diff options
authorTimmy Willison <timmywillisn@gmail.com>2013-12-20 17:13:48 -0500
committerTimmy Willison <timmywillisn@gmail.com>2013-12-20 17:29:35 -0500
commit827b5141df49a83bc4a2edc243343d5987901131 (patch)
parentfd9c32118f8031eef681f6bd9fffa29bbce3c517 (diff)
Release script: jquery-release integration
Conflicts: build/release.js
2 files changed, 148 insertions, 385 deletions
diff --git a/build/release.js b/build/release.js
index be9f425cf..8624fbbd3 100644
--- a/build/release.js
+++ b/build/release.js
@@ -1,407 +1,169 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
- * jQuery Core Release Management
- */
-// Debugging variables
-var debug = false,
- skipRemote = false;
-var fs = require("fs"),
- child = require("child_process"),
- path = require("path"),
- archiver = require("archiver");
-var releaseVersion,
- nextVersion,
- isBeta,
- pkg,
- branch,
- scpURL = "jqadmin@code.origin.jquery.com:/var/www/html/code.jquery.com/",
- cdnURL = "http://code.origin.jquery.com/",
- repoURL = "git@github.com:jquery/jquery.git",
- // Windows needs the .cmd version but will find the non-.cmd
- // On Windows, ensure the HOME environment variable is set
- gruntCmd = process.platform === "win32" ? "grunt.cmd" : "grunt",
- devFile = "dist/jquery.js",
- minFile = "dist/jquery.min.js",
- mapFile = "dist/jquery.min.map",
- releaseFiles = {
- "jquery-VER.js": devFile,
- "jquery-VER.min.js": minFile,
- "jquery-VER.min.map": mapFile,
- "jquery.js": devFile,
- "jquery.min.js": minFile,
- "jquery.min.map": mapFile,
- "jquery-latest.js": devFile,
- "jquery-latest.min.js": minFile,
- "jquery-latest.min.map": mapFile
- },
- jQueryFilesCDN = [],
- googleFilesCDN = [
- "jquery.js", "jquery.min.js", "jquery.min.map"
- ],
- msFilesCDN = [
- "jquery-VER.js", "jquery-VER.min.js", "jquery-VER.min.map"
- ];
- initialize,
- checkGitStatus,
- setReleaseVersion,
- gruntBuild,
- makeReleaseCopies,
- copyTojQueryCDN,
- buildGoogleCDN,
- buildMicrosoftCDN,
- createTag,
- setNextVersion,
- pushToGithub,
- // publishToNpm,
- exit
-function initialize( next ) {
- if ( process.argv[2] === "-d" ) {
- process.argv.shift();
- debug = true;
- console.warn("=== DEBUG MODE ===" );
+module.exports = function( Release ) {
+ var
+ fs = require( "fs" ),
+ shell = require( "shelljs" ),
+ // Windows needs the .cmd version but will find the non-.cmd
+ // On Windows, ensure the HOME environment variable is set
+ gruntCmd = process.platform === "win32" ? "grunt.cmd" : "grunt",
+ devFile = "dist/jquery.js",
+ minFile = "dist/jquery.min.js",
+ mapFile = "dist/jquery.min.map",
+ cdnFolder = "dist/cdn",
+ releaseFiles = {
+ "jquery-VER.js": devFile,
+ "jquery-VER.min.js": minFile,
+ "jquery-VER.min.map": mapFile,
+ "jquery.js": devFile,
+ "jquery.min.js": minFile,
+ "jquery.min.map": mapFile,
+ "jquery-latest.js": devFile,
+ "jquery-latest.min.js": minFile,
+ "jquery-latest.min.map": mapFile
+ },
+ googleFilesCDN = [
+ "jquery.js", "jquery.min.js", "jquery.min.map"
+ ],
+ msFilesCDN = [
+ "jquery-VER.js", "jquery-VER.min.js", "jquery-VER.min.map"
+ ],
+ _complete = Release.complete;
+ /**
+ * Generates copies for the CDNs
+ */
+ function makeReleaseCopies() {
+ shell.mkdir( "-p", cdnFolder );
+ Object.keys( releaseFiles ).forEach(function( key ) {
+ var text,
+ builtFile = releaseFiles[ key ],
+ unpathedFile = key.replace( /VER/g, Release.newVersion ),
+ releaseFile = cdnFolder + "/" + unpathedFile;
+ // Beta releases don't update the jquery-latest etc. copies
+ if ( !Release.preRelease || key.indexOf( "VER" ) >= 0 ) {
+ if ( /\.map$/.test( releaseFile ) ) {
+ // Map files need to reference the new uncompressed name;
+ // assume that all files reside in the same directory.
+ // "file":"jquery.min.js","sources":["jquery.js"]
+ text = fs.readFileSync( builtFile, "utf8" )
+ .replace( /"file":"([^"]+)","sources":\["([^"]+)"\]/,
+ "\"file\":\"" + unpathedFile.replace( /\.min\.map/, ".min.js" ) +
+ "\",\"sources\":[\"" + unpathedFile.replace( /\.min\.map/, ".js" ) + "\"]" );
+ fs.writeFileSync( releaseFile, text );
+ } else if ( /\.min\.js$/.test( releaseFile ) ) {
+ // Remove the source map comment; it causes way too many problems.
+ // Keep the map file in case DevTools allow manual association.
+ text = fs.readFileSync( builtFile, "utf8" )
+ .replace( /\/\/# sourceMappingURL=\S+/, "" );
+ fs.writeFileSync( releaseFile, text );
+ } else if ( builtFile !== releaseFile ) {
+ shell.cp( "-f", builtFile, releaseFile );
+ }
+ }
+ });
- // First arg should be the version number being released
- var newver, oldver,
- exists = fs.existsSync || path.existsSync,
- rsemver = /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:-([\dA-Za-z\-]+(?:\.[\dA-Za-z\-]+)*))?$/,
- version = ( process.argv[3] || "" ).toLowerCase().match( rsemver ) || {},
- major = version[1],
- minor = version[2],
- patch = version[3],
- xbeta = version[4];
- branch = process.argv[2];
- releaseVersion = process.argv[3];
- isBeta = !!xbeta;
- if ( !branch || !major || !minor || !patch ) {
- die( "Usage: " + process.argv[1] + " branch releaseVersion" );
- }
- if ( xbeta === "pre" ) {
- die( "Cannot release a 'pre' version!" );
- }
- if ( !exists( "package.json" ) ) {
- die( "No package.json in this directory" );
+ function buildGoogleCDN( next ) {
+ makeArchive( "googlecdn", googleFilesCDN, next );
- pkg = readJSON( "package.json" );
- console.log( "Current version is " + pkg.version + "; generating release " + releaseVersion );
- version = pkg.version.match( rsemver );
- oldver = ( +version[1] ) * 10000 + ( +version[2] * 100 ) + ( +version[3] );
- newver = ( +major ) * 10000 + ( +minor * 100 ) + ( +patch );
- if ( newver < oldver ) {
- die( "Next version is older than current version!" );
+ function buildMicrosoftCDN( next ) {
+ makeArchive( "mscdn", msFilesCDN, next );
- nextVersion = major + "." + minor + "." + ( isBeta ? patch : +patch + 1 ) + "-pre";
- next();
-function checkGitStatus( next ) {
- git( [ "status" ], function( error, stdout ) {
- var onBranch = ((stdout||"").match( /On branch (\S+)/ ) || [])[1];
- if ( onBranch !== branch ) {
- dieIfReal( "Branches don't match: Wanted " + branch + ", got " + onBranch );
- }
- if ( /Changes to be committed/i.test( stdout ) ) {
- dieIfReal( "Please commit changed files before attempting to push a release." );
+ function makeArchive( cdn, files, next ) {
+ if ( Release.preRelease ) {
+ console.log( "Skipping archive creation for " + cdn + "; this is a beta release." );
+ return;
- if ( /Changes not staged for commit/i.test( stdout ) ) {
- dieIfReal( "Please stash files before attempting to push a release." );
- }
- next();
- });
-function setReleaseVersion( next ) {
- updateVersion( releaseVersion );
- git( [ "commit", "-a", "-m", "Updating version to " + releaseVersion + "." ], next, debug );
-function gruntBuild( next ) {
- // First clean the dist directory of anything we're not about to rebuild
- git( [ "clean", "-dfx", "dist/" ], function() {
- exec( gruntCmd, [], function( error, stdout, stderr ) {
- if ( error ) {
- die( error + stderr );
- }
- console.log( stdout );
- next();
- }, false );
- }, debug );
-function makeReleaseCopies( next ) {
- Object.keys( releaseFiles ).forEach(function( key ) {
- var text,
- builtFile = releaseFiles[ key ],
- unpathedFile = key.replace( /VER/g, releaseVersion ),
- releaseFile = "dist/" + unpathedFile;
- // Beta releases don't update the jquery-latest etc. copies
- if ( !isBeta || key.indexOf( "VER" ) >= 0 ) {
+ console.log( "Creating production archive for " + cdn );
- if ( /\.map$/.test( releaseFile ) ) {
- // Map files need to reference the new uncompressed name;
- // assume that all files reside in the same directory.
- // "file":"jquery.min.js","sources":["jquery.js"]
- text = fs.readFileSync( builtFile, "utf8" )
- .replace( /"file":"([^"]+)","sources":\["([^"]+)"\]/,
- "\"file\":\"" + unpathedFile.replace( /\.min\.map/, ".min.js" ) +
- "\",\"sources\":[\"" + unpathedFile.replace( /\.min\.map/, ".js" ) + "\"]" );
- fs.writeFileSync( releaseFile, text );
- } else if ( /\.min\.js$/.test( releaseFile ) ) {
- // Remove the source map comment; it causes way too many problems.
- // Keep the map file in case DevTools allow manual association.
- text = fs.readFileSync( builtFile, "utf8" )
- .replace( /\/\/# sourceMappingURL=\S+/, "" );
- fs.writeFileSync( releaseFile, text );
- } else if ( builtFile !== releaseFile ) {
- copy( builtFile, releaseFile );
- }
+ var archiver = require( "archiver" ),
+ md5file = cdnFolder + "/" + cdn + "-md5.txt",
+ output = fs.createWriteStream( cdnFolder + "/" + cdn + "-jquery-" + Release.newVersion + ".zip" );
- jQueryFilesCDN.push( releaseFile );
- }
- });
- next();
-function copyTojQueryCDN( next ) {
- var cmds = [];
- jQueryFilesCDN.forEach(function( name ) {
- cmds.push(function( nxt ){
- exec( "scp", [ name, scpURL ], nxt, debug || skipRemote );
+ output.on( "error", function( err ) {
+ throw err;
- cmds.push(function( nxt ){
- exec( "curl", [ cdnURL + name + "?reload" ], nxt, debug || skipRemote );
- });
- });
- cmds.push( next );
- steps.apply( this, cmds );
+ output.on( "close", next );
+ archiver.pipe( output );
-function buildGoogleCDN( next ) {
- makeArchive( "googlecdn", googleFilesCDN, next );
-function buildMicrosoftCDN( next ) {
- makeArchive( "mscdn", msFilesCDN, next );
-function createTag( next ) {
- steps(
- checkoutCommit,
- commitDistFiles,
- tagRelease,
- checkoutBranch,
- next
- );
-function setNextVersion( next ) {
- updateVersion( nextVersion );
- git( [ "commit", "-a", "-m", "Updating the source version to " + nextVersion + "✓™" ], next, debug );
-function pushToGithub( next ) {
- git( [ "push", "--tags", repoURL, branch ], next, debug || skipRemote );
-/* Utilities
----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-function steps() {
- var cur = 0,
- st = arguments;
- (function next(){
- process.nextTick(function(){
- st[ cur++ ]( next );
+ files = files.map(function( item ) {
+ return cdnFolder + "/" + item.replace( /VER/g, Release.newVersion );
- })();
-function readJSON( filename ) {
- return JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync( filename ) );
+ shell.exec( "md5sum", files, function( code, stdout ) {
+ fs.writeFileSync( md5file, stdout );
+ files.push( md5file );
-function replaceVersionJSON( file, version ) {
- var text = fs.readFileSync( file, "utf8" );
- text = text.replace( /("version":\s*")[^"]+/, "$1" + version );
- fs.writeFileSync( file, text );
+ files.forEach(function( file ) {
+ archiver.append( fs.createReadStream( file ), { name: file } );
+ });
-function updateVersion( ver ) {
- console.log( "Updating version to " + ver );
- pkg.version = ver;
- if ( !debug ) {
- [ "package.json", "bower.json" ].forEach(function( filename ) {
- replaceVersionJSON( filename, ver );
+ archiver.finalize();
-function copy( oldFile, newFile, skip ) {
- console.log( "Copying " + oldFile + " to " + newFile );
- if ( !skip ) {
- fs.writeFileSync( newFile, fs.readFileSync( oldFile, "utf8" ) );
- }
-function exec( cmd, args, fn, skip ) {
- if ( skip ) {
- console.log( "# " + cmd + " " + args.join(" ") );
- fn( "", "", "" );
- } else {
- console.log( cmd + " " + args.join(" ") );
- child.execFile( cmd, args, { env: process.env },
- function( err, stdout, stderr ) {
- if ( err ) {
- die( stderr || stdout || err );
- }
- fn.apply( this, arguments );
+ Release.define({
+ issueTracker: "trac",
+ contributorReportId: 508,
+ /**
+ * Generates any release artifacts that should be included in the release.
+ * The callback must be invoked with an array of files that should be
+ * committed before creating the tag.
+ * @param {Function} callback
+ */
+ generateArtifacts: function( callback ) {
+ if ( Release.exec( gruntCmd ).code !== 0 ) {
+ Release.abort("Grunt command failed");
- );
- }
-function git( args, fn, skip ) {
- exec( "git", args, fn, skip );
-/* Tag creation
----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-function checkoutCommit( next ) {
- git( [ "checkout", "HEAD^0" ], next, debug );
-function commitDistFiles( next ) {
- // Remove scripts property from package.json
- // Building and bower are irrelevant as those files will be committed
- // Makes for a clean npm install
- var pkgClone = readJSON( "package.json" );
- delete pkgClone.scripts;
- fs.writeFileSync( "package.json", JSON.stringify( pkgClone, null, "\t" ) );
- // Add files to be committed
- git( [ "add", "package.json" ], function() {
- git( [ "commit", "-m", "Remove scripts property from package.json" ], function() {
- // Add jquery files for distribution in a final commit
- git( [ "add", "-f", devFile, minFile, mapFile ], function() {
- git( [ "commit", "-m", releaseVersion ], next, debug );
- }, debug );
- }, debug );
- }, debug );
-function tagRelease( next ) {
- git( [ "tag", releaseVersion ], next, debug );
-function checkoutBranch( next ) {
- // Reset files to previous state before leaving the commit
- git( [ "reset", "--hard", "HEAD" ], function() {
- git( [ "checkout", branch ], next, debug );
- }, debug );
-/* Archive creation
----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-function makeArchive( cdn, files, fn ) {
- if ( isBeta ) {
- console.log( "Skipping archive creation for " + cdn + "; " + releaseVersion + " is beta" );
- process.nextTick( fn );
- return;
- }
- console.log( "Creating production archive for " + cdn );
- var archive = archiver( "zip" ),
- md5file = "dist/" + cdn + "-md5.txt",
- output = fs.createWriteStream( "dist/" + cdn + "-jquery-" + releaseVersion + ".zip" );
- archive.on( "error", function( err ) {
- throw err;
- });
- output.on( "close", fn );
- archive.pipe( output );
- files = files.map(function( item ) {
- return "dist/" + item.replace( /VER/g, releaseVersion );
- });
- exec( "md5sum", files, function( err, stdout ) {
- fs.writeFileSync( md5file, stdout );
- files.push( md5file );
- files.forEach(function( file ) {
- archive.append( fs.createReadStream( file ), { name: file } );
- });
- archive.finalize();
- }, false );
-/* NPM
----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-function publishToNpm( next ) {
- // Only publish the master branch to NPM
- // You must be the jquery npm user for this not to fail
- // To check, run `npm whoami`
- // Log in to the jquery user with `npm adduser`
- if ( branch !== "master" ) {
- next();
- return;
- }
- git( [ "checkout", releaseVersion ], function() {
- // Only publish committed files
- git( [ "clean", "-dfx" ], function() {
- var args = [ "publish" ];
- // Tag the version as beta if necessary
- if ( isBeta ) {
- args.push( "--tag", "beta" );
+ makeReleaseCopies();
+ callback([ "dist/jquery.js", "dist/jquery.min.js", "dist/jquery.min.map" ]);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Release completion
+ */
+ complete: function() {
+ // Build CDN archives
+ Release._walk( buildGoogleCDN, buildMicrosoftCDN, _complete );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Our trac milestones are different than the new version
+ * @example
+ *
+ * // For Release.newVersion equal to 2.1.0 or 1.11.0
+ * Release._tracMilestone();
+ * // => 1.11/2.1
+ *
+ * // For Release.newVersion equal to 2.1.1 or 1.11.1
+ * Release._tracMilestone();
+ * // => 1.11.1/2.1.1
+ */
+ _tracMilestone: function() {
+ var otherVersion,
+ m = Release.newVersion.split( "." ),
+ major = m[0] | 0,
+ minor = m[1] | 0,
+ patch = m[2] | 0 ? "." + m[2] : "",
+ version = major + "." + minor + patch;
+ if ( major === 1) {
+ otherVersion = "2." + ( minor - 10 ) + patch;
+ return version + "/" + otherVersion;
- exec( "npm", args, function() {
- git( [ "checkout", branch ], next, debug );
- }, debug || skipRemote );
- }, debug );
- }, debug);
-/* Death
----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-function die( msg ) {
- console.error( "ERROR: " + msg );
- process.exit( 1 );
-function dieIfReal( msg ) {
- if ( debug ) {
- console.log ( "DIE: " + msg );
- } else {
- die( msg );
- }
-function exit() {
- process.exit( 0 );
+ otherVersion = "1." + ( minor + 10 ) + patch;
+ return otherVersion + "/" + version;
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 95c759cc6..7dc24fc6a 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
"testswarm": "1.1.0",
"load-grunt-tasks": "0.2.0",
"requirejs": "2.1.9",
+ "shelljs": "0.2.6",
"grunt": "0.4.2",
"grunt-cli": "0.1.11",