path: root/test
diff options
authorRichard Gibson <richard.gibson@gmail.com>2012-07-22 21:49:39 -0400
committerDave Methvin <dave.methvin@gmail.com>2012-07-22 21:49:39 -0400
commitff7a43456228826856f5f14f22fbe2d61ef59bf5 (patch)
tree3e5e5e8e224d8644baedee754266b977650dac02 /test
parent94924a05dec8513f285411491702900bb741713e (diff)
Really support subproject tests in testswarm, closes gh-868
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/test/data/testrunner.js b/test/data/testrunner.js
index 6d73bea96..cceacfc12 100644
--- a/test/data/testrunner.js
+++ b/test/data/testrunner.js
@@ -8,77 +8,123 @@ jQuery.noConflict();
var Sizzle = Sizzle || jQuery.find;
// Allow subprojects to test against their own fixtures
-var qunitModule = QUnit.module;
+var qunitModule = QUnit.module,
+ qunitTest = QUnit.test;
function testSubproject( label, url, risTests ) {
- module( "Subproject: " + label );
+ var sub, fixture, fixtureHTML,
+ fixtureReplaced = false;
+ // Don't let subproject tests jump the gun
+ QUnit.config.reorder = false;
+ // Create module
+ module( label );
+ // Duckpunch QUnit
module = QUnit.module = function( name ) {
- return qunitModule.apply( this, [ label + ": " + name ].concat( [].slice.call( arguments, 1 ) ) );
+ var args = arguments;
+ // Remember subproject-scoped module name
+ sub = name;
+ // Override
+ args[0] = label;
+ return qunitModule.apply( this, args );
+ test = function( name ) {
+ var args = arguments,
+ i = args.length - 1;
+ // Prepend subproject-scoped module name to test name
+ args[0] = sub + ": " + name;
+ // Find test function and wrap to require subproject fixture
+ for ( ; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( args[i] ) ) {
+ args[i] = requireFixture( args[i] );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- test( "Copy test fixture", function() {
- expect(3);
- // Don't let subproject tests jump the gun
- QUnit.config.reorder = false;
- stop();
- jQuery.ajax( url, {
- dataType: "html",
- error: function( jqXHR, status ) {
- ok( false, "Retrieved test page: " + status );
- },
- success: function( data ) {
- var page, fixture, fixtureHTML,
- oldFixture = jQuery("#qunit-fixture");
- ok( data, "Retrieved test page" );
- try {
- page = jQuery( jQuery.parseHTML(
- data.replace( /(<\/?)(?:html|head)\b/g, "$1div" ),
- document,
- true
- ) );
- // Get the fixture, including content outside of #qunit-fixture
- fixture = page.find("[id='qunit-fixture']");
- fixtureHTML = fixture.html();
- fixture.empty();
- while ( fixture.length && !fixture.prevAll("[id^='qunit-']").length ) {
- fixture = fixture.parent();
- }
- fixture = fixture.add( fixture.nextAll() );
- ok( fixture.html(), "Found test fixture" );
+ return qunitTest.apply( this, args );
+ };
- // Replace the current fixture, again including content outside of #qunit-fixture
- while ( oldFixture.length && !oldFixture.prevAll("[id^='qunit-']").length ) {
- oldFixture = oldFixture.parent();
+ // Load tests and fixture from subproject
+ // Test order matters, so we must be synchronous and throw an error on load failure
+ jQuery.ajax( url, {
+ async: false,
+ dataType: "html",
+ error: function( jqXHR, status ) {
+ throw new Error( "Could not load: " + url + " (" + status + ")" );
+ },
+ success: function( data, status, jqXHR ) {
+ var page = jQuery.parseHTML(
+ // replace html/head with dummy elements so they are represented in the DOM
+ ( data || "" ).replace( /(<\/?)(?:html|head)\b/g, "$1div" ),
+ document,
+ true
+ );
+ if ( !page || !page.length ) {
+ this.error( jqXHR, "no data" );
+ }
+ page = jQuery( page );
+ // Include subproject tests
+ page.filter("script[src]").add( page.find("script[src]") ).each(function() {
+ var src = jQuery( this ).attr("src"),
+ html = "<script src='" + url + src + "'></script>";
+ if ( risTests.test( src ) ) {
+ if ( jQuery.isReady ) {
+ jQuery("head").first().append( html );
+ } else {
+ document.write( html );
- oldFixture.nextAll().remove();
- oldFixture.replaceWith( fixture );
- QUnit.config.fixture = fixtureHTML;
- QUnit.reset();
- equal( jQuery("#qunit-fixture").html(), fixtureHTML, "Copied test fixture" );
- // Include subproject tests
- page.find("script[src]").add( page.filter("script[src]") ).filter(function() {
- var src = jQuery( this ).attr("src");
- if ( risTests.test( src ) ) {
- this.src = url + src;
- return true;
- }
- }).appendTo("head:first");
- } catch ( x ) {
- ok( false, "Failed to copy test fixture: " + ( x.message || x ) );
- },
- complete: function() {
- start();
+ });
+ // Get the fixture, including content outside of #qunit-fixture
+ fixture = page.find("[id='qunit-fixture']");
+ fixtureHTML = fixture.html();
+ fixture.empty();
+ while ( fixture.length && !fixture.prevAll("[id^='qunit-']").length ) {
+ fixture = fixture.parent();
- });
+ fixture = fixture.add( fixture.nextAll() );
+ }
+ function requireFixture( fnTest ) {
+ return function() {
+ if ( !fixtureReplaced ) {
+ // Make sure that we retrieved a fixture for the subproject
+ if ( !fixture.length ) {
+ ok( false, "Found subproject fixture" );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Replace the current fixture, including content outside of #qunit-fixture
+ var oldFixture = jQuery("#qunit-fixture");
+ while ( oldFixture.length && !oldFixture.prevAll("[id^='qunit-']").length ) {
+ oldFixture = oldFixture.parent();
+ }
+ oldFixture.nextAll().remove();
+ oldFixture.replaceWith( fixture );
+ QUnit.config.fixture = fixtureHTML;
+ QUnit.reset();
+ if ( jQuery("#qunit-fixture").html() !== fixtureHTML ) {
+ ok( false, "Copied subproject fixture" );
+ return;
+ }
+ fixtureReplaced = true;
+ }
+ fnTest.apply( this, arguments );
+ }
+ }