diff options
authorRichard Gibson <richard.gibson@gmail.com>2014-06-07 14:33:36 -0400
committerRichard Gibson <richard.gibson@gmail.com>2014-06-07 14:33:36 -0400
commitd05f4bda1cc0b1ef76dce41a53c17f75c105a377 (patch)
parentb6e99eb43c35a3cd048c5c56d31c7e871f299a77 (diff)
Tests: Clean up isNumeric tests
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/test/unit/core.js b/test/unit/core.js
index 79cbd0d54..ef49999e6 100644
--- a/test/unit/core.js
+++ b/test/unit/core.js
@@ -465,56 +465,51 @@ test( "isNumeric", function() {
expect( 38 );
var t = jQuery.isNumeric,
- Traditionalists = /** @constructor */ function(n) {
- this.value = n;
- this.toString = function(){
- return String(this.value);
+ ToString = function( value ) {
+ this.toString = function() {
+ return String( value );
- },
- answer = new Traditionalists( "42" ),
- rong = new Traditionalists( "Devo" );
- ok( t("-10"), "Negative integer string");
- ok( t("0"), "Zero string");
- ok( t("5"), "Positive integer string");
- ok( t(-16), "Negative integer number");
- ok( t(0), "Zero integer number");
- ok( t(32), "Positive integer number");
- ok( t("040"), "Octal integer literal string");
- // OctalIntegerLiteral has been deprecated since ES3/1999
- // It doesn't pass lint, so disabling until a solution can be found
- //ok( t(0144), "Octal integer literal");
- ok( t("0xFF"), "Hexadecimal integer literal string");
- ok( t(0xFFF), "Hexadecimal integer literal");
- ok( t("-1.6"), "Negative floating point string");
- ok( t("4.536"), "Positive floating point string");
- ok( t(-2.6), "Negative floating point number");
- ok( t(3.1415), "Positive floating point number");
- ok( t(1.5999999999999999), "Very precise floating point number" );
- ok( t(8e5), "Exponential notation");
- ok( t("123e-2"), "Exponential notation string");
- ok( t(answer), "Custom .toString returning number");
- equal( t(""), false, "Empty string");
- equal( t(" "), false, "Whitespace characters string");
- equal( t("\t\t"), false, "Tab characters string");
- equal( t("abcdefghijklm1234567890"), false, "Alphanumeric character string");
- equal( t("xabcdefx"), false, "Non-numeric character string");
- equal( t(true), false, "Boolean true literal");
- equal( t(false), false, "Boolean false literal");
- equal( t("bcfed5.2"), false, "Number with preceding non-numeric characters");
- equal( t("7.2acdgs"), false, "Number with trailling non-numeric characters");
- equal( t(undefined), false, "Undefined value");
- equal( t(null), false, "Null value");
- equal( t(NaN), false, "NaN value");
- equal( t(Infinity), false, "Infinity primitive");
- equal( t(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY), false, "Positive Infinity");
- equal( t(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), false, "Negative Infinity");
- equal( t(rong), false, "Custom .toString returning non-number");
- equal( t({}), false, "Empty object");
+ };
+ ok( t( "-10" ), "Negative integer string" );
+ ok( t( "0" ), "Zero string" );
+ ok( t( "5" ), "Positive integer string" );
+ ok( t( -16 ), "Negative integer number" );
+ ok( t( 0 ), "Zero integer number" );
+ ok( t( 32 ), "Positive integer number" );
+ ok( t( "040" ), "Octal integer literal string" );
+ ok( t( "0xFF" ), "Hexadecimal integer literal string" );
+ ok( t( 0xFFF ), "Hexadecimal integer literal" );
+ ok( t( "-1.6" ), "Negative floating point string" );
+ ok( t( "4.536" ), "Positive floating point string" );
+ ok( t( -2.6 ), "Negative floating point number" );
+ ok( t( 3.1415 ), "Positive floating point number" );
+ ok( t( 1.5999999999999999 ), "Very precise floating point number" );
+ ok( t( 8e5 ), "Exponential notation" );
+ ok( t( "123e-2" ), "Exponential notation string" );
+ ok( t( new ToString( "42" ) ), "Custom .toString returning number" );
+ equal( t( "" ), false, "Empty string" );
+ equal( t( " " ), false, "Whitespace characters string" );
+ equal( t( "\t\t" ), false, "Tab characters string" );
+ equal( t( "abcdefghijklm1234567890" ), false, "Alphanumeric character string" );
+ equal( t( "xabcdefx" ), false, "Non-numeric character string" );
+ equal( t( true ), false, "Boolean true literal" );
+ equal( t( false ), false, "Boolean false literal" );
+ equal( t( "bcfed5.2" ), false, "Number with preceding non-numeric characters" );
+ equal( t( "7.2acdgs" ), false, "Number with trailling non-numeric characters" );
+ equal( t( undefined ), false, "Undefined value" );
+ equal( t( null ), false, "Null value" );
+ equal( t( NaN ), false, "NaN value" );
+ equal( t( Infinity ), false, "Infinity primitive" );
+ equal( t( Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ), false, "Positive Infinity" );
+ equal( t( Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ), false, "Negative Infinity" );
+ equal( t( new ToString( "Devo" ) ), false, "Custom .toString returning non-number" );
+ equal( t( {} ), false, "Empty object" );
equal( t( [] ), false, "Empty array" );
equal( t( [ 42 ] ), false, "Array with one number" );
- equal( t(function(){} ), false, "Instance of a function");
- equal( t( new Date() ), false, "Instance of a Date");
+ equal( t( function(){} ), false, "Instance of a function" );
+ equal( t( new Date() ), false, "Instance of a Date" );
test("isXMLDoc - HTML", function() {