define( [ "qunit", "jquery", "lib/helper", "./helper", "ui/widgets/resizable" ], function( QUnit, $, helper, testHelper ) { "use strict"; QUnit.module( "resizable: options", { afterEach: helper.moduleAfterEach } ); QUnit.test( "alsoResize", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 2 ); var other = $( "<div>" ) .css( { width: 50, height: 50 } ) .appendTo( "body" ), element = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { alsoResize: other } ), handle = ".ui-resizable-e"; testHelper.drag( handle, 80 ); assert.equal( element.width(), 180, "resizable width" ); assert.equal( other.width(), 130, "alsoResize width" ); } ); QUnit.test( "aspectRatio: 'preserve' (e)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var handle = ".ui-resizable-e", target = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { aspectRatio: "preserve", handles: "all", minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 } ); testHelper.drag( handle, 80 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight" ); testHelper.drag( handle, -130 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight" ); } ); QUnit.test( "aspectRatio: 'preserve' (w)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var handle = ".ui-resizable-w", target = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { aspectRatio: "preserve", handles: "all", minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 } ); testHelper.drag( handle, -80 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight" ); testHelper.drag( handle, 130 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight" ); } ); QUnit.test( "aspectRatio: 'preserve' (n)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var handle = ".ui-resizable-n", target = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { aspectRatio: "preserve", handles: "all", minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 } ); testHelper.drag( handle, 0, -80 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight" ); testHelper.drag( handle, 0, 80 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight" ); } ); QUnit.test( "aspectRatio: 'preserve' (s)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var handle = ".ui-resizable-s", target = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { aspectRatio: "preserve", handles: "all", minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 } ); testHelper.drag( handle, 0, 80 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight" ); testHelper.drag( handle, 0, -80 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight" ); } ); QUnit.test( "aspectRatio: 'preserve' (se)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var handle = ".ui-resizable-se", target = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { aspectRatio: "preserve", handles: "all", minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 } ); testHelper.drag( handle, 80, 80 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight" ); testHelper.drag( handle, -80, -80 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight" ); } ); QUnit.test( "aspectRatio: 'preserve' (sw)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var handle = ".ui-resizable-sw", target = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { aspectRatio: "preserve", handles: "all", minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 } ); testHelper.drag( handle, -80, 80 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight" ); testHelper.drag( handle, 80, -80 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight" ); } ); QUnit.test( "aspectRatio: 'preserve' (ne)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var handle = ".ui-resizable-ne", target = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { aspectRatio: "preserve", handles: "all", minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 } ); testHelper.drag( handle, 80, -80 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight" ); testHelper.drag( handle, -80, 80 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight" ); } ); QUnit.test( "aspectRatio: Resizing can move objects", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 7 ); // Http:// - Resizing can move objects var handleW = ".ui-resizable-w", handleNW = ".ui-resizable-nw", target = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { aspectRatio: true, handles: "all", containment: "parent" } ); $( "#container" ).css( { width: 200, height: 300 } ); $( "#resizable1" ).css( { width: 100, height: 100, left: 75, top: 200 } ); testHelper.drag( handleW, -20 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 100, "compare width - no size change" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 100, "compare height - no size change" ); assert.equal( target.position().left, 75, "compare left - no movement" ); // Http:// - aspectRatio and containment not handled correctly $( "#container" ).css( { width: 200, height: 300, position: "absolute", left: 100, top: 100 } ); $( "#resizable1" ).css( { width: 100, height: 100, left: 0, top: 0 } ); testHelper.drag( handleNW, -20, -20 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 100, "compare width - no size change" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 100, "compare height - no size change" ); assert.equal( target.position().left, 0, "compare left - no movement" ); assert.equal( target.position().top, 0, "compare top - no movement" ); } ); QUnit.test( "aspectRatio: aspectRatio can be changed after initialization", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var target = $( "#resizable1" ) .resizable( { aspectRatio: 1 } ) .resizable( "option", "aspectRatio", false ); var handle = ".ui-resizable-e"; testHelper.drag( handle, 80 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 180, "compare width - size change" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 100, "compare height - no size change" ); target.resizable( "option", "aspectRatio", 2 ); testHelper.drag( handle, -40 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 140, "compare width - size change" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 70, "compare height - size change in proper relation" ); } ); QUnit.test( "containment", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var element = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { containment: "#container" } ); testHelper.drag( ".ui-resizable-se", 20, 30 ); assert.equal( element.width(), 120, "unconstrained width within container" ); assert.equal( element.height(), 130, "unconstrained height within container" ); testHelper.drag( ".ui-resizable-se", 400, 400 ); assert.equal( element.width(), 300, "constrained width at containment edge" ); assert.equal( element.height(), 200, "constrained height at containment edge" ); } ); QUnit.test( "containment - not immediate parent", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); // Http:// - Resizable: Containment calculation is wrong // when containment element is not the immediate parent var element = $( "#child" ).resizable( { containment: "#container2", handles: "all" } ); testHelper.drag( ".ui-resizable-e", 300, 0 ); assert.equal( element.width(), 400, "Relative, contained within container width" ); testHelper.drag( ".ui-resizable-s", 0, 300 ); assert.equal( element.height(), 400, "Relative, contained within container height" ); $( "#child" ).css( { left: 50, top: 50 } ); $( "#parent" ).css( { left: 50, top: 50 } ); $( "#container2" ).css( { left: 50, top: 50 } ); element = $( "#child" ).resizable( { containment: "#container2", handles: "all" } ); testHelper.drag( ".ui-resizable-e", 400, 0 ); assert.equal( element.width(), 300, "Relative with Left, contained within container width" ); testHelper.drag( ".ui-resizable-s", 0, 400 ); assert.equal( element.height(), 300, "Relative with Top, contained within container height" ); } ); QUnit.test( "containment - immediate parent", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); // Http:// - Resizable: Width calculation is wrong when containment element is "position: relative" // when containment element is immediate parent var element = $( "#child" ).resizable( { containment: "parent", handles: "all" } ); testHelper.drag( ".ui-resizable-e", 400, 0 ); assert.equal( element.width(), 300, "Relative, contained within container width" ); testHelper.drag( ".ui-resizable-s", 0, 400 ); assert.equal( element.height(), 300, "Relative, contained within container height" ); $( "#child" ).css( { left: 50, top: 50 } ); $( "#parent" ).css( { left: 50, top: 50 } ); $( "#container2" ).css( { left: 50, top: 50 } ); element = $( "#child" ).resizable( { containment: "parent", handles: "all" } ); testHelper.drag( ".ui-resizable-e", 400, 0 ); assert.equal( element.width(), 250, "Relative with Left, contained within container width" ); testHelper.drag( ".ui-resizable-s", 0, 400 ); assert.equal( element.height(), 250, "Relative with Top, contained within container height" ); } ); QUnit.test( "grid", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var handle = ".ui-resizable-se", target = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { handles: "all", grid: [ 0, 20 ] } ); testHelper.drag( handle, 3, 9 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 103, "compare width" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 100, "compare height" ); testHelper.drag( handle, 15, 11 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 118, "compare width" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 120, "compare height" ); } ); QUnit.test( "grid (min/max dimensions)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var handle = ".ui-resizable-se", target = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { handles: "all", grid: 20, minWidth: 65, minHeight: 65, maxWidth: 135, maxHeight: 135 } ); testHelper.drag( handle, 50, 50 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 120, "grid should respect maxWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 120, "grid should respect maxHeight" ); testHelper.drag( handle, -100, -100 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 80, "grid should respect minWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 80, "grid should respect minHeight" ); } ); QUnit.test( "grid (wrapped)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var handle = ".ui-resizable-se", target = $( "#resizable2" ).resizable( { handles: "all", grid: [ 0, 20 ] } ); testHelper.drag( handle, 3, 9 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 103, "compare width" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 100, "compare height" ); testHelper.drag( handle, 15, 11 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 118, "compare width" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 120, "compare height" ); } ); QUnit.test( "grid - Resizable: can be moved when grid option is set (#9611)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 6 ); var oldPosition, handle = ".ui-resizable-nw", target = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { handles: "all", grid: 50 } ); testHelper.drag( handle, 50, 50 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 50, "compare width" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 50, "compare height" ); oldPosition = target.position(); testHelper.drag( handle, 50, 50 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 50, "compare width" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 50, "compare height" ); assert.equal( target.position().top,, "compare top" ); assert.equal( target.position().left, oldPosition.left, "compare left" ); } ); QUnit.test( "grid - maintains grid with padding and border when approaching no dimensions", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 2 ); // Http:// - Resizable: border with grid option working wrong var handle = ".ui-resizable-nw", target = $( "#resizable1" ).css( { padding: 5, border: "5px solid black", width: 80, height: 80 } ).resizable( { handles: "all", grid: [ 50, 12 ] } ); testHelper.drag( handle, 50, 50 ); assert.equal( target.outerWidth(), 50, "compare width" ); assert.equal( target.outerHeight(), 52, "compare height" ); } ); QUnit.test( "ui-resizable-se { handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 }", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var handle = ".ui-resizable-se", target = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { handles: "all", minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 } ); testHelper.drag( handle, -50, -50 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 60, "compare minWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 60, "compare minHeight" ); testHelper.drag( handle, 70, 70 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 100, "compare maxWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 100, "compare maxHeight" ); } ); QUnit.test( "ui-resizable-sw { handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 }", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var handle = ".ui-resizable-sw", target = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { handles: "all", minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 } ); testHelper.drag( handle, 50, -50 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 60, "compare minWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 60, "compare minHeight" ); testHelper.drag( handle, -70, 70 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 100, "compare maxWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 100, "compare maxHeight" ); } ); QUnit.test( "ui-resizable-ne { handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 }", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var handle = ".ui-resizable-ne", target = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { handles: "all", minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 } ); testHelper.drag( handle, -50, 50 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 60, "compare minWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 60, "compare minHeight" ); testHelper.drag( handle, 70, -70 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 100, "compare maxWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 100, "compare maxHeight" ); } ); QUnit.test( "ui-resizable-nw { handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 }", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var handle = ".ui-resizable-nw", target = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { handles: "all", minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 } ); testHelper.drag( handle, 70, 70 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 60, "compare minWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 60, "compare minHeight" ); testHelper.drag( handle, -70, -70 ); assert.equal( target.width(), 100, "compare maxWidth" ); assert.equal( target.height(), 100, "compare maxHeight" ); } ); QUnit.test( "custom handles { handles: { 's': $('#resizer1'), containment: 'parent' }", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 2 ); var handle = "#resizer1", target = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { handles: { "s": $( "#resizer1" ) }, containment: "parent" } ); testHelper.drag( handle, 0, 70 ); assert.equal( target.height(), 170, "compare height" ); testHelper.drag( handle, 0, -70 ); assert.equal( target.height(), 100, "compare height" ); } ); QUnit.test( "custom handles { handles: { 's': $('#resizer1')[0], containment: 'parent' }", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 2 ); var handle = "#resizer1", target = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { handles: { "s": $( "#resizer1" )[ 0 ] }, containment: "parent" } ); testHelper.drag( handle, 0, 70 ); assert.equal( target.height(), 170, "compare height" ); testHelper.drag( handle, 0, -70 ); assert.equal( target.height(), 100, "compare height" ); } ); QUnit.test( "zIndex, applied to all handles", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 8 ); var target = $( "<div></div>" ).resizable( { handles: "all", zIndex: 100 } ); target.children( ".ui-resizable-handle" ).each( function( index, handle ) { assert.equal( $( handle ).css( "zIndex" ), 100, "compare zIndex" ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( "setOption handles", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 19 ); // // var target = $( "<div></div>" ).resizable(), target2 = $( "<div>" + "<div class='ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-e'></div>" + "<div class='ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-w'></div>" + "</div>" ).resizable( { handles: { "e": "ui-resizable-e", "w": "ui-resizable-w" } } ); function checkHandles( target, expectedHandles ) { expectedHandles = $.map( expectedHandles, function( value ) { return ".ui-resizable-" + value; } ); var handles = target.find( ".ui-resizable-handle" ); assert.equal( handles.length, expectedHandles.length, "Correct number of handles found" ); $.each( expectedHandles, function( index, handleClass ) { assert.equal( handles.filter( handleClass ).length, 1, "Found " + handleClass ); } ); } checkHandles( target, [ "e", "s", "se" ] ); target.resizable( "option", "handles", "n, w, nw" ); checkHandles( target, [ "n", "w", "nw" ] ); target.resizable( "option", "handles", "s, w" ); checkHandles( target, [ "s", "w" ] ); target2.resizable( "option", "handles", "e, s, w" ); checkHandles( target2, [ "e", "s", "w" ] ); target.resizable( "destroy" ); checkHandles( target, [ ] ); target2.resizable( "destroy" ); checkHandles( target2, [ "e", "w" ] ); } ); QUnit.test( "alsoResize + containment", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var other = $( "<div>" ) .css( { width: 50, height: 50 } ) .appendTo( "body" ), element = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { alsoResize: other, containment: "#container" } ); testHelper.drag( ".ui-resizable-se", 400, 400 ); assert.equal( element.width(), 300, "resizable constrained width at containment edge" ); assert.equal( element.height(), 200, "resizable constrained height at containment edge" ); assert.equal( other.width(), 250, "alsoResize constrained width at containment edge" ); assert.equal( other.height(), 150, "alsoResize constrained height at containment edge" ); } ); QUnit.test( "alsoResize + multiple selection", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 6 ); var other1 = $( "<div>" ) .addClass( "other" ) .css( { width: 50, height: 50 } ) .appendTo( "body" ), other2 = $( "<div>" ) .addClass( "other" ) .css( { width: 50, height: 50 } ) .appendTo( "body" ), element = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( { alsoResize: other1.add( other2 ), containment: "#container" } ); testHelper.drag( ".ui-resizable-se", 400, 400 ); assert.equal( element.width(), 300, "resizable constrained width at containment edge" ); assert.equal( element.height(), 200, "resizable constrained height at containment edge" ); assert.equal( other1.width(), 250, "alsoResize o1 constrained width at containment edge" ); assert.equal( other1.height(), 150, "alsoResize o1 constrained height at containment edge" ); assert.equal( other2.width(), 250, "alsoResize o2 constrained width at containment edge" ); assert.equal( other2.height(), 150, "alsoResize o2 constrained height at containment edge" ); } ); } );