define( [ "jquery", "ui/widgets/controlgroup", "ui/widgets/checkboxradio", "ui/widgets/selectmenu", "ui/widgets/button" ], function( $ ) { module( "Controlgroup: methods" ); test( "destroy", function( assert ) { expect( 1 ); assert.domEqual( ".controlgroup", function() { $( ".controlgroup" ).controlgroup().controlgroup( "destroy" ); } ); } ); test( "disable", function( assert ) { expect( 2 ); var element = $( ".controlgroup" ).controlgroup().controlgroup( "disable" ); assert.lacksClasses( element, "ui-state-disabled", "The widget does not get the disabled class, because we disable each child widget" ); strictEqual( element.find( ".ui-state-disabled" ).length, 6, "Child widgets are disabled" ); } ); test( "enable", function( assert ) { expect( 2 ); var element = $( ".controlgroup" ).controlgroup().controlgroup( "enable" ); assert.lacksClasses( element, "ui-state-disabled", "ui-state-disabled is not present on widget after enabling" ); strictEqual( element.find( "ui-state-disabled" ).length, 0, "Child widgets are disabled" ); } ); var tests = { "checkboxradio": "", "selectmenu": "foo", "button": "" }, orientations = { "horizontal": [ "ui-corner-left", false, false, "ui-corner-right" ], "vertical": [ "ui-corner-top", false, false, "ui-corner-bottom" ] }; // Iterate through supported element markup $.each( tests, function( widget, html ) { // Check in both horizontal and vertical orientations $.each( orientations, function( name, classes ) { test( "refresh: " + widget + ": " + name, function( assert ) { expect( 41 ); var i, control, currentClasses, controls = [], element = $( "" ).controlgroup( { direction: name } ).appendTo( "body" ); // checks the elements with in the controlgroup against the expected class list function checkCornerClasses( classList ) { for ( var j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) { if ( classList[ j ] ) { assert.hasClasses( controls[ j ][ widget ]( "widget" ), classList[ j ] ); } else { assert.lacksClassStart( controls[ j ][ widget ]( "widget" ), "ui-corner" ); } } } function showElements( index, value ) { $( value )[ widget ]( "widget" ).show(); } // Hide each element and check the corner classes function iterateHidden( onlyVisible ) { for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { $( controls ).each( showElements ); controls[ i ][ widget ]( "widget" ).hide(); currentClasses = classes.slice( 0 ); if ( onlyVisible ) { if ( i === 0 ) { currentClasses[ i + 1 ] = classes[ i ]; currentClasses[ i ] = false; } else if ( i === 3 ) { currentClasses[ i - 1 ] = classes[ i ]; currentClasses[ i ] = false; } } element.controlgroup( "refresh" ); checkCornerClasses( currentClasses ); } } // Add a label for each element and then append the element to the control group for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { control = $( html ).attr( "id", "id" + i ) .add( $( "" ).clone().attr( "for", "id" + i ) ); controls.push( control ); element.append( control ); } // Refresh the controlgroup now that its populated element.controlgroup( "refresh" ); for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { strictEqual( controls[ i ].is( ":ui-" + widget ), true, name + ": " + widget + " " + i + ": is a " + widget + " widget" ); } // Check that we have the right classes checkCornerClasses( classes ); // hide each element and then check its classes iterateHidden( true ); // Set the exclude option to false so we no longer care about hidden element.controlgroup( "option", "onlyVisible", false ); // Iterate hiding the elements again and check their corner classes iterateHidden(); // Disable the first control controls[ 0 ].prop( "disabled", true ); element.controlgroup( "refresh" ); assert.hasClasses( controls[ 0 ][ widget ]( "widget" ), "ui-state-disabled" ); // remove the controlgroup before we start the next set element.remove(); } ); } ); } ); } );