diff options
3 files changed, 34 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unit/sortable/sortable.html b/tests/unit/sortable/sortable.html
index 7db14d482..8e0bac501 100644
--- a/tests/unit/sortable/sortable.html
+++ b/tests/unit/sortable/sortable.html
@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@
border-width: 0;
+ #sortable-table {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_options.js b/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_options.js
index f0185b078..f2beb4dbc 100644
--- a/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_options.js
+++ b/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_options.js
@@ -359,19 +359,31 @@ test( "{ placeholder: String }", function() {
test( "{ placholder: String } tr", function() {
- expect( 3 );
- var element = $( "#sortable-table tbody" ).sortable({
- placeholder: "test",
- start: function( event, ui ) {
- ok( ui.placeholder.hasClass( "test" ), "placeholder has class" );
- equal( ui.placeholder.children().length, 1, "placeholder tr contains a td" );
- equal( ui.placeholder.children().html(), $( "<span>&#160;</span>" ).html(),
- "placeholder td has content for forced dimensions" );
- }
- });
- element.find( "tr" ).eq( 0 ).simulate( "drag", {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var originalWidths,
+ element = $( "#sortable-table tbody" ).sortable({
+ placeholder: "test",
+ start: function( event, ui ) {
+ var currentWidths = otherRow.children().map(function() {
+ return $( this ).width();
+ }).get();
+ ok( ui.placeholder.hasClass( "test" ), "placeholder has class" );
+ deepEqual( currentWidths, originalWidths, "table cells maintian size" );
+ equal( ui.placeholder.children().length, dragRow.children().length,
+ "placeholder has correct number of cells" );
+ equal( ui.placeholder.children().html(), $( "<span>&#160;</span>" ).html(),
+ "placeholder td has content for forced dimensions" );
+ }
+ }),
+ rows = element.children( "tr" ),
+ dragRow = rows.eq( 0 ),
+ otherRow = rows.eq( 1 );
+ originalWidths = otherRow.children().map(function() {
+ return $( this ).width();
+ }).get();
+ dragRow.simulate( "drag", {
dy: 1
diff --git a/ui/jquery.ui.sortable.js b/ui/jquery.ui.sortable.js
index d16407216..7b145159e 100644
--- a/ui/jquery.ui.sortable.js
+++ b/ui/jquery.ui.sortable.js
@@ -752,15 +752,16 @@ $.widget("ui.sortable", $.ui.mouse, {
element: function() {
var nodeName = that.currentItem[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(),
- element = $( that.document[0].createElement( nodeName ) )
+ element = $( "<" + nodeName + ">", that.document[0] )
.addClass(className || that.currentItem[0].className+" ui-sortable-placeholder")
if ( nodeName === "tr" ) {
- // Use a high colspan to force the td to expand the full
- // width of the table (browsers are smart enough to
- // handle this properly)
- element.append( "<td colspan='99'>&#160;</td>" );
+ that.currentItem.children().each(function() {
+ $( "<td>&#160;</td>", that.document[0] )
+ .attr( "colspan", $( this ).attr( "colspan" ) || 1 )
+ .appendTo( element );
+ });
} else if ( nodeName === "img" ) {
element.attr( "src", that.currentItem.attr( "src" ) );