diff options
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/ui/jquery.ui.selectmenu.js b/ui/jquery.ui.selectmenu.js
index 10e543f42..e7c04e234 100644
--- a/ui/jquery.ui.selectmenu.js
+++ b/ui/jquery.ui.selectmenu.js
@@ -39,60 +39,60 @@ $.widget( "ui.selectmenu", {
_create: function() {
- var self = this,
+ var that = this,
options = this.options,
tabindex = this.element.attr( 'tabindex' ),
// set a default id value, generate a new random one if not set by developer
- selectmenuId = self.element.attr( 'id' ) || 'ui-selectmenu-' + Math.random().toString( 16 ).slice( 2, 10 );
+ selectmenuId = that.element.attr( 'id' ) || 'ui-selectmenu-' + Math.random().toString( 16 ).slice( 2, 10 );
// quick array of button and menu id's
- self.ids = [ selectmenuId + '-button', selectmenuId + '-menu' ];
+ that.ids = [ selectmenuId + '-button', selectmenuId + '-menu' ];
// save options
- self.items = self.element.find( 'option' );
+ that.items = that.element.find( 'option' );
// set current value
if ( options.value ) {
- self.element[0].value = options.value;
+ that.element[0].value = options.value;
} else {
- options.value = self.element[0].value;
+ options.value = that.element[0].value;
// catch click event of the label
- self.element.bind( 'click.selectmenu', function() {
- self.newelement.focus();
+ that.element.bind( 'click.selectmenu', function() {
+ that.newelement.focus();
return false;
// create button
- self.newelement = $( '<a />', {
+ that.newelement = $( '<a />', {
href: '#' + selectmenuId,
- tabindex: ( tabindex ? tabindex : self.element.attr( 'disabled' ) ? 1 : 0 ),
- id: self.ids[ 0 ],
+ tabindex: ( tabindex ? tabindex : that.element.attr( 'disabled' ) ? 1 : 0 ),
+ id: that.ids[ 0 ],
css: {
- width: self.element.outerWidth()
+ width: that.element.outerWidth()
'aria-disabled': options.disabled,
- 'aria-owns': self.ids[ 1 ],
+ 'aria-owns': that.ids[ 1 ],
'aria-haspopup': true
- .addClass( self.widgetBaseClass + '-button' )
+ .addClass( that.widgetBaseClass + '-button' )
- label: self.items.eq( this.element[0].selectedIndex ).text(),
+ label: that.items.eq( this.element[0].selectedIndex ).text(),
icons: {
primary: ( options.dropdown ? 'ui-icon-triangle-1-s' : 'ui-icon-triangle-2-n-s' )
// wrap and insert new button
- self.newelementWrap = $( options.wrapperElement )
- .append( self.newelement )
- .insertAfter( self.element );
+ that.newelementWrap = $( options.wrapperElement )
+ .append( that.newelement )
+ .insertAfter( that.element );
- self.newelement.bind({
+ that.newelement.bind({
'mousedown.selectmenu': function( event ) {
- self._toggle( event );
+ that._toggle( event );
return false;
'click.selectmenu': function() {
@@ -101,54 +101,54 @@ $.widget( "ui.selectmenu", {
'keydown.selectmenu': function( event ) {
switch (event.keyCode) {
case $.ui.keyCode.TAB:
- if ( self.opened ) self.close();
+ if ( that.opened ) that.close();
case $.ui.keyCode.ENTER:
- if ( self.opened ) self.list.menu( "select", self._getSelectedItem() );
+ if ( that.opened ) that.list.menu( "select", that._getSelectedItem() );
case $.ui.keyCode.SPACE:
- self._toggle(event);
+ that._toggle(event);
case $.ui.keyCode.UP:
if ( event.altKey ) {
- self._toggle( event );
+ that._toggle( event );
} else {
- self._move( "previous", event );
+ that._move( "previous", event );
case $.ui.keyCode.DOWN:
if ( event.altKey ) {
- self._toggle( event );
+ that._toggle( event );
} else {
- self._move( "next", event );
+ that._move( "next", event );
case $.ui.keyCode.LEFT:
- self._move( "previous", event );
+ that._move( "previous", event );
case $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT:
- self._move( "next", event );
+ that._move( "next", event );
- self.list.trigger( event );
+ that.list.trigger( event );
// built menu
- self.refresh();
+ that.refresh();
// document click closes menu
$( document ).bind( 'mousedown.selectmenu', function( event ) {
- if ( self.opened && !self.hover) {
+ if ( that.opened && !that.hover) {
window.setTimeout( function() {
- self.close( event );
+ that.close( event );
}, 200 );
@@ -156,109 +156,109 @@ $.widget( "ui.selectmenu", {
// TODO update the value option
refresh: function() {
- var self = this,
+ var that = this,
options = this.options;
// create menu portion, append to body
- self.list = $( '<ul />', {
+ that.list = $( '<ul />', {
'class': 'ui-widget ui-widget-content',
'aria-hidden': true,
- 'aria-labelledby': self.ids[0],
+ 'aria-labelledby': that.ids[0],
role: 'listbox',
- id: self.ids[1]
+ id: that.ids[1]
// wrap list
if ( options.dropdown ) {
- var setWidth = self.newelement.outerWidth();
+ var setWidth = that.newelement.outerWidth();
} else {
- var text = self.newelement.find( "span.ui-button-text");
+ var text = that.newelement.find( "span.ui-button-text");
var setWidth = text.width() + parseFloat( text.css( "padding-left" ) ) + parseFloat( text.css( "margin-left" ) );
- self.listWrap = $( options.wrapperElement )
- .addClass( self.widgetBaseClass + '-menu' )
+ that.listWrap = $( options.wrapperElement )
+ .addClass( that.widgetBaseClass + '-menu' )
.width( setWidth )
- .append( self.list )
+ .append( that.list )
.appendTo( options.appendTo );
- self._initSource();
- self._renderMenu( self.list, options.source );
+ that._initSource();
+ that._renderMenu( that.list, options.source );
// init menu widget
- self.list
- .data( 'element.selectelemenu', self.element )
+ that.list
+ .data( 'element.selectelemenu', that.element )
select: function( event, ui ) {
var flag = false,
item = ui.item.data( "item.selectmenu" );
- if ( item.index != self.element[0].selectedIndex ) flag = true;
+ if ( item.index != that.element[0].selectedIndex ) flag = true;
- self._setOption( "value", item.value );
- item.element = self.items[ item.index ];
- self._trigger( "select", event, { item: item } );
+ that._setOption( "value", item.value );
+ item.element = that.items[ item.index ];
+ that._trigger( "select", event, { item: item } );
- if ( flag ) self._trigger( "change", event, { item: item } );
+ if ( flag ) that._trigger( "change", event, { item: item } );
- self.close( event, true);
+ that.close( event, true);
focus: function( event, ui ) {
- self._trigger( "focus", event, { item: ui.item.data( "item.selectmenu" ) } );
+ that._trigger( "focus", event, { item: ui.item.data( "item.selectmenu" ) } );
'mouseenter.selectelemenu': function() {
- self.hover = true;
+ that.hover = true;
'mouseleave .selectelemenu': function() {
- self.hover = false;
+ that.hover = false;
// adjust ARIA
- self.list.find( "li" ).not( '.ui-selectmenu-optgroup' ).find( 'a' ).attr( 'role', 'option' );
+ that.list.find( "li" ).not( '.ui-selectmenu-optgroup' ).find( 'a' ).attr( 'role', 'option' );
if ( options.dropdown ) {
- self.list
+ that.list
.addClass( 'ui-corner-bottom' )
.removeClass( 'ui-corner-all' );
// transfer disabled state
- if ( self.element.attr( 'disabled' ) ) {
- self.disable();
+ if ( that.element.attr( 'disabled' ) ) {
+ that.disable();
} else {
- self.enable()
+ that.enable()
open: function( event ) {
- var self = this,
+ var that = this,
options = this.options,
- currentItem = self._getSelectedItem();
+ currentItem = that._getSelectedItem();
if ( !options.disabled ) {
// close all other selectmenus
- $( '.' + self.widgetBaseClass + '-open' ).not( self.newelement ).each( function() {
+ $( '.' + that.widgetBaseClass + '-open' ).not( that.newelement ).each( function() {
$( this ).children( 'ul.ui-menu' ).data( 'element.selectelemenu' ).selectmenu( 'close' );
if ( options.dropdown ) {
- self.newelement
+ that.newelement
.addClass( 'ui-corner-top' )
.removeClass( 'ui-corner-all' );
- self.listWrap.addClass( self.widgetBaseClass + '-open' );
- self.list.menu( "focus", null, currentItem );
+ that.listWrap.addClass( that.widgetBaseClass + '-open' );
+ that.list.menu( "focus", null, currentItem );
if ( !options.dropdown ) {
// center current item
- if ( self.list.css("overflow") == "auto" ) {
- self.list.scrollTop( self.list.scrollTop() + currentItem.position().top - self.list.outerHeight()/2 + currentItem.outerHeight()/2 );
+ if ( that.list.css("overflow") == "auto" ) {
+ that.list.scrollTop( that.list.scrollTop() + currentItem.position().top - that.list.outerHeight()/2 + currentItem.outerHeight()/2 );
// calculate offset
- var _offset = (self.list.offset().top - currentItem.offset().top + (self.newelement.outerHeight() - currentItem.outerHeight()) / 2);
+ var _offset = (that.list.offset().top - currentItem.offset().top + (that.newelement.outerHeight() - currentItem.outerHeight()) / 2);
$.extend( options.position, {
my: "left top",
at: "left top",
@@ -266,49 +266,49 @@ $.widget( "ui.selectmenu", {
- self.listWrap
- .zIndex( self.element.zIndex() + 1 )
+ that.listWrap
+ .zIndex( that.element.zIndex() + 1 )
.position( $.extend({
- of: self.newelementWrap
+ of: that.newelementWrap
}, options.position ));
- self.opened = true;
- self._trigger( "open", event );
+ that.opened = true;
+ that._trigger( "open", event );
close: function( event, focus ) {
- var self = this,
+ var that = this,
options = this.options;
- if ( self.opened ) {
+ if ( that.opened ) {
if ( options.dropdown ) {
- self.newelement
+ that.newelement
.addClass( 'ui-corner-all' )
.removeClass( 'ui-corner-top' );
- self.listWrap.removeClass( self.widgetBaseClass + '-open' );
+ that.listWrap.removeClass( that.widgetBaseClass + '-open' );
this.opened = false;
- if (focus) self.newelement.focus();
+ if (focus) that.newelement.focus();
- self._trigger( "close", event );
+ that._trigger( "close", event );
_renderMenu: function( ul, items ) {
- var self = this,
+ var that = this,
currentOptgroup = "";
$.each( items, function( index, item ) {
if ( item.optgroup != currentOptgroup ) {
var optgroup = $( '<li class="ui-selectmenu-optgroup">' + item.optgroup + '</li>' );
- if ( $( self.items[ item.index ] ).parent( "optgroup" ).attr( "disabled" ) ) optgroup.addClass( 'ui-state-disabled' );
+ if ( $( that.items[ item.index ] ).parent( "optgroup" ).attr( "disabled" ) ) optgroup.addClass( 'ui-state-disabled' );
ul.append( optgroup );
currentOptgroup = item.optgroup;
- self._renderItem( ul, item );
+ that._renderItem( ul, item );