( function( factory ) { if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define( [ "jquery", "ui/core", "./version" ], factory ); } else { // Browser globals factory( jQuery ); } }( function( $ ) { return $.ui.formResetMixin = { _formResetHandler: function() { var form = $( this ); // Wait for the form reset to actually happen before refreshing setTimeout( function() { var instances = form.data( "ui-form-reset-instances" ); $.each( instances, function() { this.refresh(); } ); } ); }, _bindFormResetHandler: function() { this.form = this.element.form(); if ( !this.form.length ) { return; } var instances = this.form.data( "ui-form-reset-instances" ) || []; if ( !instances.length ) { // We don't use _on() here because we use a single event handler per form this.form.on( "reset.ui-form-reset", this._formResetHandler ); } instances.push( this ); this.form.data( "ui-form-reset-instances", instances ); }, _unbindFormResetHandler: function() { if ( !this.form.length ) { return; } var instances = this.form.data( "ui-form-reset-instances" ); instances.splice( $.inArray( this, instances ), 1 ); if ( instances.length ) { this.form.data( "ui-form-reset-instances", instances ); } else { this.form .removeData( "ui-form-reset-instances" ) .off( "reset.ui-form-reset" ); } } }; } ) );