path: root/test/unit/callbacks.js
diff options
authorjaubourg <j@ubourg.net>2012-04-02 01:03:34 +0200
committerjaubourg <j@ubourg.net>2012-04-02 01:03:34 +0200
commit7fa0da08b88534e486ddb7eb3752ef76467fb7dd (patch)
tree05d6ae32406fc0db1b8c0bc47f306739f9dcb21b /test/unit/callbacks.js
parenta29d482894a844724f4386f2fed0edf9cf70c069 (diff)
Allows traditional options object for $.Callbacks flags. Fixes #11011. Unit tests added.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/unit/callbacks.js')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 135 deletions
diff --git a/test/unit/callbacks.js b/test/unit/callbacks.js
index acc88f2c2..acc61f32c 100644
--- a/test/unit/callbacks.js
+++ b/test/unit/callbacks.js
@@ -33,149 +33,171 @@ var output,
-jQuery.each( tests, function( flags, resultString ) {
- jQuery.each( filters, function( filterLabel, filter ) {
- test( "jQuery.Callbacks( \"" + flags + "\" ) - " + filterLabel, function() {
+ function showFlags( flags ) {
+ if ( typeof flags === "string" ) {
+ return '"' + flags + '"';
+ }
+ var output = [], key;
+ for ( key in flags ) {
+ output.push( '"' + key + '": ' + flags[ key ] );
+ }
+ return "{ " + output.join( ", " ) + " }";
+ }
- expect( 20 );
+jQuery.each( tests, function( strFlags, resultString ) {
- // Give qunit a little breathing room
- stop();
- setTimeout( start, 0 );
+ var objectFlags = {};
- var cblist;
- results = resultString.split( /\s+/ );
+ jQuery.each( strFlags.split( " " ), function() {
+ if ( this.length ) {
+ objectFlags[ this ] = true;
+ }
+ });
- // Basic binding and firing
- output = "X";
- cblist = jQuery.Callbacks( flags );
- cblist.add(function( str ) {
- output += str;
- });
- cblist.fire( "A" );
- strictEqual( output, "XA", "Basic binding and firing" );
- strictEqual( cblist.fired(), true, ".fired() detects firing" );
- output = "X";
- cblist.disable();
- cblist.add(function( str ) {
- output += str;
- });
- strictEqual( output, "X", "Adding a callback after disabling" );
- cblist.fire( "A" );
- strictEqual( output, "X", "Firing after disabling" );
- // Basic binding and firing (context, arguments)
- output = "X";
- cblist = jQuery.Callbacks( flags );
- cblist.add(function() {
- equal( this, window, "Basic binding and firing (context)" );
- output += Array.prototype.join.call( arguments, "" );
- });
- cblist.fireWith( window, [ "A", "B" ] );
- strictEqual( output, "XAB", "Basic binding and firing (arguments)" );
- // fireWith with no arguments
- output = "";
- cblist = jQuery.Callbacks( flags );
- cblist.add(function() {
- equal( this, window, "fireWith with no arguments (context is window)" );
- strictEqual( arguments.length, 0, "fireWith with no arguments (no arguments)" );
- });
- cblist.fireWith();
- // Basic binding, removing and firing
- output = "X";
- cblist = jQuery.Callbacks( flags );
- cblist.add( outputA, outputB, outputC );
- cblist.remove( outputB, outputC );
- cblist.fire();
- strictEqual( output, "XA", "Basic binding, removing and firing" );
- // Empty
- output = "X";
- cblist = jQuery.Callbacks( flags );
- cblist.add( outputA );
- cblist.add( outputB );
- cblist.add( outputC );
- cblist.empty();
- cblist.fire();
- strictEqual( output, "X", "Empty" );
- // Locking
- output = "X";
- cblist = jQuery.Callbacks( flags );
- cblist.add( function( str ) {
- output += str;
- });
- cblist.lock();
- cblist.add( function( str ) {
- output += str;
- });
- cblist.fire( "A" );
- cblist.add( function( str ) {
- output += str;
- });
- strictEqual( output, "X", "Lock early" );
+ jQuery.each( filters, function( filterLabel, filter ) {
- // Ordering
- output = "X";
- cblist = jQuery.Callbacks( flags );
- cblist.add( function() {
+ jQuery.each( { "string": strFlags, "object": objectFlags }, function( flagsTypes, flags ) {
+ test( "jQuery.Callbacks( " + showFlags( flags ) + " ) - " + filterLabel, function() {
+ expect( 20 );
+ // Give qunit a little breathing room
+ stop();
+ setTimeout( start, 0 );
+ var cblist;
+ results = resultString.split( /\s+/ );
+ // Basic binding and firing
+ output = "X";
+ cblist = jQuery.Callbacks( flags );
+ cblist.add(function( str ) {
+ output += str;
+ });
+ cblist.fire( "A" );
+ strictEqual( output, "XA", "Basic binding and firing" );
+ strictEqual( cblist.fired(), true, ".fired() detects firing" );
+ output = "X";
+ cblist.disable();
+ cblist.add(function( str ) {
+ output += str;
+ });
+ strictEqual( output, "X", "Adding a callback after disabling" );
+ cblist.fire( "A" );
+ strictEqual( output, "X", "Firing after disabling" );
+ // Basic binding and firing (context, arguments)
+ output = "X";
+ cblist = jQuery.Callbacks( flags );
+ cblist.add(function() {
+ equal( this, window, "Basic binding and firing (context)" );
+ output += Array.prototype.join.call( arguments, "" );
+ });
+ cblist.fireWith( window, [ "A", "B" ] );
+ strictEqual( output, "XAB", "Basic binding and firing (arguments)" );
+ // fireWith with no arguments
+ output = "";
+ cblist = jQuery.Callbacks( flags );
+ cblist.add(function() {
+ equal( this, window, "fireWith with no arguments (context is window)" );
+ strictEqual( arguments.length, 0, "fireWith with no arguments (no arguments)" );
+ });
+ cblist.fireWith();
+ // Basic binding, removing and firing
+ output = "X";
+ cblist = jQuery.Callbacks( flags );
+ cblist.add( outputA, outputB, outputC );
+ cblist.remove( outputB, outputC );
+ cblist.fire();
+ strictEqual( output, "XA", "Basic binding, removing and firing" );
+ // Empty
+ output = "X";
+ cblist = jQuery.Callbacks( flags );
+ cblist.add( outputA );
+ cblist.add( outputB );
cblist.add( outputC );
- outputA();
- }, outputB );
- cblist.fire();
- strictEqual( output, results.shift(), "Proper ordering" );
- // Add and fire again
- output = "X";
- cblist.add( function() {
+ cblist.empty();
+ cblist.fire();
+ strictEqual( output, "X", "Empty" );
+ // Locking
+ output = "X";
+ cblist = jQuery.Callbacks( flags );
+ cblist.add( function( str ) {
+ output += str;
+ });
+ cblist.lock();
+ cblist.add( function( str ) {
+ output += str;
+ });
+ cblist.fire( "A" );
+ cblist.add( function( str ) {
+ output += str;
+ });
+ strictEqual( output, "X", "Lock early" );
+ // Ordering
+ output = "X";
+ cblist = jQuery.Callbacks( flags );
+ cblist.add( function() {
+ cblist.add( outputC );
+ outputA();
+ }, outputB );
+ cblist.fire();
+ strictEqual( output, results.shift(), "Proper ordering" );
+ // Add and fire again
+ output = "X";
+ cblist.add( function() {
+ cblist.add( outputC );
+ outputA();
+ }, outputB );
+ strictEqual( output, results.shift(), "Add after fire" );
+ output = "X";
+ cblist.fire();
+ strictEqual( output, results.shift(), "Fire again" );
+ // Multiple fire
+ output = "X";
+ cblist = jQuery.Callbacks( flags );
+ cblist.add( function( str ) {
+ output += str;
+ } );
+ cblist.fire( "A" );
+ strictEqual( output, "XA", "Multiple fire (first fire)" );
+ output = "X";
+ cblist.add( function( str ) {
+ output += str;
+ } );
+ strictEqual( output, results.shift(), "Multiple fire (first new callback)" );
+ output = "X";
+ cblist.fire( "B" );
+ strictEqual( output, results.shift(), "Multiple fire (second fire)" );
+ output = "X";
+ cblist.add( function( str ) {
+ output += str;
+ } );
+ strictEqual( output, results.shift(), "Multiple fire (second new callback)" );
+ // Return false
+ output = "X";
+ cblist = jQuery.Callbacks( flags );
+ cblist.add( outputA, function() { return false; }, outputB );
+ cblist.add( outputA );
+ cblist.fire();
+ strictEqual( output, results.shift(), "Callback returning false" );
+ // Add another callback (to control lists with memory do not fire anymore)
+ output = "X";
cblist.add( outputC );
- outputA();
- }, outputB );
- strictEqual( output, results.shift(), "Add after fire" );
- output = "X";
- cblist.fire();
- strictEqual( output, results.shift(), "Fire again" );
- // Multiple fire
- output = "X";
- cblist = jQuery.Callbacks( flags );
- cblist.add( function( str ) {
- output += str;
- } );
- cblist.fire( "A" );
- strictEqual( output, "XA", "Multiple fire (first fire)" );
- output = "X";
- cblist.add( function( str ) {
- output += str;
- } );
- strictEqual( output, results.shift(), "Multiple fire (first new callback)" );
- output = "X";
- cblist.fire( "B" );
- strictEqual( output, results.shift(), "Multiple fire (second fire)" );
- output = "X";
- cblist.add( function( str ) {
- output += str;
- } );
- strictEqual( output, results.shift(), "Multiple fire (second new callback)" );
- // Return false
- output = "X";
- cblist = jQuery.Callbacks( flags );
- cblist.add( outputA, function() { return false; }, outputB );
- cblist.add( outputA );
- cblist.fire();
- strictEqual( output, results.shift(), "Callback returning false" );
- // Add another callback (to control lists with memory do not fire anymore)
- output = "X";
- cblist.add( outputC );
- strictEqual( output, results.shift(), "Adding a callback after one returned false" );
+ strictEqual( output, results.shift(), "Adding a callback after one returned false" );
+ });