diff options
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/build/release/release.js b/build/release/release.js
index e86ebef71..7dada78c5 100644
--- a/build/release/release.js
+++ b/build/release/release.js
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
var baseDir, repoDir, prevVersion, newVersion, nextVersion, tagTime,
fs = require( "fs" ),
+ path = require( "path" ),
+ // support: node <0.8
+ existsSync = fs.existsSync || path.existsSync,
rnewline = /\r?\n/,
repo = "git@github.com:jquery/jquery-ui.git",
branch = "master";
@@ -17,14 +20,18 @@ walk([
- section( "tagging release" ),
- tagRelease,
- confirm,
+ section( "building release" ),
+ buildRelease,
+ section( "pushing tag" ),
+ confirmReview,
section( "updating branch version" ),
- confirm,
+ section( "pushing " + branch ),
+ confirmReview,
section( "generating changelog" ),
@@ -35,10 +42,7 @@ walk([
section( "updating trac" ),
- confirm,
- section( "building release" ),
- buildRelease
+ confirm
@@ -46,21 +50,19 @@ walk([
function cloneRepo() {
- if ( test( "-d", baseDir ) ) {
- abort( "The directory '" + baseDir + "' already exists." );
- }
- echo( "Cloning " + repo + "..." );
+ echo( "Cloning " + repo.cyan + "..." );
git( "clone " + repo + " " + repoDir, "Error cloning repo." );
cd( repoDir );
- echo( "Checking out " + branch + " branch..." );
+ echo( "Checking out " + branch.cyan + " branch..." );
git( "checkout " + branch, "Error checking out branch." );
+ echo();
echo( "Installing dependencies..." );
if ( exec( "npm install" ).code !== 0 ) {
abort( "Error installing dependencies." );
+ echo();
function checkState() {
@@ -75,12 +77,12 @@ function checkState() {
lastActualAuthor = result.output.split( rnewline ).splice( -4, 1 )[ 0 ];
if ( lastListedAuthor !== lastActualAuthor ) {
- echo( "Last listed author is " + lastListedAuthor + "." );
- echo( "Last actual author is " + lastActualAuthor + "." );
+ echo( "Last listed author is " + lastListedAuthor.red + "." );
+ echo( "Last actual author is " + lastActualAuthor.green + "." );
abort( "Please update AUTHORS.txt." );
- echo( "Last listed author (" + lastListedAuthor + ") is correct." );
+ echo( "Last listed author (" + lastListedAuthor.cyan + ") is correct." );
function getVersions() {
@@ -90,7 +92,7 @@ function getVersions() {
echo( "Validating current version..." );
if ( currentVersion.substr( -3, 3 ) !== "pre" ) {
- echo( "The current version is " + currentVersion + "." );
+ echo( "The current version is " + currentVersion.red + "." );
abort( "The version must be a pre version." );
@@ -99,6 +101,10 @@ function getVersions() {
major = parseInt( parts[ 0 ], 10 );
minor = parseInt( parts[ 1 ], 10 );
patch = parseInt( parts[ 2 ], 10 );
+ // TODO: handle 2.0.0
+ if ( minor === 0 ) {
+ abort( "This script is not smart enough to handle the 2.0.0 release." );
+ }
prevVersion = patch === 0 ?
[ major, minor - 1, 0 ].join( "." ) :
[ major, minor, patch - 1 ].join( "." );
@@ -108,15 +114,16 @@ function getVersions() {
nextVersion = [ major, minor, patch + 1 ].join( "." ) + "pre";
- echo( "We are going from " + prevVersion + " to " + newVersion + "." );
- echo( "After the release, the version will be " + nextVersion + "." );
+ echo( "We are going from " + prevVersion.cyan + " to " + newVersion.cyan + "." );
+ echo( "After the release, the version will be " + nextVersion.cyan + "." );
-function tagRelease() {
+function buildRelease() {
var pkg;
- echo( "Creating release branch..." );
+ echo( "Creating " + "release".cyan + " branch..." );
git( "checkout -b release", "Error creating release branch." );
+ echo();
echo( "Updating package.json..." );
pkg = readPackage();
@@ -130,18 +137,27 @@ function tagRelease() {
if ( exec( "grunt manifest" ).code !== 0 ) {
abort( "Error generating manifest files." );
+ echo();
+ echo( "Building release..." );
+ if ( exec( "grunt release" ).code !== 0 ) {
+ abort( "Error building release." );
+ }
+ echo();
+ // TODO: Build themes
+ // TODO: Move build out of dist/
echo( "Committing release artifacts..." );
git( "add *.jquery.json", "Error adding manifest files to git." );
+ // TODO: Add built files
git( "commit -am 'Tagging the " + newVersion + " release.'",
"Error committing release changes." );
+ echo();
echo( "Tagging release..." );
git( "tag " + newVersion, "Error tagging " + newVersion + "." );
tagTime = git( "log -1 --format='%ad'", "Error getting tag timestamp." ).trim();
- echo();
- echo( "Please review the output and generated files as a sanity check." );
function pushRelease() {
@@ -152,7 +168,7 @@ function pushRelease() {
function updateBranchVersion() {
var pkg;
- echo( "Checking out " + branch + " branch..." );
+ echo( "Checking out " + branch.cyan + " branch..." );
git( "checkout " + branch, "Error checking out " + branch + " branch." );
echo( "Updating package.json..." );
@@ -163,13 +179,10 @@ function updateBranchVersion() {
echo( "Committing version update..." );
git( "commit -am 'Updating the " + branch + " version to " + nextVersion + ".'",
"Error committing package.json." );
- echo();
- echo( "Please review the output and generated files as a sanity check." );
function pushBranch() {
- echo( "Pushing " + branch + " to GitHub..." );
+ echo( "Pushing " + branch.cyan + " to GitHub..." );
git( "push", "Error pushing to GitHub." );
@@ -187,7 +200,6 @@ function generateChangelog() {
// Add ticket references
.map(function( commit ) {
var tickets = [];
- // TODO: Don't use .replace() since we're not actually replacing
commit.replace( /Fixe[sd] #(\d+)/g, function( match, ticket ) {
tickets.push( ticket );
@@ -207,7 +219,7 @@ function generateChangelog() {
"&col=id&col=component&col=summary&order=component" ) + "\n";
fs.writeFileSync( changelogPath, changelog );
- echo( "Stored changelog in " + changelogPath + "." );
+ echo( "Stored changelog in " + changelogPath.cyan + "." );
function gatherContributors() {
@@ -221,6 +233,7 @@ function gatherContributors() {
contributors = contributors.concat(
trac( "/report/22?V=" + newVersion + "&max=-1" )
.split( rnewline )
+ // Remove header and trailing newline
.slice( 1, -1 ) );
echo( "Sorting contributors..." );
@@ -235,26 +248,16 @@ function gatherContributors() {
fs.writeFileSync( contributorsPath, contributors.join( "\n" ) );
- echo( "Stored contributors in " + contributorsPath + "." );
+ echo( "Stored contributors in " + contributorsPath.cyan + "." );
function updateTrac() {
- echo( newVersion + " was tagged at " + tagTime + "." );
- echo( "Close the " + newVersion + " Milestone with the above date and time." );
- echo( "Create the " + newVersion + " Version with the above date and time." );
+ echo( newVersion.cyan + " was tagged at " + tagTime.cyan + "." );
+ echo( "Close the " + newVersion.cyan + " Milestone with the above date and time." );
+ echo( "Create the " + newVersion.cyan + " Version with the above date and time." );
echo( "Create a Milestone for the next minor release." );
-function buildRelease() {
- echo( "Checking out " + newVersion + "..." );
- git( "checkout " + newVersion, "Error checking out " + newVersion + "." );
- echo( "Building release..." );
- if ( exec( "grunt release" ).code !== 0 ) {
- abort( "Error building release." );
- }
@@ -316,30 +319,41 @@ function writePackage( pkg ) {
function bootstrap( fn ) {
- require( "child_process" ).exec( "npm root -g", function( error, stdout ) {
+ console.log( "Determining directories..." );
+ baseDir = process.cwd() + "/__release";
+ repoDir = baseDir + "/repo";
+ if ( existsSync( baseDir ) ) {
+ console.log( "The directory '" + baseDir + "' already exists." );
+ console.log( "Aborting." );
+ process.exit( 1 );
+ }
+ console.log( "Creating directory..." );
+ fs.mkdirSync( baseDir );
+ console.log( "Installing dependencies..." );
+ require( "child_process" ).exec( "npm install shelljs colors", {
+ cwd: baseDir
+ }, function( error ) {
if ( error ) {
console.log( error );
return process.exit( 1 );
- var rootDir = stdout.trim();
- require( rootDir + "/shelljs/global" );
- baseDir = pwd() + "/__release";
- repoDir = baseDir + "/repo";
+ require( baseDir + "/node_modules/shelljs/global" );
+ require( baseDir + "/node_modules/colors" );
function section( name ) {
- var line = new Array( name.length + 5 ).join( "-" );
return function() {
- // https://github.com/arturadib/shelljs/issues/20
- console.log( line );
- echo( "| " + name.toUpperCase() + " |" );
- console.log( line );
+ echo( "##" );
+ echo( "## " + name.toUpperCase().magenta );
+ echo( "##" );
@@ -353,13 +367,18 @@ function prompt( fn ) {
function confirm( fn ) {
- echo( "Press enter to continue, or ctrl+c to cancel." );
+ echo( "Press enter to continue, or ctrl+c to cancel.".yellow );
prompt( fn );
+function confirmReview( fn ) {
+ echo( "Please review the output and generated files as a sanity check.".yellow );
+ confirm( fn );
function abort( msg ) {
- echo( msg );
- echo( "Aborting." );
+ echo( msg.red );
+ echo( "Aborting.".red );
exit( 1 );