/* * resizable_options.js */ (function($) { module("resizable: options"); test("aspectRatio: 'preserve' (e)", function() { expect(4); var handle = '.ui-resizable-e', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ aspectRatio: 'preserve', handles: 'all', minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 }); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, 80); equal( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth"); equal( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight"); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, -130); equal( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth"); equal( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight"); }); test("aspectRatio: 'preserve' (w)", function() { expect(4); var handle = '.ui-resizable-w', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ aspectRatio: 'preserve', handles: 'all', minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 }); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, -80); equal( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth"); equal( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight"); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, 130); equal( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth"); equal( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight"); }); test("aspectRatio: 'preserve' (n)", function() { expect(4); var handle = '.ui-resizable-n', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ aspectRatio: 'preserve', handles: 'all', minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 }); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, 0, -80); equal( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth"); equal( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight"); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, 0, 80); equal( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth"); equal( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight"); }); test("aspectRatio: 'preserve' (s)", function() { expect(4); var handle = '.ui-resizable-s', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ aspectRatio: 'preserve', handles: 'all', minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 }); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, 0, 80); equal( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth"); equal( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight"); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, 0, -80); equal( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth"); equal( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight"); }); test("aspectRatio: 'preserve' (se)", function() { expect(4); var handle = '.ui-resizable-se', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ aspectRatio: 'preserve', handles: 'all', minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 }); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, 80, 80); equal( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth"); equal( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight"); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, -80, -80); equal( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth"); equal( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight"); }); test("aspectRatio: 'preserve' (sw)", function() { expect(4); var handle = '.ui-resizable-sw', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ aspectRatio: 'preserve', handles: 'all', minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 }); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, -80, 80); equal( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth"); equal( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight"); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, 80, -80); equal( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth"); equal( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight"); }); test("aspectRatio: 'preserve' (ne)", function() { expect(4); var handle = '.ui-resizable-ne', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ aspectRatio: 'preserve', handles: 'all', minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 }); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, 80, -80); equal( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth"); equal( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight"); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, -80, 80); equal( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth"); equal( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight"); }); test("grid", function() { expect(4); var handle = '.ui-resizable-se', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ handles: 'all', grid: [0, 20] }); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, 3, 9); equal( target.width(), 103, "compare width"); equal( target.height(), 100, "compare height"); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, 15, 11); equal( target.width(), 118, "compare width"); equal( target.height(), 120, "compare height"); }); test("grid (min/max dimensions)", function() { expect(4); var handle = ".ui-resizable-se", target = $("#resizable1").resizable({ handles: "all", grid: 20, minWidth: 65, minHeight: 65, maxWidth: 135, maxHeight: 135 }); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, 50, 50); equal( target.width(), 120, "grid should respect maxWidth"); equal( target.height(), 120, "grid should respect maxHeight"); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, -100, -100); equal( target.width(), 80, "grid should respect minWidth"); equal( target.height(), 80, "grid should respect minHeight"); }); test("grid (wrapped)", function() { expect(4); var handle = '.ui-resizable-se', target = $('#resizable2').resizable({ handles: 'all', grid: [0, 20] }); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, 3, 9); equal( target.width(), 103, "compare width"); equal( target.height(), 100, "compare height"); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, 15, 11); equal( target.width(), 118, "compare width"); equal( target.height(), 120, "compare height"); }); test("ui-resizable-se { handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 }", function() { expect(4); var handle = '.ui-resizable-se', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 }); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, -50, -50); equal( target.width(), 60, "compare minWidth" ); equal( target.height(), 60, "compare minHeight" ); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, 70, 70); equal( target.width(), 100, "compare maxWidth" ); equal( target.height(), 100, "compare maxHeight" ); }); test("ui-resizable-sw { handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 }", function() { expect(4); var handle = '.ui-resizable-sw', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 }); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, 50, -50); equal( target.width(), 60, "compare minWidth" ); equal( target.height(), 60, "compare minHeight" ); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, -70, 70); equal( target.width(), 100, "compare maxWidth" ); equal( target.height(), 100, "compare maxHeight" ); }); test("ui-resizable-ne { handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 }", function() { expect(4); var handle = '.ui-resizable-ne', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 }); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, -50, 50); equal( target.width(), 60, "compare minWidth" ); equal( target.height(), 60, "compare minHeight" ); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, 70, -70); equal( target.width(), 100, "compare maxWidth" ); equal( target.height(), 100, "compare maxHeight" ); }); test("ui-resizable-nw { handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 }", function() { expect(4); var handle = '.ui-resizable-nw', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 }); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, 70, 70); equal( target.width(), 60, "compare minWidth" ); equal( target.height(), 60, "compare minHeight" ); TestHelpers.resizable.drag(handle, -70, -70); equal( target.width(), 100, "compare maxWidth" ); equal( target.height(), 100, "compare maxHeight" ); }); test("zIndex, applied to all handles", function() { expect(8); var target = $('
').resizable({ handles: 'all', zIndex: 100 }); target.children( '.ui-resizable-handle' ).each( function( index, handle ) { equal( $( handle ).css( 'zIndex' ), 100, 'compare zIndex' ); }); }); test( "zIndex, less than a modal dialog's overlay by default", function() { expect(1); var resizable = $( '' ).resizable(); var dialog = $( '' ).dialog( { modal: true }); var resizableZIndex = resizable.resizable( 'option', 'zIndex' ); var overlayZIndex = $( '.ui-widget-overlay' ).css( 'zIndex' ); overlayZIndex = parseInt( overlayZIndex, 10 ); ok( resizableZIndex < overlayZIndex, "Resizables behind a modal dialog must have a smaller z-index than the overlay so that they're not resizable. See #7960." ); dialog.dialog( 'destroy' ); }); })(jQuery);