path: root/test/unit/traversing.js
diff options
authorJohn Resig <jeresig@gmail.com>2009-12-10 09:25:25 -0800
committerJohn Resig <jeresig@gmail.com>2009-12-10 09:25:25 -0800
commit474d814076963f41157c0054448984c00fd46c1b (patch)
tree2e47537901b20566181ff5837e5521ac7b6bbe6a /test/unit/traversing.js
parentede2f2c4f76aba3c0a279d8ca26e8176942cd83f (diff)
Moved some methods around inbetween core.js and traversing.js. Core methods shouldn't rely upon other modules (e.g. the selector engine) wherever possible.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/unit/traversing.js')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/test/unit/traversing.js b/test/unit/traversing.js
index c97de6d4d..f406ac724 100644
--- a/test/unit/traversing.js
+++ b/test/unit/traversing.js
@@ -1,15 +1,5 @@
-test("end()", function() {
- expect(3);
- equals( 'Yahoo', jQuery('#yahoo').parent().end().text(), 'Check for end' );
- ok( jQuery('#yahoo').end(), 'Check for end with nothing to end' );
- var x = jQuery('#yahoo');
- x.parent();
- equals( 'Yahoo', jQuery('#yahoo').text(), 'Check for non-destructive behaviour' );
test("find(String)", function() {
equals( 'Yahoo', jQuery('#foo').find('.blogTest').text(), 'Check for find' );
@@ -51,6 +41,43 @@ test("is(String)", function() {
ok( jQuery('#en').is('[lang="de"] , [lang="en"]'), 'Comma-seperated; Check for lang attribute: Expect en or de' );
+test("index()", function() {
+ expect(1);
+ equals( jQuery("#text2").index(), 2, "Returns the index of a child amongst its siblings" )
+test("index(Object|String|undefined)", function() {
+ expect(16);
+ var elements = jQuery([window, document]),
+ inputElements = jQuery('#radio1,#radio2,#check1,#check2');
+ // Passing a node
+ equals( elements.index(window), 0, "Check for index of elements" );
+ equals( elements.index(document), 1, "Check for index of elements" );
+ equals( inputElements.index(document.getElementById('radio1')), 0, "Check for index of elements" );
+ equals( inputElements.index(document.getElementById('radio2')), 1, "Check for index of elements" );
+ equals( inputElements.index(document.getElementById('check1')), 2, "Check for index of elements" );
+ equals( inputElements.index(document.getElementById('check2')), 3, "Check for index of elements" );
+ equals( inputElements.index(window), -1, "Check for not found index" );
+ equals( inputElements.index(document), -1, "Check for not found index" );
+ // Passing a jQuery object
+ // enabled since [5500]
+ equals( elements.index( elements ), 0, "Pass in a jQuery object" );
+ equals( elements.index( elements.eq(1) ), 1, "Pass in a jQuery object" );
+ equals( jQuery("#form :radio").index( jQuery("#radio2") ), 1, "Pass in a jQuery object" );
+ // Passing a selector or nothing
+ // enabled since [6330]
+ equals( jQuery('#text2').index(), 2, "Check for index amongst siblings" );
+ equals( jQuery('#form').children().eq(4).index(), 4, "Check for index amongst siblings" );
+ equals( jQuery('#radio2').index('#form :radio') , 1, "Check for index within a selector" );
+ equals( jQuery('#form :radio').index( jQuery('#radio2') ), 1, "Check for index within a selector" );
+ equals( jQuery('#radio2').index('#form :text') , -1, "Check for index not found within a selector" );
test("filter(Selector)", function() {
same( jQuery("#form input").filter(":checked").get(), q("radio2", "check1"), "filter(String)" );
@@ -323,81 +350,6 @@ test("prevUntil([String])", function() {
same( jQuery("#area1, #hidden1").prevUntil("label", "button,input").get(), elems.not(':last').get(), "Multi-source, multiple-filtered prevUntil check" );
-test("slice()", function() {
- expect(7);
- var $links = jQuery("#ap a");
- same( $links.slice(1,2).get(), q("groups"), "slice(1,2)" );
- same( $links.slice(1).get(), q("groups", "anchor1", "mark"), "slice(1)" );
- same( $links.slice(0,3).get(), q("google", "groups", "anchor1"), "slice(0,3)" );
- same( $links.slice(-1).get(), q("mark"), "slice(-1)" );
- same( $links.eq(1).get(), q("groups"), "eq(1)" );
- same( $links.eq('2').get(), q("anchor1"), "eq('2')" );
- same( $links.eq(-1).get(), q("mark"), "eq(-1)" );
-test("first()/last()", function() {
- expect(4);
- var $links = jQuery("#ap a"), $none = jQuery("asdf");
- same( $links.first().get(), q("google"), "first()" );
- same( $links.last().get(), q("mark"), "last()" );
- same( $none.first().get(), [], "first() none" );
- same( $none.last().get(), [], "last() none" );
-test("map()", function() {
- expect(2);//expect(6);
- same(
- jQuery("#ap").map(function(){
- return jQuery(this).find("a").get();
- }).get(),
- q("google", "groups", "anchor1", "mark"),
- "Array Map"
- );
- same(
- jQuery("#ap > a").map(function(){
- return this.parentNode;
- }).get(),
- q("ap","ap","ap"),
- "Single Map"
- );
- return;//these haven't been accepted yet
- //for #2616
- var keys = jQuery.map( {a:1,b:2}, function( v, k ){
- return k;
- }, [ ] );
- equals( keys.join(""), "ab", "Map the keys from a hash to an array" );
- var values = jQuery.map( {a:1,b:2}, function( v, k ){
- return v;
- }, [ ] );
- equals( values.join(""), "12", "Map the values from a hash to an array" );
- var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
- var mapped = jQuery.map( scripts, function( v, k ){
- return v;
- }, {length:0} );
- equals( mapped.length, scripts.length, "Map an array(-like) to a hash" );
- var flat = jQuery.map( Array(4), function( v, k ){
- return k % 2 ? k : [k,k,k];//try mixing array and regular returns
- });
- equals( flat.join(""), "00012223", "try the new flatten technique(#2616)" );
test("contents()", function() {
equals( jQuery("#ap").contents().length, 9, "Check element contents" );