path: root/src/event/event.js
diff options
authorJohn Resig <jeresig@gmail.com>2007-09-04 01:57:35 +0000
committerJohn Resig <jeresig@gmail.com>2007-09-04 01:57:35 +0000
commit139393fe0978e79c427ad13f1a03a10431ef95e5 (patch)
tree208a5f0ad79d2b978f7349990dac24dfec801e5e /src/event/event.js
parent1ce8006d480ebd64350983a17be1cc2e3f043958 (diff)
Removed all inline documentation. The current version of all documentation is stored online, on the wiki: http://docs.jquery.com/
Diffstat (limited to 'src/event/event.js')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 569 deletions
diff --git a/src/event/event.js b/src/event/event.js
index 6224d13bc..df982ec40 100644
--- a/src/event/event.js
+++ b/src/event/event.js
@@ -285,88 +285,12 @@ jQuery.event = {
- /**
- * Binds a handler to a particular event (like click) for each matched element.
- * The event handler is passed an event object that you can use to prevent
- * default behaviour. To stop both default action and event bubbling, your handler
- * has to return false.
- *
- * In most cases, you can define your event handlers as anonymous functions
- * (see first example). In cases where that is not possible, you can pass additional
- * data as the second parameter (and the handler function as the third), see
- * second example.
- *
- * Calling bind with an event type of "unload" will automatically
- * use the one method instead of bind to prevent memory leaks.
- *
- * @example $("p").bind("click", function(){
- * alert( $(this).text() );
- * });
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result alert("Hello")
- *
- * @example function handler(event) {
- * alert(event.data.foo);
- * }
- * $("p").bind("click", {foo: "bar"}, handler)
- * @result alert("bar")
- * @desc Pass some additional data to the event handler.
- *
- * @example $("form").bind("submit", function() { return false; })
- * @desc Cancel a default action and prevent it from bubbling by returning false
- * from your function.
- *
- * @example $("form").bind("submit", function(event){
- * event.preventDefault();
- * });
- * @desc Cancel only the default action by using the preventDefault method.
- *
- *
- * @example $("form").bind("submit", function(event){
- * event.stopPropagation();
- * });
- * @desc Stop only an event from bubbling by using the stopPropagation method.
- *
- * @name bind
- * @type jQuery
- * @param String type An event type
- * @param Object data (optional) Additional data passed to the event handler as event.data
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the event on each of the set of matched elements
- * @cat Events
- */
bind: function( type, data, fn ) {
return type == "unload" ? this.one(type, data, fn) : this.each(function(){
jQuery.event.add( this, type, fn || data, fn && data );
- /**
- * Binds a handler to a particular event (like click) for each matched element.
- * The handler is executed only once for each element. Otherwise, the same rules
- * as described in bind() apply.
- * The event handler is passed an event object that you can use to prevent
- * default behaviour. To stop both default action and event bubbling, your handler
- * has to return false.
- *
- * In most cases, you can define your event handlers as anonymous functions
- * (see first example). In cases where that is not possible, you can pass additional
- * data as the second paramter (and the handler function as the third), see
- * second example.
- *
- * @example $("p").one("click", function(){
- * alert( $(this).text() );
- * });
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result alert("Hello")
- *
- * @name one
- * @type jQuery
- * @param String type An event type
- * @param Object data (optional) Additional data passed to the event handler as event.data
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the event on each of the set of matched elements
- * @cat Events
- */
one: function( type, data, fn ) {
return this.each(function(){
jQuery.event.add( this, type, function(event) {
@@ -376,73 +300,12 @@ jQuery.fn.extend({
- /**
- * The opposite of bind, removes a bound event from each of the matched
- * elements.
- *
- * Without any arguments, all bound events are removed.
- *
- * If the type is provided, all bound events of that type are removed.
- *
- * If the function that was passed to bind is provided as the second argument,
- * only that specific event handler is removed.
- *
- * @example $("p").unbind()
- * @before <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- * @result [ <p>Hello</p> ]
- *
- * @example $("p").unbind( "click" )
- * @before <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- * @result [ <p>Hello</p> ]
- *
- * @example $("p").unbind( "click", function() { alert("Hello"); } )
- * @before <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- * @result [ <p>Hello</p> ]
- *
- * @name unbind
- * @type jQuery
- * @param String type (optional) An event type
- * @param Function fn (optional) A function to unbind from the event on each of the set of matched elements
- * @cat Events
- */
unbind: function( type, fn ) {
return this.each(function(){
jQuery.event.remove( this, type, fn );
- /**
- * Trigger a type of event on every matched element. This will also cause
- * the default action of the browser with the same name (if one exists)
- * to be executed. For example, passing 'submit' to the trigger()
- * function will also cause the browser to submit the form. This
- * default action can be prevented by returning false from one of
- * the functions bound to the event.
- *
- * You can also trigger custom events registered with bind.
- *
- * @example $("p").trigger("click")
- * @before <p click="alert('hello')">Hello</p>
- * @result alert('hello')
- *
- * @example $("p").click(function(event, a, b) {
- * // when a normal click fires, a and b are undefined
- * // for a trigger like below a refers too "foo" and b refers to "bar"
- * }).trigger("click", ["foo", "bar"]);
- * @desc Example of how to pass arbitrary data to an event
- *
- * @example $("p").bind("myEvent",function(event,message1,message2) {
- * alert(message1 + ' ' + message2);
- * });
- * $("p").trigger("myEvent",["Hello","World"]);
- * @result alert('Hello World') // One for each paragraph
- *
- * @name trigger
- * @type jQuery
- * @param String type An event type to trigger.
- * @param Array data (optional) Additional data to pass as arguments (after the event object) to the event handler
- * @cat Events
- */
trigger: function( type, data, fn ) {
return this.each(function(){
jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this, true, fn );
@@ -454,26 +317,6 @@ jQuery.fn.extend({
return jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this[0], false, fn );
- /**
- * Toggle between two function calls every other click.
- * Whenever a matched element is clicked, the first specified function
- * is fired, when clicked again, the second is fired. All subsequent
- * clicks continue to rotate through the two functions.
- *
- * Use unbind("click") to remove.
- *
- * @example $("p").toggle(function(){
- * $(this).addClass("selected");
- * },function(){
- * $(this).removeClass("selected");
- * });
- *
- * @name toggle
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function even The function to execute on every even click.
- * @param Function odd The function to execute on every odd click.
- * @cat Events
- */
toggle: function() {
// Save reference to arguments for access in closure
var a = arguments;
@@ -489,32 +332,7 @@ jQuery.fn.extend({
return a[this.lastToggle].apply( this, [e] ) || false;
- /**
- * A method for simulating hovering (moving the mouse on, and off,
- * an object). This is a custom method which provides an 'in' to a
- * frequent task.
- *
- * Whenever the mouse cursor is moved over a matched
- * element, the first specified function is fired. Whenever the mouse
- * moves off of the element, the second specified function fires.
- * Additionally, checks are in place to see if the mouse is still within
- * the specified element itself (for example, an image inside of a div),
- * and if it is, it will continue to 'hover', and not move out
- * (a common error in using a mouseout event handler).
- *
- * @example $("p").hover(function(){
- * $(this).addClass("hover");
- * },function(){
- * $(this).removeClass("hover");
- * });
- *
- * @name hover
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function over The function to fire whenever the mouse is moved over a matched element.
- * @param Function out The function to fire whenever the mouse is moved off of a matched element.
- * @cat Events
- */
hover: function(f,g) {
// A private function for handling mouse 'hovering'
@@ -536,43 +354,6 @@ jQuery.fn.extend({
return this.mouseover(handleHover).mouseout(handleHover);
- /**
- * Bind a function to be executed whenever the DOM is ready to be
- * traversed and manipulated. This is probably the most important
- * function included in the event module, as it can greatly improve
- * the response times of your web applications.
- *
- * In a nutshell, this is a solid replacement for using window.onload,
- * and attaching a function to that. By using this method, your bound function
- * will be called the instant the DOM is ready to be read and manipulated,
- * which is when what 99.99% of all JavaScript code needs to run.
- *
- * There is one argument passed to the ready event handler: A reference to
- * the jQuery function. You can name that argument whatever you like, and
- * can therefore stick with the $ alias without risk of naming collisions.
- *
- * Please ensure you have no code in your &lt;body&gt; onload event handler,
- * otherwise $(document).ready() may not fire.
- *
- * You can have as many $(document).ready events on your page as you like.
- * The functions are then executed in the order they were added.
- *
- * @example $(document).ready(function(){ Your code here... });
- *
- * @example jQuery(function($) {
- * // Your code using failsafe $ alias here...
- * });
- * @desc Uses both the [[Core#.24.28_fn_.29|shortcut]] for $(document).ready() and the argument
- * to write failsafe jQuery code using the $ alias, without relying on the
- * global alias.
- *
- * @name ready
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn The function to be executed when the DOM is ready.
- * @cat Events
- * @see $.noConflict()
- * @see $(Function)
- */
ready: function(f) {
// Attach the listeners
@@ -626,356 +407,16 @@ jQuery.extend({
- /**
- * Bind a function to the scroll event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").scroll( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p onscroll="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name scroll
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the scroll event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the submit event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("#myform").submit( function() {
- * return $("input", this).val().length > 0;
- * } );
- * @before <form id="myform"><input /></form>
- * @desc Prevents the form submission when the input has no value entered.
- *
- * @name submit
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the submit event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Trigger the submit event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
- * that have been bound to that submit event to be executed, and calls the browser's
- * default submit action on the matching element(s). This default action can be prevented
- * by returning false from one of the functions bound to the submit event.
- *
- * Note: This does not execute the submit method of the form element! If you need to
- * submit the form via code, you have to use the DOM method, eg. $("form")[0].submit();
- *
- * @example $("form").submit();
- * @desc Triggers all submit events registered to the matched form(s), and submits them.
- *
- * @name submit
- * @type jQuery
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the focus event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").focus( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p onfocus="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name focus
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the focus event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Trigger the focus event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
- * that have been bound to thet focus event to be executed.
- *
- * Note: This does not execute the focus method of the underlying elements! If you need to
- * focus an element via code, you have to use the DOM method, eg. $("#myinput")[0].focus();
- *
- * @example $("p").focus();
- * @before <p onfocus="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- * @result alert('Hello');
- *
- * @name focus
- * @type jQuery
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the keydown event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").keydown( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p onkeydown="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name keydown
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the keydown event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the dblclick event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").dblclick( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p ondblclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name dblclick
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the dblclick event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the keypress event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").keypress( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p onkeypress="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name keypress
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the keypress event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the error event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").error( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p onerror="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name error
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the error event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the blur event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").blur( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p onblur="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name blur
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the blur event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Trigger the blur event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
- * that have been bound to that blur event to be executed, and calls the browser's
- * default blur action on the matching element(s). This default action can be prevented
- * by returning false from one of the functions bound to the blur event.
- *
- * Note: This does not execute the blur method of the underlying elements! If you need to
- * blur an element via code, you have to use the DOM method, eg. $("#myinput")[0].blur();
- *
- * @example $("p").blur();
- * @before <p onblur="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- * @result alert('Hello');
- *
- * @name blur
- * @type jQuery
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the load event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").load( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p onload="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name load
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the load event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the select event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").select( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p onselect="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name select
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the select event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Trigger the select event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
- * that have been bound to that select event to be executed, and calls the browser's
- * default select action on the matching element(s). This default action can be prevented
- * by returning false from one of the functions bound to the select event.
- *
- * @example $("p").select();
- * @before <p onselect="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- * @result alert('Hello');
- *
- * @name select
- * @type jQuery
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the mouseup event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").mouseup( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p onmouseup="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name mouseup
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mouseup event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the unload event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").unload( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p onunload="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name unload
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the unload event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the change event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").change( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p onchange="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name change
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the change event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the mouseout event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").mouseout( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p onmouseout="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name mouseout
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mouseout event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the keyup event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").keyup( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p onkeyup="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name keyup
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the keyup event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the click event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").click( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name click
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the click event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Trigger the click event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
- * that have been bound to thet click event to be executed.
- *
- * @example $("p").click();
- * @before <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- * @result alert('Hello');
- *
- * @name click
- * @type jQuery
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the resize event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").resize( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p onresize="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name resize
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the resize event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the mousemove event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").mousemove( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p onmousemove="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name mousemove
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mousemove event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the mousedown event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").mousedown( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p onmousedown="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name mousedown
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mousedown event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- /**
- * Bind a function to the mouseover event of each matched element.
- *
- * @example $("p").mouseover( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
- * @before <p>Hello</p>
- * @result <p onmouseover="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
- *
- * @name mouseover
- * @type jQuery
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mousedown event on each of the matched elements.
- * @cat Events
- */
- jQuery.each( ("blur,focus,load,resize,scroll,unload,click,dblclick," +
- "mousedown,mouseup,mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,change,select," +
- "submit,keydown,keypress,keyup,error").split(","), function(i,o){
- // Handle event binding
- jQuery.fn[o] = function(f){
- return f ? this.bind(o, f) : this.trigger(o);
- };
- });
+jQuery.each( ("blur,focus,load,resize,scroll,unload,click,dblclick," +
+ "mousedown,mouseup,mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,change,select," +
+ "submit,keydown,keypress,keyup,error").split(","), function(i,o){
+ // Handle event binding
+ jQuery.fn[o] = function(f){
+ return f ? this.bind(o, f) : this.trigger(o);
+ };
var readyBound = false;