path: root/test/unit/attributes.js
diff options
authorMike Sherov <mike.sherov@gmail.com>2011-11-06 15:27:42 -0500
committerDave Methvin <dave.methvin@gmail.com>2011-11-06 15:27:42 -0500
commitf35ba5e699c15a1987baa389dbd4fc99f7a7eb03 (patch)
treea5716daad3f92f55af14f7c6573ff4ee8ba88a3b /test/unit/attributes.js
parent83c72eaa9cea9fec3b38535378334b27ff6bcfb2 (diff)
Fix #10691. Remove all instances of equals() and same(), as these are deprecated in QUnit.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/unit/attributes.js')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/test/unit/attributes.js b/test/unit/attributes.js
index a9d79462d..f8305a28f 100644
--- a/test/unit/attributes.js
+++ b/test/unit/attributes.js
@@ -36,21 +36,21 @@ test("jQuery.propFix integrity test", function() {
test("attr(String)", function() {
- equals( jQuery("#text1").attr("type"), "text", "Check for type attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#radio1").attr("type"), "radio", "Check for type attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#check1").attr("type"), "checkbox", "Check for type attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#simon1").attr("rel"), "bookmark", "Check for rel attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#google").attr("title"), "Google!", "Check for title attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#mark").attr("hreflang"), "en", "Check for hreflang attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#en").attr("lang"), "en", "Check for lang attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#simon").attr("class"), "blog link", "Check for class attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#name").attr("name"), "name", "Check for name attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#text1").attr("name"), "action", "Check for name attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").attr("type"), "text", "Check for type attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#radio1").attr("type"), "radio", "Check for type attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#check1").attr("type"), "checkbox", "Check for type attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#simon1").attr("rel"), "bookmark", "Check for rel attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#google").attr("title"), "Google!", "Check for title attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#mark").attr("hreflang"), "en", "Check for hreflang attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#en").attr("lang"), "en", "Check for lang attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#simon").attr("class"), "blog link", "Check for class attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#name").attr("name"), "name", "Check for name attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").attr("name"), "action", "Check for name attribute" );
ok( jQuery("#form").attr("action").indexOf("formaction") >= 0, "Check for action attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#text1").attr("value", "t").attr("value"), "t", "Check setting the value attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("<div value='t'></div>").attr("value"), "t", "Check setting custom attr named 'value' on a div" );
- equals( jQuery("#form").attr("blah", "blah").attr("blah"), "blah", "Set non-existant attribute on a form" );
- equals( jQuery("#foo").attr("height"), undefined, "Non existent height attribute should return undefined" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").attr("value", "t").attr("value"), "t", "Check setting the value attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("<div value='t'></div>").attr("value"), "t", "Check setting custom attr named 'value' on a div" );
+ equal( jQuery("#form").attr("blah", "blah").attr("blah"), "blah", "Set non-existant attribute on a form" );
+ equal( jQuery("#foo").attr("height"), undefined, "Non existent height attribute should return undefined" );
// [7472] & [3113] (form contains an input with name="action" or name="id")
var extras = jQuery("<input name='id' name='name' /><input id='target' name='target' />").appendTo("#testForm");
@@ -59,20 +59,20 @@ test("attr(String)", function() {
equal( jQuery("#testForm").attr("target", "newTarget").attr("target"), "newTarget", "Set target successfully on a form" );
equal( jQuery("#testForm").removeAttr("id").attr("id"), undefined, "Retrieving id does not equal the input with name=id after id is removed [#7472]" );
// Bug #3685 (form contains input with name="name")
- equals( jQuery("#testForm").attr("name"), undefined, "Retrieving name does not retrieve input with name=name" );
+ equal( jQuery("#testForm").attr("name"), undefined, "Retrieving name does not retrieve input with name=name" );
- equals( jQuery("#text1").attr("maxlength"), "30", "Check for maxlength attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#text1").attr("maxLength"), "30", "Check for maxLength attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#area1").attr("maxLength"), "30", "Check for maxLength attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").attr("maxlength"), "30", "Check for maxlength attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").attr("maxLength"), "30", "Check for maxLength attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#area1").attr("maxLength"), "30", "Check for maxLength attribute" );
// using innerHTML in IE causes href attribute to be serialized to the full path
jQuery("<a/>").attr({ "id": "tAnchor5", "href": "#5" }).appendTo("#qunit-fixture");
- equals( jQuery("#tAnchor5").attr("href"), "#5", "Check for non-absolute href (an anchor)" );
+ equal( jQuery("#tAnchor5").attr("href"), "#5", "Check for non-absolute href (an anchor)" );
// list attribute is readonly by default in browsers that support it
jQuery("#list-test").attr("list", "datalist");
- equals( jQuery("#list-test").attr("list"), "datalist", "Check setting list attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#list-test").attr("list"), "datalist", "Check setting list attribute" );
// Related to [5574] and [5683]
var body = document.body, $body = jQuery(body);
@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ test("attr(String)", function() {
strictEqual( $body.attr("foo"), undefined, "Make sure that a non existent attribute returns undefined" );
body.setAttribute("foo", "baz");
- equals( $body.attr("foo"), "baz", "Make sure the dom attribute is retrieved when no expando is found" );
+ equal( $body.attr("foo"), "baz", "Make sure the dom attribute is retrieved when no expando is found" );
- equals( $body.attr("foo"), "cool", "Make sure that setting works well when both expando and dom attribute are available" );
+ equal( $body.attr("foo"), "cool", "Make sure that setting works well when both expando and dom attribute are available" );
body.removeAttribute("foo"); // Cleanup
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ test("attr(String)", function() {
equal( jQuery( option ).attr("selected"), "selected", "Make sure that a single option is selected, even when in an optgroup." );
var $img = jQuery("<img style='display:none' width='215' height='53' src='http://static.jquery.com/files/rocker/images/logo_jquery_215x53.gif'/>").appendTo("body");
- equals( $img.attr("width"), "215", "Retrieve width attribute an an element with display:none." );
- equals( $img.attr("height"), "53", "Retrieve height attribute an an element with display:none." );
+ equal( $img.attr("width"), "215", "Retrieve width attribute an an element with display:none." );
+ equal( $img.attr("height"), "53", "Retrieve height attribute an an element with display:none." );
// Check for style support
ok( !!~jQuery("#dl").attr("style").indexOf("position"), "Check style attribute getter, also normalize css props to lowercase" );
@@ -103,12 +103,12 @@ test("attr(String)", function() {
// Check value on button element (#1954)
var $button = jQuery("<button value='foobar'>text</button>").insertAfter("#button");
- equals( $button.attr("value"), "foobar", "Value retrieval on a button does not return innerHTML" );
- equals( $button.attr("value", "baz").html(), "text", "Setting the value does not change innerHTML" );
+ equal( $button.attr("value"), "foobar", "Value retrieval on a button does not return innerHTML" );
+ equal( $button.attr("value", "baz").html(), "text", "Setting the value does not change innerHTML" );
// Attributes with a colon on a table element (#1591)
- equals( jQuery("#table").attr("test:attrib"), undefined, "Retrieving a non-existent attribute on a table with a colon does not throw an error." );
- equals( jQuery("#table").attr("test:attrib", "foobar").attr("test:attrib"), "foobar", "Setting an attribute on a table with a colon does not throw an error." );
+ equal( jQuery("#table").attr("test:attrib"), undefined, "Retrieving a non-existent attribute on a table with a colon does not throw an error." );
+ equal( jQuery("#table").attr("test:attrib", "foobar").attr("test:attrib"), "foobar", "Setting an attribute on a table with a colon does not throw an error." );
var $form = jQuery("<form class='something'></form>").appendTo("#qunit-fixture");
equal( $form.attr("class"), "something", "Retrieve the class attribute on a form." );
@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ if ( !isLocal ) {
test("attr(String, Function)", function() {
- equals( jQuery("#text1").attr("value", function() { return this.id; })[0].value, "text1", "Set value from id" );
- equals( jQuery("#text1").attr("title", function(i) { return i; }).attr("title"), "0", "Set value with an index");
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").attr("value", function() { return this.id; })[0].value, "text1", "Set value from id" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").attr("title", function(i) { return i; }).attr("title"), "0", "Set value with an index");
test("attr(Hash)", function() {
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ test("attr(Hash)", function() {
if ( this.getAttribute("foo") != "baz" && this.getAttribute("zoo") != "ping" ) pass = false;
ok( pass, "Set Multiple Attributes" );
- equals( jQuery("#text1").attr({value: function() { return this.id; }})[0].value, "text1", "Set attribute to computed value #1" );
- equals( jQuery("#text1").attr({title: function(i) { return i; }}).attr("title"), "0", "Set attribute to computed value #2");
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").attr({value: function() { return this.id; }})[0].value, "text1", "Set attribute to computed value #1" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").attr({title: function(i) { return i; }}).attr("title"), "0", "Set attribute to computed value #2");
test("attr(String, Object)", function() {
@@ -170,43 +170,43 @@ test("attr(String, Object)", function() {
- equals( fail, false, "Set Attribute, the #" + fail + " element didn't get the attribute 'foo'" );
+ equal( fail, false, "Set Attribute, the #" + fail + " element didn't get the attribute 'foo'" );
ok( jQuery("#foo").attr({ "width": null }), "Try to set an attribute to nothing" );
jQuery("#name").attr("name", "something");
- equals( jQuery("#name").attr("name"), "something", "Set name attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#name").attr("name"), "something", "Set name attribute" );
jQuery("#name").attr("name", null);
- equals( jQuery("#name").attr("name"), undefined, "Remove name attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#name").attr("name"), undefined, "Remove name attribute" );
var $input = jQuery("<input>", { name: "something", id: "specified" });
equal( $input.attr("name"), "something", "Check element creation gets/sets the name attribute." );
equal( $input.attr("id"), "specified", "Check element creation gets/sets the id attribute." );
jQuery("#check2").prop("checked", true).prop("checked", false).attr("checked", true);
- equals( document.getElementById("check2").checked, true, "Set checked attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#check2").prop("checked"), true, "Set checked attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#check2").attr("checked"), "checked", "Set checked attribute" );
+ equal( document.getElementById("check2").checked, true, "Set checked attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#check2").prop("checked"), true, "Set checked attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#check2").attr("checked"), "checked", "Set checked attribute" );
jQuery("#check2").attr("checked", false);
- equals( document.getElementById("check2").checked, false, "Set checked attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#check2").prop("checked"), false, "Set checked attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#check2").attr("checked"), undefined, "Set checked attribute" );
+ equal( document.getElementById("check2").checked, false, "Set checked attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#check2").prop("checked"), false, "Set checked attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#check2").attr("checked"), undefined, "Set checked attribute" );
jQuery("#text1").attr("readonly", true);
- equals( document.getElementById("text1").readOnly, true, "Set readonly attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#text1").prop("readOnly"), true, "Set readonly attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#text1").attr("readonly"), "readonly", "Set readonly attribute" );
+ equal( document.getElementById("text1").readOnly, true, "Set readonly attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").prop("readOnly"), true, "Set readonly attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").attr("readonly"), "readonly", "Set readonly attribute" );
jQuery("#text1").attr("readonly", false);
- equals( document.getElementById("text1").readOnly, false, "Set readonly attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#text1").prop("readOnly"), false, "Set readonly attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#text1").attr("readonly"), undefined, "Set readonly attribute" );
+ equal( document.getElementById("text1").readOnly, false, "Set readonly attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").prop("readOnly"), false, "Set readonly attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").attr("readonly"), undefined, "Set readonly attribute" );
jQuery("#check2").prop("checked", true);
- equals( document.getElementById("check2").checked, true, "Set checked attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#check2").prop("checked"), true, "Set checked attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#check2").attr("checked"), "checked", "Set checked attribute" );
+ equal( document.getElementById("check2").checked, true, "Set checked attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#check2").prop("checked"), true, "Set checked attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#check2").attr("checked"), "checked", "Set checked attribute" );
jQuery("#check2").prop("checked", false);
- equals( document.getElementById("check2").checked, false, "Set checked attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#check2").prop("checked"), false, "Set checked attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#check2").attr("checked"), undefined, "Set checked attribute" );
+ equal( document.getElementById("check2").checked, false, "Set checked attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#check2").prop("checked"), false, "Set checked attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#check2").attr("checked"), undefined, "Set checked attribute" );
jQuery("#check2").attr("checked", "checked");
equal( document.getElementById("check2").checked, true, "Set checked attribute with 'checked'" );
@@ -221,18 +221,18 @@ test("attr(String, Object)", function() {
equal( $radios.attr("checked"), $radios[0].checked ? "checked" : undefined, "Known booleans do not fall back to attribute presence (#10278)");
jQuery("#text1").prop("readOnly", true);
- equals( document.getElementById("text1").readOnly, true, "Set readonly attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#text1").prop("readOnly"), true, "Set readonly attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#text1").attr("readonly"), "readonly", "Set readonly attribute" );
+ equal( document.getElementById("text1").readOnly, true, "Set readonly attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").prop("readOnly"), true, "Set readonly attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").attr("readonly"), "readonly", "Set readonly attribute" );
jQuery("#text1").prop("readOnly", false);
- equals( document.getElementById("text1").readOnly, false, "Set readonly attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#text1").prop("readOnly"), false, "Set readonly attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#text1").attr("readonly"), undefined, "Set readonly attribute" );
+ equal( document.getElementById("text1").readOnly, false, "Set readonly attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").prop("readOnly"), false, "Set readonly attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").attr("readonly"), undefined, "Set readonly attribute" );
jQuery("#name").attr("maxlength", "5");
- equals( document.getElementById("name").maxLength, 5, "Set maxlength attribute" );
+ equal( document.getElementById("name").maxLength, 5, "Set maxlength attribute" );
jQuery("#name").attr("maxLength", "10");
- equals( document.getElementById("name").maxLength, 10, "Set maxlength attribute" );
+ equal( document.getElementById("name").maxLength, 10, "Set maxlength attribute" );
// HTML5 boolean attributes
var $text = jQuery("#text1").attr({
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ test("attr(String, Object)", function() {
jQuery("#foo").attr("contenteditable", true);
- equals( jQuery("#foo").attr("contenteditable"), "true", "Enumerated attributes are set properly" );
+ equal( jQuery("#foo").attr("contenteditable"), "true", "Enumerated attributes are set properly" );
var attributeNode = document.createAttribute("irrelevant"),
commentNode = document.createComment("some comment"),
@@ -280,27 +280,27 @@ test("attr(String, Object)", function() {
var table = jQuery("#table").append("<tr><td>cell</td></tr><tr><td>cell</td><td>cell</td></tr><tr><td>cell</td><td>cell</td></tr>"),
td = table.find("td:first");
td.attr("rowspan", "2");
- equals( td[0].rowSpan, 2, "Check rowspan is correctly set" );
+ equal( td[0].rowSpan, 2, "Check rowspan is correctly set" );
td.attr("colspan", "2");
- equals( td[0].colSpan, 2, "Check colspan is correctly set" );
+ equal( td[0].colSpan, 2, "Check colspan is correctly set" );
table.attr("cellspacing", "2");
- equals( table[0].cellSpacing, "2", "Check cellspacing is correctly set" );
+ equal( table[0].cellSpacing, "2", "Check cellspacing is correctly set" );
- equals( jQuery("#area1").attr("value"), "foobar", "Value attribute retrieves the property for backwards compatibility." );
+ equal( jQuery("#area1").attr("value"), "foobar", "Value attribute retrieves the property for backwards compatibility." );
// for #1070
jQuery("#name").attr("someAttr", "0");
- equals( jQuery("#name").attr("someAttr"), "0", "Set attribute to a string of \"0\"" );
+ equal( jQuery("#name").attr("someAttr"), "0", "Set attribute to a string of \"0\"" );
jQuery("#name").attr("someAttr", 0);
- equals( jQuery("#name").attr("someAttr"), "0", "Set attribute to the number 0" );
+ equal( jQuery("#name").attr("someAttr"), "0", "Set attribute to the number 0" );
jQuery("#name").attr("someAttr", 1);
- equals( jQuery("#name").attr("someAttr"), "1", "Set attribute to the number 1" );
+ equal( jQuery("#name").attr("someAttr"), "1", "Set attribute to the number 1" );
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var j = jQuery("#nonnodes").contents();
j.attr("name", "attrvalue");
- equals( j.attr("name"), "attrvalue", "Check node,textnode,comment for attr" );
+ equal( j.attr("name"), "attrvalue", "Check node,textnode,comment for attr" );
// Type
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ test("attr(String, Object)", function() {
thrown = true;
ok( thrown, "Exception thrown when trying to change type property" );
- equals( type, jQuery("#check2").attr("type"), "Verify that you can't change the type of an input element" );
+ equal( type, jQuery("#check2").attr("type"), "Verify that you can't change the type of an input element" );
var check = document.createElement("input");
thrown = true;
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ test("attr(String, Object)", function() {
thrown = false;
ok( thrown, "Exception thrown when trying to change type property" );
- equals( "checkbox", jQuery(check).attr("type"), "Verify that you can change the type of an input element that isn't in the DOM" );
+ equal( "checkbox", jQuery(check).attr("type"), "Verify that you can change the type of an input element that isn't in the DOM" );
check = jQuery("<input />");
thrown = true;
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ test("attr(String, Object)", function() {
thrown = false;
ok( thrown, "Exception thrown when trying to change type property" );
- equals( "checkbox", check.attr("type"), "Verify that you can change the type of an input element that isn't in the DOM" );
+ equal( "checkbox", check.attr("type"), "Verify that you can change the type of an input element that isn't in the DOM" );
var button = jQuery("#button");
thrown = false;
@@ -342,16 +342,16 @@ test("attr(String, Object)", function() {
thrown = true;
ok( thrown, "Exception thrown when trying to change type property" );
- equals( "button", button.attr("type"), "Verify that you can't change the type of a button element" );
+ equal( "button", button.attr("type"), "Verify that you can't change the type of a button element" );
var $radio = jQuery("<input>", { "value": "sup", "type": "radio" }).appendTo("#testForm");
- equals( $radio.val(), "sup", "Value is not reset when type is set after value on a radio" );
+ equal( $radio.val(), "sup", "Value is not reset when type is set after value on a radio" );
// Setting attributes on svg elements (bug #3116)
var $svg = jQuery("<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' version='1.1' baseProfile='full' width='200' height='200'>"
+ "<circle cx='200' cy='200' r='150' />"
+ "</svg>").appendTo("body");
- equals( $svg.attr("cx", 100).attr("cx"), "100", "Set attribute on svg element" );
+ equal( $svg.attr("cx", 100).attr("cx"), "100", "Set attribute on svg element" );
@@ -363,16 +363,16 @@ test("attr(jquery_method)", function(){
// one at a time
$elem.attr({html: "foo"}, true);
- equals( elem.innerHTML, "foo", "attr(html)");
+ equal( elem.innerHTML, "foo", "attr(html)");
$elem.attr({text: "bar"}, true);
- equals( elem.innerHTML, "bar", "attr(text)");
+ equal( elem.innerHTML, "bar", "attr(text)");
$elem.attr({css: {color: "red"}}, true);
ok( /^(#ff0000|red)$/i.test(elem.style.color), "attr(css)");
$elem.attr({height: 10}, true);
- equals( elem.style.height, "10px", "attr(height)");
+ equal( elem.style.height, "10px", "attr(height)");
// Multiple attributes
@@ -381,9 +381,9 @@ test("attr(jquery_method)", function(){
css:{ paddingLeft:1, paddingRight:1 }
}, true);
- equals( elem.style.width, "10px", "attr({...})");
- equals( elem.style.paddingLeft, "1px", "attr({...})");
- equals( elem.style.paddingRight, "1px", "attr({...})");
+ equal( elem.style.width, "10px", "attr({...})");
+ equal( elem.style.paddingLeft, "1px", "attr({...})");
+ equal( elem.style.paddingRight, "1px", "attr({...})");
if ( !isLocal ) {
@@ -395,8 +395,8 @@ if ( !isLocal ) {
jQuery( "tab", xml ).each(function() {
titles.push( jQuery(this).attr("title") );
- equals( titles[0], "Location", "attr() in XML context: Check first title" );
- equals( titles[1], "Users", "attr() in XML context: Check second title" );
+ equal( titles[0], "Location", "attr() in XML context: Check first title" );
+ equal( titles[1], "Users", "attr() in XML context: Check second title" );
@@ -406,55 +406,55 @@ test("attr('tabindex')", function() {
// elements not natively tabbable
- equals(jQuery("#listWithTabIndex").attr("tabindex"), 5, "not natively tabbable, with tabindex set to 0");
- equals(jQuery("#divWithNoTabIndex").attr("tabindex"), undefined, "not natively tabbable, no tabindex set");
+ equal(jQuery("#listWithTabIndex").attr("tabindex"), 5, "not natively tabbable, with tabindex set to 0");
+ equal(jQuery("#divWithNoTabIndex").attr("tabindex"), undefined, "not natively tabbable, no tabindex set");
// anchor with href
- equals(jQuery("#linkWithNoTabIndex").attr("tabindex"), 0, "anchor with href, no tabindex set");
- equals(jQuery("#linkWithTabIndex").attr("tabindex"), 2, "anchor with href, tabindex set to 2");
- equals(jQuery("#linkWithNegativeTabIndex").attr("tabindex"), -1, "anchor with href, tabindex set to -1");
+ equal(jQuery("#linkWithNoTabIndex").attr("tabindex"), 0, "anchor with href, no tabindex set");
+ equal(jQuery("#linkWithTabIndex").attr("tabindex"), 2, "anchor with href, tabindex set to 2");
+ equal(jQuery("#linkWithNegativeTabIndex").attr("tabindex"), -1, "anchor with href, tabindex set to -1");
// anchor without href
- equals(jQuery("#linkWithNoHrefWithNoTabIndex").attr("tabindex"), undefined, "anchor without href, no tabindex set");
- equals(jQuery("#linkWithNoHrefWithTabIndex").attr("tabindex"), 1, "anchor without href, tabindex set to 2");
- equals(jQuery("#linkWithNoHrefWithNegativeTabIndex").attr("tabindex"), -1, "anchor without href, no tabindex set");
+ equal(jQuery("#linkWithNoHrefWithNoTabIndex").attr("tabindex"), undefined, "anchor without href, no tabindex set");
+ equal(jQuery("#linkWithNoHrefWithTabIndex").attr("tabindex"), 1, "anchor without href, tabindex set to 2");
+ equal(jQuery("#linkWithNoHrefWithNegativeTabIndex").attr("tabindex"), -1, "anchor without href, no tabindex set");
test("attr('tabindex', value)", function() {
var element = jQuery("#divWithNoTabIndex");
- equals(element.attr("tabindex"), undefined, "start with no tabindex");
+ equal(element.attr("tabindex"), undefined, "start with no tabindex");
// set a positive string
element.attr("tabindex", "1");
- equals(element.attr("tabindex"), 1, "set tabindex to 1 (string)");
+ equal(element.attr("tabindex"), 1, "set tabindex to 1 (string)");
// set a zero string
element.attr("tabindex", "0");
- equals(element.attr("tabindex"), 0, "set tabindex to 0 (string)");
+ equal(element.attr("tabindex"), 0, "set tabindex to 0 (string)");
// set a negative string
element.attr("tabindex", "-1");
- equals(element.attr("tabindex"), -1, "set tabindex to -1 (string)");
+ equal(element.attr("tabindex"), -1, "set tabindex to -1 (string)");
// set a positive number
element.attr("tabindex", 1);
- equals(element.attr("tabindex"), 1, "set tabindex to 1 (number)");
+ equal(element.attr("tabindex"), 1, "set tabindex to 1 (number)");
// set a zero number
element.attr("tabindex", 0);
- equals(element.attr("tabindex"), 0, "set tabindex to 0 (number)");
+ equal(element.attr("tabindex"), 0, "set tabindex to 0 (number)");
// set a negative number
element.attr("tabindex", -1);
- equals(element.attr("tabindex"), -1, "set tabindex to -1 (number)");
+ equal(element.attr("tabindex"), -1, "set tabindex to -1 (number)");
element = jQuery("#linkWithTabIndex");
- equals(element.attr("tabindex"), 2, "start with tabindex 2");
+ equal(element.attr("tabindex"), 2, "start with tabindex 2");
element.attr("tabindex", -1);
- equals(element.attr("tabindex"), -1, "set negative tabindex");
+ equal(element.attr("tabindex"), -1, "set negative tabindex");
test("removeAttr(String)", function() {
@@ -484,32 +484,32 @@ test("removeAttr(String)", function() {
test("prop(String, Object)", function() {
- equals( jQuery("#text1").prop("value"), "Test", "Check for value attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#text1").prop("value", "Test2").prop("defaultValue"), "Test", "Check for defaultValue attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#select2").prop("selectedIndex"), 3, "Check for selectedIndex attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#foo").prop("nodeName").toUpperCase(), "DIV", "Check for nodeName attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#foo").prop("tagName").toUpperCase(), "DIV", "Check for tagName attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("<option/>").prop("selected"), false, "Check selected attribute on disconnected element." );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").prop("value"), "Test", "Check for value attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").prop("value", "Test2").prop("defaultValue"), "Test", "Check for defaultValue attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#select2").prop("selectedIndex"), 3, "Check for selectedIndex attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#foo").prop("nodeName").toUpperCase(), "DIV", "Check for nodeName attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#foo").prop("tagName").toUpperCase(), "DIV", "Check for tagName attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("<option/>").prop("selected"), false, "Check selected attribute on disconnected element." );
- equals( jQuery("#listWithTabIndex").prop("tabindex"), 5, "Check retrieving tabindex" );
+ equal( jQuery("#listWithTabIndex").prop("tabindex"), 5, "Check retrieving tabindex" );
jQuery("#text1").prop("readonly", true);
- equals( document.getElementById("text1").readOnly, true, "Check setting readOnly property with 'readonly'" );
- equals( jQuery("#label-for").prop("for"), "action", "Check retrieving htmlFor" );
+ equal( document.getElementById("text1").readOnly, true, "Check setting readOnly property with 'readonly'" );
+ equal( jQuery("#label-for").prop("for"), "action", "Check retrieving htmlFor" );
jQuery("#text1").prop("class", "test");
- equals( document.getElementById("text1").className, "test", "Check setting className with 'class'" );
- equals( jQuery("#text1").prop("maxlength"), 30, "Check retrieving maxLength" );
+ equal( document.getElementById("text1").className, "test", "Check setting className with 'class'" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").prop("maxlength"), 30, "Check retrieving maxLength" );
jQuery("#table").prop("cellspacing", 1);
- equals( jQuery("#table").prop("cellSpacing"), "1", "Check setting and retrieving cellSpacing" );
+ equal( jQuery("#table").prop("cellSpacing"), "1", "Check setting and retrieving cellSpacing" );
jQuery("#table").prop("cellpadding", 1);
- equals( jQuery("#table").prop("cellPadding"), "1", "Check setting and retrieving cellPadding" );
+ equal( jQuery("#table").prop("cellPadding"), "1", "Check setting and retrieving cellPadding" );
jQuery("#table").prop("rowspan", 1);
- equals( jQuery("#table").prop("rowSpan"), 1, "Check setting and retrieving rowSpan" );
+ equal( jQuery("#table").prop("rowSpan"), 1, "Check setting and retrieving rowSpan" );
jQuery("#table").prop("colspan", 1);
- equals( jQuery("#table").prop("colSpan"), 1, "Check setting and retrieving colSpan" );
+ equal( jQuery("#table").prop("colSpan"), 1, "Check setting and retrieving colSpan" );
jQuery("#table").prop("usemap", 1);
- equals( jQuery("#table").prop("useMap"), 1, "Check setting and retrieving useMap" );
+ equal( jQuery("#table").prop("useMap"), 1, "Check setting and retrieving useMap" );
jQuery("#table").prop("frameborder", 1);
- equals( jQuery("#table").prop("frameBorder"), 1, "Check setting and retrieving frameBorder" );
+ equal( jQuery("#table").prop("frameBorder"), 1, "Check setting and retrieving frameBorder" );
var body = document.body,
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ test("prop(String, Object)", function() {
ok( $body.prop("nextSibling") === null, "Make sure a null expando returns null" );
body.foo = "bar";
- equals( $body.prop("foo"), "bar", "Make sure the expando is preferred over the dom attribute" );
+ equal( $body.prop("foo"), "bar", "Make sure the expando is preferred over the dom attribute" );
body.foo = undefined;
ok( $body.prop("foo") === undefined, "Make sure the expando is preferred over the dom attribute, even if undefined" );
@@ -525,8 +525,8 @@ test("prop(String, Object)", function() {
optgroup.appendChild( option );
select.appendChild( optgroup );
- equals( jQuery(option).prop("selected"), true, "Make sure that a single option is selected, even when in an optgroup." );
- equals( jQuery(document).prop("nodeName"), "#document", "prop works correctly on document nodes (bug #7451)." );
+ equal( jQuery(option).prop("selected"), true, "Make sure that a single option is selected, even when in an optgroup." );
+ equal( jQuery(document).prop("nodeName"), "#document", "prop works correctly on document nodes (bug #7451)." );
var attributeNode = document.createAttribute("irrelevant"),
commentNode = document.createComment("some comment"),
@@ -574,55 +574,55 @@ test("prop('tabindex')", function() {
// elements not natively tabbable
- equals(jQuery("#listWithTabIndex").prop("tabindex"), 5, "not natively tabbable, with tabindex set to 0");
- equals(jQuery("#divWithNoTabIndex").prop("tabindex"), undefined, "not natively tabbable, no tabindex set");
+ equal(jQuery("#listWithTabIndex").prop("tabindex"), 5, "not natively tabbable, with tabindex set to 0");
+ equal(jQuery("#divWithNoTabIndex").prop("tabindex"), undefined, "not natively tabbable, no tabindex set");
// anchor with href
- equals(jQuery("#linkWithNoTabIndex").prop("tabindex"), 0, "anchor with href, no tabindex set");
- equals(jQuery("#linkWithTabIndex").prop("tabindex"), 2, "anchor with href, tabindex set to 2");
- equals(jQuery("#linkWithNegativeTabIndex").prop("tabindex"), -1, "anchor with href, tabindex set to -1");
+ equal(jQuery("#linkWithNoTabIndex").prop("tabindex"), 0, "anchor with href, no tabindex set");
+ equal(jQuery("#linkWithTabIndex").prop("tabindex"), 2, "anchor with href, tabindex set to 2");
+ equal(jQuery("#linkWithNegativeTabIndex").prop("tabindex"), -1, "anchor with href, tabindex set to -1");
// anchor without href
- equals(jQuery("#linkWithNoHrefWithNoTabIndex").prop("tabindex"), undefined, "anchor without href, no tabindex set");
- equals(jQuery("#linkWithNoHrefWithTabIndex").prop("tabindex"), 1, "anchor without href, tabindex set to 2");
- equals(jQuery("#linkWithNoHrefWithNegativeTabIndex").prop("tabindex"), -1, "anchor without href, no tabindex set");
+ equal(jQuery("#linkWithNoHrefWithNoTabIndex").prop("tabindex"), undefined, "anchor without href, no tabindex set");
+ equal(jQuery("#linkWithNoHrefWithTabIndex").prop("tabindex"), 1, "anchor without href, tabindex set to 2");
+ equal(jQuery("#linkWithNoHrefWithNegativeTabIndex").prop("tabindex"), -1, "anchor without href, no tabindex set");
test("prop('tabindex', value)", function() {
var element = jQuery("#divWithNoTabIndex");
- equals(element.prop("tabindex"), undefined, "start with no tabindex");
+ equal(element.prop("tabindex"), undefined, "start with no tabindex");
// set a positive string
element.prop("tabindex", "1");
- equals(element.prop("tabindex"), 1, "set tabindex to 1 (string)");
+ equal(element.prop("tabindex"), 1, "set tabindex to 1 (string)");
// set a zero string
element.prop("tabindex", "0");
- equals(element.prop("tabindex"), 0, "set tabindex to 0 (string)");
+ equal(element.prop("tabindex"), 0, "set tabindex to 0 (string)");
// set a negative string
element.prop("tabindex", "-1");
- equals(element.prop("tabindex"), -1, "set tabindex to -1 (string)");
+ equal(element.prop("tabindex"), -1, "set tabindex to -1 (string)");
// set a positive number
element.prop("tabindex", 1);
- equals(element.prop("tabindex"), 1, "set tabindex to 1 (number)");
+ equal(element.prop("tabindex"), 1, "set tabindex to 1 (number)");
// set a zero number
element.prop("tabindex", 0);
- equals(element.prop("tabindex"), 0, "set tabindex to 0 (number)");
+ equal(element.prop("tabindex"), 0, "set tabindex to 0 (number)");
// set a negative number
element.prop("tabindex", -1);
- equals(element.prop("tabindex"), -1, "set tabindex to -1 (number)");
+ equal(element.prop("tabindex"), -1, "set tabindex to -1 (number)");
element = jQuery("#linkWithTabIndex");
- equals(element.prop("tabindex"), 2, "start with tabindex 2");
+ equal(element.prop("tabindex"), 2, "start with tabindex 2");
element.prop("tabindex", -1);
- equals(element.prop("tabindex"), -1, "set negative tabindex");
+ equal(element.prop("tabindex"), -1, "set negative tabindex");
test("removeProp(String)", function() {
@@ -650,71 +650,71 @@ test("val()", function() {
document.getElementById("text1").value = "bla";
- equals( jQuery("#text1").val(), "bla", "Check for modified value of input element" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").val(), "bla", "Check for modified value of input element" );
- equals( jQuery("#text1").val(), "Test", "Check for value of input element" );
+ equal( jQuery("#text1").val(), "Test", "Check for value of input element" );
// ticket #1714 this caused a JS error in IE
- equals( jQuery("#first").val(), "", "Check a paragraph element to see if it has a value" );
+ equal( jQuery("#first").val(), "", "Check a paragraph element to see if it has a value" );
ok( jQuery([]).val() === undefined, "Check an empty jQuery object will return undefined from val" );
- equals( jQuery("#select2").val(), "3", "Call val() on a single=\"single\" select" );
+ equal( jQuery("#select2").val(), "3", "Call val() on a single=\"single\" select" );
- same( jQuery("#select3").val(), ["1", "2"], "Call val() on a multiple=\"multiple\" select" );
+ deepEqual( jQuery("#select3").val(), ["1", "2"], "Call val() on a multiple=\"multiple\" select" );
- equals( jQuery("#option3c").val(), "2", "Call val() on a option element with value" );
+ equal( jQuery("#option3c").val(), "2", "Call val() on a option element with value" );
- equals( jQuery("#option3a").val(), "", "Call val() on a option element with empty value" );
+ equal( jQuery("#option3a").val(), "", "Call val() on a option element with empty value" );
- equals( jQuery("#option3e").val(), "no value", "Call val() on a option element with no value attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#option3e").val(), "no value", "Call val() on a option element with no value attribute" );
- equals( jQuery("#option3a").val(), "", "Call val() on a option element with no value attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("#option3a").val(), "", "Call val() on a option element with no value attribute" );
- same( jQuery("#select3").val(), [""], "Call val() on a multiple=\"multiple\" select" );
+ deepEqual( jQuery("#select3").val(), [""], "Call val() on a multiple=\"multiple\" select" );
- same( jQuery("#select4").val(), [], "Call val() on multiple=\"multiple\" select with all disabled options" );
+ deepEqual( jQuery("#select4").val(), [], "Call val() on multiple=\"multiple\" select with all disabled options" );
jQuery("#select4 optgroup").add("#select4 > [disabled]").attr("disabled", false);
- same( jQuery("#select4").val(), ["2", "3"], "Call val() on multiple=\"multiple\" select with some disabled options" );
+ deepEqual( jQuery("#select4").val(), ["2", "3"], "Call val() on multiple=\"multiple\" select with some disabled options" );
jQuery("#select4").attr("disabled", true);
- same( jQuery("#select4").val(), ["2", "3"], "Call val() on disabled multiple=\"multiple\" select" );
+ deepEqual( jQuery("#select4").val(), ["2", "3"], "Call val() on disabled multiple=\"multiple\" select" );
- equals( jQuery("#select5").val(), "3", "Check value on ambiguous select." );
+ equal( jQuery("#select5").val(), "3", "Check value on ambiguous select." );
- equals( jQuery("#select5").val(), "1", "Check value on ambiguous select." );
+ equal( jQuery("#select5").val(), "1", "Check value on ambiguous select." );
- equals( jQuery("#select5").val(), "3", "Check value on ambiguous select." );
+ equal( jQuery("#select5").val(), "3", "Check value on ambiguous select." );
var checks = jQuery("<input type='checkbox' name='test' value='1'/><input type='checkbox' name='test' value='2'/><input type='checkbox' name='test' value=''/><input type='checkbox' name='test'/>").appendTo("#form");
- same( checks.serialize(), "", "Get unchecked values." );
+ deepEqual( checks.serialize(), "", "Get unchecked values." );
- equals( checks.eq(3).val(), "on", "Make sure a value of 'on' is provided if none is specified." );
+ equal( checks.eq(3).val(), "on", "Make sure a value of 'on' is provided if none is specified." );
checks.val([ "2" ]);
- same( checks.serialize(), "test=2", "Get a single checked value." );
+ deepEqual( checks.serialize(), "test=2", "Get a single checked value." );
checks.val([ "1", "" ]);
- same( checks.serialize(), "test=1&test=", "Get multiple checked values." );
+ deepEqual( checks.serialize(), "test=1&test=", "Get multiple checked values." );
checks.val([ "", "2" ]);
- same( checks.serialize(), "test=2&test=", "Get multiple checked values." );
+ deepEqual( checks.serialize(), "test=2&test=", "Get multiple checked values." );
checks.val([ "1", "on" ]);
- same( checks.serialize(), "test=1&test=on", "Get multiple checked values." );
+ deepEqual( checks.serialize(), "test=1&test=on", "Get multiple checked values." );
var $button = jQuery("<button value='foobar'>text</button>").insertAfter("#button");
- equals( $button.val(), "foobar", "Value retrieval on a button does not return innerHTML" );
- equals( $button.val("baz").html(), "text", "Setting the value does not change innerHTML" );
+ equal( $button.val(), "foobar", "Value retrieval on a button does not return innerHTML" );
+ equal( $button.val("baz").html(), "text", "Setting the value does not change innerHTML" );
- equals( jQuery("<option/>").val("test").attr("value"), "test", "Setting value sets the value attribute" );
+ equal( jQuery("<option/>").val("test").attr("value"), "test", "Setting value sets the value attribute" );
if ( "value" in document.createElement("meter") &&
@@ -746,32 +746,32 @@ var testVal = function(valueObj) {
jQuery("#text1").val(valueObj( "test" ));
- equals( document.getElementById("text1").value, "test", "Check for modified (via val(String)) value of input element" );
+ equal( document.getElementById("text1").value, "test", "Check for modified (via val(String)) value of input element" );
jQuery("#text1").val(valueObj( undefined ));
- equals( document.getElementById("text1").value, "", "Check for modified (via val(undefined)) value of input element" );
+ equal( document.getElementById("text1").value, "", "Check for modified (via val(undefined)) value of input element" );
jQuery("#text1").val(valueObj( 67 ));
- equals( document.getElementById("text1").value, "67", "Check for modified (via val(Number)) value of input element" );
+ equal( document.getElementById("text1").value, "67", "Check for modified (via val(Number)) value of input element" );
jQuery("#text1").val(valueObj( null ));
- equals( document.getElementById("text1").value, "", "Check for modified (via val(null)) value of input element" );
+ equal( document.getElementById("text1").value, "", "Check for modified (via val(null)) value of input element" );
var $select1 = jQuery("#select1");
$select1.val(valueObj( "3" ));
- equals( $select1.val(), "3", "Check for modified (via val(String)) value of select element" );
+ equal( $select1.val(), "3", "Check for modified (via val(String)) value of select element" );
$select1.val(valueObj( 2 ));
- equals( $select1.val(), "2", "Check for modified (via val(Number)) value of select element" );
+ equal( $select1.val(), "2", "Check for modified (via val(Number)) value of select element" );
$select1.append("<option value='4'>four</option>");
$select1.val(valueObj( 4 ));
- equals( $select1.val(), "4", "Should be possible to set the val() to a newly created option" );
+ equal( $select1.val(), "4", "Should be possible to set the val() to a newly created option" );
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var j = jQuery("#nonnodes").contents();
j.val(valueObj( "asdf" ));
- equals( j.val(), "asdf", "Check node,textnode,comment with val()" );
+ equal( j.val(), "asdf", "Check node,textnode,comment with val()" );
@@ -802,49 +802,49 @@ test("val(Function) with incoming value", function() {
var oldVal = jQuery("#text1").val();
jQuery("#text1").val(function(i, val) {
- equals( val, oldVal, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
+ equal( val, oldVal, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return "test";
- equals( document.getElementById("text1").value, "test", "Check for modified (via val(String)) value of input element" );
+ equal( document.getElementById("text1").value, "test", "Check for modified (via val(String)) value of input element" );
oldVal = jQuery("#text1").val();
jQuery("#text1").val(function(i, val) {
- equals( val, oldVal, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
+ equal( val, oldVal, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return 67;
- equals( document.getElementById("text1").value, "67", "Check for modified (via val(Number)) value of input element" );
+ equal( document.getElementById("text1").value, "67", "Check for modified (via val(Number)) value of input element" );
oldVal = jQuery("#select1").val();
jQuery("#select1").val(function(i, val) {
- equals( val, oldVal, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
+ equal( val, oldVal, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return "3";
- equals( jQuery("#select1").val(), "3", "Check for modified (via val(String)) value of select element" );
+ equal( jQuery("#select1").val(), "3", "Check for modified (via val(String)) value of select element" );
oldVal = jQuery("#select1").val();
jQuery("#select1").val(function(i, val) {
- equals( val, oldVal, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
+ equal( val, oldVal, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return 2;
- equals( jQuery("#select1").val(), "2", "Check for modified (via val(Number)) value of select element" );
+ equal( jQuery("#select1").val(), "2", "Check for modified (via val(Number)) value of select element" );
jQuery("#select1").append("<option value='4'>four</option>");
oldVal = jQuery("#select1").val();
jQuery("#select1").val(function(i, val) {
- equals( val, oldVal, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
+ equal( val, oldVal, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return 4;
- equals( jQuery("#select1").val(), "4", "Should be possible to set the val() to a newly created option" );
+ equal( jQuery("#select1").val(), "4", "Should be possible to set the val() to a newly created option" );
// testing if a form.reset() breaks a subsequent call to a select element's .val() (in IE only)
@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ test("val(select) after form.reset() (Bug #2551)", function() {
equal( jQuery("#kkk").val(), "cf", "Check value of select after form reset." );
// re-verify the multi-select is not broken (after form.reset) by our fix for single-select
- same( jQuery("#select3").val(), ["1", "2"], "Call val() on a multiple=\"multiple\" select" );
+ deepEqual( jQuery("#select3").val(), ["1", "2"], "Call val() on a multiple=\"multiple\" select" );
@@ -887,15 +887,15 @@ var testAddClass = function(valueObj) {
div = jQuery("<div/>");
div.addClass( valueObj("test") );
- equals( div.attr("class"), "test", "Make sure there's no extra whitespace." );
+ equal( div.attr("class"), "test", "Make sure there's no extra whitespace." );
div.attr("class", " foo");
div.addClass( valueObj("test") );
- equals( div.attr("class"), "foo test", "Make sure there's no extra whitespace." );
+ equal( div.attr("class"), "foo test", "Make sure there's no extra whitespace." );
div.attr("class", "foo");
div.addClass( valueObj("bar baz") );
- equals( div.attr("class"), "foo bar baz", "Make sure there isn't too much trimming." );
+ equal( div.attr("class"), "foo bar baz", "Make sure there isn't too much trimming." );
div.addClass( valueObj("foo") ).addClass( valueObj("foo") );
@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ test("addClass(Function) with incoming value", function() {
div.addClass(function(i, val) {
if ( this.id !== "_firebugConsole") {
- equals( val, old[i], "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
+ equal( val, old[i], "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return "test";
@@ -975,12 +975,12 @@ var testRemoveClass = function(valueObj) {
div.className = " test foo ";
jQuery(div).removeClass( valueObj("foo") );
- equals( div.className, "test", "Make sure remaining className is trimmed." );
+ equal( div.className, "test", "Make sure remaining className is trimmed." );
div.className = " test ";
jQuery(div).removeClass( valueObj("test") );
- equals( div.className, "", "Make sure there is nothing left after everything is removed." );
+ equal( div.className, "", "Make sure there is nothing left after everything is removed." );
test("removeClass(String) - simple", function() {
@@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ test("removeClass(Function) with incoming value", function() {
$divs.removeClass(function(i, val) {
if ( this.id !== "_firebugConsole" ) {
- equals( val, old[i], "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
+ equal( val, old[i], "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return "test";
@@ -1127,17 +1127,17 @@ test("addClass, removeClass, hasClass", function() {
var jq = jQuery("<p>Hi</p>"), x = jq[0];
- equals( x.className, "hi", "Check single added class" );
+ equal( x.className, "hi", "Check single added class" );
jq.addClass("foo bar");
- equals( x.className, "hi foo bar", "Check more added classes" );
+ equal( x.className, "hi foo bar", "Check more added classes" );
- equals( x.className, "", "Remove all classes" );
+ equal( x.className, "", "Remove all classes" );
jq.addClass("hi foo bar");
- equals( x.className, "hi bar", "Check removal of one class" );
+ equal( x.className, "hi bar", "Check removal of one class" );
ok( jq.hasClass("hi"), "Check has1" );
ok( jq.hasClass("bar"), "Check has2" );