path: root/test/unit/event.js
diff options
authorGabriel Schulhof <gabriel.schulhof@intel.com>2015-05-12 15:30:05 +0300
committerOleg Gaidarenko <markelog@gmail.com>2015-05-29 19:56:06 +0300
commit7475d5debeb7c53158921ed40f6c2fdb25a2cc86 (patch)
tree2062d66d554bd7aeef83b1d1d538a2631fb53651 /test/unit/event.js
parent3c9277086742fe3a38a268ef97184be34e294655 (diff)
Event: Remove fake originalEvent from jQuery.Event.simulate
Fixes gh-2300 Closes gh-2303
Diffstat (limited to 'test/unit/event.js')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/unit/event.js b/test/unit/event.js
index a84ec087a..981e6702f 100644
--- a/test/unit/event.js
+++ b/test/unit/event.js
@@ -2671,6 +2671,60 @@ test( ".off() removes the expando when there's no more data", function() {
+test( "preventDefault() on focusin does not throw exception", function( assert ) {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var done = assert.async(),
+ input = jQuery( "<input/>" ).appendTo( "#form" );
+ input
+ .on( "focusin", function( event ) {
+ var exceptionCaught;
+ try {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ } catch ( theException ) {
+ exceptionCaught = theException;
+ }
+ assert.strictEqual( exceptionCaught, undefined,
+ "Preventing default on focusin throws no exception" );
+ done();
+ } )
+ .focus();
+} );
+test( "jQuery.event.simulate() event has no originalEvent", function( assert ) {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var done = assert.async(),
+ input = jQuery( "<input>" )
+ .on( "click", function( event ) {
+ assert.strictEqual( "originalEvent" in event, false,
+ "originalEvent not present on simulated event" );
+ done();
+ } );
+ jQuery.event.simulate( "click", input[ 0 ], new jQuery.Event(), true );
+} );
+test( "Donor event interference", function( assert ) {
+ assert.expect( 4 );
+ jQuery( "#donor-outer" ).on( "click", function() {
+ assert.ok( true, "click bubbled to outer div" );
+ } );
+ jQuery( "#donor-input" ).on( "click", function( event ) {
+ assert.ok( true, "got a click event from the input" );
+ assert.ok( !event.isPropagationStopped(), "propagation says it's not stopped" );
+ } );
+ jQuery( "#donor-input" ).on( "change", function( event ) {
+ assert.ok( true, "got a change event from the input" );
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ } );
+ jQuery( "#donor-input" )[0].click();
+} );
// This tests are unreliable in Firefox
if ( !(/firefox/i.test( window.navigator.userAgent )) ) {
test( "Check order of focusin/focusout events", 2, function() {