path: root/tests/unit/checkboxradio/events.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/unit/checkboxradio/events.js')
1 files changed, 113 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unit/checkboxradio/events.js b/tests/unit/checkboxradio/events.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5909a386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/checkboxradio/events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+define( [
+ "jquery",
+ "ui/checkboxradio"
+], function( $ ) {
+module( "Checkboxradio: events" );
+asyncTest( "form reset / click", function( assert ) {
+ expect( 35 );
+ var radios = [
+ $( "#radio11" ).checkboxradio(),
+ $( "#radio12" ).checkboxradio(),
+ $( "#radio13" ).checkboxradio()
+ ],
+ widgets = [
+ radios[ 0 ].checkboxradio( "widget" ),
+ radios[ 1 ].checkboxradio( "widget" ),
+ radios[ 2 ].checkboxradio( "widget" )
+ ],
+ form1 = $( "#form1" ),
+ form2 = $( "#form2" );
+ // Checkes that only the specified radio is checked in the group
+ function assertChecked( checked ) {
+ $.each( widgets, function( index ) {
+ var method = index === checked ? "hasClasses" : "lacksClasses";
+ assert[ method ]( widgets[ index ], "ui-checkboxradio-checked ui-state-active" );
+ } );
+ }
+ // Checks the form count on each form
+ function assertFormCount( count ) {
+ equal( form1.data( "uiCheckboxradioCount" ), count, "Form1 has a count of " + count );
+ equal( form2.data( "uiCheckboxradioCount" ), 3, "Form2 has a count of 3" );
+ }
+ // Run the tests
+ function testForms( current, start ) {
+ assertChecked( 2 );
+ if ( !start && current !== 0 ) {
+ radios[ current - 1 ].checkboxradio( "destroy" );
+ }
+ assertFormCount( 3 - current );
+ radios[ current ].prop( "checked", true );
+ radios[ current ].trigger( "change" );
+ assertChecked( current );
+ form1.trigger( "reset" );
+ }
+ // Recoursivly run the tests in a setTimeout with call back for the resets
+ function iterate( i ) {
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ if ( i < 3 ) {
+ testForms( i );
+ iterate( i + 1 );
+ return;
+ }
+ radios[ 2 ].checkboxradio( "destroy" );
+ assertChecked( false );
+ start();
+ } );
+ }
+ $( "#form2 input" ).checkboxradio();
+ // Check the starting state then kick everything off
+ testForms( 0, true );
+ iterate( 0 );
+} );
+ "Resetting a checkbox's form should refresh the visual state of the checkbox",
+ function( assert ) {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var form = $( "<form>" +
+ "<label for='c1'></label><input id='c1' type='checkbox' checked>" +
+ "</form>" ),
+ checkbox = form.find( "input[type=checkbox]" ).checkboxradio(),
+ widget = checkbox.checkboxradio( "widget" );
+ checkbox.prop( "checked", false ).checkboxradio( "refresh" );
+ assert.lacksClasses( widget, "ui-state-active" );
+ form.get( 0 ).reset();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ assert.hasClasses( widget, "ui-state-active" );
+ start();
+ }, 1 );
+ }
+asyncTest( "Checkbox shows focus when using keyboard navigation", function( assert ) {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var check = $( "#check" ).checkboxradio(),
+ label = $( "label[for='check']" );
+ assert.lacksClasses( label, "ui-state-focus" );
+ check.focus();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ assert.hasClasses( label, "ui-state-focus" );
+ start();
+ } );
+ }
+} );