diff options
authorMichał Gołębiowski-Owczarek <m.goleb@gmail.com>2020-04-29 16:39:04 +0200
committerMichał Gołębiowski-Owczarek <m.goleb@gmail.com>2020-04-29 16:50:27 +0200
commit58a8e87979d68f001de9e52c00601b805bab303d (patch)
parentc1c0598d8fde1bb66a257d7e993dd940aa4f4ce7 (diff)
Tests: Add tests for recently fixed manipulation XSS issues
Closes gh-4685 Ref gh-4642 Ref gh-4647 (cherry picked from commit dc06d68bdc4c2562b5cc530f21e668a17d78ee2d)
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/unit/manipulation.js b/test/unit/manipulation.js
index 3e50389d0..c997d7535 100644
--- a/test/unit/manipulation.js
+++ b/test/unit/manipulation.js
@@ -2957,3 +2957,52 @@ testIframe(
// script-src restrictions completely.
QUnit[ /\bedge\/|iphone os [789]|android 4\./i.test( navigator.userAgent ) ? "skip" : "test" ]
+QUnit.test( "Sanitized HTML doesn't get unsanitized", function( assert ) {
+ var container,
+ counter = 0,
+ assertCount = 13,
+ done = assert.async( assertCount );
+ assert.expect( assertCount );
+ Globals.register( "xss" );
+ window.xss = sinon.spy();
+ container = jQuery( "<div></div>" );
+ container.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
+ function test( htmlString ) {
+ var currCounter = counter,
+ div = jQuery( "<div></div>" );
+ counter++;
+ div.appendTo( container );
+ div.html( htmlString );
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ assert.ok( window.xss.withArgs( currCounter ).notCalled,
+ "Insecure code wasn't executed, input: " + htmlString );
+ done();
+ }, 1000 );
+ }
+ // Note: below test cases need to invoke the xss function with consecutive
+ // decimal parameters for the assertion messages to be correct.
+ // Thanks to Masato Kinugawa from Cure53 for providing the following test cases.
+ test( "<img alt=\"<x\" title=\"/><img src=url404 onerror=xss(0)>\">" );
+ test( "<img alt=\"\n<x\" title=\"/>\n<img src=url404 onerror=xss(1)>\">" );
+ test( "<style><style/><img src=url404 onerror=xss(2)>" );
+ test( "<xmp><xmp/><img src=url404 onerror=xss(3)>" );
+ test( "<title><title /><img src=url404 onerror=xss(4)>" );
+ test( "<iframe><iframe/><img src=url404 onerror=xss(5)>" );
+ test( "<noframes><noframes/><img src=url404 onerror=xss(6)>" );
+ test( "<noembed><noembed/><img src=url404 onerror=xss(7)>" );
+ test( "<noscript><noscript/><img src=url404 onerror=xss(8)>" );
+ test( "<foo\" alt=\"\" title=\"/><img src=url404 onerror=xss(9)>\">" );
+ test( "<img alt=\"<x\" title=\"\" src=\"/><img src=url404 onerror=xss(10)>\">" );
+ test( "<noscript/><img src=url404 onerror=xss(11)>" );
+ test( "<option><style></option></select><img src=url404 onerror=xss(12)></style>" );
+} );