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1 files changed, 23 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/demos/tabs/manipulation.html b/demos/tabs/manipulation.html
index 8b8ddf4e6..75214b41a 100644
--- a/demos/tabs/manipulation.html
+++ b/demos/tabs/manipulation.html
@@ -22,21 +22,21 @@
$(function() {
- var $tab_title_input = $( "#tab_title"),
- $tab_content_input = $( "#tab_content" );
- var tab_counter = 2;
+ var tab_title_input = $( "#tab_title"),
+ tab_content_input = $( "#tab_content" ),
+ tabTemplate = "<li><a href='#{href}'>#{label}</a> <span class='ui-icon ui-icon-close'>Remove Tab</span></li>",
+ tab_counter = 2;
// tabs init with a custom tab template and an "add" callback filling in the content
- var $tabs = $( "#tabs").tabs({
- tabTemplate: "<li><a href='#{href}'>#{label}</a> <span class='ui-icon ui-icon-close'>Remove Tab</span></li>",
+ var tabs = $( "#tabs").tabs({
add: function( event, ui ) {
- var tab_content = $tab_content_input.val() || "Tab " + tab_counter + " content.";
+ var tab_content = tab_content_input.val() || "Tab " + tab_counter + " content.";
$( ui.panel ).append( "<p>" + tab_content + "</p>" );
// modal dialog init: custom buttons and a "close" callback reseting the form inside
- var $dialog = $( "#dialog" ).dialog({
+ var dialog = $( "#dialog" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
buttons: {
@@ -49,24 +49,30 @@
open: function() {
- $tab_title_input.focus();
+ tab_title_input.focus();
close: function() {
- $form[ 0 ].reset();
+ form[ 0 ].reset();
// addTab form: calls addTab function on submit and closes the dialog
- var $form = $( "form", $dialog ).submit(function() {
+ var form = $( "form", dialog ).submit(function() {
- $dialog.dialog( "close" );
+ dialog.dialog( "close" );
return false;
// actual addTab function: adds new tab using the title input from the form above
function addTab() {
- var tab_title = $tab_title_input.val() || "Tab " + tab_counter;
- $tabs.tabs( "add", "#tabs-" + tab_counter, tab_title );
+ var label = tab_title_input.val() || "Tab " + tab_counter,
+ id = "tabs-" + tab_counter,
+ li = $( tabTemplate.replace( /#\{href\}/g, "#" + id ).replace( /#\{label\}/g, label ) ),
+ tab_content = tab_content_input.val() || "Tab " + tab_counter + " content.";
+ tabs.find('ul').append( li );
+ tabs.append( "<div id='" + id + "'><p>" + tab_content + "</p></div>" );
+ tabs.tabs( "refresh" );
@@ -74,14 +80,15 @@
$( "#add_tab" )
.click(function() {
- $dialog.dialog( "open" );
+ dialog.dialog( "open" );
// close icon: removing the tab on click
// note: closable tabs gonna be an option in the future - see http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/3924
$( "#tabs span.ui-icon-close" ).live( "click", function() {
- var index = $( "li", $tabs ).index( $( this ).parent() );
- $tabs.tabs( "remove", index );
+ $( this ).closest( "li" ).remove();
+ $( "#" + $( this ).prev().attr( "aria-controls" ) ).remove();
+ tabs.tabs( "refresh" );