define( [ "jquery" ], function( $ ) { var exports = {}, // Store the old count so that we only assert on tests that have actually leaked, // instead of asserting every time a test has leaked sometime in the past oldActive = 0, splice = [].splice; exports.forceScrollableWindow = function( appendTo ) { // The main testable area is 10000x10000 so to enforce scrolling, // this DIV must be greater than 10000 to work return $( "
" ) .css( { height: "11000px", width: "11000px" } ) .appendTo( appendTo || "#qunit-fixture" ); }; exports.onFocus = function( element, onFocus ) { var fn = function( event ) { if ( !event.originalEvent ) { return; } "focus", fn ); onFocus(); }; element.on( "focus", fn )[ 0 ].focus(); }; /** * Ensures that tests have cleaned up properly after themselves. Should be passed as the * afterEach function on all modules' lifecycle object. */ exports.moduleAfterEach = function( assert ) { // Check for (and clean up, if possible) incomplete animations/requests/etc. if ( jQuery.timers && jQuery.timers.length !== 0 ) { assert.equal( jQuery.timers.length, 0, "No timers are still running" ); jQuery.timers, 0, jQuery.timers.length ); jQuery.fx.stop(); } if ( !== undefined && !== oldActive ) { assert.equal(, oldActive, "No AJAX requests are still active" ); oldActive =; } }; exports.testIframe = function( title, fileName, func, wrapper, iframeStyles ) { if ( !wrapper ) { wrapper = QUnit.test; } QUnit, title, function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(), $iframe = jQuery( "" ) .css( { position: "absolute", top: "0", left: "-600px", width: "500px", zIndex: 1, background: "white" } ) .attr( { id: "qunit-fixture-iframe", src: fileName } ); // Add other iframe styles if ( iframeStyles ) { $iframe.css( iframeStyles ); } // Test iframes are expected to invoke this via startIframeTest // (cf. iframeTest.js) window.iframeCallback = function() { var args = arguments ); args.unshift( assert ); setTimeout( function() { var result; this.iframeCallback = undefined; result = func.apply( this, args ); function finish() { func = function() {}; $iframe.remove(); done(); } // Wait for promises returned by `func`. if ( result && result.then ) { result.then( finish ); } else { finish(); } } ); }; // Attach iframe to the body for visibility-dependent code. // It will be removed by either the above code, or the testDone // callback in qunit.js. $iframe.prependTo( document.body ); } ); }; window.iframeCallback = undefined; return exports; } );