path: root/test/unit
diff options
authortimmywil <timmywillisn@gmail.com>2011-09-12 19:40:14 -0400
committertimmywil <timmywillisn@gmail.com>2011-09-19 15:42:30 -0400
commit92405d4f5ffe9ec1f26f280303783014948438c5 (patch)
treecce9fc8dbb2c13cea02c87a172eb8a0ff0b66440 /test/unit
parent269899a50646e9c1a4f58f1fe91a8a7262fd77e7 (diff)
Override Sizzle attribute retrieval with jQuery.attr. Fixes #5637, #7128, #9261, #9570, #10178.
Bug fixed on the side: $(window).is('a') was throwing an exception. Fixes #10178.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/unit')
3 files changed, 147 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/test/unit/attributes.js b/test/unit/attributes.js
index 2af36f1c2..6565d5db8 100644
--- a/test/unit/attributes.js
+++ b/test/unit/attributes.js
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ test("attr(String)", function() {
// [7472] & [3113] (form contains an input with name="action" or name="id")
var extras = jQuery("<input name='id' name='name' /><input id='target' name='target' />").appendTo("#testForm");
- equals( jQuery("#form").attr("action","newformaction").attr("action"), "newformaction", "Check that action attribute was changed" );
- equals( jQuery("#testForm").attr("target"), undefined, "Retrieving target does not equal the input with name=target" );
- equals( jQuery("#testForm").attr("target", "newTarget").attr("target"), "newTarget", "Set target successfully on a form" );
- equals( jQuery("#testForm").removeAttr("id").attr("id"), undefined, "Retrieving id does not equal the input with name=id after id is removed [#7472]" );
+ equal( jQuery("#form").attr("action","newformaction").attr("action"), "newformaction", "Check that action attribute was changed" );
+ equal( jQuery("#testForm").attr("target"), undefined, "Retrieving target does not equal the input with name=target" );
+ equal( jQuery("#testForm").attr("target", "newTarget").attr("target"), "newTarget", "Set target successfully on a form" );
+ equal( jQuery("#testForm").removeAttr("id").attr("id"), undefined, "Retrieving id does not equal the input with name=id after id is removed [#7472]" );
// Bug #3685 (form contains input with name="name")
equals( jQuery("#testForm").attr("name"), undefined, "Retrieving name does not retrieve input with name=name" );
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ test("attr(Hash)", function() {
test("attr(String, Object)", function() {
- expect(75);
+ expect(76);
var div = jQuery("div").attr("foo", "bar"),
fail = false;
@@ -177,8 +177,9 @@ test("attr(String, Object)", function() {
equals( jQuery("#name").attr("name"), "something", "Set name attribute" );
jQuery("#name").attr("name", null);
equals( jQuery("#name").attr("name"), undefined, "Remove name attribute" );
- var $input = jQuery("<input>", { name: "something" });
- equals( $input.attr("name"), "something", "Check element creation gets/sets the name attribute." );
+ var $input = jQuery("<input>", { name: "something", id: "specified" });
+ equal( $input.attr("name"), "something", "Check element creation gets/sets the name attribute." );
+ equal( $input.attr("id"), "specified", "Check element creation gets/sets the id attribute." );
jQuery("#check2").prop("checked", true).prop("checked", false).attr("checked", true);
equals( document.getElementById("check2").checked, true, "Set checked attribute" );
diff --git a/test/unit/selector.js b/test/unit/selector.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..441258008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/selector.js
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ * This test page is for selector tests that address selector issues that have already been addressed in jQuery functions
+ * and which only work because jQuery has hooked into Sizzle.
+ * These tests may or may not fail in an independent Sizzle.
+ */
+module("selector - jQuery only", { teardown: moduleTeardown });
+ * Loads an iframe for the selector context
+ * @param {String} fileName - Name of the html file to load
+ * @param {String} name - Test name
+ * @param {Function} fn - Test callback containing the tests to run
+ */
+var testIframe = function( fileName, name, fn ) {
+ var loadFixture = function() {
+ // Creates iframe with cache disabled
+ var src = "./data/" + fileName + ".html?" + parseInt( Math.random()*1000, 10 ),
+ iframe = jQuery("<iframe />").css({
+ width: 500, height: 500, position: "absolute", top: -600, left: -600, visibility: "hidden"
+ }).appendTo("body")[0];
+ iframe.contentWindow.location = src;
+ return iframe;
+ };
+ test(name, function() {
+ // pause execution for now
+ stop();
+ // load fixture in iframe
+ var iframe = loadFixture(),
+ win = iframe.contentWindow,
+ interval = setInterval( function() {
+ if ( win && win.jQuery && win.jQuery.isReady ) {
+ clearInterval( interval );
+ // continue
+ start();
+ // call actual tests passing the correct jQuery instance to use
+ fn.call( this, win.jQuery, win );
+ document.body.removeChild( iframe );
+ iframe = null;
+ }
+ }, 15 );
+ });
+testIframe("selector", "attributes - jQuery.attr", function( jQuery, window ) {
+ expect(34);
+ var document = window.document;
+ /**
+ * Returns an array of elements with the given IDs, eg.
+ */
+ var q = function() {
+ var r = [];
+ for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {
+ r.push( document.getElementById( arguments[i] ) );
+ }
+ return r;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Asserts that a select matches the given IDs * @example t("Check for something", "//[a]", ["foo", "baar"]);
+ * @param {String} a - Assertion name
+ * @param {String} b - Sizzle selector
+ * @param {String} c - Array of ids to construct what is expected
+ */
+ var t = function( a, b, c ) {
+ var f = jQuery(b).get(), s = "";
+ for ( var i = 0; i < f.length; i++ ) {
+ s += (s && ",") + '"' + f[i].id + '"';
+ }
+ deepEqual(f, q.apply( q, c ), a + " (" + b + ")");
+ };
+ // ====== All known boolean attributes, including html5 booleans ======
+ // autobuffer, autofocus, autoplay, async, checked,
+ // compact, controls, declare, defer, disabled,
+ // formnovalidate, hidden, indeterminate (property only),
+ // ismap, itemscope, loop, multiple, muted, nohref, noresize,
+ // noshade, nowrap, novalidate, open, pubdate, readonly, required,
+ // reversed, scoped, seamless, selected, truespeed, visible (skipping visible attribute, which is on a barprop object)
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[autobuffer]", ["video1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[autofocus]", ["text1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[autoplay]", ["video1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[async]", ["script1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[checked]", ["check1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[compact]", ["dl"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[controls]", ["video1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[declare]", ["object1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[defer]", ["script1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[disabled]", ["check1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[formnovalidate]", ["form1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[hidden]", ["div1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[indeterminate]", []);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[ismap]", ["img1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[itemscope]", ["div1"]);
+ // t( "Attribute Exists", "[loop]", ["video1"]); // IE 6/7 cannot differentiate here. loop is also used on img, input, and marquee tags as well as video/audio. getAttributeNode unfortunately only retrieves the property value.
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[multiple]", ["select1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[muted]", ["audio1"]);
+ // t( "Attribute Exists", "[nohref]", ["area1"]); // IE 6/7 keep this set to false regardless of presence. The attribute node is not retrievable.
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[noresize]", ["textarea1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[noshade]", ["hr1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[nowrap]", ["td1", "div1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[novalidate]", ["form1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[open]", ["details1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[pubdate]", ["article1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[readonly]", ["text1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[required]", ["text1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[reversed]", ["ol1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[scoped]", ["style1"]);
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[seamless]", ["iframe1"]);
+ // t( "Attribute Exists", "[selected]", ["option1"]); // IE8's querySelectorAll fails here. Redirecting to oldSizzle would work, but it would require an additional support test as well as a check for the selected attribute within the qsa logic
+ t( "Attribute Exists", "[truespeed]", ["marquee1"]);
+ // Enumerated attributes (these are not boolean content attributes)
+ jQuery.each([ "draggable", "contenteditable", "aria-disabled" ], function( i, val ) {
+ t( "Enumerated attribute", "[" + val + "]", ["div1"]);
+ });
+ t( "Enumerated attribute", "[spellcheck]", ["span1"]);
+ // t( "tabindex selector does not retrieve all elements in IE6/7(#8473)", "form, [tabindex]", ["form1", "text1"]); // Uncomment this when the tabindex attrHook is deprecated
+ t( "Improperly named form elements do not interfere with form selections (#9570)", "form[name='formName']", ["form1"]);
diff --git a/test/unit/traversing.js b/test/unit/traversing.js
index 37ac20e82..4cbcee912 100644
--- a/test/unit/traversing.js
+++ b/test/unit/traversing.js
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ test("find(node|jQuery object)", function() {
test("is(String|undefined)", function() {
- expect(27);
+ expect(29);
ok( jQuery("#form").is("form"), "Check for element: A form must be a form" );
ok( !jQuery("#form").is("div"), "Check for element: A form is not a div" );
ok( jQuery("#mark").is(".blog"), "Check for class: Expected class 'blog'" );
@@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ test("is(String|undefined)", function() {
ok( jQuery("#en").is("[lang=\"de\"],[lang=\"en\"]"), "Comma-seperated; Check for lang attribute: Expect en or de" );
ok( jQuery("#en").is("[lang=\"en\"] , [lang=\"de\"]"), "Comma-seperated; Check for lang attribute: Expect en or de" );
ok( jQuery("#en").is("[lang=\"de\"] , [lang=\"en\"]"), "Comma-seperated; Check for lang attribute: Expect en or de" );
+ ok( !jQuery(window).is('a'), "Checking is on a window does not throw an exception(#10178)" );
+ ok( !jQuery(document).is('a'), "Checking is on a document does not throw an exception(#10178)" );
test("is(jQuery)", function() {
@@ -325,13 +328,14 @@ test("andSelf()", function() {
test("siblings([String])", function() {
- expect(5);
+ expect(6);
same( jQuery("#en").siblings().get(), q("sndp", "sap"), "Check for siblings" );
same( jQuery("#sndp").siblings(":has(code)").get(), q("sap"), "Check for filtered siblings (has code child element)" );
same( jQuery("#sndp").siblings(":has(a)").get(), q("en", "sap"), "Check for filtered siblings (has anchor child element)" );
same( jQuery("#foo").siblings("form, b").get(), q("form", "floatTest", "lengthtest", "name-tests", "testForm"), "Check for multiple filters" );
var set = q("sndp", "en", "sap");
same( jQuery("#en, #sndp").siblings().get(), set, "Check for unique results from siblings" );
+ deepEqual( jQuery("#option5a").siblings("option[data-attr]").get(), q("option5c"), "Has attribute selector in siblings (#9261)" );
test("children([String])", function() {