path: root/test
diff options
authorJordan Boesch <jboesch26@gmail.com>2011-04-15 07:48:50 -0600
committerJordan Boesch <jboesch26@gmail.com>2011-04-15 07:48:50 -0600
commitc4d0cccecf4dc0da677b5c377801c3170242ac6b (patch)
tree405f85c364ec197b78004565f2d0d70c55db7400 /test
parent8e1467f97eb8facb6677663794eb159eb8fedaab (diff)
revert to old code, bug is invalid
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/test/unit/dimensions.js b/test/unit/dimensions.js
index 7019a2889..641165f4f 100644
--- a/test/unit/dimensions.js
+++ b/test/unit/dimensions.js
@@ -222,82 +222,3 @@ test("outerHeight()", function() {
jQuery.removeData($div[0], "olddisplay", true);
-test('width(), outerWidth(), innerWidth(), height(), outerHeight() and innerHeight() with inputs', function(){
- expect(47);
- var id = 'input-width-test-group';
- var input_els = 'submit reset button'.split(' ');
- var html = '<div id="' + id + '" style="width:100px;">';
- var style = 'width:35px;height:50px;padding:5px;border:1px solid #000;margin:2px;';
- html += '<div id="nothing-set-div">test</div>';
- html += '<div id="width-div-1" style="' + style + '">something</div>';
- html += '<button id="width-button-1" style="' + style + '">button</button>';
- jQuery.each(input_els, function() {
- html += '<input class="width-input" type="' + this + '" style="' + style + '" />';
- });
- html += '</div>';
- jQuery('#main').append(html);
- equals(jQuery('#nothing-set-div').width(), 100, 'Width of unset div takes on parent');
- jQuery('#width-div-1, #width-button-1, .width-input').each(function(){
- // Test widths
- var w = jQuery(this).width();
- var outer_w = jQuery(this).outerWidth();
- var outer_w_margin = jQuery(this).outerWidth(true);
- var inner_w = jQuery(this).innerWidth();
- var t = this.tagName.toLowerCase() + ((this.type) ? '[' + this.type + ']' : '');
- equals(w, 35, 'Make sure width() works for ' + t);
- equals(outer_w, 47, 'Make sure outerWidth() works for ' + t);
- equals(outer_w_margin, 51, 'Make sure outerWidth(true) works for ' + t);
- equals(inner_w, 45, 'Make sure innerWidth() works for ' + t);
- // Test heights
- var h = jQuery(this).height();
- var outer_h = jQuery(this).outerHeight();
- var outer_h_margin = jQuery(this).outerHeight(true);
- var inner_h = jQuery(this).innerHeight();
- equals(h, 50, 'Make sure height() works for ' + t);
- equals(outer_h, 62, 'Make sure outerHeight() works for ' + t);
- equals(outer_h_margin, 66, 'Make sure outerHeight(true) works for ' + t);
- equals(inner_h, 60, 'Make sure innerHeight() works for ' + t);
- });
- var inputsub = jQuery('.width-input').filter('input[type=submit]');
- inputsub.css({
- width: 10,
- padding: 0,
- margin: '3px',
- border: '1px solid red',
- height: 15
- });
- var w = inputsub.width();
- equals(w, 10, 'width() works after setting css using .css()');
- var outer_w = inputsub.outerWidth();
- equals(outer_w, 12, 'outerWidth() works after setting css using .css()');
- var outer_w_margin = inputsub.outerWidth(true);
- equals(outer_w_margin, 18, 'outerWidth(true) works after setting css using .css()');
- var h = inputsub.height();
- equals(h, 15, 'height() works after setting css using .css()');
- var outer_h = inputsub.outerHeight();
- equals(outer_h, 17, 'outerHeight() works after setting css using .css()');
- var outer_h_margin = inputsub.outerHeight(true);
- equals(outer_h_margin, 23, 'outerHeight(true) works after setting css using .css()');
- jQuery('#' + id).remove();