path: root/test/runner/run.js
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authorTimmy Willison <timmywil@users.noreply.github.com>2024-02-26 09:42:10 -0500
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2024-02-26 09:42:10 -0500
commitdfc693ea25fe85e5f29da23752b0c7c8d285fbf0 (patch)
tree4ff805bcfa3eb07c77db318bca85aadcf0113589 /test/runner/run.js
parentbf11739f6c6926bc9bc1b5a1460505d3b7ef8b01 (diff)
Tests: migrate testing infrastructure to minimal dependencies
This is a complete rework of our testing infrastructure. The main goal is to modernize and drop deprecated or undermaintained dependencies (specifically, grunt, karma, and testswarm). We've achieved that by limiting our dependency list to ones that are unlikely to drop support any time soon. The new dependency list includes: - `qunit` (our trusty unit testing library) - `selenium-webdriver` (for spinning up local browsers) - `express` (for starting a test server and adding middleware) - express middleware includes uses of `body-parser` and `raw-body` - `yargs` (for constructing a CLI with pretty help text) - BrowserStack (for running each of our QUnit modules separately in all of our supported browsers) - `browserstack-local` (for opening a local tunnel. This is the same package still currently used in the new Browserstack SDK) - We are not using any other BrowserStack library. The newest BrowserStack SDK does not fit our needs (and isn't open source). Existing libraries, such as `node-browserstack` or `browserstack-runner`, either do not quite fit our needs, are under-maintained and out-of-date, or are not robust enough to meet all of our requirements. We instead call the [BrowserStack REST API](https://github.com/browserstack/api) directly. ## BrowserStack Runner - automatically retries individual modules in case of test failure(s) - automatically attempts to re-establish broken tunnels - automatically refreshes the page in case a test run has stalled - runs all browsers concurrently and uses as many sessions as are available under the BrowserStack plan. It will wait for available sessions if there are none. - supports filtering the available list of browsers by browser name, browser version, device, OS, and OS version (see `npm run test:unit -- --list-browsers` for more info). It will retrieve the latest matching browser available if any of those parameters are not specified. - cleans up after itself (closes the local tunnel, stops the test server, etc.) - Requires `BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME` and `BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY` environment variables. ## Selenium Runner - supports running any local browser as long as the driver is installed, including support for headless mode in Chrome, FF, and Edge - supports running `basic` tests on the latest [jsdom](https://github.com/jsdom/jsdom#readme), which can be seen in action in this PR (see `test:browserless`) - Node tests will run as before in PRs and all non-dependabot branches, but now includes tests on real Safari in a GH actions macos image instead of playwright-webkit. - can run multiple browsers and multiple modules concurrently Other notes: - Stale dependencies have been removed and all remaining dependencies have been upgraded with a few exceptions: - `sinon`: stopped supporting IE in version 10. But, `sinon` has been updated to 9.x. - `husky`: latest does not support Node 10 and runs on `npm install`. Needed for now until git builds are migrated to GitHub Actions. - `rollup`: latest does not support Node 10. Needed for now until git builds are migrated to GitHub Actions. - BrowserStack tests are set to run on each `main` branch commit - `debug` mode leaves Selenium browsers open whether they pass or fail and leaves browsers with test failures open on BrowserStack. The latter is to avoid leaving open too many sessions. - This PR includes a workflow to dispatch BrowserStack runs on-demand - The Node version used for most workflow tests has been upgraded to 20.x - updated supportjQuery to 3.7.1 Run `npm run test:unit -- --help` for CLI documentation Close gh-5418
Diffstat (limited to 'test/runner/run.js')
1 files changed, 315 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/runner/run.js b/test/runner/run.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89b0c5eb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/runner/run.js
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+import chalk from "chalk";
+import { asyncExitHook, gracefulExit } from "exit-hook";
+import { getLatestBrowser } from "./browserstack/api.js";
+import { buildBrowserFromString } from "./browserstack/buildBrowserFromString.js";
+import { localTunnel } from "./browserstack/local.js";
+import { reportEnd, reportTest } from "./reporter.js";
+import {
+ cleanupAllWorkers,
+ cleanupWorker,
+ debugWorker,
+ retryTest,
+ touchWorker
+} from "./browserstack/workers.js";
+import { createTestServer } from "./createTestServer.js";
+import { buildTestUrl } from "./lib/buildTestUrl.js";
+import { generateHash, printModuleHashes } from "./lib/generateHash.js";
+import { getBrowserString } from "./lib/getBrowserString.js";
+import { addRun, runFullQueue } from "./queue.js";
+import { cleanupAllJSDOM, cleanupJSDOM } from "./jsdom.js";
+import { modules as allModules } from "./modules.js";
+const EXIT_HOOK_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000;
+ * Run modules in parallel in different browser instances.
+ */
+export async function run( {
+ browsers: browserNames,
+ browserstack,
+ concurrency,
+ debug,
+ esm,
+ headless,
+ isolate = true,
+ modules = [],
+ retries = 3,
+ verbose
+} = {} ) {
+ if ( !browserNames || !browserNames.length ) {
+ browserNames = [ "chrome" ];
+ }
+ if ( !modules.length ) {
+ modules = allModules;
+ }
+ if ( headless && debug ) {
+ throw new Error(
+ "Cannot run in headless mode and debug mode at the same time."
+ );
+ }
+ if ( verbose ) {
+ console.log( browserstack ? "Running in BrowserStack." : "Running locally." );
+ }
+ const errorMessages = [];
+ const pendingErrors = {};
+ // Convert browser names to browser objects
+ let browsers = browserNames.map( ( b ) => ( { browser: b } ) );
+ // A unique identifier for this run
+ const runId = generateHash(
+ `${ Date.now() }-${ modules.join( ":" ) }-${ ( browserstack || [] )
+ .concat( browserNames )
+ .join( ":" ) }`
+ );
+ // Create the test app and
+ // hook it up to the reporter
+ const reports = Object.create( null );
+ const app = await createTestServer( async( message ) => {
+ switch ( message.type ) {
+ case "testEnd": {
+ const reportId = message.id;
+ touchWorker( reportId );
+ const errors = reportTest( message.data, reportId, reports[ reportId ] );
+ pendingErrors[ reportId ] ||= {};
+ if ( errors ) {
+ pendingErrors[ reportId ][ message.data.name ] = errors;
+ } else {
+ delete pendingErrors[ reportId ][ message.data.name ];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case "runEnd": {
+ const reportId = message.id;
+ const report = reports[ reportId ];
+ const { failed, total } = reportEnd(
+ message.data,
+ message.id,
+ reports[ reportId ]
+ );
+ report.total = total;
+ if ( failed ) {
+ if ( !retryTest( reportId, retries ) ) {
+ if ( debug ) {
+ debugWorker( reportId );
+ }
+ errorMessages.push( ...Object.values( pendingErrors[ reportId ] ) );
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( Object.keys( pendingErrors[ reportId ] ).length ) {
+ console.warn( "Detected flaky tests:" );
+ for ( const [ , error ] in Object.entries( pendingErrors[ reportId ] ) ) {
+ console.warn( chalk.italic( chalk.gray( error ) ) );
+ }
+ delete pendingErrors[ reportId ];
+ }
+ }
+ await cleanupWorker( reportId, verbose );
+ cleanupJSDOM( reportId, verbose );
+ break;
+ }
+ case "ack": {
+ touchWorker( message.id );
+ if ( verbose ) {
+ console.log( `\nWorker for test ${ message.id } acknowledged.` );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ console.warn( "Received unknown message type:", message.type );
+ }
+ } );
+ // Start up local test server
+ let server;
+ let port;
+ await new Promise( ( resolve ) => {
+ // Pass 0 to choose a random, unused port
+ server = app.listen( 0, () => {
+ port = server.address().port;
+ resolve();
+ } );
+ } );
+ if ( !server || !port ) {
+ throw new Error( "Server not started." );
+ }
+ if ( verbose ) {
+ console.log( `Server started on port ${ port }.` );
+ }
+ function stopServer() {
+ return new Promise( ( resolve ) => {
+ server.close( () => {
+ if ( verbose ) {
+ console.log( "Server stopped." );
+ }
+ resolve();
+ } );
+ } );
+ }
+ async function cleanup() {
+ console.log( "Cleaning up..." );
+ if ( tunnel ) {
+ await tunnel.stop();
+ if ( verbose ) {
+ console.log( "Stopped BrowserStackLocal." );
+ }
+ }
+ await cleanupAllWorkers( verbose );
+ cleanupAllJSDOM( verbose );
+ }
+ asyncExitHook(
+ async() => {
+ await stopServer();
+ await cleanup();
+ },
+ );
+ // Start up BrowserStackLocal
+ let tunnel;
+ if ( browserstack ) {
+ if ( headless ) {
+ console.warn(
+ chalk.italic(
+ "BrowserStack does not support headless mode. Running in normal mode."
+ )
+ );
+ headless = false;
+ }
+ // Convert browserstack to browser objects.
+ // If browserstack is an empty array, fall back
+ // to the browsers array.
+ if ( browserstack.length ) {
+ browsers = browserstack.map( ( b ) => {
+ if ( !b ) {
+ return browsers[ 0 ];
+ }
+ return buildBrowserFromString( b );
+ } );
+ }
+ // Fill out browser defaults
+ browsers = await Promise.all(
+ browsers.map( async( browser ) => {
+ // Avoid undici connect timeout errors
+ await new Promise( ( resolve ) => setTimeout( resolve, 100 ) );
+ const latestMatch = await getLatestBrowser( browser );
+ if ( !latestMatch ) {
+ throw new Error( `Browser not found: ${ getBrowserString( browser ) }.` );
+ }
+ return latestMatch;
+ } )
+ );
+ tunnel = await localTunnel( runId );
+ if ( verbose ) {
+ console.log( "Started BrowserStackLocal." );
+ printModuleHashes( modules );
+ }
+ }
+ function queueRun( modules, browser ) {
+ const fullBrowser = getBrowserString( browser, headless );
+ const reportId = generateHash( `${ modules.join( ":" ) } ${ fullBrowser }` );
+ reports[ reportId ] = { browser, headless, modules };
+ const url = buildTestUrl( modules, {
+ browserstack,
+ esm,
+ jsdom: browser.browser === "jsdom",
+ port,
+ reportId
+ } );
+ addRun( url, browser, {
+ debug,
+ headless,
+ modules,
+ reportId,
+ retries,
+ runId,
+ verbose
+ } );
+ }
+ for ( const browser of browsers ) {
+ if ( isolate ) {
+ for ( const module of modules ) {
+ queueRun( [ module ], browser );
+ }
+ } else {
+ queueRun( modules, browser );
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ console.log( `Starting Run ${ runId }...` );
+ await runFullQueue( { browserstack, concurrency, verbose } );
+ } catch ( error ) {
+ console.error( error );
+ if ( !debug ) {
+ gracefulExit( 1 );
+ }
+ } finally {
+ console.log();
+ if ( errorMessages.length === 0 ) {
+ let stop = false;
+ for ( const report of Object.values( reports ) ) {
+ if ( !report.total ) {
+ stop = true;
+ console.error(
+ chalk.red(
+ `No tests were run for ${ report.modules.join(
+ ", "
+ ) } in ${ getBrowserString( report.browser ) }`
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( stop ) {
+ return gracefulExit( 1 );
+ }
+ console.log( chalk.green( "All tests passed!" ) );
+ if ( !debug || browserstack ) {
+ gracefulExit( 0 );
+ }
+ } else {
+ console.error( chalk.red( `${ errorMessages.length } tests failed.` ) );
+ console.log(
+ errorMessages.map( ( error, i ) => `\n${ i + 1 }. ${ error }` ).join( "\n" )
+ );
+ if ( debug ) {
+ console.log();
+ if ( browserstack ) {
+ console.log( "Leaving browsers with failures open for debugging." );
+ console.log(
+ "View running sessions at https://automate.browserstack.com/dashboard/v2/"
+ );
+ } else {
+ console.log( "Leaving browsers open for debugging." );
+ }
+ console.log( "Press Ctrl+C to exit." );
+ } else {
+ gracefulExit( 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ }