(year, minDate.getFullYear()) : year);
- endYear = (maxDate ? Math.min(endYear, maxDate.getFullYear()) : endYear);
- html += '<select class="ui-datepicker-new-year" ' +
- 'onchange="jQuery.datepicker._selectMonthYear(' + this._id + ', this, \'Y\');" ' +
- 'onclick="jQuery.datepicker._clickMonthYear(' + this._id + ');"' +
- (showStatus ? this._addStatus(this._get('yearStatus') || '&#xa0;') : '') + '>';
- for (; year <= endYear; year++) {
- html += '<option value="' + year + '"' +
- (year == drawYear ? ' selected="selected"' : '') +
- '>' + year + '</option>';
- }
- html += '</select>';
- }
- html += '</div>'; // Close datepicker_header
- return html;
- },
- /* Provide code to set and clear the status panel. */
- _addStatus: function(text) {
- return ' onmouseover="jQuery(\'#ui-datepicker-status-' + this._id + '\').html(\'' + text + '\');" ' +
- 'onmouseout="jQuery(\'#ui-datepicker-status-' + this._id + '\').html(\'&#xa0;\');"';
- },
- /* Adjust one of the date sub-fields. */
- _adjustDate: function(offset, period) {
- var year = this._drawYear + (period == 'Y' ? offset : 0);
- var month = this._drawMonth + (period == 'M' ? offset : 0);
- var day = Math.min(this._selectedDay, this._getDaysInMonth(year, month)) +
- (period == 'D' ? offset : 0);
- var date = new Date(year, month, day);
- // ensure it is within the bounds set
- var minDate = this._getMinMaxDate('min', true);
- var maxDate = this._getMinMaxDate('max');
- date = (minDate && date < minDate ? minDate : date);
- date = (maxDate && date > maxDate ? maxDate : date);
- this._selectedDay = date.getDate();
- this._drawMonth = this._selectedMonth = date.getMonth();
- this._drawYear = this._selectedYear = date.getFullYear();
- },
- /* Determine the number of months to show. */
- _getNumberOfMonths: function() {
- var numMonths = this._get('numberOfMonths');
- return (numMonths == null ? [1, 1] : (typeof numMonths == 'number' ? [1, numMonths] : numMonths));
- },
- /* Determine the current maximum date - ensure no time components are set - may be overridden for a range. */
- _getMinMaxDate: function(minMax, checkRange) {
- var date = this._determineDate(minMax + 'Date', null);
- if (date) {
- date.setHours(0);
- date.setMinutes(0);
- date.setSeconds(0);
- date.setMilliseconds(0);
- }
- return date || (checkRange ? this._rangeStart : null);
- },
- /* Find the number of days in a given month. */
- _getDaysInMonth: function(year, month) {
- return 32 - new Date(year, month, 32).getDate();
- },
- /* Find the day of the week of the first of a month. */
- _getFirstDayOfMonth: function(year, month) {
- return new Date(year, month, 1).getDay();
- },
- /* Determines if we should allow a "next/prev" month display change. */
- _canAdjustMonth: function(offset, curYear, curMonth) {
- var numMonths = this._getNumberOfMonths();
- var date = new Date(curYear, curMonth + (offset < 0 ? offset : numMonths[1]), 1);
- if (offset < 0)
- date.setDate(this._getDaysInMonth(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()));
- return this._isInRange(date);
- },
- /* Is the given date in the accepted range? */
- _isInRange: function(date) {
- // during range selection, use minimum of selected date and range start
- var newMinDate = (!this._rangeStart ? null :
- new Date(this._selectedYear, this._selectedMonth, this._selectedDay));
- newMinDate = (newMinDate && this._rangeStart < newMinDate ? this._rangeStart : newMinDate);
- var minDate = newMinDate || this._getMinMaxDate('min');
- var maxDate = this._getMinMaxDate('max');
- return ((!minDate || date >= minDate) && (!maxDate || date <= maxDate));
- },
- /* Provide the configuration settings for formatting/parsing. */
- _getFormatConfig: function() {
- var shortYearCutoff = this._get('shortYearCutoff');
- shortYearCutoff = (typeof shortYearCutoff != 'string' ? shortYearCutoff :
- new Date().getFullYear() % 100 + parseInt(shortYearCutoff, 10));
- return {shortYearCutoff: shortYearCutoff,
- dayNamesShort: this._get('dayNamesShort'), dayNames: this._get('dayNames'),
- monthNamesShort: this._get('monthNamesShort'), monthNames: this._get('monthNames')};
- },
- /* Format the given date for display. */
- _formatDate: function(day, month, year) {
- if (!day) {
- this._currentDay = this._selectedDay;
- this._currentMonth = this._selectedMonth;
- this._currentYear = this._selectedYear;
- }
- var date = (day ? (typeof day == 'object' ? day : new Date(year, month, day)) :
- new Date(this._currentYear, this._currentMonth, this._currentDay));
- return $.datepicker.formatDate(this._get('dateFormat'), date, this._getFormatConfig());
- }
-/* jQuery extend now ignores nulls! */
-function extendRemove(target, props) {
- $.extend(target, props);
- for (var name in props)
- if (props[name] == null)
- target[name] = null;
- return target;
-/* Invoke the datepicker functionality.
- @param options String - a command, optionally followed by additional parameters or
- Object - settings for attaching new datepicker functionality
- @return jQuery object */
-$.fn.datepicker = function(options){
- var otherArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
- if (typeof options == 'string' && (options == 'isDisabled' || options == 'getDate')) {
- return $.datepicker['_' + options + 'Datepicker'].apply($.datepicker, [this[0]].concat(otherArgs));
- }
- return this.each(function() {
- typeof options == 'string' ?
- $.datepicker['_' + options + 'Datepicker'].apply($.datepicker, [this].concat(otherArgs)) :
- $.datepicker._attachDatepicker(this, options);
- });
-$.datepicker = new Datepicker(); // singleton instance
-/* Initialise the date picker. */
-$(document).ready(function() {
- $(document.body).append($.datepicker._datepickerDiv)
- .mousedown($.datepicker._checkExternalClick);
diff --git a/ui/source/ui.dialog.js b/ui/source/ui.dialog.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a1496dbdc..000000000
--- a/ui/source/ui.dialog.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Dialog
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Richard D. Worth (rdworth.org)
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Dialog
- *
- * Depends:
- * ui.core.js
- * ui.draggable.js
- * ui.resizable.js
- *
- * Revision: $Id: ui.dialog.js 5608 2008-05-15 14:41:12Z scott.gonzalez $
- */
-(function($) {
-var setDataSwitch = {
- dragStart: "start.draggable",
- drag: "drag.draggable",
- dragStop: "stop.draggable",
- maxHeight: "maxHeight.resizable",
- minHeight: "minHeight.resizable",
- maxWidth: "maxWidth.resizable",
- minWidth: "minWidth.resizable",
- resizeStart: "start.resizable",
- resize: "drag.resizable",
- resizeStop: "stop.resizable"
-$.widget("ui.dialog", {
- init: function() {
- var self = this,
- options = this.options,
- resizeHandles = typeof options.resizable == 'string'
- ? options.resizable
- : 'n,e,s,w,se,sw,ne,nw',
- uiDialogContent = this.element
- .addClass('ui-dialog-content')
- .wrap('<div/>')
- .wrap('<div/>'),
- uiDialogContainer = uiDialogContent.parent()
- .addClass('ui-dialog-container')
- .css({position: 'relative'}),
- title = options.title || uiDialogContent.attr('title') || '',
- uiDialogTitlebar = (this.uiDialogTitlebar =
- $('<div class="ui-dialog-titlebar"/>'))
- .append('<span class="ui-dialog-title">' + title + '</span>')
- .append('<a href="#" class="ui-dialog-titlebar-close"><span>X</span></a>')
- .prependTo(uiDialogContainer),
- uiDialog = (this.uiDialog = uiDialogContainer.parent())
- .hide()
- .appendTo(document.body)
- .addClass('ui-dialog')
- .addClass(options.dialogClass)
- // add content classes to dialog
- // to inherit theme at top level of element
- .addClass(uiDialogContent.attr('className'))
- .removeClass('ui-dialog-content')
- .css({
- position: 'absolute',
- width: options.width,
- height: options.height,
- overflow: 'hidden',
- zIndex: options.zIndex
- })
- // setting tabIndex makes the div focusable
- // setting outline to 0 prevents a border on focus in Mozilla
- .attr('tabIndex', -1).css('outline', 0).keydown(function(ev) {
- if (options.closeOnEscape) {
- var ESC = 27;
- (ev.keyCode && ev.keyCode == ESC && self.close());
- }
- })
- .mousedown(function() {
- self.moveToTop();
- });
- this.uiDialogTitlebarClose = $('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close', uiDialogTitlebar)
- .hover(
- function() {
- $(this).addClass('ui-dialog-titlebar-close-hover');
- },
- function() {
- $(this).removeClass('ui-dialog-titlebar-close-hover');
- }
- )
- .mousedown(function(ev) {
- ev.stopPropagation();
- })
- .click(function() {
- self.close();
- return false;
- });
- var hasButtons = false;
- $.each(options.buttons, function() { return !(hasButtons = true); });
- if (hasButtons) {
- var uiDialogButtonPane = $('<div class="ui-dialog-buttonpane"/>')
- .appendTo(uiDialog);
- $.each(options.buttons, function(name, fn) {
- $('<button/>')
- .text(name)
- .click(function() { fn.apply(self.element, arguments); })
- .appendTo(uiDialogButtonPane);
- });
- }
- if ($.fn.draggable) {
- uiDialog.draggable({
- handle: '.ui-dialog-titlebar',
- start: function(e, ui) {
- self.moveToTop();
- (options.dragStart && options.dragStart.apply(this, arguments));
- },
- drag: options.drag,
- stop: function(e, ui) {
- (options.dragStop && options.dragStop.apply(this, arguments));
- $.ui.dialog.overlay.resize();
- }
- });
- (options.draggable || uiDialog.draggable('disable'));
- }
- if ($.fn.resizable) {
- uiDialog.resizable({
- maxWidth: options.maxWidth,
- maxHeight: options.maxHeight,
- minWidth: options.minWidth,
- minHeight: options.minHeight,
- start: options.resizeStart,
- resize: options.resize,
- handles: resizeHandles,
- stop: function(e, ui) {
- (options.resizeStop && options.resizeStop.apply(this, arguments));
- $.ui.dialog.overlay.resize();
- }
- });
- (options.resizable || uiDialog.resizable('disable'));
- }
- (options.bgiframe && $.fn.bgiframe && uiDialog.bgiframe());
- (options.autoOpen && this.open());
- },
- setData: function(key, value){
- (setDataSwitch[key] && this.uiDialog.data(setDataSwitch[key], value));
- switch (key) {
- case "draggable":
- this.uiDialog.draggable(value ? 'enable' : 'disable');
- break;
- case "height":
- this.uiDialog.height(value);
- break;
- case "position":
- this.position(value);
- break;
- case "resizable":
- (typeof value == 'string' && this.uiDialog.data('handles.resizable', value));
- this.uiDialog.resizable(value ? 'enable' : 'disable');
- break;
- case "title":
- $(".ui-dialog-title", this.uiDialogTitlebar).text(value);
- break;
- case "width":
- this.uiDialog.width(value);
- break;
- }
- $.widget.prototype.setData.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- position: function(pos) {
- var wnd = $(window), doc = $(document),
- pTop = doc.scrollTop(), pLeft = doc.scrollLeft(),
- minTop = pTop;
- if ($.inArray(pos, ['center','top','right','bottom','left']) >= 0) {
- pos = [
- pos == 'right' || pos == 'left' ? pos : 'center',
- pos == 'top' || pos == 'bottom' ? pos : 'middle'
- ];
- }
- if (pos.constructor != Array) {
- pos = ['center', 'middle'];
- }
- if (pos[0].constructor == Number) {
- pLeft += pos[0];
- } else {
- switch (pos[0]) {
- case 'left':
- pLeft += 0;
- break;
- case 'right':
- pLeft += wnd.width() - this.uiDialog.width();
- break;
- default:
- case 'center':
- pLeft += (wnd.width() - this.uiDialog.width()) / 2;
- }
- }
- if (pos[1].constructor == Number) {
- pTop += pos[1];
- } else {
- switch (pos[1]) {
- case 'top':
- pTop += 0;
- break;
- case 'bottom':
- pTop += wnd.height() - this.uiDialog.height();
- break;
- default:
- case 'middle':
- pTop += (wnd.height() - this.uiDialog.height()) / 2;
- }
- }
- // prevent the dialog from being too high (make sure the titlebar
- // is accessible)
- pTop = Math.max(pTop, minTop);
- this.uiDialog.css({top: pTop, left: pLeft});
- },
- open: function() {
- this.overlay = this.options.modal ? new $.ui.dialog.overlay(this) : null;
- this.uiDialog.appendTo('body');
- this.position(this.options.position);
- this.uiDialog.show();
- this.moveToTop(true);
- // CALLBACK: open
- var openEV = null;
- var openUI = {
- options: this.options
- };
- this.uiDialogTitlebarClose.focus();
- this.element.triggerHandler("dialogopen", [openEV, openUI], this.options.open);
- },
- // the force parameter allows us to move modal dialogs to their correct
- // position on open
- moveToTop: function(force) {
- if ((this.options.modal && !force) || !this.options.stack) { return; }
- var maxZ = this.options.zIndex, options = this.options;
- $('.ui-dialog:visible').each(function() {
- maxZ = Math.max(maxZ, parseInt($(this).css('z-index'), 10) || options.zIndex);
- });
- (this.overlay && this.overlay.$el.css('z-index', ++maxZ));
- this.uiDialog.css('z-index', ++maxZ);
- },
- close: function() {
- (this.overlay && this.overlay.destroy());
- this.uiDialog.hide();
- // CALLBACK: close
- var closeEV = null;
- var closeUI = {
- options: this.options
- };
- this.element.triggerHandler("dialogclose", [closeEV, closeUI], this.options.close);
- $.ui.dialog.overlay.resize();
- },
- destroy: function() {
- (this.overlay && this.overlay.destroy());
- this.uiDialog.hide();
- this.element
- .unbind('.dialog')
- .removeData('dialog')
- .removeClass('ui-dialog-content')
- .hide().appendTo('body');
- this.uiDialog.remove();
- }
-$.extend($.ui.dialog, {
- defaults: {
- autoOpen: true,
- bgiframe: false,
- buttons: {},
- closeOnEscape: true,
- draggable: true,
- height: 200,
- minHeight: 100,
- minWidth: 150,
- modal: false,
- overlay: {},
- position: 'center',
- resizable: true,
- stack: true,
- width: 300,
- zIndex: 1000
- },
- overlay: function(dialog) {
- this.$el = $.ui.dialog.overlay.create(dialog);
- }
-$.extend($.ui.dialog.overlay, {
- instances: [],
- events: $.map('focus,mousedown,mouseup,keydown,keypress,click'.split(','),
- function(e) { return e + '.dialog-overlay'; }).join(' '),
- create: function(dialog) {
- if (this.instances.length === 0) {
- // prevent use of anchors and inputs
- // we use a setTimeout in case the overlay is created from an
- // event that we're going to be cancelling (see #2804)
- setTimeout(function() {
- $('a, :input').bind($.ui.dialog.overlay.events, function() {
- // allow use of the element if inside a dialog and
- // - there are no modal dialogs
- // - there are modal dialogs, but we are in front of the topmost modal
- var allow = false;
- var $dialog = $(this).parents('.ui-dialog');
- if ($dialog.length) {
- var $overlays = $('.ui-dialog-overlay');
- if ($overlays.length) {
- var maxZ = parseInt($overlays.css('z-index'), 10);
- $overlays.each(function() {
- maxZ = Math.max(maxZ, parseInt($(this).css('z-index'), 10));
- });
- allow = parseInt($dialog.css('z-index'), 10) > maxZ;
- } else {
- allow = true;
- }
- }
- return allow;
- });
- }, 1);
- // allow closing by pressing the escape key
- $(document).bind('keydown.dialog-overlay', function(e) {
- var ESC = 27;
- (e.keyCode && e.keyCode == ESC && dialog.close());
- });
- // handle window resize
- $(window).bind('resize.dialog-overlay', $.ui.dialog.overlay.resize);
- }
- var $el = $('<div/>').appendTo(document.body)
- .addClass('ui-dialog-overlay').css($.extend({
- borderWidth: 0, margin: 0, padding: 0,
- position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0,
- width: this.width(),
- height: this.height()
- }, dialog.options.overlay));
- (dialog.options.bgiframe && $.fn.bgiframe && $el.bgiframe());
- this.instances.push($el);
- return $el;
- },
- destroy: function($el) {
- this.instances.splice($.inArray(this.instances, $el), 1);
- if (this.instances.length === 0) {
- $('a, :input').add([document, window]).unbind('.dialog-overlay');
- }
- $el.remove();
- },
- height: function() {
- if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7) {
- var scrollHeight = Math.max(
- document.documentElement.scrollHeight,
- document.body.scrollHeight
- );
- var offsetHeight = Math.max(
- document.documentElement.offsetHeight,
- document.body.offsetHeight
- );
- if (scrollHeight < offsetHeight) {
- return $(window).height() + 'px';
- } else {
- return scrollHeight + 'px';
- }
- } else {
- return $(document).height() + 'px';
- }
- },
- width: function() {
- if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7) {
- var scrollWidth = Math.max(
- document.documentElement.scrollWidth,
- document.body.scrollWidth
- );
- var offsetWidth = Math.max(
- document.documentElement.offsetWidth,
- document.body.offsetWidth
- );
- if (scrollWidth < offsetWidth) {
- return $(window).width() + 'px';
- } else {
- return scrollWidth + 'px';
- }
- } else {
- return $(document).width() + 'px';
- }
- },
- resize: function() {
- /* If the dialog is draggable and the user drags it past the
- * right edge of the window, the document becomes wider so we
- * need to stretch the overlay. If the user then drags the
- * dialog back to the left, the document will become narrower,
- * so we need to shrink the overlay to the appropriate size.
- * This is handled by shrinking the overlay before setting it
- * to the full document size.
- */
- var $overlays = $([]);
- $.each($.ui.dialog.overlay.instances, function() {
- $overlays = $overlays.add(this);
- });
- $overlays.css({
- width: 0,
- height: 0
- }).css({
- width: $.ui.dialog.overlay.width(),
- height: $.ui.dialog.overlay.height()
- });
- }
-$.extend($.ui.dialog.overlay.prototype, {
- destroy: function() {
- $.ui.dialog.overlay.destroy(this.$el);
- }
diff --git a/ui/source/ui.draggable.js b/ui/source/ui.draggable.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 692cf20d5..000000000
--- a/ui/source/ui.draggable.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,552 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Draggable
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Paul Bakaus
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Draggables
- *
- * Depends:
- * ui.core.js
- *
- * Revision: $Id: ui.draggable.js 5672 2008-05-23 04:11:30Z braeker $
- */
-(function($) {
-$.widget("ui.draggable", $.extend($.ui.mouse, {
- init: function() {
- //Initialize needed constants
- var o = this.options;
- //Position the node
- if (o.helper == 'original' && !(/(relative|absolute|fixed)/).test(this.element.css('position')))
- this.element.css('position', 'relative');
- this.element.addClass('ui-draggable');
- (o.disabled && this.element.addClass('ui-draggable-disabled'));
- this.mouseInit();
- },
- mouseStart: function(e) {
- var o = this.options;
- if (this.helper || o.disabled || $(e.target).is('.ui-resizable-handle')) return false;
- var handle = !this.options.handle || !$(this.options.handle, this.element).length ? true : false;
- if(!handle) $(this.options.handle, this.element).each(function() {
- if(this == e.target) handle = true;
- });
- if (!handle) return false;
- if($.ui.ddmanager) $.ui.ddmanager.current = this;
- //Create and append the visible helper
- this.helper = $.isFunction(o.helper) ? $(o.helper.apply(this.element[0], [e])) : (o.helper == 'clone' ? this.element.clone() : this.element);
- if(!this.helper.parents('body').length) this.helper.appendTo((o.appendTo == 'parent' ? this.element[0].parentNode : o.appendTo));
- if(this.helper[0] != this.element[0] && !(/(fixed|absolute)/).test(this.helper.css("position"))) this.helper.css("position", "absolute");
- /*
- * - Position generation -
- * This block generates everything position related - it's the core of draggables.
- */
- this.margins = { //Cache the margins
- left: (parseInt(this.element.css("marginLeft"),10) || 0),
- top: (parseInt(this.element.css("marginTop"),10) || 0)
- };
- this.cssPosition = this.helper.css("position"); //Store the helper's css position
- this.offset = this.element.offset(); //The element's absolute position on the page
- this.offset = { //Substract the margins from the element's absolute offset
- top: this.offset.top - this.margins.top,
- left: this.offset.left - this.margins.left
- };
- this.offset.click = { //Where the click happened, relative to the element
- left: e.pageX - this.offset.left,
- top: e.pageY - this.offset.top
- };
- this.offsetParent = this.helper.offsetParent(); var po = this.offsetParent.offset(); //Get the offsetParent and cache its position
- this.offset.parent = { //Store its position plus border
- top: po.top + (parseInt(this.offsetParent.css("borderTopWidth"),10) || 0),
- left: po.left + (parseInt(this.offsetParent.css("borderLeftWidth"),10) || 0)
- };
- var p = this.element.position(); //This is a relative to absolute position minus the actual position calculation - only used for relative positioned helpers
- this.offset.relative = this.cssPosition == "relative" ? {
- top: p.top - (parseInt(this.helper.css("top"),10) || 0) + this.offsetParent[0].scrollTop,
- left: p.left - (parseInt(this.helper.css("left"),10) || 0) + this.offsetParent[0].scrollLeft
- } : { top: 0, left: 0 };
- this.originalPosition = this.generatePosition(e); //Generate the original position
- this.helperProportions = { width: this.helper.outerWidth(), height: this.helper.outerHeight() };//Cache the helper size
- if(o.cursorAt) {
- if(o.cursorAt.left != undefined) this.offset.click.left = o.cursorAt.left;
- if(o.cursorAt.right != undefined) this.offset.click.left = this.helperProportions.width - o.cursorAt.right;
- if(o.cursorAt.top != undefined) this.offset.click.top = o.cursorAt.top;
- if(o.cursorAt.bottom != undefined) this.offset.click.top = this.helperProportions.height - o.cursorAt.bottom;
- }
- /*
- * - Position constraining -
- * Here we prepare position constraining like grid and containment.
- */
- if(o.containment) {
- if(o.containment == 'parent') o.containment = this.helper[0].parentNode;
- if(o.containment == 'document') this.containment = [0,0,$(document).width(), ($(document).height() || document.body.parentNode.scrollHeight)];
- if(!(/^(document|window|parent)$/).test(o.containment)) {
- var ce = $(o.containment)[0];
- var co = $(o.containment).offset();
- this.containment = [
- co.left + (parseInt($(ce).css("borderLeftWidth"),10) || 0) - this.offset.relative.left - this.offset.parent.left,
- co.top + (parseInt($(ce).css("borderTopWidth"),10) || 0) - this.offset.relative.top - this.offset.parent.top,
- co.left+Math.max(ce.scrollWidth,ce.offsetWidth) - (parseInt($(ce).css("borderLeftWidth"),10) || 0) - this.offset.relative.left - this.offset.parent.left - this.helperProportions.width - this.margins.left - (parseInt(this.element.css("marginRight"),10) || 0),
- co.top+Math.max(ce.scrollHeight,ce.offsetHeight) - (parseInt($(ce).css("borderTopWidth"),10) || 0) - this.offset.relative.top - this.offset.parent.top - this.helperProportions.height - this.margins.top - (parseInt(this.element.css("marginBottom"),10) || 0)
- ];
- }
- }
- //Call plugins and callbacks
- this.propagate("start", e);
- this.helperProportions = { width: this.helper.outerWidth(), height: this.helper.outerHeight() };//Recache the helper size
- if ($.ui.ddmanager && !o.dropBehaviour) $.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets(this, e);
- this.helper.addClass("ui-draggable-dragging");
- this.mouseDrag(e); //Execute the drag once - this causes the helper not to be visible before getting its correct position
- return true;
- },
- convertPositionTo: function(d, pos) {
- if(!pos) pos = this.position;
- var mod = d == "absolute" ? 1 : -1;
- return {
- top: (
- pos.top // the calculated relative position
- + this.offset.relative.top * mod // Only for relative positioned nodes: Relative offset from element to offset parent
- + this.offset.parent.top * mod // The offsetParent's offset without borders (offset + border)
- - (this.cssPosition == "fixed" || (this.cssPosition == "absolute" && this.offsetParent[0] == document.body) ? 0 : this.offsetParent[0].scrollTop) * mod // The offsetParent's scroll position, not if the element is fixed
- + (this.cssPosition == "fixed" ? this.offsetParent[0].scrollTop : 0) * mod
- + this.margins.top * mod //Add the margin (you don't want the margin counting in intersection methods)
- ),
- left: (
- pos.left // the calculated relative position
- + this.offset.relative.left * mod // Only for relative positioned nodes: Relative offset from element to offset parent
- + this.offset.parent.left * mod // The offsetParent's offset without borders (offset + border)
- - (this.cssPosition == "fixed" || (this.cssPosition == "absolute" && this.offsetParent[0] == document.body) ? 0 : this.offsetParent[0].scrollLeft) * mod // The offsetParent's scroll position, not if the element is fixed
- + (this.cssPosition == "fixed" ? this.offsetParent[0].scrollLeft : 0) * mod
- + this.margins.left * mod //Add the margin (you don't want the margin counting in intersection methods)
- )
- };
- },
- generatePosition: function(e) {
- var o = this.options;
- var position = {
- top: (
- e.pageY // The absolute mouse position
- - this.offset.click.top // Click offset (relative to the element)
- - this.offset.relative.top // Only for relative positioned nodes: Relative offset from element to offset parent
- - this.offset.parent.top // The offsetParent's offset without borders (offset + border)
- + (this.cssPosition == "fixed" || (this.cssPosition == "absolute" && this.offsetParent[0] == document.body) ? 0 : this.offsetParent[0].scrollTop) // The offsetParent's scroll position, not if the element is fixed
- - (this.cssPosition == "fixed" ? this.offsetParent[0].scrollTop : 0)
- ),
- left: (
- e.pageX // The absolute mouse position
- - this.offset.click.left // Click offset (relative to the element)
- - this.offset.relative.left // Only for relative positioned nodes: Relative offset from element to offset parent
- - this.offset.parent.left // The offsetParent's offset without borders (offset + border)
- + (this.cssPosition == "fixed" || (this.cssPosition == "absolute" && this.offsetParent[0] == document.body) ? 0 : this.offsetParent[0].scrollLeft) // The offsetParent's scroll position, not if the element is fixed
- - (this.cssPosition == "fixed" ? this.offsetParent[0].scrollLeft : 0)
- )
- };
- if(!this.originalPosition) return position; //If we are not dragging yet, we won't check for options
- /*
- * - Position constraining -
- * Constrain the position to a mix of grid, containment.
- */
- if(this.containment) {
- if(position.left < this.containment[0]) position.left = this.containment[0];
- if(position.top < this.containment[1]) position.top = this.containment[1];
- if(position.left > this.containment[2]) position.left = this.containment[2];
- if(position.top > this.containment[3]) position.top = this.containment[3];
- }
- if(o.grid) {
- var top = this.originalPosition.top + Math.round((position.top - this.originalPosition.top) / o.grid[1]) * o.grid[1];
- position.top = this.containment ? (!(top < this.containment[1] || top > this.containment[3]) ? top : (!(top < this.containment[1]) ? top - o.grid[1] : top + o.grid[1])) : top;
- var left = this.originalPosition.left + Math.round((position.left - this.originalPosition.left) / o.grid[0]) * o.grid[0];
- position.left = this.containment ? (!(left < this.containment[0] || left > this.containment[2]) ? left : (!(left < this.containment[0]) ? left - o.grid[0] : left + o.grid[0])) : left;
- }
- return position;
- },
- mouseDrag: function(e) {
- //Compute the helpers position
- this.position = this.generatePosition(e);
- this.positionAbs = this.convertPositionTo("absolute");
- //Call plugins and callbacks and use the resulting position if something is returned
- this.position = this.propagate("drag", e) || this.position;
- if(!this.options.axis || this.options.axis != "y") this.helper[0].style.left = this.position.left+'px';
- if(!this.options.axis || this.options.axis != "x") this.helper[0].style.top = this.position.top+'px';
- if($.ui.ddmanager) $.ui.ddmanager.drag(this, e);
- return false;
- },
- mouseStop: function(e) {
- //If we are using droppables, inform the manager about the drop
- if ($.ui.ddmanager && !this.options.dropBehaviour)
- $.ui.ddmanager.drop(this, e);
- if(this.options.revert) {
- var self = this;
- $(this.helper).animate(this.originalPosition, parseInt(this.options.revert, 10) || 500, function() {
- self.propagate("stop", e);
- self.clear();
- });
- } else {
- this.propagate("stop", e);
- this.clear();
- }
- return false;
- },
- clear: function() {
- this.helper.removeClass("ui-draggable-dragging");
- if(this.options.helper != 'original' && !this.cancelHelperRemoval) this.helper.remove();
- if($.ui.ddmanager) $.ui.ddmanager.current = null;
- this.helper = null;
- this.cancelHelperRemoval = false;
- },
- // From now on bulk stuff - mainly helpers
- plugins: {},
- uiHash: function(e) {
- return {
- helper: this.helper,
- position: this.position,
- absolutePosition: this.positionAbs,
- options: this.options
- };
- },
- propagate: function(n,e) {
- $.ui.plugin.call(this, n, [e, this.uiHash()]);
- return this.element.triggerHandler(n == "drag" ? n : "drag"+n, [e, this.uiHash()], this.options[n]);
- },
- destroy: function() {
- if(!this.element.data('draggable')) return;
- this.element.removeData("draggable").unbind(".draggable").removeClass('ui-draggable');
- this.mouseDestroy();
- }
-$.extend($.ui.draggable, {
- defaults: {
- appendTo: "parent",
- axis: false,
- cancel: ":input,button",
- delay: 0,
- distance: 0,
- helper: "original"
- }
-$.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "cursor", {
- start: function(e, ui) {
- var t = $('body');
- if (t.css("cursor")) ui.options._cursor = t.css("cursor");
- t.css("cursor", ui.options.cursor);
- },
- stop: function(e, ui) {
- if (ui.options._cursor) $('body').css("cursor", ui.options._cursor);
- }
-$.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "zIndex", {
- start: function(e, ui) {
- var t = $(ui.helper);
- if(t.css("zIndex")) ui.options._zIndex = t.css("zIndex");
- t.css('zIndex', ui.options.zIndex);
- },
- stop: function(e, ui) {
- if(ui.options._zIndex) $(ui.helper).css('zIndex', ui.options._zIndex);
- }
-$.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "opacity", {
- start: function(e, ui) {
- var t = $(ui.helper);
- if(t.css("opacity")) ui.options._opacity = t.css("opacity");
- t.css('opacity', ui.options.opacity);
- },
- stop: function(e, ui) {
- if(ui.options._opacity) $(ui.helper).css('opacity', ui.options._opacity);
- }
-$.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "iframeFix", {
- start: function(e, ui) {
- $(ui.options.iframeFix === true ? "iframe" : ui.options.iframeFix).each(function() {
- $('<div class="ui-draggable-iframeFix" style="background: #fff;"></div>')
- .css({
- width: this.offsetWidth+"px", height: this.offsetHeight+"px",
- position: "absolute", opacity: "0.001", zIndex: 1000
- })
- .css($(this).offset())
- .appendTo("body");
- });
- },
- stop: function(e, ui) {
- $("div.DragDropIframeFix").each(function() { this.parentNode.removeChild(this); }); //Remove frame helpers
- }
-$.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "scroll", {
- start: function(e, ui) {
- var o = ui.options;
- var i = $(this).data("draggable");
- o.scrollSensitivity = o.scrollSensitivity || 20;
- o.scrollSpeed = o.scrollSpeed || 20;
- i.overflowY = function(el) {
- do { if(/auto|scroll/.test(el.css('overflow')) || (/auto|scroll/).test(el.css('overflow-y'))) return el; el = el.parent(); } while (el[0].parentNode);
- return $(document);
- }(this);
- i.overflowX = function(el) {
- do { if(/auto|scroll/.test(el.css('overflow')) || (/auto|scroll/).test(el.css('overflow-x'))) return el; el = el.parent(); } while (el[0].parentNode);
- return $(document);
- }(this);
- if(i.overflowY[0] != document && i.overflowY[0].tagName != 'HTML') i.overflowYOffset = i.overflowY.offset();
- if(i.overflowX[0] != document && i.overflowX[0].tagName != 'HTML') i.overflowXOffset = i.overflowX.offset();
- },
- drag: function(e, ui) {
- var o = ui.options;
- var i = $(this).data("draggable");
- if(i.overflowY[0] != document && i.overflowY[0].tagName != 'HTML') {
- if((i.overflowYOffset.top + i.overflowY[0].offsetHeight) - e.pageY < o.scrollSensitivity)
- i.overflowY[0].scrollTop = i.overflowY[0].scrollTop + o.scrollSpeed;
- if(e.pageY - i.overflowYOffset.top < o.scrollSensitivity)
- i.overflowY[0].scrollTop = i.overflowY[0].scrollTop - o.scrollSpeed;
- } else {
- if(e.pageY - $(document).scrollTop() < o.scrollSensitivity)
- $(document).scrollTop($(document).scrollTop() - o.scrollSpeed);
- if($(window).height() - (e.pageY - $(document).scrollTop()) < o.scrollSensitivity)
- $(document).scrollTop($(document).scrollTop() + o.scrollSpeed);
- }
- if(i.overflowX[0] != document && i.overflowX[0].tagName != 'HTML') {
- if((i.overflowXOffset.left + i.overflowX[0].offsetWidth) - e.pageX < o.scrollSensitivity)
- i.overflowX[0].scrollLeft = i.overflowX[0].scrollLeft + o.scrollSpeed;
- if(e.pageX - i.overflowXOffset.left < o.scrollSensitivity)
- i.overflowX[0].scrollLeft = i.overflowX[0].scrollLeft - o.scrollSpeed;
- } else {
- if(e.pageX - $(document).scrollLeft() < o.scrollSensitivity)
- $(document).scrollLeft($(document).scrollLeft() - o.scrollSpeed);
- if($(window).width() - (e.pageX - $(document).scrollLeft()) < o.scrollSensitivity)
- $(document).scrollLeft($(document).scrollLeft() + o.scrollSpeed);
- }
- }
-$.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "snap", {
- start: function(e, ui) {
- var inst = $(this).data("draggable");
- inst.snapElements = [];
- $(ui.options.snap === true ? '.ui-draggable' : ui.options.snap).each(function() {
- var $t = $(this); var $o = $t.offset();
- if(this != inst.element[0]) inst.snapElements.push({
- item: this,
- width: $t.outerWidth(), height: $t.outerHeight(),
- top: $o.top, left: $o.left
- });
- });
- },
- drag: function(e, ui) {
- var inst = $(this).data("draggable");
- var d = ui.options.snapTolerance || 20;
- var x1 = ui.absolutePosition.left, x2 = x1 + inst.helperProportions.width,
- y1 = ui.absolutePosition.top, y2 = y1 + inst.helperProportions.height;
- for (var i = inst.snapElements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- var l = inst.snapElements[i].left, r = l + inst.snapElements[i].width,
- t = inst.snapElements[i].top, b = t + inst.snapElements[i].height;
- //Yes, I know, this is insane ;)
- if(!((l-d < x1 && x1 < r+d && t-d < y1 && y1 < b+d) || (l-d < x1 && x1 < r+d && t-d < y2 && y2 < b+d) || (l-d < x2 && x2 < r+d && t-d < y1 && y1 < b+d) || (l-d < x2 && x2 < r+d && t-d < y2 && y2 < b+d))) continue;
- if(ui.options.snapMode != 'inner') {
- var ts = Math.abs(t - y2) <= 20;
- var bs = Math.abs(b - y1) <= 20;
- var ls = Math.abs(l - x2) <= 20;
- var rs = Math.abs(r - x1) <= 20;
- if(ts) ui.position.top = inst.convertPositionTo("relative", { top: t - inst.helperProportions.height, left: 0 }).top;
- if(bs) ui.position.top = inst.convertPositionTo("relative", { top: b, left: 0 }).top;
- if(ls) ui.position.left = inst.convertPositionTo("relative", { top: 0, left: l - inst.helperProportions.width }).left;
- if(rs) ui.position.left = inst.convertPositionTo("relative", { top: 0, left: r }).left;
- }
- if(ui.options.snapMode != 'outer') {
- var ts = Math.abs(t - y1) <= 20;
- var bs = Math.abs(b - y2) <= 20;
- var ls = Math.abs(l - x1) <= 20;
- var rs = Math.abs(r - x2) <= 20;
- if(ts) ui.position.top = inst.convertPositionTo("relative", { top: t, left: 0 }).top;
- if(bs) ui.position.top = inst.convertPositionTo("relative", { top: b - inst.helperProportions.height, left: 0 }).top;
- if(ls) ui.position.left = inst.convertPositionTo("relative", { top: 0, left: l }).left;
- if(rs) ui.position.left = inst.convertPositionTo("relative", { top: 0, left: r - inst.helperProportions.width }).left;
- }
- };
- }
-$.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "connectToSortable", {
- start: function(e,ui) {
- var inst = $(this).data("draggable");
- inst.sortables = [];
- $(ui.options.connectToSortable).each(function() {
- if($.data(this, 'sortable')) {
- var sortable = $.data(this, 'sortable');
- inst.sortables.push({
- instance: sortable,
- shouldRevert: sortable.options.revert
- });
- sortable.refresh(); //Do a one-time refresh at start to refresh the containerCache
- sortable.propagate("activate", e, inst);
- }
- });
- },
- stop: function(e,ui) {
- //If we are still over the sortable, we fake the stop event of the sortable, but also remove helper
- var inst = $(this).data("draggable");
- $.each(inst.sortables, function() {
- if(this.instance.isOver) {
- this.instance.isOver = 0;
- inst.cancelHelperRemoval = true; //Don't remove the helper in the draggable instance
- this.instance.cancelHelperRemoval = false; //Remove it in the sortable instance (so sortable plugins like revert still work)
- if(this.shouldRevert) this.instance.options.revert = true; //revert here
- this.instance.mouseStop(e);
- //Also propagate receive event, since the sortable is actually receiving a element
- this.instance.element.triggerHandler("sortreceive", [e, $.extend(this.instance.ui(), { sender: inst.element })], this.instance.options["receive"]);
- this.instance.options.helper = this.instance.options._helper;
- } else {
- this.instance.propagate("deactivate", e, inst);
- }
- });
- },
- drag: function(e,ui) {
- var inst = $(this).data("draggable"), self = this;
- var checkPos = function(o) {
- var l = o.left, r = l + o.width,
- t = o.top, b = t + o.height;
- return (l < (this.positionAbs.left + this.offset.click.left) && (this.positionAbs.left + this.offset.click.left) < r
- && t < (this.positionAbs.top + this.offset.click.top) && (this.positionAbs.top + this.offset.click.top) < b);
- };
- $.each(inst.sortables, function(i) {
- if(checkPos.call(inst, this.instance.containerCache)) {
- //If it intersects, we use a little isOver variable and set it once, so our move-in stuff gets fired only once
- if(!this.instance.isOver) {
- this.instance.isOver = 1;
- //Now we fake the start of dragging for the sortable instance,
- //by cloning the list group item, appending it to the sortable and using it as inst.currentItem
- //We can then fire the start event of the sortable with our passed browser event, and our own helper (so it doesn't create a new one)
- this.instance.currentItem = $(self).clone().appendTo(this.instance.element).data("sortable-item", true);
- this.instance.options._helper = this.instance.options.helper; //Store helper option to later restore it
- this.instance.options.helper = function() { return ui.helper[0]; };
- e.target = this.instance.currentItem[0];
- this.instance.mouseStart(e, true, true);
- //Because the browser event is way off the new appended portlet, we modify a couple of variables to reflect the changes
- this.instance.offset.click.top = inst.offset.click.top;
- this.instance.offset.click.left = inst.offset.click.left;
- this.instance.offset.parent.left -= inst.offset.parent.left - this.instance.offset.parent.left;
- this.instance.offset.parent.top -= inst.offset.parent.top - this.instance.offset.parent.top;
- inst.propagate("toSortable", e);
- }
- //Provided we did all the previous steps, we can fire the drag event of the sortable on every draggable drag, when it intersects with the sortable
- if(this.instance.currentItem) this.instance.mouseDrag(e);
- } else {
- //If it doesn't intersect with the sortable, and it intersected before,
- //we fake the drag stop of the sortable, but make sure it doesn't remove the helper by using cancelHelperRemoval
- if(this.instance.isOver) {
- this.instance.isOver = 0;
- this.instance.cancelHelperRemoval = true;
- this.instance.options.revert = false; //No revert here
- this.instance.mouseStop(e, true);
- this.instance.options.helper = this.instance.options._helper;
- //Now we remove our currentItem, the list group clone again, and the placeholder, and animate the helper back to it's original size
- this.instance.currentItem.remove();
- this.instance.placeholder.remove();
- inst.propagate("fromSortable", e);
- }
- };
- });
- }
-$.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "stack", {
- start: function(e,ui) {
- var group = $.makeArray($(ui.options.stack.group)).sort(function(a,b) {
- return (parseInt($(a).css("zIndex"),10) || ui.options.stack.min) - (parseInt($(b).css("zIndex"),10) || ui.options.stack.min);
- });
- $(group).each(function(i) {
- this.style.zIndex = ui.options.stack.min + i;
- });
- this[0].style.zIndex = ui.options.stack.min + group.length;
- }
diff --git a/ui/source/ui.droppable.js b/ui/source/ui.droppable.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d97a5c40f..000000000
--- a/ui/source/ui.droppable.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Droppable
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Paul Bakaus
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Droppables
- *
- * Depends:
- * ui.core.js
- * ui.draggable.js
- *
- * Revision: $Id: ui.droppable.js 5568 2008-05-12 15:07:16Z paul.bakaus $
- */
-(function($) {
-$.widget("ui.droppable", {
- init: function() {
- this.element.addClass("ui-droppable");
- this.isover = 0; this.isout = 1;
- //Prepare the passed options
- var o = this.options, accept = o.accept;
- o = $.extend(o, {
- accept: o.accept && o.accept.constructor == Function ? o.accept : function(d) {
- return $(d).is(accept);
- }
- });
- //Store the droppable's proportions
- this.proportions = { width: this.element.outerWidth(), height: this.element.outerHeight() };
- // Add the reference and positions to the manager
- $.ui.ddmanager.droppables.push(this);
- },
- plugins: {},
- ui: function(c) {
- return {
- instance: this,
- draggable: (c.currentItem || c.element),
- helper: c.helper,
- position: c.position,
- absolutePosition: c.positionAbs,
- options: this.options,
- element: this.element
- };
- },
- destroy: function() {
- var drop = $.ui.ddmanager.droppables;
- for ( var i = 0; i < drop.length; i++ )
- if ( drop[i] == this )
- drop.splice(i, 1);
- this.element
- .removeClass("ui-droppable ui-droppable-disabled")
- .removeData("droppable")
- .unbind(".droppable");
- },
- over: function(e) {
- var draggable = $.ui.ddmanager.current;
- if (!draggable || (draggable.currentItem || draggable.element)[0] == this.element[0]) return; // Bail if draggable and droppable are same element
- if (this.options.accept.call(this.element,(draggable.currentItem || draggable.element))) {
- $.ui.plugin.call(this, 'over', [e, this.ui(draggable)]);
- this.element.triggerHandler("dropover", [e, this.ui(draggable)], this.options.over);
- }
- },
- out: function(e) {
- var draggable = $.ui.ddmanager.current;
- if (!draggable || (draggable.currentItem || draggable.element)[0] == this.element[0]) return; // Bail if draggable and droppable are same element
- if (this.options.accept.call(this.element,(draggable.currentItem || draggable.element))) {
- $.ui.plugin.call(this, 'out', [e, this.ui(draggable)]);
- this.element.triggerHandler("dropout", [e, this.ui(draggable)], this.options.out);
- }
- },
- drop: function(e,custom) {
- var draggable = custom || $.ui.ddmanager.current;
- if (!draggable || (draggable.currentItem || draggable.element)[0] == this.element[0]) return false; // Bail if draggable and droppable are same element
- var childrenIntersection = false;
- this.element.find(".ui-droppable").not(".ui-draggable-dragging").each(function() {
- var inst = $.data(this, 'droppable');
- if(inst.options.greedy && $.ui.intersect(draggable, $.extend(inst, { offset: inst.element.offset() }), inst.options.tolerance)) {
- childrenIntersection = true; return false;
- }
- });
- if(childrenIntersection) return false;
- if(this.options.accept.call(this.element,(draggable.currentItem || draggable.element))) {
- $.ui.plugin.call(this, 'drop', [e, this.ui(draggable)]);
- this.element.triggerHandler("drop", [e, this.ui(draggable)], this.options.drop);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- activate: function(e) {
- var draggable = $.ui.ddmanager.current;
- $.ui.plugin.call(this, 'activate', [e, this.ui(draggable)]);
- if(draggable) this.element.triggerHandler("dropactivate", [e, this.ui(draggable)], this.options.activate);
- },
- deactivate: function(e) {
- var draggable = $.ui.ddmanager.current;
- $.ui.plugin.call(this, 'deactivate', [e, this.ui(draggable)]);
- if(draggable) this.element.triggerHandler("dropdeactivate", [e, this.ui(draggable)], this.options.deactivate);
- }
-$.extend($.ui.droppable, {
- defaults: {
- disabled: false,
- tolerance: 'intersect'
- }
-$.ui.intersect = function(draggable, droppable, toleranceMode) {
- if (!droppable.offset) return false;
- var x1 = (draggable.positionAbs || draggable.position.absolute).left, x2 = x1 + draggable.helperProportions.width,
- y1 = (draggable.positionAbs || draggable.position.absolute).top, y2 = y1 + draggable.helperProportions.height;
- var l = droppable.offset.left, r = l + droppable.proportions.width,
- t = droppable.offset.top, b = t + droppable.proportions.height;
- switch (toleranceMode) {
- case 'fit':
- return (l < x1 && x2 < r
- && t < y1 && y2 < b);
- break;
- case 'intersect':
- return (l < x1 + (draggable.helperProportions.width / 2) // Right Half
- && x2 - (draggable.helperProportions.width / 2) < r // Left Half
- && t < y1 + (draggable.helperProportions.height / 2) // Bottom Half
- && y2 - (draggable.helperProportions.height / 2) < b ); // Top Half
- break;
- case 'pointer':
- return (l < ((draggable.positionAbs || draggable.position.absolute).left + (draggable.clickOffset || draggable.offset.click).left) && ((draggable.positionAbs || draggable.position.absolute).left + (draggable.clickOffset || draggable.offset.click).left) < r
- && t < ((draggable.positionAbs || draggable.position.absolute).top + (draggable.clickOffset || draggable.offset.click).top) && ((draggable.positionAbs || draggable.position.absolute).top + (draggable.clickOffset || draggable.offset.click).top) < b);
- break;
- case 'touch':
- return (
- (y1 >= t && y1 <= b) || // Top edge touching
- (y2 >= t && y2 <= b) || // Bottom edge touching
- (y1 < t && y2 > b) // Surrounded vertically
- ) && (
- (x1 >= l && x1 <= r) || // Left edge touching
- (x2 >= l && x2 <= r) || // Right edge touching
- (x1 < l && x2 > r) // Surrounded horizontally
- );
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- break;
- }
- This manager tracks offsets of draggables and droppables
-$.ui.ddmanager = {
- current: null,
- droppables: [],
- prepareOffsets: function(t, e) {
- var m = $.ui.ddmanager.droppables;
- var type = e ? e.type : null; // workaround for #2317
- for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
- if(m[i].options.disabled || (t && !m[i].options.accept.call(m[i].element,(t.currentItem || t.element)))) continue;
- m[i].visible = m[i].element.is(":visible"); if(!m[i].visible) continue; //If the element is not visible, continue
- m[i].offset = m[i].element.offset();
- m[i].proportions = { width: m[i].element.outerWidth(), height: m[i].element.outerHeight() };
- if(type == "dragstart" || type == "sortactivate") m[i].activate.call(m[i], e); //Activate the droppable if used directly from draggables
- }
- },
- drop: function(draggable, e) {
- var dropped = false;
- $.each($.ui.ddmanager.droppables, function() {
- if(!this.options) return;
- if (!this.options.disabled && this.visible && $.ui.intersect(draggable, this, this.options.tolerance))
- dropped = this.drop.call(this, e);
- if (!this.options.disabled && this.visible && this.options.accept.call(this.element,(draggable.currentItem || draggable.element))) {
- this.isout = 1; this.isover = 0;
- this.deactivate.call(this, e);
- }
- });
- return dropped;
- },
- drag: function(draggable, e) {
- //If you have a highly dynamic page, you might try this option. It renders positions every time you move the mouse.
- if(draggable.options.refreshPositions) $.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets(draggable, e);
- //Run through all droppables and check their positions based on specific tolerance options
- $.each($.ui.ddmanager.droppables, function() {
- if(this.disabled || this.greedyChild || !this.visible) return;
- var intersects = $.ui.intersect(draggable, this, this.options.tolerance);
- var c = !intersects && this.isover == 1 ? 'isout' : (intersects && this.isover == 0 ? 'isover' : null);
- if(!c) return;
- var parentInstance;
- if (this.options.greedy) {
- var parent = this.element.parents('.ui-droppable:eq(0)');
- if (parent.length) {
- parentInstance = $.data(parent[0], 'droppable');
- parentInstance.greedyChild = (c == 'isover' ? 1 : 0);
- }
- }
- // we just moved into a greedy child
- if (parentInstance && c == 'isover') {
- parentInstance['isover'] = 0;
- parentInstance['isout'] = 1;
- parentInstance.out.call(parentInstance, e);
- }
- this[c] = 1; this[c == 'isout' ? 'isover' : 'isout'] = 0;
- this[c == "isover" ? "over" : "out"].call(this, e);
- // we just moved out of a greedy child
- if (parentInstance && c == 'isout') {
- parentInstance['isout'] = 0;
- parentInstance['isover'] = 1;
- parentInstance.over.call(parentInstance, e);
- }
- });
- }
- * Droppable Extensions
- */
-$.ui.plugin.add("droppable", "activeClass", {
- activate: function(e, ui) {
- $(this).addClass(ui.options.activeClass);
- },
- deactivate: function(e, ui) {
- $(this).removeClass(ui.options.activeClass);
- },
- drop: function(e, ui) {
- $(this).removeClass(ui.options.activeClass);
- }
-$.ui.plugin.add("droppable", "hoverClass", {
- over: function(e, ui) {
- $(this).addClass(ui.options.hoverClass);
- },
- out: function(e, ui) {
- $(this).removeClass(ui.options.hoverClass);
- },
- drop: function(e, ui) {
- $(this).removeClass(ui.options.hoverClass);
- }
diff --git a/ui/source/ui.resizable.js b/ui/source/ui.resizable.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 29dccb33b..000000000
--- a/ui/source/ui.resizable.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,729 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Resizable
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Paul Bakaus
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Resizables
- *
- * Depends:
- * ui.core.js
- *
- * Revision: $Id: ui.resizable.js 5668 2008-05-22 18:17:30Z rdworth $
- */
-(function($) {
-$.widget("ui.resizable", $.extend($.ui.mouse, {
- init: function() {
- var self = this, o = this.options;
- var elpos = this.element.css('position');
- // simulate .ui-resizable { position: relative; }
- this.element.addClass("ui-resizable").css({ position: /static/.test(elpos) ? 'relative' : elpos });
- $.extend(o, {
- _aspectRatio: !!(o.aspectRatio),
- proxy: o.proxy || o.ghost || o.animate ? o.proxy || 'proxy' : null,
- knobHandles: o.knobHandles === true ? 'ui-resizable-knob-handle' : o.knobHandles
- });
- //Default Theme
- var aBorder = '1px solid #DEDEDE';
- o.defaultTheme = {
- 'ui-resizable': { display: 'block' },
- 'ui-resizable-handle': { position: 'absolute', background: '#F2F2F2', fontSize: '0.1px' },
- 'ui-resizable-n': { cursor: 'n-resize', height: '4px', left: '0px', right: '0px', borderTop: aBorder },
- 'ui-resizable-s': { cursor: 's-resize', height: '4px', left: '0px', right: '0px', borderBottom: aBorder },
- 'ui-resizable-e': { cursor: 'e-resize', width: '4px', top: '0px', bottom: '0px', borderRight: aBorder },
- 'ui-resizable-w': { cursor: 'w-resize', width: '4px', top: '0px', bottom: '0px', borderLeft: aBorder },
- 'ui-resizable-se': { cursor: 'se-resize', width: '4px', height: '4px', borderRight: aBorder, borderBottom: aBorder },
- 'ui-resizable-sw': { cursor: 'sw-resize', width: '4px', height: '4px', borderBottom: aBorder, borderLeft: aBorder },
- 'ui-resizable-ne': { cursor: 'ne-resize', width: '4px', height: '4px', borderRight: aBorder, borderTop: aBorder },
- 'ui-resizable-nw': { cursor: 'nw-resize', width: '4px', height: '4px', borderLeft: aBorder, borderTop: aBorder }
- };
- o.knobTheme = {
- 'ui-resizable-handle': { background: '#F2F2F2', border: '1px solid #808080', height: '8px', width: '8px' },
- 'ui-resizable-n': { cursor: 'n-resize', top: '0px', left: '45%' },
- 'ui-resizable-s': { cursor: 's-resize', bottom: '0px', left: '45%' },
- 'ui-resizable-e': { cursor: 'e-resize', right: '0px', top: '45%' },
- 'ui-resizable-w': { cursor: 'w-resize', left: '0px', top: '45%' },
- 'ui-resizable-se': { cursor: 'se-resize', right: '0px', bottom: '0px' },
- 'ui-resizable-sw': { cursor: 'sw-resize', left: '0px', bottom: '0px' },
- 'ui-resizable-nw': { cursor: 'nw-resize', left: '0px', top: '0px' },
- 'ui-resizable-ne': { cursor: 'ne-resize', right: '0px', top: '0px' }
- };
- o._nodeName = this.element[0].nodeName;
- //Wrap the element if it cannot hold child nodes
- if(o._nodeName.match(/canvas|textarea|input|select|button|img/i)) {
- var el = this.element;
- //Opera fixing relative position
- if (/relative/.test(el.css('position')) && $.browser.opera)
- el.css({ position: 'relative', top: 'auto', left: 'auto' });
- //Create a wrapper element and set the wrapper to the new current internal element
- el.wrap(
- $('<div class="ui-wrapper" style="overflow: hidden;"></div>').css( {
- position: el.css('position'),
- width: el.outerWidth(),
- height: el.outerHeight(),
- top: el.css('top'),
- left: el.css('left')
- })
- );
- var oel = this.element; this.element = this.element.parent();
- // store instance on wrapper
- this.element.data('resizable', this);
- //Move margins to the wrapper
- this.element.css({ marginLeft: oel.css("marginLeft"), marginTop: oel.css("marginTop"),
- marginRight: oel.css("marginRight"), marginBottom: oel.css("marginBottom")
- });
- oel.css({ marginLeft: 0, marginTop: 0, marginRight: 0, marginBottom: 0});
- //Prevent Safari textarea resize
- if ($.browser.safari && o.preventDefault) oel.css('resize', 'none');
- o.proportionallyResize = oel.css({ position: 'static', zoom: 1, display: 'block' });
- // avoid IE jump
- this.element.css({ margin: oel.css('margin') });
- // fix handlers offset
- this._proportionallyResize();
- }
- if(!o.handles) o.handles = !$('.ui-resizable-handle', this.element).length ? "e,s,se" : { n: '.ui-resizable-n', e: '.ui-resizable-e', s: '.ui-resizable-s', w: '.ui-resizable-w', se: '.ui-resizable-se', sw: '.ui-resizable-sw', ne: '.ui-resizable-ne', nw: '.ui-resizable-nw' };
- if(o.handles.constructor == String) {
- o.zIndex = o.zIndex || 1000;
- if(o.handles == 'all') o.handles = 'n,e,s,w,se,sw,ne,nw';
- var n = o.handles.split(","); o.handles = {};
- // insertions are applied when don't have theme loaded
- var insertionsDefault = {
- handle: 'position: absolute; display: none; overflow:hidden;',
- n: 'top: 0pt; width:100%;',
- e: 'right: 0pt; height:100%;',
- s: 'bottom: 0pt; width:100%;',
- w: 'left: 0pt; height:100%;',
- se: 'bottom: 0pt; right: 0px;',
- sw: 'bottom: 0pt; left: 0px;',
- ne: 'top: 0pt; right: 0px;',
- nw: 'top: 0pt; left: 0px;'
- };
- for(var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
- var handle = $.trim(n[i]), dt = o.defaultTheme, hname = 'ui-resizable-'+handle, loadDefault = !$.ui.css(hname) && !o.knobHandles, userKnobClass = $.ui.css('ui-resizable-knob-handle'),
- allDefTheme = $.extend(dt[hname], dt['ui-resizable-handle']), allKnobTheme = $.extend(o.knobTheme[hname], !userKnobClass ? o.knobTheme['ui-resizable-handle'] : {});
- // increase zIndex of sw, se, ne, nw axis
- var applyZIndex = /sw|se|ne|nw/.test(handle) ? { zIndex: ++o.zIndex } : {};
- var defCss = (loadDefault ? insertionsDefault[handle] : ''),
- axis = $(['<div class="ui-resizable-handle ', hname, '" style="', defCss, insertionsDefault.handle, '"></div>'].join('')).css( applyZIndex );
- o.handles[handle] = '.ui-resizable-'+handle;
- this.element.append(
- //Theme detection, if not loaded, load o.defaultTheme
- axis.css( loadDefault ? allDefTheme : {} )
- // Load the knobHandle css, fix width, height, top, left...
- .css( o.knobHandles ? allKnobTheme : {} ).addClass(o.knobHandles ? 'ui-resizable-knob-handle' : '').addClass(o.knobHandles)
- );
- }
- if (o.knobHandles) this.element.addClass('ui-resizable-knob').css( !$.ui.css('ui-resizable-knob') ? { /*border: '1px #fff dashed'*/ } : {} );
- }
- this._renderAxis = function(target) {
- target = target || this.element;
- for(var i in o.handles) {
- if(o.handles[i].constructor == String)
- o.handles[i] = $(o.handles[i], this.element).show();
- if (o.transparent)
- o.handles[i].css({opacity:0});
- //Apply pad to wrapper element, needed to fix axis position (textarea, inputs, scrolls)
- if (this.element.is('.ui-wrapper') &&
- o._nodeName.match(/textarea|input|select|button/i)) {
- var axis = $(o.handles[i], this.element), padWrapper = 0;
- //Checking the correct pad and border
- padWrapper = /sw|ne|nw|se|n|s/.test(i) ? axis.outerHeight() : axis.outerWidth();
- //The padding type i have to apply...
- var padPos = [ 'padding',
- /ne|nw|n/.test(i) ? 'Top' :
- /se|sw|s/.test(i) ? 'Bottom' :
- /^e$/.test(i) ? 'Right' : 'Left' ].join("");
- if (!o.transparent)
- target.css(padPos, padWrapper);
- this._proportionallyResize();
- }
- if(!$(o.handles[i]).length) continue;
- }
- };
- this._renderAxis(this.element);
- o._handles = $('.ui-resizable-handle', self.element);
- if (o.disableSelection)
- o._handles.each(function(i, e) { $.ui.disableSelection(e); });
- //Matching axis name
- o._handles.mouseover(function() {
- if (!o.resizing) {
- if (this.className)
- var axis = this.className.match(/ui-resizable-(se|sw|ne|nw|n|e|s|w)/i);
- //Axis, default = se
- self.axis = o.axis = axis && axis[1] ? axis[1] : 'se';
- }
- });
- //If we want to auto hide the elements
- if (o.autohide) {
- o._handles.hide();
- $(self.element).addClass("ui-resizable-autohide").hover(function() {
- $(this).removeClass("ui-resizable-autohide");
- o._handles.show();
- },
- function(){
- if (!o.resizing) {
- $(this).addClass("ui-resizable-autohide");
- o._handles.hide();
- }
- });
- }
- this.mouseInit();
- },
- plugins: {},
- ui: function() {
- return {
- axis: this.options.axis,
- options: this.options
- };
- },
- propagate: function(n,e) {
- $.ui.plugin.call(this, n, [e, this.ui()]);
- this.element.triggerHandler(n == "resize" ? n : ["resize", n].join(""), [e, this.ui()], this.options[n]);
- },
- destroy: function() {
- var el = this.element, wrapped = el.children(".ui-resizable").get(0);
- this.mouseDestroy();
- var _destroy = function(exp) {
- $(exp).removeClass("ui-resizable ui-resizable-disabled")
- .removeData("resizable").unbind(".resizable").find('.ui-resizable-handle').remove();
- };
- _destroy(el);
- if (el.is('.ui-wrapper') && wrapped) {
- el.parent().append(
- $(wrapped).css({
- position: el.css('position'),
- width: el.outerWidth(),
- height: el.outerHeight(),
- top: el.css('top'),
- left: el.css('left')
- })
- ).end().remove();
- _destroy(wrapped);
- }
- },
- mouseStart: function(e) {
- if(this.options.disabled) return false;
- var handle = false;
- for(var i in this.options.handles) {
- if($(this.options.handles[i])[0] == e.target) handle = true;
- }
- if (!handle) return false;
- var o = this.options, iniPos = this.element.position(), el = this.element,
- num = function(v) { return parseInt(v, 10) || 0; }, ie6 = $.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7;
- o.resizing = true;
- o.documentScroll = { top: $(document).scrollTop(), left: $(document).scrollLeft() };
- // bugfix #1749
- if (el.is('.ui-draggable') || (/absolute/).test(el.css('position'))) {
- // sOffset decides if document scrollOffset will be added to the top/left of the resizable element
- var sOffset = $.browser.msie && !o.containment && (/absolute/).test(el.css('position')) && !(/relative/).test(el.parent().css('position'));
- var dscrollt = sOffset ? o.documentScroll.top : 0, dscrolll = sOffset ? o.documentScroll.left : 0;
- el.css({ position: 'absolute', top: (iniPos.top + dscrollt), left: (iniPos.left + dscrolll) });
- }
- //Opera fixing relative position
- if ($.browser.opera && /relative/.test(el.css('position')))
- el.css({ position: 'relative', top: 'auto', left: 'auto' });
- this._renderProxy();
- var curleft = num(this.helper.css('left')), curtop = num(this.helper.css('top'));
- //Store needed variables
- this.offset = this.helper.offset();
- this.position = { left: curleft, top: curtop };
- this.size = o.proxy || ie6 ? { width: el.outerWidth(), height: el.outerHeight() } : { width: el.width(), height: el.height() };
- this.originalSize = o.proxy || ie6 ? { width: el.outerWidth(), height: el.outerHeight() } : { width: el.width(), height: el.height() };
- this.originalPosition = { left: curleft, top: curtop };
- this.sizeDiff = { width: el.outerWidth() - el.width(), height: el.outerHeight() - el.height() };
- this.originalMousePosition = { left: e.pageX, top: e.pageY };
- //Aspect Ratio
- o.aspectRatio = (typeof o.aspectRatio == 'number') ? o.aspectRatio : ((this.originalSize.height / this.originalSize.width)||1);
- if (o.preserveCursor)
- $('body').css('cursor', this.axis + '-resize');
- this.propagate("start", e);
- return true;
- },
- mouseDrag: function(e) {
- //Increase performance, avoid regex
- var el = this.helper, o = this.options, props = {},
- self = this, smp = this.originalMousePosition, a = this.axis;
- var dx = (e.pageX-smp.left)||0, dy = (e.pageY-smp.top)||0;
- var trigger = this._change[a];
- if (!trigger) return false;
- // Calculate the attrs that will be change
- var data = trigger.apply(this, [e, dx, dy]), ie6 = $.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7, csdif = this.sizeDiff;
- if (o._aspectRatio || e.shiftKey)
- data = this._updateRatio(data, e);
- data = this._respectSize(data, e);
- this.propagate("resize", e);
- el.css({
- top: this.position.top + "px", left: this.position.left + "px",
- width: this.size.width + "px", height: this.size.height + "px"
- });
- if (!o.proxy && o.proportionallyResize)
- this._proportionallyResize();
- this._updateCache(data);
- return false;
- },
- mouseStop: function(e) {
- this.options.resizing = false;
- var o = this.options, num = function(v) { return parseInt(v, 10) || 0; }, self = this;
- if(o.proxy) {
- var pr = o.proportionallyResize, ista = pr && (/textarea/i).test(pr.get(0).nodeName),
- soffseth = ista && $.ui.hasScroll(pr.get(0), 'left') /* TODO - jump height */ ? 0 : self.sizeDiff.height,
- soffsetw = ista ? 0 : self.sizeDiff.width;
- var s = { width: (self.size.width - soffsetw), height: (self.size.height - soffseth) },
- left = (parseInt(self.element.css('left'), 10) + (self.position.left - self.originalPosition.left)) || null,
- top = (parseInt(self.element.css('top'), 10) + (self.position.top - self.originalPosition.top)) || null;
- if (!o.animate)
- this.element.css($.extend(s, { top: top, left: left }));
- if (o.proxy && !o.animate) this._proportionallyResize();
- this.helper.remove();
- }
- if (o.preserveCursor)
- $('body').css('cursor', 'auto');
- this.propagate("stop", e);
- return false;
- },
- _updateCache: function(data) {
- var o = this.options;
- this.offset = this.helper.offset();
- if (data.left) this.position.left = data.left;
- if (data.top) this.position.top = data.top;
- if (data.height) this.size.height = data.height;
- if (data.width) this.size.width = data.width;
- },
- _updateRatio: function(data, e) {
- var o = this.options, cpos = this.position, csize = this.size, a = this.axis;
- if (data.height) data.width = (csize.height / o.aspectRatio);
- else if (data.width) data.height = (csize.width * o.aspectRatio);
- if (a == 'sw') {
- data.left = cpos.left + (csize.width - data.width);
- data.top = null;
- }
- if (a == 'nw') {
- data.top = cpos.top + (csize.height - data.height);
- data.left = cpos.left + (csize.width - data.width);
- }
- return data;
- },
- _respectSize: function(data, e) {
- var el = this.helper, o = this.options, pRatio = o._aspectRatio || e.shiftKey, a = this.axis,
- ismaxw = data.width && o.maxWidth && o.maxWidth < data.width, ismaxh = data.height && o.maxHeight && o.maxHeight < data.height,
- isminw = data.width && o.minWidth && o.minWidth > data.width, isminh = data.height && o.minHeight && o.minHeight > data.height;
- if (isminw) data.width = o.minWidth;
- if (isminh) data.height = o.minHeight;
- if (ismaxw) data.width = o.maxWidth;
- if (ismaxh) data.height = o.maxHeight;
- var dw = this.originalPosition.left + this.originalSize.width, dh = this.position.top + this.size.height;
- var cw = /sw|nw|w/.test(a), ch = /nw|ne|n/.test(a);
- if (isminw && cw) data.left = dw - o.minWidth;
- if (ismaxw && cw) data.left = dw - o.maxWidth;
- if (isminh && ch) data.top = dh - o.minHeight;
- if (ismaxh && ch) data.top = dh - o.maxHeight;
- // fixing jump error on top/left - bug #2330
- var isNotwh = !data.width && !data.height;
- if (isNotwh && !data.left && data.top) data.top = null;
- else if (isNotwh && !data.top && data.left) data.left = null;
- return data;
- },
- _proportionallyResize: function() {
- var o = this.options;
- if (!o.proportionallyResize) return;
- var prel = o.proportionallyResize, el = this.helper || this.element;
- if (!o.borderDif) {
- var b = [prel.css('borderTopWidth'), prel.css('borderRightWidth'), prel.css('borderBottomWidth'), prel.css('borderLeftWidth')],
- p = [prel.css('paddingTop'), prel.css('paddingRight'), prel.css('paddingBottom'), prel.css('paddingLeft')];
- o.borderDif = $.map(b, function(v, i) {
- var border = parseInt(v,10)||0, padding = parseInt(p[i],10)||0;
- return border + padding;
- });
- }
- prel.css({
- height: (el.height() - o.borderDif[0] - o.borderDif[2]) + "px",
- width: (el.width() - o.borderDif[1] - o.borderDif[3]) + "px"
- });
- },
- _renderProxy: function() {
- var el = this.element, o = this.options;
- this.elementOffset = el.offset();
- if(o.proxy) {
- this.helper = this.helper || $('<div style="overflow:hidden;"></div>');
- // fix ie6 offset
- var ie6 = $.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7, ie6offset = (ie6 ? 1 : 0),
- pxyoffset = ( ie6 ? 2 : -1 );
- this.helper.addClass(o.proxy).css({
- width: el.outerWidth() + pxyoffset,
- height: el.outerHeight() + pxyoffset,
- position: 'absolute',
- left: this.elementOffset.left - ie6offset +'px',
- top: this.elementOffset.top - ie6offset +'px',
- zIndex: ++o.zIndex
- });
- this.helper.appendTo("body");
- if (o.disableSelection)
- $.ui.disableSelection(this.helper.get(0));
- } else {
- this.helper = el;
- }
- },
- _change: {
- e: function(e, dx, dy) {
- return { width: this.originalSize.width + dx };
- },
- w: function(e, dx, dy) {
- var o = this.options, cs = this.originalSize, sp = this.originalPosition;
- return { left: sp.left + dx, width: cs.width - dx };
- },
- n: function(e, dx, dy) {
- var o = this.options, cs = this.originalSize, sp = this.originalPosition;
- return { top: sp.top + dy, height: cs.height - dy };
- },
- s: function(e, dx, dy) {
- return { height: this.originalSize.height + dy };
- },
- se: function(e, dx, dy) {
- return $.extend(this._change.s.apply(this, arguments), this._change.e.apply(this, [e, dx, dy]));
- },
- sw: function(e, dx, dy) {
- return $.extend(this._change.s.apply(this, arguments), this._change.w.apply(this, [e, dx, dy]));
- },
- ne: function(e, dx, dy) {
- return $.extend(this._change.n.apply(this, arguments), this._change.e.apply(this, [e, dx, dy]));
- },
- nw: function(e, dx, dy) {
- return $.extend(this._change.n.apply(this, arguments), this._change.w.apply(this, [e, dx, dy]));
- }
- }
-$.extend($.ui.resizable, {
- defaults: {
- cancel: ":input,button",
- distance: 0,
- delay: 0,
- preventDefault: true,
- transparent: false,
- minWidth: 10,
- minHeight: 10,
- aspectRatio: false,
- disableSelection: true,
- preserveCursor: true,
- autohide: false,
- knobHandles: false
- }
- * Resizable Extensions
- */
-$.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "containment", {
- start: function(e, ui) {
- var o = ui.options, self = $(this).data("resizable"), el = self.element;
- var oc = o.containment, ce = (oc instanceof $) ? oc.get(0) : (/parent/.test(oc)) ? el.parent().get(0) : oc;
- if (!ce) return;
- if (/document/.test(oc) || oc == document) {
- self.containerOffset = { left: 0, top: 0 };
- self.parentData = {
- element: $(document), left: 0, top: 0, width: $(document).width(),
- height: $(document).height() || document.body.parentNode.scrollHeight
- };
- }
- // i'm a node, so compute top, left, right, bottom
- else{
- self.containerOffset = $(ce).offset();
- self.containerSize = { height: $(ce).innerHeight(), width: $(ce).innerWidth() };
- var co = self.containerOffset, ch = self.containerSize.height, cw = self.containerSize.width,
- width = ($.ui.hasScroll(ce, "left") ? ce.scrollWidth : cw ), height = ($.ui.hasScroll(ce) ? ce.scrollHeight : ch);
- self.parentData = {
- element: ce, left: co.left, top: co.top, width: width, height: height
- };
- }
- },
- resize: function(e, ui) {
- var o = ui.options, self = $(this).data("resizable"), ps = self.containerSize,
- co = self.containerOffset, cs = self.size, cp = self.position,
- pRatio = o._aspectRatio || e.shiftKey;
- if (cp.left < (o.proxy ? co.left : 0)) {
- self.size.width = self.size.width + (o.proxy ? (self.position.left - co.left) : self.position.left);
- if (pRatio) self.size.height = self.size.width * o.aspectRatio;
- self.position.left = o.proxy ? co.left : 0;
- }
- if (cp.top < (o.proxy ? co.top : 0)) {
- self.size.height = self.size.height + (o.proxy ? (self.position.top - co.top) : self.position.top);
- if (pRatio) self.size.width = self.size.height / o.aspectRatio;
- self.position.top = o.proxy ? co.top : 0;
- }
- var woset = (o.proxy ? self.offset.left - co.left : self.position.left) + self.sizeDiff.width,
- hoset = (o.proxy ? self.offset.top - co.top : self.position.top) + self.sizeDiff.height;
- if (woset + self.size.width >= self.parentData.width) {
- self.size.width = self.parentData.width - woset;
- if (pRatio) self.size.height = self.size.width * o.aspectRatio;
- }
- if (hoset + self.size.height >= self.parentData.height) {
- self.size.height = self.parentData.height - hoset;
- if (pRatio) self.size.width = self.size.height / o.aspectRatio;
- }
- }
-$.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "grid", {
- resize: function(e, ui) {
- var o = ui.options, self = $(this).data("resizable"), cs = self.size, os = self.originalSize, op = self.originalPosition, a = self.axis, ratio = o._aspectRatio || e.shiftKey;
- o.grid = typeof o.grid == "number" ? [o.grid, o.grid] : o.grid;
- var ox = Math.round((cs.width - os.width) / (o.grid[0]||1)) * (o.grid[0]||1), oy = Math.round((cs.height - os.height) / (o.grid[1]||1)) * (o.grid[1]||1);
- if (/^(se|s|e)$/.test(a)) {
- self.size.width = os.width + ox;
- self.size.height = os.height + oy;
- }
- else if (/^(ne)$/.test(a)) {
- self.size.width = os.width + ox;
- self.size.height = os.height + oy;
- self.position.top = op.top - oy;
- }
- else if (/^(sw)$/.test(a)) {
- self.size.width = os.width + ox;
- self.size.height = os.height + oy;
- self.position.left = op.left - ox;
- }
- else {
- self.size.width = os.width + ox;
- self.size.height = os.height + oy;
- self.position.top = op.top - oy;
- self.position.left = op.left - ox;
- }
- }
-$.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "animate", {
- stop: function(e, ui) {
- var o = ui.options, self = $(this).data("resizable");
- var pr = o.proportionallyResize, ista = pr && (/textarea/i).test(pr.get(0).nodeName),
- soffseth = ista && $.ui.hasScroll(pr.get(0), 'left') /* TODO - jump height */ ? 0 : self.sizeDiff.height,
- soffsetw = ista ? 0 : self.sizeDiff.width;
- var style = { width: (self.size.width - soffsetw), height: (self.size.height - soffseth) },
- left = (parseInt(self.element.css('left'), 10) + (self.position.left - self.originalPosition.left)) || null,
- top = (parseInt(self.element.css('top'), 10) + (self.position.top - self.originalPosition.top)) || null;
- self.element.animate(
- $.extend(style, top && left ? { top: top, left: left } : {}), {
- duration: o.animateDuration || "slow", easing: o.animateEasing || "swing",
- step: function() {
- var data = {
- width: parseInt(self.element.css('width'), 10),
- height: parseInt(self.element.css('height'), 10),
- top: parseInt(self.element.css('top'), 10),
- left: parseInt(self.element.css('left'), 10)
- };
- if (pr) pr.css({ width: data.width, height: data.height });
- // propagating resize, and updating values for each animation step
- self._updateCache(data);
- self.propagate("animate", e);
- }
- }
- );
- }
-$.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "ghost", {
- start: function(e, ui) {
- var o = ui.options, self = $(this).data("resizable"), pr = o.proportionallyResize, cs = self.size;
- if (!pr) self.ghost = self.element.clone();
- else self.ghost = pr.clone();
- self.ghost.css(
- { opacity: .25, display: 'block', position: 'relative', height: cs.height, width: cs.width, margin: 0, left: 0, top: 0 }
- )
- .addClass('ui-resizable-ghost').addClass(typeof o.ghost == 'string' ? o.ghost : '');
- self.ghost.appendTo(self.helper);
- },
- resize: function(e, ui){
- var o = ui.options, self = $(this).data("resizable"), pr = o.proportionallyResize;
- if (self.ghost) self.ghost.css({ position: 'relative', height: self.size.height, width: self.size.width });
- },
- stop: function(e, ui){
- var o = ui.options, self = $(this).data("resizable"), pr = o.proportionallyResize;
- if (self.ghost && self.helper) self.helper.get(0).removeChild(self.ghost.get(0));
- }
-$.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "alsoResize", {
- start: function(e, ui) {
- var o = ui.options, self = $(this).data("resizable"),
- _store = function(exp) {
- $(exp).each(function() {
- $(this).data("resizable-alsoresize", {
- width: parseInt($(this).width(), 10), height: parseInt($(this).height(), 10),
- left: parseInt($(this).css('left'), 10), top: parseInt($(this).css('top'), 10)
- });
- });
- };
- if (typeof(o.alsoResize) == 'object') {
- $.each(o.alsoResize, function(exp, c) { _store(exp); });
- }else{
- _store(o.alsoResize);
- }
- },
- resize: function(e, ui){
- var o = ui.options, self = $(this).data("resizable"), os = self.originalSize, op = self.originalPosition;
- var delta = {
- height: (self.size.height - os.height) || 0, width: (self.size.width - os.width) || 0,
- top: (self.position.top - op.top) || 0, left: (self.position.left - op.left) || 0
- },
- _alsoResize = function(exp, c) {
- $(exp).each(function() {
- var start = $(this).data("resizable-alsoresize"), style = {}, css = c && c.length ? c : ['width', 'height', 'top', 'left'];
- $.each(css || ['width', 'height', 'top', 'left'], function(i, prop) {
- var sum = (start[prop]||0) + (delta[prop]||0);
- if (sum && sum >= 0)
- style[prop] = sum || null;
- });
- $(this).css(style);
- });
- };
- if (typeof(o.alsoResize) == 'object') {
- $.each(o.alsoResize, function(exp, c) { _alsoResize(exp, c); });
- }else{
- _alsoResize(o.alsoResize);
- }
- },
- stop: function(e, ui){
- $(this).removeData("resizable-alsoresize-start");
- }
diff --git a/ui/source/ui.selectable.js b/ui/source/ui.selectable.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 399ae71f4..000000000
--- a/ui/source/ui.selectable.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Selectable
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Richard D. Worth (rdworth.org)
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Selectables
- *
- * Depends:
- * ui.core.js
- *
- * Revision: $Id: ui.selectable.js 5581 2008-05-13 16:58:03Z scott.gonzalez $
- */
-(function($) {
-$.widget("ui.selectable", $.extend($.ui.mouse, {
- init: function() {
- var self = this;
- this.element.addClass("ui-selectable");
- this.dragged = false;
- // cache selectee children based on filter
- var selectees;
- this.refresh = function() {
- selectees = $(self.options.filter, self.element[0]);
- selectees.each(function() {
- var $this = $(this);
- var pos = $this.offset();
- $.data(this, "selectable-item", {
- element: this,
- $element: $this,
- left: pos.left,
- top: pos.top,
- right: pos.left + $this.width(),
- bottom: pos.top + $this.height(),
- startselected: false,
- selected: $this.hasClass('ui-selected'),
- selecting: $this.hasClass('ui-selecting'),
- unselecting: $this.hasClass('ui-unselecting')
- });
- });
- };
- this.refresh();
- this.selectees = selectees.addClass("ui-selectee");
- this.mouseInit();
- this.helper = $(document.createElement('div')).css({border:'1px dotted black'});
- },
- toggle: function() {
- if(this.options.disabled){
- this.enable();
- } else {
- this.disable();
- }
- },
- destroy: function() {
- this.element
- .removeClass("ui-selectable ui-selectable-disabled")
- .removeData("selectable")
- .unbind(".selectable");
- this.mouseDestroy();
- },
- mouseStart: function(e) {
- var self = this;
- this.opos = [e.pageX, e.pageY];
- if (this.options.disabled)
- return;
- var options = this.options;
- this.selectees = $(options.filter, this.element[0]);
- // selectable START callback
- this.element.triggerHandler("selectablestart", [e, {
- "selectable": this.element[0],
- "options": options
- }], options.start);
- $('body').append(this.helper);
- // position helper (lasso)
- this.helper.css({
- "z-index": 100,
- "position": "absolute",
- "left": e.clientX,
- "top": e.clientY,
- "width": 0,
- "height": 0
- });
- if (options.autoRefresh) {
- this.refresh();
- }
- this.selectees.filter('.ui-selected').each(function() {
- var selectee = $.data(this, "selectable-item");
- selectee.startselected = true;
- if (!e.ctrlKey) {
- selectee.$element.removeClass('ui-selected');
- selectee.selected = false;
- selectee.$element.addClass('ui-unselecting');
- selectee.unselecting = true;
- // selectable UNSELECTING callback
- self.element.triggerHandler("selectableunselecting", [e, {
- selectable: self.element[0],
- unselecting: selectee.element,
- options: options
- }], options.unselecting);
- }
- });
- var isSelectee = false;
- $(e.target).parents().andSelf().each(function() {
- if($.data(this, "selectable-item")) isSelectee = true;
- });
- return this.options.keyboard ? !isSelectee : true;
- },
- mouseDrag: function(e) {
- var self = this;
- this.dragged = true;
- if (this.options.disabled)
- return;
- var options = this.options;
- var x1 = this.opos[0], y1 = this.opos[1], x2 = e.pageX, y2 = e.pageY;
- if (x1 > x2) { var tmp = x2; x2 = x1; x1 = tmp; }
- if (y1 > y2) { var tmp = y2; y2 = y1; y1 = tmp; }
- this.helper.css({left: x1, top: y1, width: x2-x1, height: y2-y1});
- this.selectees.each(function() {
- var selectee = $.data(this, "selectable-item");
- //prevent helper from being selected if appendTo: selectable
- if (!selectee || selectee.element == self.element[0])
- return;
- var hit = false;
- if (options.tolerance == 'touch') {
- hit = ( !(selectee.left > x2 || selectee.right < x1 || selectee.top > y2 || selectee.bottom < y1) );
- } else if (options.tolerance == 'fit') {
- hit = (selectee.left > x1 && selectee.right < x2 && selectee.top > y1 && selectee.bottom < y2);
- }
- if (hit) {
- if (selectee.selected) {
- selectee.$element.removeClass('ui-selected');
- selectee.selected = false;
- }
- if (selectee.unselecting) {
- selectee.$element.removeClass('ui-unselecting');
- selectee.unselecting = false;
- }
- if (!selectee.selecting) {
- selectee.$element.addClass('ui-selecting');
- selectee.selecting = true;
- // selectable SELECTING callback
- self.element.triggerHandler("selectableselecting", [e, {
- selectable: self.element[0],
- selecting: selectee.element,
- options: options
- }], options.selecting);
- }
- } else {
- if (selectee.selecting) {
- if (e.ctrlKey && selectee.startselected) {
- selectee.$element.removeClass('ui-selecting');
- selectee.selecting = false;
- selectee.$element.addClass('ui-selected');
- selectee.selected = true;
- } else {
- selectee.$element.removeClass('ui-selecting');
- selectee.selecting = false;
- if (selectee.startselected) {
- selectee.$element.addClass('ui-unselecting');
- selectee.unselecting = true;
- }
- // selectable UNSELECTING callback
- self.element.triggerHandler("selectableunselecting", [e, {
- selectable: self.element[0],
- unselecting: selectee.element,
- options: options
- }], options.unselecting);
- }
- }
- if (selectee.selected) {
- if (!e.ctrlKey && !selectee.startselected) {
- selectee.$element.removeClass('ui-selected');
- selectee.selected = false;
- selectee.$element.addClass('ui-unselecting');
- selectee.unselecting = true;
- // selectable UNSELECTING callback
- self.element.triggerHandler("selectableunselecting", [e, {
- selectable: self.element[0],
- unselecting: selectee.element,
- options: options
- }], options.unselecting);
- }
- }
- }
- });
- return false;
- },
- mouseStop: function(e) {
- var self = this;
- this.dragged = false;
- var options = this.options;
- $('.ui-unselecting', this.element[0]).each(function() {
- var selectee = $.data(this, "selectable-item");
- selectee.$element.removeClass('ui-unselecting');
- selectee.unselecting = false;
- selectee.startselected = false;
- self.element.triggerHandler("selectableunselected", [e, {
- selectable: self.element[0],
- unselected: selectee.element,
- options: options
- }], options.unselected);
- });
- $('.ui-selecting', this.element[0]).each(function() {
- var selectee = $.data(this, "selectable-item");
- selectee.$element.removeClass('ui-selecting').addClass('ui-selected');
- selectee.selecting = false;
- selectee.selected = true;
- selectee.startselected = true;
- self.element.triggerHandler("selectableselected", [e, {
- selectable: self.element[0],
- selected: selectee.element,
- options: options
- }], options.selected);
- });
- this.element.triggerHandler("selectablestop", [e, {
- selectable: self.element[0],
- options: this.options
- }], this.options.stop);
- this.helper.remove();
- return false;
- }
-$.extend($.ui.selectable, {
- defaults: {
- distance: 0,
- delay: 0,
- cancel: ":input,button",
- appendTo: 'body',
- autoRefresh: true,
- filter: '*',
- tolerance: 'touch'
- }
diff --git a/ui/source/ui.slider.js b/ui/source/ui.slider.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 51bc01c9d..000000000
--- a/ui/source/ui.slider.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Slider
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Paul Bakaus
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Slider
- *
- * Depends:
- * ui.core.js
- *
- * Revision: $Id: ui.slider.js 5539 2008-05-09 16:48:33Z paul.bakaus $
- */
-(function($) {
-$.fn.unwrap = $.fn.unwrap || function(expr) {
- return this.each(function(){
- $(this).parents(expr).eq(0).after(this).remove();
- });
-$.widget("ui.slider", {
- plugins: {},
- ui: function(e) {
- return {
- instance: this,
- options: this.options,
- handle: this.currentHandle,
- value: this.options.axis != "both" || !this.options.axis ? Math.round(this.value(null,this.options.axis == "vertical" ? "y" : "x")) : {
- x: Math.round(this.value(null,"x")),
- y: Math.round(this.value(null,"y"))
- },
- range: this.getRange()
- };
- },
- propagate: function(n,e) {
- $.ui.plugin.call(this, n, [e, this.ui()]);
- this.element.triggerHandler(n == "slide" ? n : "slide"+n, [e, this.ui()], this.options[n]);
- },
- destroy: function() {
- this.element
- .removeClass("ui-slider ui-slider-disabled")
- .removeData("slider")
- .unbind(".slider");
- this.handle
- .unwrap("a");
- this.handle.each(function() {
- $(this).data("mouse").mouseDestroy();
- });
- this.generated && this.generated.remove();
- },
- setData: function(key, value) {
- $.widget.prototype.setData.apply(this, arguments);
- if (/min|max|steps/.test(key)) {
- this.initBoundaries();
- }
- },
- init: function() {
- var self = this;
- this.element.addClass("ui-slider");
- this.initBoundaries();
- // Initialize mouse and key events for interaction
- this.handle = $(this.options.handle, this.element);
- if (!this.handle.length) {
- self.handle = self.generated = $(self.options.handles || [0]).map(function() {
- var handle = $("<div/>").addClass("ui-slider-handle").appendTo(self.element);
- if (this.id)
- handle.attr("id", this.id);
- return handle[0];
- });
- }
- var handleclass = function(el) {
- this.element = $(el);
- this.element.data("mouse", this);
- this.options = self.options;
- this.element.bind("mousedown", function() {
- if(self.currentHandle) this.blur(self.currentHandle);
- self.focus(this,1);
- });
- this.mouseInit();
- };
- $.extend(handleclass.prototype, $.ui.mouse, {
- mouseStart: function(e) { return self.start.call(self, e, this.element[0]); },
- mouseStop: function(e) { return self.stop.call(self, e, this.element[0]); },
- mouseDrag: function(e) { return self.drag.call(self, e, this.element[0]); },
- trigger: function(e) { this.mouseDown(e); }
- });
- $(this.handle)
- .each(function() {
- new handleclass(this);
- })
- .wrap('<a href="javascript:void(0)" style="cursor:default;"></a>')
- .parent()
- .bind('focus', function(e) { self.focus(this.firstChild); })
- .bind('blur', function(e) { self.blur(this.firstChild); })
- .bind('keydown', function(e) { if(!self.options.noKeyboard) self.keydown(e.keyCode, this.firstChild); })
- ;
- // Bind the click to the slider itself
- this.element.bind('mousedown.slider', function(e) {
- self.click.apply(self, [e]);
- self.currentHandle.data("mouse").trigger(e);
- self.firstValue = self.firstValue + 1; //This is for always triggering the change event
- });
- // Move the first handle to the startValue
- $.each(this.options.handles || [], function(index, handle) {
- self.moveTo(handle.start, index, true);
- });
- if (!isNaN(this.options.startValue))
- this.moveTo(this.options.startValue, 0, true);
- this.previousHandle = $(this.handle[0]); //set the previous handle to the first to allow clicking before selecting the handle
- if(this.handle.length == 2 && this.options.range) this.createRange();
- },
- initBoundaries: function() {
- var element = this.element[0], o = this.options;
- this.actualSize = { width: this.element.outerWidth() , height: this.element.outerHeight() };
- $.extend(o, {
- axis: o.axis || (element.offsetWidth < element.offsetHeight ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal'),
- max: !isNaN(parseInt(o.max,10)) ? { x: parseInt(o.max, 10), y: parseInt(o.max, 10) } : ({ x: o.max && o.max.x || 100, y: o.max && o.max.y || 100 }),
- min: !isNaN(parseInt(o.min,10)) ? { x: parseInt(o.min, 10), y: parseInt(o.min, 10) } : ({ x: o.min && o.min.x || 0, y: o.min && o.min.y || 0 })
- });
- //Prepare the real maxValue
- o.realMax = {
- x: o.max.x - o.min.x,
- y: o.max.y - o.min.y
- };
- //Calculate stepping based on steps
- o.stepping = {
- x: o.stepping && o.stepping.x || parseInt(o.stepping, 10) || (o.steps ? o.realMax.x/(o.steps.x || parseInt(o.steps, 10) || o.realMax.x) : 0),
- y: o.stepping && o.stepping.y || parseInt(o.stepping, 10) || (o.steps ? o.realMax.y/(o.steps.y || parseInt(o.steps, 10) || o.realMax.y) : 0)
- };
- },
- keydown: function(keyCode, handle) {
- if(/(37|38|39|40)/.test(keyCode)) {
- this.moveTo({
- x: /(37|39)/.test(keyCode) ? (keyCode == 37 ? '-' : '+') + '=' + this.oneStep("x") : 0,
- y: /(38|40)/.test(keyCode) ? (keyCode == 38 ? '-' : '+') + '=' + this.oneStep("y") : 0
- }, handle);
- }
- },
- focus: function(handle,hard) {
- this.currentHandle = $(handle).addClass('ui-slider-handle-active');
- if (hard)
- this.currentHandle.parent()[0].focus();
- },
- blur: function(handle) {
- $(handle).removeClass('ui-slider-handle-active');
- if(this.currentHandle && this.currentHandle[0] == handle) { this.previousHandle = this.currentHandle; this.currentHandle = null; };
- },
- click: function(e) {
- // This method is only used if:
- // - The user didn't click a handle
- // - The Slider is not disabled
- // - There is a current, or previous selected handle (otherwise we wouldn't know which one to move)
- var pointer = [e.pageX,e.pageY];
- var clickedHandle = false;
- this.handle.each(function() {
- if(this == e.target)
- clickedHandle = true;
- });
- if (clickedHandle || this.options.disabled || !(this.currentHandle || this.previousHandle))
- return;
- // If a previous handle was focussed, focus it again
- if (!this.currentHandle && this.previousHandle)
- this.focus(this.previousHandle, true);
- // propagate only for distance > 0, otherwise propagation is done my drag
- this.offset = this.element.offset();
- this.moveTo({
- y: this.convertValue(e.pageY - this.offset.top - this.currentHandle[0].offsetHeight/2, "y"),
- x: this.convertValue(e.pageX - this.offset.left - this.currentHandle[0].offsetWidth/2, "x")
- }, null, !this.options.distance);
- },
- createRange: function() {
- this.rangeElement = $('<div></div>')
- .addClass('ui-slider-range')
- .css({ position: 'absolute' })
- .appendTo(this.element);
- this.updateRange();
- },
- updateRange: function() {
- var prop = this.options.axis == "vertical" ? "top" : "left";
- var size = this.options.axis == "vertical" ? "height" : "width";
- this.rangeElement.css(prop, parseInt($(this.handle[0]).css(prop),10) + this.handleSize(0, this.options.axis == "vertical" ? "y" : "x")/2);
- this.rangeElement.css(size, parseInt($(this.handle[1]).css(prop),10) - parseInt($(this.handle[0]).css(prop),10));
- },
- getRange: function() {
- return this.rangeElement ? this.convertValue(parseInt(this.rangeElement.css(this.options.axis == "vertical" ? "height" : "width"),10), this.options.axis == "vertical" ? "y" : "x") : null;
- },
- handleIndex: function() {
- return this.handle.index(this.currentHandle[0]);
- },
- value: function(handle, axis) {
- if(this.handle.length == 1) this.currentHandle = this.handle;
- if(!axis) axis = this.options.axis == "vertical" ? "y" : "x";
- var curHandle = $(handle != undefined && handle !== null ? this.handle[handle] || handle : this.currentHandle);
- if(curHandle.data("mouse").sliderValue) {
- return parseInt(curHandle.data("mouse").sliderValue[axis],10);
- } else {
- return parseInt(((parseInt(curHandle.css(axis == "x" ? "left" : "top"),10) / (this.actualSize[axis == "x" ? "width" : "height"] - this.handleSize(handle,axis))) * this.options.realMax[axis]) + this.options.min[axis],10);
- }
- },
- convertValue: function(value,axis) {
- return this.options.min[axis] + (value / (this.actualSize[axis == "x" ? "width" : "height"] - this.handleSize(null,axis))) * this.options.realMax[axis];
- },
- translateValue: function(value,axis) {
- return ((value - this.options.min[axis]) / this.options.realMax[axis]) * (this.actualSize[axis == "x" ? "width" : "height"] - this.handleSize(null,axis));
- },
- translateRange: function(value,axis) {
- if (this.rangeElement) {
- if (this.currentHandle[0] == this.handle[0] && value >= this.translateValue(this.value(1),axis))
- value = this.translateValue(this.value(1,axis) - this.oneStep(axis), axis);
- if (this.currentHandle[0] == this.handle[1] && value <= this.translateValue(this.value(0),axis))
- value = this.translateValue(this.value(0,axis) + this.oneStep(axis), axis);
- }
- if (this.options.handles) {
- var handle = this.options.handles[this.handleIndex()];
- if (value < this.translateValue(handle.min,axis)) {
- value = this.translateValue(handle.min,axis);
- } else if (value > this.translateValue(handle.max,axis)) {
- value = this.translateValue(handle.max,axis);
- }
- }
- return value;
- },
- translateLimits: function(value,axis) {
- if (value >= this.actualSize[axis == "x" ? "width" : "height"] - this.handleSize(null,axis))
- value = this.actualSize[axis == "x" ? "width" : "height"] - this.handleSize(null,axis);
- if (value <= 0)
- value = 0;
- return value;
- },
- handleSize: function(handle,axis) {
- return $(handle != undefined && handle !== null ? this.handle[handle] : this.currentHandle)[0]["offset"+(axis == "x" ? "Width" : "Height")];
- },
- oneStep: function(axis) {
- return this.options.stepping[axis] || 1;
- },
- start: function(e, handle) {
- var o = this.options;
- if(o.disabled) return false;
- // Prepare the outer size
- this.actualSize = { width: this.element.outerWidth() , height: this.element.outerHeight() };
- // This is a especially ugly fix for strange blur events happening on mousemove events
- if (!this.currentHandle)
- this.focus(this.previousHandle, true);
- this.offset = this.element.offset();
- this.handleOffset = this.currentHandle.offset();
- this.clickOffset = { top: e.pageY - this.handleOffset.top, left: e.pageX - this.handleOffset.left };
- this.firstValue = this.value();
- this.propagate('start', e);
- this.drag(e, handle);
- return true;
- },
- stop: function(e) {
- this.propagate('stop', e);
- if (this.firstValue != this.value())
- this.propagate('change', e);
- // This is a especially ugly fix for strange blur events happening on mousemove events
- this.focus(this.currentHandle, true);
- return false;
- },
- drag: function(e, handle) {
- var o = this.options;
- var position = { top: e.pageY - this.offset.top - this.clickOffset.top, left: e.pageX - this.offset.left - this.clickOffset.left};
- if(!this.currentHandle) this.focus(this.previousHandle, true); //This is a especially ugly fix for strange blur events happening on mousemove events
- position.left = this.translateLimits(position.left, "x");
- position.top = this.translateLimits(position.top, "y");
- if (o.stepping.x) {
- var value = this.convertValue(position.left, "x");
- value = Math.round(value / o.stepping.x) * o.stepping.x;
- position.left = this.translateValue(value, "x");
- }
- if (o.stepping.y) {
- var value = this.convertValue(position.top, "y");
- value = Math.round(value / o.stepping.y) * o.stepping.y;
- position.top = this.translateValue(value, "y");
- }
- position.left = this.translateRange(position.left, "x");
- position.top = this.translateRange(position.top, "y");
- if(o.axis != "vertical") this.currentHandle.css({ left: position.left });
- if(o.axis != "horizontal") this.currentHandle.css({ top: position.top });
- //Store the slider's value
- this.currentHandle.data("mouse").sliderValue = {
- x: Math.round(this.convertValue(position.left, "x")) || 0,
- y: Math.round(this.convertValue(position.top, "y")) || 0
- };
- if (this.rangeElement)
- this.updateRange();
- this.propagate('slide', e);
- return false;
- },
- moveTo: function(value, handle, noPropagation) {
- var o = this.options;
- // Prepare the outer size
- this.actualSize = { width: this.element.outerWidth() , height: this.element.outerHeight() };
- //If no handle has been passed, no current handle is available and we have multiple handles, return false
- if (handle == undefined && !this.currentHandle && this.handle.length != 1)
- return false;
- //If only one handle is available, use it
- if (handle == undefined && !this.currentHandle)
- handle = 0;
- if (handle != undefined)
- this.currentHandle = this.previousHandle = $(this.handle[handle] || handle);
- if(value.x !== undefined && value.y !== undefined) {
- var x = value.x, y = value.y;
- } else {
- var x = value, y = value;
- }
- if(x !== undefined && x.constructor != Number) {
- var me = /^\-\=/.test(x), pe = /^\+\=/.test(x);
- if(me || pe) {
- x = this.value(null, "x") + parseInt(x.replace(me ? '=' : '+=', ''), 10);
- } else {
- x = isNaN(parseInt(x, 10)) ? undefined : parseInt(x, 10);
- }
- }
- if(y !== undefined && y.constructor != Number) {
- var me = /^\-\=/.test(y), pe = /^\+\=/.test(y);
- if(me || pe) {
- y = this.value(null, "y") + parseInt(y.replace(me ? '=' : '+=', ''), 10);
- } else {
- y = isNaN(parseInt(y, 10)) ? undefined : parseInt(y, 10);
- }
- }
- if(o.axis != "vertical" && x !== undefined) {
- if(o.stepping.x) x = Math.round(x / o.stepping.x) * o.stepping.x;
- x = this.translateValue(x, "x");
- x = this.translateLimits(x, "x");
- x = this.translateRange(x, "x");
- this.currentHandle.css({ left: x });
- }
- if(o.axis != "horizontal" && y !== undefined) {
- if(o.stepping.y) y = Math.round(y / o.stepping.y) * o.stepping.y;
- y = this.translateValue(y, "y");
- y = this.translateLimits(y, "y");
- y = this.translateRange(y, "y");
- this.currentHandle.css({ top: y });
- }
- if (this.rangeElement)
- this.updateRange();
- //Store the slider's value
- this.currentHandle.data("mouse").sliderValue = {
- x: Math.round(this.convertValue(x, "x")) || 0,
- y: Math.round(this.convertValue(y, "y")) || 0
- };
- if (!noPropagation) {
- this.propagate('start', null);
- this.propagate('stop', null);
- this.propagate('change', null);
- this.propagate("slide", null);
- }
- }
-$.ui.slider.getter = "value";
-$.ui.slider.defaults = {
- handle: ".ui-slider-handle",
- distance: 1
diff --git a/ui/source/ui.sortable.js b/ui/source/ui.sortable.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a433805e8..000000000
--- a/ui/source/ui.sortable.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,665 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Sortable
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Paul Bakaus
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Sortables
- *
- * Depends:
- * ui.core.js
- *
- * Revision: $Id: ui.sortable.js 5433 2008-05-04 20:07:17Z joern.zaefferer $
- */
-(function($) {
-function contains(a, b) {
- var safari2 = $.browser.safari && $.browser.version < 522;
- if (a.contains && !safari2) {
- return a.contains(b);
- }
- if (a.compareDocumentPosition)
- return !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16);
- while (b = b.parentNode)
- if (b == a) return true;
- return false;
-$.widget("ui.sortable", $.extend($.ui.mouse, {
- init: function() {
- var o = this.options;
- this.containerCache = {};
- this.element.addClass("ui-sortable");
- //Get the items
- this.refresh();
- //Let's determine if the items are floating
- this.floating = this.items.length ? (/left|right/).test(this.items[0].item.css('float')) : false;
- //Let's determine the parent's offset
- if(!(/(relative|absolute|fixed)/).test(this.element.css('position'))) this.element.css('position', 'relative');
- this.offset = this.element.offset();
- //Initialize mouse events for interaction
- this.mouseInit();
- },
- plugins: {},
- ui: function(inst) {
- return {
- helper: (inst || this)["helper"],
- placeholder: (inst || this)["placeholder"] || $([]),
- position: (inst || this)["position"],
- absolutePosition: (inst || this)["positionAbs"],
- options: this.options,
- element: this.element,
- item: (inst || this)["currentItem"],
- sender: inst ? inst.element : null
- };
- },
- propagate: function(n,e,inst, noPropagation) {
- $.ui.plugin.call(this, n, [e, this.ui(inst)]);
- if(!noPropagation) this.element.triggerHandler(n == "sort" ? n : "sort"+n, [e, this.ui(inst)], this.options[n]);
- },
- serialize: function(o) {
- var items = ($.isFunction(this.options.items) ? this.options.items.call(this.element) : $(this.options.items, this.element)).not('.ui-sortable-helper'); //Only the items of the sortable itself
- var str = []; o = o || {};
- items.each(function() {
- var res = ($(this).attr(o.attribute || 'id') || '').match(o.expression || (/(.+)[-=_](.+)/));
- if(res) str.push((o.key || res[1])+'[]='+(o.key ? res[1] : res[2]));
- });
- return str.join('&');
- },
- toArray: function(attr) {
- var items = ($.isFunction(this.options.items) ? this.options.items.call(this.element) : $(this.options.items, this.element)).not('.ui-sortable-helper'); //Only the items of the sortable itself
- var ret = [];
- items.each(function() { ret.push($(this).attr(attr || 'id')); });
- return ret;
- },
- /* Be careful with the following core functions */
- intersectsWith: function(item) {
- var x1 = this.positionAbs.left, x2 = x1 + this.helperProportions.width,
- y1 = this.positionAbs.top, y2 = y1 + this.helperProportions.height;
- var l = item.left, r = l + item.width,
- t = item.top, b = t + item.height;
- if(this.options.tolerance == "pointer" || (this.options.tolerance == "guess" && this.helperProportions[this.floating ? 'width' : 'height'] > item[this.floating ? 'width' : 'height'])) {
- return (y1 + this.offset.click.top > t && y1 + this.offset.click.top < b && x1 + this.offset.click.left > l && x1 + this.offset.click.left < r);
- } else {
- return (l < x1 + (this.helperProportions.width / 2) // Right Half
- && x2 - (this.helperProportions.width / 2) < r // Left Half
- && t < y1 + (this.helperProportions.height / 2) // Bottom Half
- && y2 - (this.helperProportions.height / 2) < b ); // Top Half
- }
- },
- intersectsWithEdge: function(item) {
- var x1 = this.positionAbs.left, x2 = x1 + this.helperProportions.width,
- y1 = this.positionAbs.top, y2 = y1 + this.helperProportions.height;
- var l = item.left, r = l + item.width,
- t = item.top, b = t + item.height;
- if(this.options.tolerance == "pointer" || (this.options.tolerance == "guess" && this.helperProportions[this.floating ? 'width' : 'height'] > item[this.floating ? 'width' : 'height'])) {
- if(!(y1 + this.offset.click.top > t && y1 + this.offset.click.top < b && x1 + this.offset.click.left > l && x1 + this.offset.click.left < r)) return false;
- if(this.floating) {
- if(x1 + this.offset.click.left > l && x1 + this.offset.click.left < l + item.width/2) return 2;
- if(x1 + this.offset.click.left > l+item.width/2 && x1 + this.offset.click.left < r) return 1;
- } else {
- if(y1 + this.offset.click.top > t && y1 + this.offset.click.top < t + item.height/2) return 2;
- if(y1 + this.offset.click.top > t+item.height/2 && y1 + this.offset.click.top < b) return 1;
- }
- } else {
- if (!(l < x1 + (this.helperProportions.width / 2) // Right Half
- && x2 - (this.helperProportions.width / 2) < r // Left Half
- && t < y1 + (this.helperProportions.height / 2) // Bottom Half
- && y2 - (this.helperProportions.height / 2) < b )) return false; // Top Half
- if(this.floating) {
- if(x2 > l && x1 < l) return 2; //Crosses left edge
- if(x1 < r && x2 > r) return 1; //Crosses right edge
- } else {
- if(y2 > t && y1 < t) return 1; //Crosses top edge
- if(y1 < b && y2 > b) return 2; //Crosses bottom edge
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- refresh: function() {
- this.refreshItems();
- this.refreshPositions();
- },
- refreshItems: function() {
- this.items = [];
- this.containers = [this];
- var items = this.items;
- var queries = [$.isFunction(this.options.items) ? this.options.items.call(this.element) : $(this.options.items, this.element)];
- if(this.options.connectWith) {
- for (var i = this.options.connectWith.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- var cur = $(this.options.connectWith[i]);
- for (var j = cur.length - 1; j >= 0; j--){
- var inst = $.data(cur[j], 'sortable');
- if(inst && !inst.options.disabled) {
- queries.push($.isFunction(inst.options.items) ? inst.options.items.call(inst.element) : $(inst.options.items, inst.element));
- this.containers.push(inst);
- }
- };
- };
- }
- for (var i = queries.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- queries[i].each(function() {
- $.data(this, 'sortable-item', true); // Data for target checking (mouse manager)
- items.push({
- item: $(this),
- width: 0, height: 0,
- left: 0, top: 0
- });
- });
- };
- },
- refreshPositions: function(fast) {
- for (var i = this.items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- var t = this.items[i].item;
- if(!fast) this.items[i].width = (this.options.toleranceElement ? $(this.options.toleranceElement, t) : t).outerWidth();
- if(!fast) this.items[i].height = (this.options.toleranceElement ? $(this.options.toleranceElement, t) : t).outerHeight();
- var p = (this.options.toleranceElement ? $(this.options.toleranceElement, t) : t).offset();
- this.items[i].left = p.left;
- this.items[i].top = p.top;
- };
- for (var i = this.containers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- var p =this.containers[i].element.offset();
- this.containers[i].containerCache.left = p.left;
- this.containers[i].containerCache.top = p.top;
- this.containers[i].containerCache.width = this.containers[i].element.outerWidth();
- this.containers[i].containerCache.height = this.containers[i].element.outerHeight();
- };
- },
- destroy: function() {
- this.element
- .removeClass("ui-sortable ui-sortable-disabled")
- .removeData("sortable")
- .unbind(".sortable");
- this.mouseDestroy();
- for ( var i = this.items.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
- this.items[i].item.removeData("sortable-item");
- },
- createPlaceholder: function(that) {
- var self = that || this, o = self.options;
- if(o.placeholder.constructor == String) {
- var className = o.placeholder;
- o.placeholder = {
- element: function() {
- return $('<div></div>').addClass(className)[0];
- },
- update: function(i, p) {
- p.css(i.offset()).css({ width: i.outerWidth(), height: i.outerHeight() });
- }
- };
- }
- self.placeholder = $(o.placeholder.element.call(self.element, self.currentItem)).appendTo('body').css({ position: 'absolute' });
- o.placeholder.update.call(self.element, self.currentItem, self.placeholder);
- },
- contactContainers: function(e) {
- for (var i = this.containers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- if(this.intersectsWith(this.containers[i].containerCache)) {
- if(!this.containers[i].containerCache.over) {
- if(this.currentContainer != this.containers[i]) {
- //When entering a new container, we will find the item with the least distance and append our item near it
- var dist = 10000; var itemWithLeastDistance = null; var base = this.positionAbs[this.containers[i].floating ? 'left' : 'top'];
- for (var j = this.items.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
- if(!contains(this.containers[i].element[0], this.items[j].item[0])) continue;
- var cur = this.items[j][this.containers[i].floating ? 'left' : 'top'];
- if(Math.abs(cur - base) < dist) {
- dist = Math.abs(cur - base); itemWithLeastDistance = this.items[j];
- }
- }
- if(!itemWithLeastDistance && !this.options.dropOnEmpty) //Check if dropOnEmpty is enabled
- continue;
- //We also need to exchange the placeholder
- if(this.placeholder) this.placeholder.remove();
- if(this.containers[i].options.placeholder) {
- this.containers[i].createPlaceholder(this);
- } else {
- this.placeholder = null;;
- }
- itemWithLeastDistance ? this.rearrange(e, itemWithLeastDistance) : this.rearrange(e, null, this.containers[i].element);
- this.propagate("change", e); //Call plugins and callbacks
- this.containers[i].propagate("change", e, this); //Call plugins and callbacks
- this.currentContainer = this.containers[i];
- }
- this.containers[i].propagate("over", e, this);
- this.containers[i].containerCache.over = 1;
- }
- } else {
- if(this.containers[i].containerCache.over) {
- this.containers[i].propagate("out", e, this);
- this.containers[i].containerCache.over = 0;
- }
- }
- };
- },
- mouseStart: function(e, overrideHandle, noActivation) {
- var o = this.options;
- this.currentContainer = this;
- if(this.options.disabled || this.options.type == 'static') return false;
- //Find out if the clicked node (or one of its parents) is a actual item in this.items
- var currentItem = null, nodes = $(e.target).parents().each(function() {
- if($.data(this, 'sortable-item')) {
- currentItem = $(this);
- return false;
- }
- });
- if($.data(e.target, 'sortable-item')) currentItem = $(e.target);
- if(!currentItem) return false;
- if(this.options.handle && !overrideHandle) {
- var validHandle = false;
- $(this.options.handle, currentItem).each(function() { if(this == e.target) validHandle = true; });
- if(!validHandle) return false;
- }
- this.currentItem = currentItem;
- this.refresh();
- //Create and append the visible helper
- this.helper = typeof o.helper == 'function' ? $(o.helper.apply(this.element[0], [e, this.currentItem])) : this.currentItem.clone();
- if(!this.helper.parents('body').length) this.helper.appendTo((o.appendTo != 'parent' ? o.appendTo : this.currentItem[0].parentNode)); //Add the helper to the DOM if that didn't happen already
- this.helper.css({ position: 'absolute', clear: 'both' }).addClass('ui-sortable-helper'); //Position it absolutely and add a helper class
- /*
- * - Position generation -
- * This block generates everything position related - it's the core of draggables.
- */
- this.margins = { //Cache the margins
- left: (parseInt(this.currentItem.css("marginLeft"),10) || 0),
- top: (parseInt(this.currentItem.css("marginTop"),10) || 0)
- };
- this.offset = this.currentItem.offset(); //The element's absolute position on the page
- this.offset = { //Substract the margins from the element's absolute offset
- top: this.offset.top - this.margins.top,
- left: this.offset.left - this.margins.left
- };
- this.offset.click = { //Where the click happened, relative to the element
- left: e.pageX - this.offset.left,
- top: e.pageY - this.offset.top
- };
- this.offsetParent = this.helper.offsetParent(); var po = this.offsetParent.offset(); //Get the offsetParent and cache its position
- this.offset.parent = { //Store its position plus border
- top: po.top + (parseInt(this.offsetParent.css("borderTopWidth"),10) || 0),
- left: po.left + (parseInt(this.offsetParent.css("borderLeftWidth"),10) || 0)
- };
- this.originalPosition = this.generatePosition(e); //Generate the original position
- this.helperProportions = { width: this.helper.outerWidth(), height: this.helper.outerHeight() };//Cache the helper size
- if(o.cursorAt) {
- if(o.cursorAt.left != undefined) this.offset.click.left = o.cursorAt.left;
- if(o.cursorAt.right != undefined) this.offset.click.left = this.helperProportions.width - o.cursorAt.right;
- if(o.cursorAt.top != undefined) this.offset.click.top = o.cursorAt.top;
- if(o.cursorAt.bottom != undefined) this.offset.click.top = this.helperProportions.height - o.cursorAt.bottom;
- }
- this.domPosition = this.currentItem.prev()[0]; //Cache the former DOM position
- /*
- * - Position constraining -
- * Here we prepare position constraining like grid and containment.
- */
- if(o.containment) {
- if(o.containment == 'parent') o.containment = this.helper[0].parentNode;
- if(o.containment == 'document') this.containment = [0,0,$(document).width(), ($(document).height() || document.body.parentNode.scrollHeight)];
- if(!(/^(document|window|parent)$/).test(o.containment)) {
- var ce = $(o.containment)[0];
- var co = $(o.containment).offset();
- this.containment = [
- co.left + (parseInt($(ce).css("borderLeftWidth"),10) || 0) - this.offset.parent.left,
- co.top + (parseInt($(ce).css("borderTopWidth"),10) || 0) - this.offset.parent.top,
- co.left+Math.max(ce.scrollWidth,ce.offsetWidth) - (parseInt($(ce).css("borderLeftWidth"),10) || 0) - this.offset.parent.left - this.helperProportions.width - this.margins.left - (parseInt(this.currentItem.css("marginRight"),10) || 0),
- co.top+Math.max(ce.scrollHeight,ce.offsetHeight) - (parseInt($(ce).css("borderTopWidth"),10) || 0) - this.offset.parent.top - this.helperProportions.height - this.margins.top - (parseInt(this.currentItem.css("marginBottom"),10) || 0)
- ];
- }
- }
- //If o.placeholder is used, create a new element at the given position with the class
- if(o.placeholder) this.createPlaceholder();
- //Call plugins and callbacks
- this.propagate("start", e);
- this.helperProportions = { width: this.helper.outerWidth(), height: this.helper.outerHeight() };//Recache the helper size
- if(this.options.placeholder != 'clone') this.currentItem.css('visibility', 'hidden'); //Set the original element visibility to hidden to still fill out the white space
- if(!noActivation) {
- for (var i = this.containers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.containers[i].propagate("activate", e, this); } //Post 'activate' events to possible containers
- }
- //Prepare possible droppables
- if($.ui.ddmanager) $.ui.ddmanager.current = this;
- if ($.ui.ddmanager && !o.dropBehaviour) $.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets(this, e);
- this.dragging = true;
- this.mouseDrag(e); //Execute the drag once - this causes the helper not to be visible before getting its correct position
- return true;
- },
- convertPositionTo: function(d, pos) {
- if(!pos) pos = this.position;
- var mod = d == "absolute" ? 1 : -1;
- return {
- top: (
- pos.top // the calculated relative position
- + this.offset.parent.top * mod // The offsetParent's offset without borders (offset + border)
- - (this.offsetParent[0] == document.body ? 0 : this.offsetParent[0].scrollTop) * mod // The offsetParent's scroll position
- + this.margins.top * mod //Add the margin (you don't want the margin counting in intersection methods)
- ),
- left: (
- pos.left // the calculated relative position
- + this.offset.parent.left * mod // The offsetParent's offset without borders (offset + border)
- - (this.offsetParent[0] == document.body ? 0 : this.offsetParent[0].scrollLeft) * mod // The offsetParent's scroll position
- + this.margins.left * mod //Add the margin (you don't want the margin counting in intersection methods)
- )
- };
- },
- generatePosition: function(e) {
- var o = this.options;
- var position = {
- top: (
- e.pageY // The absolute mouse position
- - this.offset.click.top // Click offset (relative to the element)
- - this.offset.parent.top // The offsetParent's offset without borders (offset + border)
- + (this.offsetParent[0] == document.body ? 0 : this.offsetParent[0].scrollTop) // The offsetParent's scroll position, not if the element is fixed
- ),
- left: (
- e.pageX // The absolute mouse position
- - this.offset.click.left // Click offset (relative to the element)
- - this.offset.parent.left // The offsetParent's offset without borders (offset + border)
- + (this.offsetParent[0] == document.body ? 0 : this.offsetParent[0].scrollLeft) // The offsetParent's scroll position, not if the element is fixed
- )
- };
- if(!this.originalPosition) return position; //If we are not dragging yet, we won't check for options
- /*
- * - Position constraining -
- * Constrain the position to a mix of grid, containment.
- */
- if(this.containment) {
- if(position.left < this.containment[0]) position.left = this.containment[0];
- if(position.top < this.containment[1]) position.top = this.containment[1];
- if(position.left > this.containment[2]) position.left = this.containment[2];
- if(position.top > this.containment[3]) position.top = this.containment[3];
- }
- if(o.grid) {
- var top = this.originalPosition.top + Math.round((position.top - this.originalPosition.top) / o.grid[1]) * o.grid[1];
- position.top = this.containment ? (!(top < this.containment[1] || top > this.containment[3]) ? top : (!(top < this.containment[1]) ? top - o.grid[1] : top + o.grid[1])) : top;
- var left = this.originalPosition.left + Math.round((position.left - this.originalPosition.left) / o.grid[0]) * o.grid[0];
- position.left = this.containment ? (!(left < this.containment[0] || left > this.containment[2]) ? left : (!(left < this.containment[0]) ? left - o.grid[0] : left + o.grid[0])) : left;
- }
- return position;
- },
- mouseDrag: function(e) {
- //Compute the helpers position
- this.position = this.generatePosition(e);
- this.positionAbs = this.convertPositionTo("absolute");
- //Rearrange
- for (var i = this.items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- var intersection = this.intersectsWithEdge(this.items[i]);
- if(!intersection) continue;
- if(this.items[i].item[0] != this.currentItem[0] //cannot intersect with itself
- && this.currentItem[intersection == 1 ? "next" : "prev"]()[0] != this.items[i].item[0] //no useless actions that have been done before
- && !contains(this.currentItem[0], this.items[i].item[0]) //no action if the item moved is the parent of the item checked
- && (this.options.type == 'semi-dynamic' ? !contains(this.element[0], this.items[i].item[0]) : true)
- ) {
- this.direction = intersection == 1 ? "down" : "up";
- this.rearrange(e, this.items[i]);
- this.propagate("change", e); //Call plugins and callbacks
- break;
- }
- }
- //Post events to containers
- this.contactContainers(e);
- //Call plugins and callbacks
- this.propagate("sort", e);
- if(!this.options.axis || this.options.axis == "x") this.helper[0].style.left = this.position.left+'px';
- if(!this.options.axis || this.options.axis == "y") this.helper[0].style.top = this.position.top+'px';
- //Interconnect with droppables
- if($.ui.ddmanager) $.ui.ddmanager.drag(this, e);
- return false;
- },
- mouseStop: function(e, noPropagation) {
- //If we are using droppables, inform the manager about the drop
- if ($.ui.ddmanager && !this.options.dropBehaviour)
- $.ui.ddmanager.drop(this, e);
- if(this.options.revert) {
- var self = this;
- var cur = self.currentItem.offset();
- //Also animate the placeholder if we have one
- if(self.placeholder) self.placeholder.animate({ opacity: 'hide' }, (parseInt(this.options.revert, 10) || 500)-50);
- $(this.helper).animate({
- left: cur.left - this.offset.parent.left - self.margins.left + (this.offsetParent[0] == document.body ? 0 : this.offsetParent[0].scrollLeft),
- top: cur.top - this.offset.parent.top - self.margins.top + (this.offsetParent[0] == document.body ? 0 : this.offsetParent[0].scrollTop)
- }, parseInt(this.options.revert, 10) || 500, function() {
- self.propagate("stop", e, null, noPropagation);
- self.clear(e);
- });
- } else {
- this.propagate("stop", e, null, noPropagation);
- this.clear(e, noPropagation);
- }
- return false;
- },
- clear: function(e, noPropagation) {
- if(this.domPosition != this.currentItem.prev().not(".ui-sortable-helper")[0]) this.propagate("update", e, null, noPropagation); //Trigger update callback if the DOM position has changed
- if(!contains(this.element[0], this.currentItem[0])) { //Node was moved out of the current element
- if(this.domPosition == this.currentItem.prev().not(".ui-sortable-helper")[0]) this.propagate("update", e, null, noPropagation); //Trigger update callback, if it wasn't triggered before, because that is definitely an update
- this.propagate("remove", e, null, noPropagation);
- for (var i = this.containers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- if(contains(this.containers[i].element[0], this.currentItem[0])) {
- this.containers[i].propagate("update", e, this, noPropagation);
- this.containers[i].propagate("receive", e, this, noPropagation);
- }
- };
- };
- //Post events to containers
- for (var i = this.containers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- this.containers[i].propagate("deactivate", e, this, noPropagation);
- if(this.containers[i].containerCache.over) {
- this.containers[i].propagate("out", e, this);
- this.containers[i].containerCache.over = 0;
- }
- }
- this.dragging = false;
- if(this.cancelHelperRemoval) return false;
- $(this.currentItem).css('visibility', '');
- if(this.placeholder) this.placeholder.remove();
- this.helper.remove();
- return true;
- },
- rearrange: function(e, i, a) {
- a ? a.append(this.currentItem) : i.item[this.direction == 'down' ? 'before' : 'after'](this.currentItem);
- this.refreshPositions(true); //Precompute after each DOM insertion, NOT on mousemove
- if(this.options.placeholder) this.options.placeholder.update.call(this.element, this.currentItem, this.placeholder);
- }
-$.extend($.ui.sortable, {
- getter: "serialize toArray",
- defaults: {
- tolerance: "guess",
- distance: 0,
- delay: 0,
- cancel: ":input,button",
- items: '> *',
- zIndex: 1000,
- dropOnEmpty: true,
- appendTo: "parent"
- }
- * Sortable Extensions
- */
-$.ui.plugin.add("sortable", "cursor", {
- start: function(e, ui) {
- var t = $('body');
- if (t.css("cursor")) ui.options._cursor = t.css("cursor");
- t.css("cursor", ui.options.cursor);
- },
- stop: function(e, ui) {
- if (ui.options._cursor) $('body').css("cursor", ui.options._cursor);
- }
-$.ui.plugin.add("sortable", "zIndex", {
- start: function(e, ui) {
- var t = ui.helper;
- if(t.css("zIndex")) ui.options._zIndex = t.css("zIndex");
- t.css('zIndex', ui.options.zIndex);
- },
- stop: function(e, ui) {
- if(ui.options._zIndex) $(ui.helper).css('zIndex', ui.options._zIndex);
- }
-$.ui.plugin.add("sortable", "opacity", {
- start: function(e, ui) {
- var t = ui.helper;
- if(t.css("opacity")) ui.options._opacity = t.css("opacity");
- t.css('opacity', ui.options.opacity);
- },
- stop: function(e, ui) {
- if(ui.options._opacity) $(ui.helper).css('opacity', ui.options._opacity);
- }
-$.ui.plugin.add("sortable", "scroll", {
- start: function(e, ui) {
- var o = ui.options;
- var i = $(this).data("sortable");
- o.scrollSensitivity = o.scrollSensitivity || 20;
- o.scrollSpeed = o.scrollSpeed || 20;
- i.overflowY = function(el) {
- do { if(/auto|scroll/.test(el.css('overflow')) || (/auto|scroll/).test(el.css('overflow-y'))) return el; el = el.parent(); } while (el[0].parentNode);
- return $(document);
- }(i.currentItem);
- i.overflowX = function(el) {
- do { if(/auto|scroll/.test(el.css('overflow')) || (/auto|scroll/).test(el.css('overflow-x'))) return el; el = el.parent(); } while (el[0].parentNode);
- return $(document);
- }(i.currentItem);
- if(i.overflowY[0] != document && i.overflowY[0].tagName != 'HTML') i.overflowYOffset = i.overflowY.offset();
- if(i.overflowX[0] != document && i.overflowX[0].tagName != 'HTML') i.overflowXOffset = i.overflowX.offset();
- },
- sort: function(e, ui) {
- var o = ui.options;
- var i = $(this).data("sortable");
- if(i.overflowY[0] != document && i.overflowY[0].tagName != 'HTML') {
- if((i.overflowYOffset.top + i.overflowY[0].offsetHeight) - e.pageY < o.scrollSensitivity)
- i.overflowY[0].scrollTop = i.overflowY[0].scrollTop + o.scrollSpeed;
- if(e.pageY - i.overflowYOffset.top < o.scrollSensitivity)
- i.overflowY[0].scrollTop = i.overflowY[0].scrollTop - o.scrollSpeed;
- } else {
- if(e.pageY - $(document).scrollTop() < o.scrollSensitivity)
- $(document).scrollTop($(document).scrollTop() - o.scrollSpeed);
- if($(window).height() - (e.pageY - $(document).scrollTop()) < o.scrollSensitivity)
- $(document).scrollTop($(document).scrollTop() + o.scrollSpeed);
- }
- if(i.overflowX[0] != document && i.overflowX[0].tagName != 'HTML') {
- if((i.overflowXOffset.left + i.overflowX[0].offsetWidth) - e.pageX < o.scrollSensitivity)
- i.overflowX[0].scrollLeft = i.overflowX[0].scrollLeft + o.scrollSpeed;
- if(e.pageX - i.overflowXOffset.left < o.scrollSensitivity)
- i.overflowX[0].scrollLeft = i.overflowX[0].scrollLeft - o.scrollSpeed;
- } else {
- if(e.pageX - $(document).scrollLeft() < o.scrollSensitivity)
- $(document).scrollLeft($(document).scrollLeft() - o.scrollSpeed);
- if($(window).width() - (e.pageX - $(document).scrollLeft()) < o.scrollSensitivity)
- $(document).scrollLeft($(document).scrollLeft() + o.scrollSpeed);
- }
- }
diff --git a/ui/source/ui.tabs.js b/ui/source/ui.tabs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f4ca1be3..000000000
--- a/ui/source/ui.tabs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,595 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery UI Tabs
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Klaus Hartl (stilbuero.de)
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
- *
- * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Tabs
- *
- * Depends:
- * ui.core.js
- *
- * Revision: $Id: ui.tabs.js 5641 2008-05-20 02:53:23Z scott.gonzalez $
- */
-(function($) {
-$.widget("ui.tabs", {
- init: function() {
- this.options.event += '.tabs'; // namespace event
- // create tabs
- this.tabify(true);
- },
- setData: function(key, value) {
- if ((/^selected/).test(key))
- this.select(value);
- else {
- this.options[key] = value;
- this.tabify();
- }
- },
- length: function() {
- return this.$tabs.length;
- },
- tabId: function(a) {
- return a.title && a.title.replace(/\s/g, '_').replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\-_:\.]/g, '')
- || this.options.idPrefix + $.data(a);
- },
- ui: function(tab, panel) {
- return {
- instance: this,
- options: this.options,
- tab: tab,
- panel: panel
- };
- },
- tabify: function(init) {
- this.$lis = $('li:has(a[href])', this.element);
- this.$tabs = this.$lis.map(function() { return $('a', this)[0]; });
- this.$panels = $([]);
- var self = this, o = this.options;
- this.$tabs.each(function(i, a) {
- // inline tab
- if (a.hash && a.hash.replace('#', '')) // Safari 2 reports '#' for an empty hash
- self.$panels = self.$panels.add(a.hash);
- // remote tab
- else if ($(a).attr('href') != '#') { // prevent loading the page itself if href is just "#"
- $.data(a, 'href.tabs', a.href); // required for restore on destroy
- $.data(a, 'load.tabs', a.href); // mutable
- var id = self.tabId(a);
- a.href = '#' + id;
- var $panel = $('#' + id);
- if (!$panel.length) {
- $panel = $(o.panelTemplate).attr('id', id).addClass(o.panelClass)
- .insertAfter( self.$panels[i - 1] || self.element );
- $panel.data('destroy.tabs', true);
- }
- self.$panels = self.$panels.add( $panel );
- }
- // invalid tab href
- else
- o.disabled.push(i + 1);
- });
- if (init) {
- // attach necessary classes for styling if not present
- this.element.addClass(o.navClass);
- this.$panels.each(function() {
- var $this = $(this);
- $this.addClass(o.panelClass);
- });
- // Selected tab
- // use "selected" option or try to retrieve:
- // 1. from fragment identifier in url
- // 2. from cookie
- // 3. from selected class attribute on <li>
- if (o.selected === undefined) {
- if (location.hash) {
- this.$tabs.each(function(i, a) {
- if (a.hash == location.hash) {
- o.selected = i;
- // prevent page scroll to fragment
- if ($.browser.msie || $.browser.opera) { // && !o.remote
- var $toShow = $(location.hash), toShowId = $toShow.attr('id');
- $toShow.attr('id', '');
- setTimeout(function() {
- $toShow.attr('id', toShowId); // restore id
- }, 500);
- }
- scrollTo(0, 0);
- return false; // break
- }
- });
- }
- else if (o.cookie) {
- var index = parseInt($.cookie('ui-tabs' + $.data(self.element)),10);
- if (index && self.$tabs[index])
- o.selected = index;
- }
- else if (self.$lis.filter('.' + o.selectedClass).length)
- o.selected = self.$lis.index( self.$lis.filter('.' + o.selectedClass)[0] );
- }
- o.selected = o.selected === null || o.selected !== undefined ? o.selected : 0; // first tab selected by default
- // Take disabling tabs via class attribute from HTML
- // into account and update option properly.
- // A selected tab cannot become disabled.
- o.disabled = $.unique(o.disabled.concat(
- $.map(this.$lis.filter('.' + o.disabledClass),
- function(n, i) { return self.$lis.index(n); } )
- )).sort();
- if ($.inArray(o.selected, o.disabled) != -1)
- o.disabled.splice($.inArray(o.selected, o.disabled), 1);
- // highlight selected tab
- this.$panels.addClass(o.hideClass);
- this.$lis.removeClass(o.selectedClass);
- if (o.selected !== null) {
- this.$panels.eq(o.selected).show().removeClass(o.hideClass); // use show and remove class to show in any case no matter how it has been hidden before
- this.$lis.eq(o.selected).addClass(o.selectedClass);
- // seems to be expected behavior that the show callback is fired
- var onShow = function() {
- $(self.element).triggerHandler('tabsshow',
- [self.ui(self.$tabs[o.selected], self.$panels[o.selected])], o.show);
- };
- // load if remote tab
- if ($.data(this.$tabs[o.selected], 'load.tabs'))
- this.load(o.selected, onShow);
- // just trigger show event
- else
- onShow();
- }
- // clean up to avoid memory leaks in certain versions of IE 6
- $(window).bind('unload', function() {
- self.$tabs.unbind('.tabs');
- self.$lis = self.$tabs = self.$panels = null;
- });
- }
- // disable tabs
- for (var i = 0, li; li = this.$lis[i]; i++)
- $(li)[$.inArray(i, o.disabled) != -1 && !$(li).hasClass(o.selectedClass) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](o.disabledClass);
- // reset cache if switching from cached to not cached
- if (o.cache === false)
- this.$tabs.removeData('cache.tabs');
- // set up animations
- var hideFx, showFx, baseFx = { 'min-width': 0, duration: 1 }, baseDuration = 'normal';
- if (o.fx && o.fx.constructor == Array)
- hideFx = o.fx[0] || baseFx, showFx = o.fx[1] || baseFx;
- else
- hideFx = showFx = o.fx || baseFx;
- // reset some styles to maintain print style sheets etc.
- var resetCSS = { display: '', overflow: '', height: '' };
- if (!$.browser.msie) // not in IE to prevent ClearType font issue
- resetCSS.opacity = '';
- // Hide a tab, animation prevents browser scrolling to fragment,
- // $show is optional.
- function hideTab(clicked, $hide, $show) {
- $hide.animate(hideFx, hideFx.duration || baseDuration, function() { //
- $hide.addClass(o.hideClass).css(resetCSS); // maintain flexible height and accessibility in print etc.
- if ($.browser.msie && hideFx.opacity)
- $hide[0].style.filter = '';
- if ($show)
- showTab(clicked, $show, $hide);
- });
- }
- // Show a tab, animation prevents browser scrolling to fragment,
- // $hide is optional.
- function showTab(clicked, $show, $hide) {
- if (showFx === baseFx)
- $show.css('display', 'block'); // prevent occasionally occuring flicker in Firefox cause by gap between showing and hiding the tab panels
- $show.animate(showFx, showFx.duration || baseDuration, function() {
- $show.removeClass(o.hideClass).css(resetCSS); // maintain flexible height and accessibility in print etc.
- if ($.browser.msie && showFx.opacity)
- $show[0].style.filter = '';
- // callback
- $(self.element).triggerHandler('tabsshow',
- [self.ui(clicked, $show[0])], o.show);
- });
- }
- // switch a tab
- function switchTab(clicked, $li, $hide, $show) {
- /*if (o.bookmarkable && trueClick) { // add to history only if true click occured, not a triggered click
- $.ajaxHistory.update(clicked.hash);
- }*/
- $li.addClass(o.selectedClass)
- .siblings().removeClass(o.selectedClass);
- hideTab(clicked, $hide, $show);
- }
- // attach tab event handler, unbind to avoid duplicates from former tabifying...
- this.$tabs.unbind('.tabs').bind(o.event, function() {
- //var trueClick = e.clientX; // add to history only if true click occured, not a triggered click
- var $li = $(this).parents('li:eq(0)'),
- $hide = self.$panels.filter(':visible'),
- $show = $(this.hash);
- // If tab is already selected and not unselectable or tab disabled or
- // or is already loading or click callback returns false stop here.
- // Check if click handler returns false last so that it is not executed
- // for a disabled or loading tab!
- if (($li.hasClass(o.selectedClass) && !o.unselect)
- || $li.hasClass(o.disabledClass)
- || $(this).hasClass(o.loadingClass)
- || $(self.element).triggerHandler('tabsselect', [self.ui(this, $show[0])], o.select) === false
- ) {
- this.blur();
- return false;
- }
- self.options.selected = self.$tabs.index(this);
- // if tab may be closed
- if (o.unselect) {
- if ($li.hasClass(o.selectedClass)) {
- self.options.selected = null;
- $li.removeClass(o.selectedClass);
- self.$panels.stop();
- hideTab(this, $hide);
- this.blur();
- return false;
- } else if (!$hide.length) {
- self.$panels.stop();
- var a = this;
- self.load(self.$tabs.index(this), function() {
- $li.addClass(o.selectedClass).addClass(o.unselectClass);
- showTab(a, $show);
- });
- this.blur();
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (o.cookie)
- $.cookie('ui-tabs' + $.data(self.element), self.options.selected, o.cookie);
- // stop possibly running animations
- self.$panels.stop();
- // show new tab
- if ($show.length) {
- // prevent scrollbar scrolling to 0 and than back in IE7, happens only if bookmarking/history is enabled
- /*if ($.browser.msie && o.bookmarkable) {
- var showId = this.hash.replace('#', '');
- $show.attr('id', '');
- setTimeout(function() {
- $show.attr('id', showId); // restore id
- }, 0);
- }*/
- var a = this;
- self.load(self.$tabs.index(this), $hide.length ?
- function() {
- switchTab(a, $li, $hide, $show);
- } :
- function() {
- $li.addClass(o.selectedClass);
- showTab(a, $show);
- }
- );
- // Set scrollbar to saved position - need to use timeout with 0 to prevent browser scroll to target of hash
- /*var scrollX = window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft || 0;
- var scrollY = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop || 0;
- setTimeout(function() {
- scrollTo(scrollX, scrollY);
- }, 0);*/
- } else
- throw 'jQuery UI Tabs: Mismatching fragment identifier.';
- // Prevent IE from keeping other link focussed when using the back button
- // and remove dotted border from clicked link. This is controlled in modern
- // browsers via CSS, also blur removes focus from address bar in Firefox
- // which can become a usability and annoying problem with tabsRotate.
- if ($.browser.msie)
- this.blur();
- //return o.bookmarkable && !!trueClick; // convert trueClick == undefined to Boolean required in IE
- return false;
- });
- // disable click if event is configured to something else
- if (!(/^click/).test(o.event))
- this.$tabs.bind('click.tabs', function() { return false; });
- },
- add: function(url, label, index) {
- if (index == undefined)
- index = this.$tabs.length; // append by default
- var o = this.options;
- var $li = $(o.tabTemplate.replace(/#\{href\}/g, url).replace(/#\{label\}/g, label));
- $li.data('destroy.tabs', true);
- var id = url.indexOf('#') == 0 ? url.replace('#', '') : this.tabId( $('a:first-child', $li)[0] );
- // try to find an existing element before creating a new one
- var $panel = $('#' + id);
- if (!$panel.length) {
- $panel = $(o.panelTemplate).attr('id', id)
- .addClass(o.hideClass)
- .data('destroy.tabs', true);
- }
- $panel.addClass(o.panelClass);
- if (index >= this.$lis.length) {
- $li.appendTo(this.element);
- $panel.appendTo(this.element[0].parentNode);
- } else {
- $li.insertBefore(this.$lis[index]);
- $panel.insertBefore(this.$panels[index]);
- }
- o.disabled = $.map(o.disabled,
- function(n, i) { return n >= index ? ++n : n });
- this.tabify();
- if (this.$tabs.length == 1) {
- $li.addClass(o.selectedClass);
- $panel.removeClass(o.hideClass);
- var href = $.data(this.$tabs[0], 'load.tabs');
- if (href)
- this.load(index, href);
- }
- // callback
- this.element.triggerHandler('tabsadd',
- [this.ui(this.$tabs[index], this.$panels[index])], o.add
- );
- },
- remove: function(index) {
- var o = this.options, $li = this.$lis.eq(index).remove(),
- $panel = this.$panels.eq(index).remove();
- // If selected tab was removed focus tab to the right or
- // in case the last tab was removed the tab to the left.
- if ($li.hasClass(o.selectedClass) && this.$tabs.length > 1)
- this.select(index + (index + 1 < this.$tabs.length ? 1 : -1));
- o.disabled = $.map($.grep(o.disabled, function(n, i) { return n != index; }),
- function(n, i) { return n >= index ? --n : n });
- this.tabify();
- // callback
- this.element.triggerHandler('tabsremove',
- [this.ui($li.find('a')[0], $panel[0])], o.remove
- );
- },
- enable: function(index) {
- var o = this.options;
- if ($.inArray(index, o.disabled) == -1)
- return;
- var $li = this.$lis.eq(index).removeClass(o.disabledClass);
- if ($.browser.safari) { // fix disappearing tab (that used opacity indicating disabling) after enabling in Safari 2...
- $li.css('display', 'inline-block');
- setTimeout(function() {
- $li.css('display', 'block');
- }, 0);
- }
- o.disabled = $.grep(o.disabled, function(n, i) { return n != index; });
- // callback
- this.element.triggerHandler('tabsenable',
- [this.ui(this.$tabs[index], this.$panels[index])], o.enable
- );
- },
- disable: function(index) {
- var self = this, o = this.options;
- if (index != o.selected) { // cannot disable already selected tab
- this.$lis.eq(index).addClass(o.disabledClass);
- o.disabled.push(index);
- o.disabled.sort();
- // callback
- this.element.triggerHandler('tabsdisable',
- [this.ui(this.$tabs[index], this.$panels[index])], o.disable
- );
- }
- },
- select: function(index) {
- if (typeof index == 'string')
- index = this.$tabs.index( this.$tabs.filter('[href$=' + index + ']')[0] );
- this.$tabs.eq(index).trigger(this.options.event);
- },
- load: function(index, callback) { // callback is for internal usage only
- var self = this, o = this.options, $a = this.$tabs.eq(index), a = $a[0],
- bypassCache = callback == undefined || callback === false, url = $a.data('load.tabs');
- callback = callback || function() {};
- // no remote or from cache - just finish with callback
- if (!url || !bypassCache && $.data(a, 'cache.tabs')) {
- callback();
- return;
- }
- // load remote from here on
- var inner = function(parent) {
- var $parent = $(parent), $inner = $parent.find('*:last');
- return $inner.length && $inner || $parent;
- };
- var cleanup = function() {
- self.$tabs.filter('.' + o.loadingClass).removeClass(o.loadingClass)
- .each(function() {
- if (o.spinner)
- inner(this).parent().html(inner(this).data('label.tabs'));
- });
- self.xhr = null;
- };
- if (o.spinner) {
- var label = inner(a).html();
- inner(a).wrapInner('<em></em>')
- .find('em').data('label.tabs', label).html(o.spinner);
- }
- var ajaxOptions = $.extend({}, o.ajaxOptions, {
- url: url,
- success: function(r, s) {
- $(a.hash).html(r);
- cleanup();
- if (o.cache)
- $.data(a, 'cache.tabs', true); // if loaded once do not load them again
- // callbacks
- $(self.element).triggerHandler('tabsload',
- [self.ui(self.$tabs[index], self.$panels[index])], o.load
- );
- o.ajaxOptions.success && o.ajaxOptions.success(r, s);
- // This callback is required because the switch has to take
- // place after loading has completed. Call last in order to
- // fire load before show callback...
- callback();
- }
- });
- if (this.xhr) {
- // terminate pending requests from other tabs and restore tab label
- this.xhr.abort();
- cleanup();
- }
- $a.addClass(o.loadingClass);
- setTimeout(function() { // timeout is again required in IE, "wait" for id being restored
- self.xhr = $.ajax(ajaxOptions);
- }, 0);
- },
- url: function(index, url) {
- this.$tabs.eq(index).removeData('cache.tabs').data('load.tabs', url);
- },
- destroy: function() {
- var o = this.options;
- this.element.unbind('.tabs')
- .removeClass(o.navClass).removeData('tabs');
- this.$tabs.each(function() {
- var href = $.data(this, 'href.tabs');
- if (href)
- this.href = href;
- var $this = $(this).unbind('.tabs');
- $.each(['href', 'load', 'cache'], function(i, prefix) {
- $this.removeData(prefix + '.tabs');
- });
- });
- this.$lis.add(this.$panels).each(function() {
- if ($.data(this, 'destroy.tabs'))
- $(this).remove();
- else
- $(this).removeClass([o.selectedClass, o.unselectClass,
- o.disabledClass, o.panelClass, o.hideClass].join(' '));
- });
- }
-$.ui.tabs.defaults = {
- // basic setup
- unselect: false,
- event: 'click',
- disabled: [],
- cookie: null, // e.g. { expires: 7, path: '/', domain: 'jquery.com', secure: true }
- // TODO history: false,
- // Ajax
- spinner: 'Loading&#8230;',
- cache: false,
- idPrefix: 'ui-tabs-',
- ajaxOptions: {},
- // animations
- fx: null, // e.g. { height: 'toggle', opacity: 'toggle', duration: 200 }
- // templates
- tabTemplate: '<li><a href="#{href}"><span>#{label}</span></a></li>',
- panelTemplate: '<div></div>',
- // CSS classes
- navClass: 'ui-tabs-nav',
- selectedClass: 'ui-tabs-selected',
- unselectClass: 'ui-tabs-unselect',
- disabledClass: 'ui-tabs-disabled',
- panelClass: 'ui-tabs-panel',
- hideClass: 'ui-tabs-hide',
- loadingClass: 'ui-tabs-loading'
-$.ui.tabs.getter = "length";
- * Tabs Extensions
- */
- * Rotate
- */
-$.extend($.ui.tabs.prototype, {
- rotation: null,
- rotate: function(ms, continuing) {
- continuing = continuing || false;
- var self = this, t = this.options.selected;
- function start() {
- self.rotation = setInterval(function() {
- t = ++t < self.$tabs.length ? t : 0;
- self.select(t);
- }, ms);
- }
- function stop(e) {
- if (!e || e.clientX) { // only in case of a true click
- clearInterval(self.rotation);
- }
- }
- // start interval
- if (ms) {
- start();
- if (!continuing)
- this.$tabs.bind(this.options.event, stop);
- else
- this.$tabs.bind(this.options.event, function() {
- stop();
- t = self.options.selected;
- start();
- });
- }
- // stop interval
- else {
- stop();
- this.$tabs.unbind(this.options.event, stop);
- }
- }