path: root/tests/jquery.useraction.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/jquery.useraction.js')
1 files changed, 347 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/jquery.useraction.js b/tests/jquery.useraction.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82ec0cd22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/jquery.useraction.js
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2007 Eduardo Lundgren (eduardolundgren@gmail.com)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
+ * and GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) licenses.
+ *
+ * Version: 0.1a
+ * Date: May, 2008
+ * Requires jQuery 1.2.x+
+ * Docs: http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/userAction
+ * Greetings: Richard Worth
+ */
+;(function($) {
+ userAction: function(type) {
+ var args = arguments, opts = {}, a1 = args[1], a2 = args[2];
+ // transfer center offset
+ if (a1 && a1.length) {
+ opts.center = [a1[0], a1[1]];
+ }
+ // set x and y
+ else if (typeof a1 == StringPool.NUMBER) {
+ opts.x = a1; opts.y = a2;
+ }
+ // extend options
+ else {
+ $.extend(opts, a1);
+ }
+ return this.each(function() {
+ new $.userAction(this, type, opts);
+ });
+ }
+$.userAction = function(el, type, options) {
+ this.type = type;
+ this.options = $.extend({}, $.userAction.defaults, options || {});
+ this.target = $(this.options.target || el)[0];
+ var self = this, o = this.options, c = o.center, center = { x: 0, y: 0 };
+ if (!o.x && !o.y) {
+ center = this.findCenter(
+ c && c.length ? c : [0, 0]
+ )
+ }
+ // if x and y not set, get the center of the element
+ o.x = o.x || center.x; o.y = o.y || center.y;
+ target: this.target,
+ view: window,
+ bubbles: o.bubbles || true,
+ cancelable: o.cancelable || false,
+ ctrlKey: o.ctrlKey || false,
+ altKey: o.altKey || false,
+ shiftKey: o.shiftKey || false,
+ metaKey: o.metaKey || false
+ };
+ // Simulating drag and drop event
+ if (/^drag$/i.test(type)) {
+ var self = this, t = this.target, queue = $.data(t, StringPool.DATA_QUEUE),
+ data = [options.dx || options.x, options.dy || options.y, this];
+ var fire = function() {
+ self.drag(options.dx || options.x, options.dy || options.y);
+ };
+ if (/^sync$/i.test(o.speed)) {
+ fire(); return;
+ }
+ if (!queue) {
+ $.data(t, StringPool.DATA_QUEUE, [data]); fire(); return;
+ }
+ // queuing drags...
+ if (queue && queue.length) {
+ queue.push(data);
+ }
+ // if drag, stop here.
+ return;
+ }
+ var isMouse = /^mouse(over|out|down|up|move)|(dbl)?click$/i.test(type),
+ isKeyboard = /^textevent|key(up|down|press)$/i.test(type),
+ EVT = isMouse ?
+ $.extend({}, EVENT_DEFAULT, {
+ clientX: o.x, clientY: o.y,
+ screenX: o.screenX || 0, screenY: o.screenY || 0,
+ relatedTarget: $(o.relatedTarget)[0] || null, detail: 0,
+ button: o.button || ($.browser.msie ? 1 : 0), isTrusted: false
+ }) :
+ $.extend({}, EVENT_DEFAULT, {
+ keyCode: o.keyCode || 0, charCode: o.charCode || 0
+ });
+ // avoid e.type == undefined before dispatchment
+ EVT.type = type;
+ if (o.before) o.before.apply(this.target, [$.event.fix(EVT), o.x, o.y, this]);
+ // check event type for mouse events
+ if (isMouse) {
+ // simulating mouse event
+ EVT = this.mouseEvent(EVT)
+ }
+ // check event type for key events
+ if (isKeyboard) {
+ // simulating keuboard event
+ EVT = this.keyboardEvent(EVT);
+ }
+ if (o.after) o.after.apply(this.target, [$.event.fix(EVT), o.x, o.y, this]);
+$.extend($.userAction.prototype, {
+ down: function(target) {
+ $(target).userAction(StringPool.MOUSEOVER).userAction(StringPool.MOUSEDOWN)
+ .userAction(StringPool.MOUSEMOVE);
+ },
+ up: function(target) {
+ $(target).userAction(StringPool.MOUSEUP).userAction(StringPool.MOUSEOUT);
+ },
+ move: function(target, x, y, after) {
+ $(target).userAction(StringPool.MOUSEMOVE, { x: x, y: y, after: after });
+ },
+ drag: function(dx, dy) {
+ // drag helper function, thanks Richard Worth's testmouse api.
+ var self = this, o = this.options, center = this.findCenter(),
+ target = $(this.target), lastx = center.x, lasty = center.y,
+ fake = $(StringPool.FAKE_CURSOR_EXP),
+ speed = o.speed || StringPool.SLOW,
+ easing = o.easing || StringPool.SWING;
+ var complete = function() {
+ // fire complete or after cb
+ if (o.after||o.complete) (o.after||o.complete).apply(self.target, [o, self]);
+ };
+ // drag synchronously
+ if (/^sync$/i.test(o.speed)) {
+ self.down(target);
+ var mdx = Math.abs(dx)||0, mdy = Math.abs(dy)||0, range = Math.max(mdx, mdy),
+ sx = dx/mdx||1, sy = dy/mdy||1;
+ for (var dt = 1; dt <= range; dt++) {
+ var x = center.x + sx*(dt <= mdx ? dt : 0), y = center.y + sy*(dt <= mdy ? dt : 0);
+ this.move(target, x, y, o.drag);
+ }
+ self.up(target);
+ complete();
+ return;
+ }
+ // drag asynchronously - animated
+ fake = fake.size() ? fake :
+ $(StringPool.FAKE_CURSOR_DIV)
+ .css({ position: StringPool.ABSOLUTE }).appendTo(document.body);
+ fake
+ .animate({ left: center.x, top: center.y }, speed, easing, function(){
+ self.down(target);
+ })
+ .animate({ left: center.x + (dx||0), top: center.y + (dy||0) }, {
+ speed: speed,
+ easing: easing,
+ step: function(i, anim) {
+ lastx = anim.prop == StringPool.LEFT ? i : lastx;
+ lasty = anim.prop == StringPool.TOP ? i : lasty;
+ self.move(target, lastx, lasty, o.drag);
+ },
+ complete: function() {
+ self.up(target);
+ // remove fake cursor
+ $(this).remove();
+ complete();
+ // trigger drag queue
+ var queue = $.data(self.target, StringPool.DATA_QUEUE);
+ if (queue) queue.shift();
+ if (queue && queue[0]) {
+ // trigger drag on correct instance
+ queue[0][2].drag(queue[0][0], queue[0][1]);
+ }
+ else
+ $.removeData(self.target, StringPool.DATA_QUEUE);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ mouseEvent: function(EVT) {
+ var evt, type = this.type, o = this.options;
+ //check for DOM-compliant browsers
+ if ($.isFunction(document.createEvent)) {
+ evt = document.createEvent(StringPool.MOUSE_EVENTS);
+ //Safari 2.x doesn't implement initMouseEvent()
+ if ($.isFunction(evt.initMouseEvent)) {
+ evt.initMouseEvent(type,
+ EVT.bubbles, EVT.cancelable, EVT.view, EVT.detail,
+ EVT.screenX, EVT.screenY, EVT.clientX, EVT.clientY,
+ EVT.ctrlKey, EVT.altKey, EVT.shiftKey, EVT.metaKey,
+ EVT.button, EVT.relatedTarget);
+ } else {
+ // Safari
+ evt = document.createEvent(StringPool.UI_EVENTS);
+ customEvent.initEvent(type, EVT.bubbles, EVT.cancelable);
+ $.extend(evt, EVT);
+ }
+ // check to see if relatedTarget has been assigned
+ if (EVT.relatedTarget && !evt.relatedTarget){
+ if (type == StringPool.MOUSEOUT) {
+ evt.toElement = EVT.relatedTarget;
+ } else if (type == StringPool.MOUSEOVER) {
+ evt.fromElement = EVT.relatedTarget;
+ }
+ }
+ // fire the event
+ this.target.dispatchEvent(evt);
+ } else if (document.createEventObject) {
+ evt = document.createEventObject();
+ // assign available properties
+ $.extend(evt, EVT)
+ // IE won't allow assignment to toElement or fromElement
+ evt.relatedTarget = EVT.relatedTarget;
+ // fix for 2 pixels bug from mousecords
+ evt.pageX = o.x; evt.pageY = o.y;
+ // fire the event
+ this.target.fireEvent(StringPool.ON + type, evt);
+ }
+ return evt;
+ },
+ keyboardEvent: function(EVT) {
+ var evt, type = this.type, o = this.options;
+ // check for DOM-compliant browsers first
+ if ($.isFunction(document.createEvent)) {
+ try {
+ // try to create key event
+ evt = document.createEvent(StringPool.KEY_EVENTS);
+ evt.initKeyEvent(type,
+ EVT.bubbles, EVT.cancelable, EVT.view, EVT.ctrlKey,
+ EVT.altKey, EVT.shiftKey, EVT.metaKey, EVT.keyCode, EVT.charCode);
+ } catch (err) {
+ // we need another try-catch for Safari 2.x
+ try {
+ // generic event for opera and webkit nightlies, will fail in Safari 2.x
+ evt = document.createEvent(StringPool.EVENTS);
+ } catch (ierr){
+ // Safari 2.x - create a UIEvent
+ evt = document.createEvent(StringPool.UI_EVENTS);
+ } finally {
+ evt.initEvent(type, EVT.bubbles, EVT.cancelable);
+ // initializing
+ $.each(EVT, function(k, v) {
+ // using try-catch for avoiding Opera NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR
+ try { evt[k] = v; } catch(e) { }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // fire the event
+ this.target.dispatchEvent(evt);
+ } else if (document.createEventObject) {
+ // create an IE event object
+ evt = document.createEventObject();
+ // assign available properties
+ $.extend(evt, EVT);
+ // IE doesn't support charCode explicitly
+ evt.keyCode = (EVT.charCode > 0) ? EVT.charCode : EVT.keyCode;
+ // fire the event
+ this.target.fireEvent(StringPool.ON + type, evt);
+ }
+ return evt;
+ },
+ findCenter: function(offset) {
+ var el = $(this.target), o = el.offset();
+ return {
+ x: o.left + (((offset||[0, 0])[0]) || 0) + el.outerWidth() / 2,
+ y: o.top + (((offset||[0, 0])[1]) || 0) + el.outerHeight() / 2
+ };
+ }
+$.extend($.userAction, {
+ defaults: {
+ center: true
+ }
+var StringPool = {
+ ON: 'on',
+ NUMBER: 'number',
+ MOUSEOVER: 'mouseover',
+ MOUSEOUT: 'mouseout',
+ MOUSEDOWN: 'mousedown',
+ MOUSEUP: 'mouseup',
+ MOUSEMOVE: 'mousemove',
+ MOUSE_EVENTS: 'MouseEvents',
+ UI_EVENTS: 'UIEvents',
+ KEY_EVENTS: 'KeyEvents',
+ EVENTS: 'Events',
+ FAKE_CURSOR_EXP: 'div.ui-fake-cursor',
+ FAKE_CURSOR_DIV: '<div class="ui-fake-cursor"/>',
+ ABSOLUTE: 'absolute',
+ DATA_QUEUE: 'ua-drag-queue',
+ TOP: 'top',
+ LEFT: 'left',
+ SLOW: 'slow',
+ SWING: 'swing'
+})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file