path: root/test
diff options
authorTimmy Willison <timmywillisn@gmail.com>2013-08-29 16:18:17 -0400
committerTimmy Willison <timmywillisn@gmail.com>2013-08-29 16:18:17 -0400
commit004c1fc5bb40ae8dfec18d6719534abad636b7e8 (patch)
tree05de9c08c2f8234b611c902f29cf2540d89db0b0 /test
parentca1c90e55c05610c28a176e3bcb2a64450b5e296 (diff)
Pass all tests (and load Sizzle fixture correctly) when loading with AMD
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
6 files changed, 159 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/test/.jshintrc b/test/.jshintrc
index 75c50eeeb..f974f8e4b 100644
--- a/test/.jshintrc
+++ b/test/.jshintrc
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
"wsh": true,
"globals": {
+ "require": false,
"DOMParser": false,
"QUnit": false,
"ok": false,
diff --git a/test/data/testrunner.js b/test/data/testrunner.js
index 072de9bba..80e7bb6c9 100644
--- a/test/data/testrunner.js
+++ b/test/data/testrunner.js
@@ -16,7 +16,13 @@ var Sizzle = Sizzle || jQuery.find,
qunitModule = QUnit.module,
qunitTest = QUnit.test;
-this.testSubproject = function( label, url, risTests ) {
+ * Test a subproject with its own fixture
+ * @param {String} label Project name
+ * @param {String} url Test folder location
+ * @param {RegExp} risTests To filter script sources
+ */
+this.testSubproject = function( label, url, risTests, complete ) {
var sub, fixture, fixtureHTML,
fixtureReplaced = false;
@@ -65,7 +71,8 @@ this.testSubproject = function( label, url, risTests ) {
throw new Error( "Could not load: " + url + " (" + status + ")" );
success: function( data, status, jqXHR ) {
- var page = originaljQuery.parseHTML(
+ var sources = [],
+ page = originaljQuery.parseHTML(
// replace html/head with dummy elements so they are represented in the DOM
( data || "" ).replace( /<\/?((!DOCTYPE|html|head)\b.*?)>/gi, "[$1]" ),
@@ -78,18 +85,23 @@ this.testSubproject = function( label, url, risTests ) {
page = originaljQuery( page );
// Include subproject tests
- page.filter("script[src]").add( page.find("script[src]") ).each(function() {
- var src = originaljQuery( this ).attr("src"),
- html = "<script src='" + url + src + "'></script>";
+ page.filter("script[src]").add( page.find("script[src]") ).map(function() {
+ var src = originaljQuery( this ).attr("src");
if ( risTests.test( src ) ) {
- if ( originaljQuery.isReady ) {
- originaljQuery("head").first().append( html );
- } else {
- document.write( html );
- }
+ sources.push( src );
+ // Ensure load order
+ (function loadDep() {
+ var dep = sources.shift();
+ if ( dep ) {
+ require( [ url + dep ], loadDep );
+ } else if ( complete ) {
+ complete();
+ }
+ })();
// Get the fixture, including content outside of #qunit-fixture
fixture = page.find("[id='qunit-fixture']");
fixtureHTML = fixture.html();
@@ -156,6 +168,11 @@ this.Globals = (function() {
+ * QUnit hooks
+ */
// Sandbox start for great justice
(function() {
var oldStart = window.start;
@@ -164,9 +181,6 @@ this.Globals = (function() {
- * QUnit hooks
- */
(function() {
// Store the old counts so that we only assert on tests that have actually leaked,
// instead of asserting every time a test has leaked sometime in the past
diff --git a/test/index.html b/test/index.html
index 013548558..3636df471 100644
--- a/test/index.html
+++ b/test/index.html
@@ -11,44 +11,58 @@
<!-- Allows us to fetch submodule tests when using a no-ajax build -->
<script src="data/jquery-1.9.1.ajax_xhr.min.js"></script>
- <script src="data/testinit.js"></script>
<script src="../bower_components/qunit/qunit/qunit.js"></script>
<script src="../bower_components/requirejs/require.js"></script>
- <script>loadTests = [
- "data/testrunner.js",
- "unit/core.js",
- "unit/callbacks.js",
- "unit/deferred.js",
- "unit/support.js",
- "unit/data.js",
- "unit/queue.js",
- "unit/attributes.js",
- "unit/event.js",
- "unit/selector.js",
- "unit/traversing.js",
- "unit/manipulation.js",
- "unit/wrap.js",
- "unit/css.js",
- "unit/serialize.js",
- "unit/ajax.js",
- "unit/effects.js",
- "unit/offset.js",
- "unit/dimensions.js"
- ];</script>
+ <script src="data/testinit.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ // Tests are always loaded async
+ QUnit.config.autostart = false;
+ function loadTests() {
+ var tests = [
+ "data/testrunner.js",
+ "unit/core.js",
+ "unit/callbacks.js",
+ "unit/deferred.js",
+ "unit/support.js",
+ "unit/data.js",
+ "unit/queue.js",
+ "unit/attributes.js",
+ "unit/event.js",
+ "unit/selector.js",
+ "unit/traversing.js",
+ "unit/manipulation.js",
+ "unit/wrap.js",
+ "unit/css.js",
+ "unit/serialize.js",
+ "unit/ajax.js",
+ "unit/effects.js",
+ "unit/offset.js",
+ "unit/dimensions.js"
+ ];
+ // Ensure load order (to preserve test numbers)
+ (function loadDep() {
+ var dep = tests.shift();
+ if ( dep ) {
+ require( [ dep ], loadDep );
+ } else {
+ // Subproject tests must be last because they replace our test fixture
+ testSubproject( "Sizzle", "../bower_components/sizzle/test/", /^unit\/.*\.js$/, function() {
+ // Call load to build module filter select element
+ QUnit.load();
+ QUnit.start();
+ });
+ }
+ })();
+ }
+ </script>
<!-- A script that includes jQuery min, dev, or AMD -->
<!-- Adds "basic" URL option, even to iframes -->
<!-- iframes will not load AMD as loading needs to be synchronous for some tests -->
- <!-- Also loads the tests above synchronously with min or dev and async with AMD -->
+ <!-- Also executes the function above to load tests -->
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
- // Add Sizzle tests if they not loaded by requirejs
- if ( window.testSubproject ) {
- testSubproject( "Sizzle", "../bower_components/sizzle/test/", /^unit\/.*\.js$/ );
- }
// html5shiv, enabling HTML5 elements to be used with jQuery
( "abbr article aside audio bdi canvas data datalist details figcaption figure footer header hgroup " +
"mark meter nav output progress section summary time video"
diff --git a/test/jquery.js b/test/jquery.js
index e43493967..3c937d598 100644
--- a/test/jquery.js
+++ b/test/jquery.js
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
// Use the right jQuery source on the test page (and iframes)
(function() {
- /* global loadTests: true, testSubproject: false */
- /* jshint eqeqeq: false */
+ /* global loadTests: false */
- var i, len,
- src = window.location.pathname.split( "test" )[ 0 ],
+ var src,
+ path = window.location.pathname.split( "test" )[ 0 ],
QUnit = window.QUnit || parent.QUnit,
require = window.require || parent.require;
@@ -29,25 +28,11 @@
// If QUnit is on window, this is the main window
// This detection allows AMD tests to be run in an iframe
if ( QUnit.urlParams.amd && window.QUnit ) {
- require.config({ baseUrl: src });
+ require.config({ baseUrl: path });
src = "src/jquery";
// Include tests if specified
if ( typeof loadTests !== "undefined" ) {
- QUnit.config.autostart = false;
- require( [ src ], function() {
- // Ensure load order (to preserve test numbers)
- (function loadDep() {
- var dep = loadTests.shift();
- if ( dep ) {
- require( [ dep ], loadDep );
- } else {
- // Subproject tests must be last because they replace our test fixture
- testSubproject( "Sizzle", "../bower_components/sizzle/test/", /^unit\/.*\.js$/ );
- QUnit.start();
- }
- })();
- });
+ require( [ src ], loadTests );
} else {
require( [ src ] );
@@ -61,18 +46,20 @@
tooltip: "Load the development (unminified) jQuery file"
if ( QUnit.urlParams.dev ) {
- src += "dist/jquery.js";
+ src = "dist/jquery.js";
} else {
- src += "dist/jquery.min.js";
+ src = "dist/jquery.min.js";
// Load jQuery
- document.write( "<script id='jquery-js' src='" + src + "'><\x2Fscript>" );
+ document.write( "<script id='jquery-js' src='" + path + src + "'><\x2Fscript>" );
- // Load tests synchronously if available
+ // Load tests if available
+ // These can be loaded async as QUnit won't start until finished
if ( typeof loadTests !== "undefined" ) {
- for ( i = 0, len = loadTests.length; i < len; i++ ) {
- document.write( "<script src='" + loadTests.shift() + "'><\x2Fscript>" );
- }
+ loadTests();
+ // Synchronous-only tests
+ document.write( "<script src='" + path + "test/unit/ready.js'><\x2Fscript>");
diff --git a/test/unit/event.js b/test/unit/event.js
index e1b1b3922..41a35fe32 100644
--- a/test/unit/event.js
+++ b/test/unit/event.js
@@ -2446,85 +2446,6 @@ if ( hasPHP ) {
- // This code must be run before DOM ready!
- if ( QUnit.urlParams.amd ) {
- // If we load jQuery through requirejs DOM will be already loaded
- return;
- }
- var notYetReady, noEarlyExecution,
- order = [],
- args = {};
- notYetReady = !jQuery.isReady;
- test("jQuery.isReady", function() {
- expect(2);
- equal(notYetReady, true, "jQuery.isReady should not be true before DOM ready");
- equal(jQuery.isReady, true, "jQuery.isReady should be true once DOM is ready");
- });
- // Create an event handler.
- function makeHandler( testId ) {
- // When returned function is executed, push testId onto `order` array
- // to ensure execution order. Also, store event handler arg to ensure
- // the correct arg is being passed into the event handler.
- return function( arg ) {
- order.push(testId);
- args[testId] = arg;
- };
- }
- // Bind to the ready event in every possible way.
- jQuery(makeHandler("a"));
- jQuery(document).ready(makeHandler("b"));
- jQuery(document).on("ready.readytest", makeHandler("c"));
- // Do it twice, just to be sure.
- jQuery(makeHandler("d"));
- jQuery(document).ready(makeHandler("e"));
- jQuery(document).on("ready.readytest", makeHandler("f"));
- noEarlyExecution = order.length === 0;
- // This assumes that QUnit tests are run on DOM ready!
- test("jQuery ready", function() {
- expect(10);
- ok(noEarlyExecution, "Handlers bound to DOM ready should not execute before DOM ready");
- // Ensure execution order.
- deepEqual(order, ["a", "b", "d", "e", "c", "f"], "Bound DOM ready handlers should execute in on-order, but those bound with jQuery(document).on( 'ready', fn ) will always execute last");
- // Ensure handler argument is correct.
- equal(args["a"], jQuery, "Argument passed to fn in jQuery( fn ) should be jQuery");
- equal(args["b"], jQuery, "Argument passed to fn in jQuery(document).ready( fn ) should be jQuery");
- ok(args["c"] instanceof jQuery.Event, "Argument passed to fn in jQuery(document).on( 'ready', fn ) should be an event object");
- order = [];
- // Now that the ready event has fired, again bind to the ready event
- // in every possible way. These event handlers should execute immediately.
- jQuery(makeHandler("g"));
- equal(order.pop(), "g", "Event handler should execute immediately");
- equal(args["g"], jQuery, "Argument passed to fn in jQuery( fn ) should be jQuery");
- jQuery(document).ready(makeHandler("h"));
- equal(order.pop(), "h", "Event handler should execute immediately");
- equal(args["h"], jQuery, "Argument passed to fn in jQuery(document).ready( fn ) should be jQuery");
- jQuery(document).on("ready.readytest", makeHandler("never"));
- equal(order.length, 0, "Event handler should never execute since DOM ready has already passed");
- // Cleanup.
- jQuery(document).off("ready.readytest");
- });
test("change handler should be detached from element", function() {
expect( 2 );
diff --git a/test/unit/ready.js b/test/unit/ready.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5cea77447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/ready.js
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ var notYetReady, noEarlyExecution,
+ order = [],
+ args = {};
+ notYetReady = !jQuery.isReady;
+ test("jQuery.isReady", function() {
+ expect(2);
+ equal(notYetReady, true, "jQuery.isReady should not be true before DOM ready");
+ equal(jQuery.isReady, true, "jQuery.isReady should be true once DOM is ready");
+ });
+ // Create an event handler.
+ function makeHandler( testId ) {
+ // When returned function is executed, push testId onto `order` array
+ // to ensure execution order. Also, store event handler arg to ensure
+ // the correct arg is being passed into the event handler.
+ return function( arg ) {
+ order.push(testId);
+ args[testId] = arg;
+ };
+ }
+ // Bind to the ready event in every possible way.
+ jQuery(makeHandler("a"));
+ jQuery(document).ready(makeHandler("b"));
+ jQuery(document).on("ready.readytest", makeHandler("c"));
+ // Do it twice, just to be sure.
+ jQuery(makeHandler("d"));
+ jQuery(document).ready(makeHandler("e"));
+ jQuery(document).on("ready.readytest", makeHandler("f"));
+ noEarlyExecution = order.length === 0;
+ // This assumes that QUnit tests are run on DOM ready!
+ test("jQuery ready", function() {
+ expect(10);
+ ok(noEarlyExecution, "Handlers bound to DOM ready should not execute before DOM ready");
+ // Ensure execution order.
+ deepEqual(order, ["a", "b", "d", "e", "c", "f"], "Bound DOM ready handlers should execute in on-order, but those bound with jQuery(document).on( 'ready', fn ) will always execute last");
+ // Ensure handler argument is correct.
+ equal(args["a"], jQuery, "Argument passed to fn in jQuery( fn ) should be jQuery");
+ equal(args["b"], jQuery, "Argument passed to fn in jQuery(document).ready( fn ) should be jQuery");
+ ok(args["c"] instanceof jQuery.Event, "Argument passed to fn in jQuery(document).on( 'ready', fn ) should be an event object");
+ order = [];
+ // Now that the ready event has fired, again bind to the ready event
+ // in every possible way. These event handlers should execute immediately.
+ jQuery(makeHandler("g"));
+ equal(order.pop(), "g", "Event handler should execute immediately");
+ equal(args["g"], jQuery, "Argument passed to fn in jQuery( fn ) should be jQuery");
+ jQuery(document).ready(makeHandler("h"));
+ equal(order.pop(), "h", "Event handler should execute immediately");
+ equal(args["h"], jQuery, "Argument passed to fn in jQuery(document).ready( fn ) should be jQuery");
+ jQuery(document).on("ready.readytest", makeHandler("never"));
+ equal(order.length, 0, "Event handler should never execute since DOM ready has already passed");
+ // Cleanup.
+ jQuery(document).off("ready.readytest");
+ });