diff options
5 files changed, 117 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/src/css.js b/src/css.js
index 24ddb6708..43ba09cd3 100644
--- a/src/css.js
+++ b/src/css.js
@@ -115,21 +115,28 @@ function augmentWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra, isBorderBox, styles ) {
function getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra ) {
// Start with offset property, which is equivalent to the border-box value
- var valueIsBorderBox = true,
- val = name === "width" ? elem.offsetWidth : elem.offsetHeight,
+ var val,
+ valueIsBorderBox = true,
styles = getStyles( elem ),
isBorderBox = jQuery.css( elem, "boxSizing", false, styles ) === "border-box";
- // Support: IE11 only
- // In IE 11 fullscreen elements inside of an iframe have
- // 100x too small dimensions (gh-1764).
- if ( document.msFullscreenElement && window.top !== window ) {
- // Support: IE11 only
+ if ( support.gBCRDimensions() ) {
+ // Support: IE <= 11 only
// Running getBoundingClientRect on a disconnected node
// in IE throws an error.
if ( elem.getClientRects().length ) {
- val = Math.round( elem.getBoundingClientRect()[ name ] * 100 );
+ val = elem.getBoundingClientRect()[ name ];
+ } else {
+ // In IE8 gBCR doesn't report width & height; we need to fall back to offset*.
+ val = name === "width" ? elem.offsetWidth : elem.offsetHeight;
+ }
+ // Support: IE11 only
+ // In IE 11 fullscreen elements inside of an iframe have
+ // 100x too small dimensions (gh-1764).
+ if ( document.msFullscreenElement && window.top !== window ) {
+ val *= 100;
// some non-html elements return undefined for offsetWidth, so check for null/undefined
@@ -320,7 +327,13 @@ jQuery.each([ "height", "width" ], function( i, name ) {
// certain elements can have dimension info if we invisibly show them
// however, it must have a current display style that would benefit from this
return rdisplayswap.test( jQuery.css( elem, "display" ) ) &&
- elem.offsetWidth === 0 ?
+ // Support: Safari 8+
+ // Table columns in Safari have non-zero offsetWidth & zero
+ // getBoundingClientRect().width unless display is changed.
+ // Support: IE <= 11 only
+ // Running getBoundingClientRect on a disconnected node
+ // in IE throws an error.
+ ( !elem.getClientRects().length || !elem.getBoundingClientRect().width ) ?
swap( elem, cssShow, function() {
return getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra );
}) :
diff --git a/src/css/support.js b/src/css/support.js
index 17848d535..854fa6b36 100644
--- a/src/css/support.js
+++ b/src/css/support.js
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ define([
], function( jQuery, support ) {
(function() {
- var div, container, style, a, pixelPositionVal, boxSizingReliableVal, pixelMarginRightVal,
- reliableHiddenOffsetsVal, reliableMarginRightVal;
+ var div, container, style, a, pixelPositionVal, boxSizingReliableVal, gBCRDimensionsVal,
+ pixelMarginRightVal, reliableHiddenOffsetsVal, reliableMarginRightVal;
// Setup
div = document.createElement( "div" );
@@ -55,6 +55,13 @@ define([
return boxSizingReliableVal;
+ gBCRDimensions: function() {
+ if ( pixelPositionVal == null ) {
+ computeStyleTests();
+ }
+ return gBCRDimensionsVal;
+ },
pixelMarginRight: function() {
// Support: Android 4.0-4.3
if ( pixelPositionVal == null ) {
@@ -105,6 +112,10 @@ define([
pixelPositionVal = boxSizingReliableVal = false;
pixelMarginRightVal = reliableMarginRightVal = true;
+ // Support: IE<9
+ // In IE8 gBCR doesn't report width & height.
+ gBCRDimensionsVal = !!div.getBoundingClientRect().width;
// Check for getComputedStyle so that this code is not run in IE<9.
if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
divStyle = window.getComputedStyle( div );
diff --git a/test/unit/css.js b/test/unit/css.js
index 34620d05e..9c3a186d0 100644
--- a/test/unit/css.js
+++ b/test/unit/css.js
@@ -904,6 +904,52 @@ testIframeWithCallback( "css('width') should work correctly before document read
+( function() {
+ var supportsFractionalGBCR,
+ qunitFixture = document.getElementById( "qunit-fixture" ),
+ div = document.createElement( "div" );
+ div.style.width = "3.3px";
+ qunitFixture.appendChild( div );
+ supportsFractionalGBCR = jQuery.support.gBCRDimensions() &&
+ div.getBoundingClientRect().width.toFixed(1) === "3.3";
+ qunitFixture.removeChild( div );
+ test( "css('width') and css('height') should return fractional values for nodes in the document", function() {
+ if ( !supportsFractionalGBCR ) {
+ expect( 1 );
+ ok( true, "This browser doesn't support fractional values in getBoundingClientRect()" );
+ return;
+ }
+ expect( 2 );
+ var el = jQuery( "<div class='test-div'></div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
+ jQuery( "<style>.test-div { width: 33.3px; height: 88.8px; }</style>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
+ equal( Number( el.css( "width" ).replace( /px$/, "" ) ).toFixed( 1 ), "33.3",
+ "css('width') should return fractional values" );
+ equal( Number( el.css( "height" ).replace( /px$/, "" ) ).toFixed( 1 ), "88.8",
+ "css('height') should return fractional values" );
+ } );
+ test( "css('width') and css('height') should return fractional values for disconnected nodes", function() {
+ if ( !supportsFractionalGBCR ) {
+ expect( 1 );
+ ok( true, "This browser doesn't support fractional values in getBoundingClientRect()" );
+ return;
+ }
+ expect( 2 );
+ var el = jQuery( "<div style='width: 33.3px; height: 88.8px;'></div>" );
+ equal( Number( el.css( "width" ).replace( /px$/, "" ) ).toFixed( 1 ), "33.3",
+ "css('width') should return fractional values" );
+ equal( Number( el.css( "height" ).replace( /px$/, "" ) ).toFixed( 1 ), "88.8",
+ "css('height') should return fractional values" );
+ } );
+} )();
test("certain css values of 'normal' should be convertable to a number, see #8627", function() {
expect ( 3 );
diff --git a/test/unit/dimensions.js b/test/unit/dimensions.js
index c03b96c8b..f4a35981b 100644
--- a/test/unit/dimensions.js
+++ b/test/unit/dimensions.js
@@ -258,10 +258,12 @@ test("child of a hidden elem (or unconnected node) has accurate inner/outer/Widt
equal( $divChild.outerWidth(), $divNormal.outerWidth(), "child of a hidden element outerWidth() is wrong see #9441" );
equal( $divChild.outerWidth(true), $divNormal.outerWidth( true ), "child of a hidden element outerWidth( true ) is wrong see #9300" );
- equal( $divChild.height(), $divNormal.height(), "child of a hidden element height() is wrong see #9441" );
- equal( $divChild.innerHeight(), $divNormal.innerHeight(), "child of a hidden element innerHeight() is wrong see #9441" );
- equal( $divChild.outerHeight(), $divNormal.outerHeight(), "child of a hidden element outerHeight() is wrong see #9441" );
- equal( $divChild.outerHeight(true), $divNormal.outerHeight( true ), "child of a hidden element outerHeight( true ) is wrong see #9300" );
+ // Support: IE 10-11, Edge
+ // Child height is not always decimal
+ equal( $divChild.height().toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.height().toFixed( 3 ), "child of a hidden element height() is wrong see #9441" );
+ equal( $divChild.innerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.innerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), "child of a hidden element innerHeight() is wrong see #9441" );
+ equal( $divChild.outerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.outerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), "child of a hidden element outerHeight() is wrong see #9441" );
+ equal( $divChild.outerHeight( true ).toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.outerHeight( true ).toFixed( 3 ), "child of a hidden element outerHeight( true ) is wrong see #9300" );
// tests that child div of an unconnected div works the same as a normal div
equal( $divUnconnected.width(), $divNormal.width(), "unconnected element width() is wrong see #9441" );
@@ -269,10 +271,12 @@ test("child of a hidden elem (or unconnected node) has accurate inner/outer/Widt
equal( $divUnconnected.outerWidth(), $divNormal.outerWidth(), "unconnected element outerWidth() is wrong see #9441" );
equal( $divUnconnected.outerWidth(true), $divNormal.outerWidth( true ), "unconnected element outerWidth( true ) is wrong see #9300" );
- equal( $divUnconnected.height(), $divNormal.height(), "unconnected element height() is wrong see #9441" );
- equal( $divUnconnected.innerHeight(), $divNormal.innerHeight(), "unconnected element innerHeight() is wrong see #9441" );
- equal( $divUnconnected.outerHeight(), $divNormal.outerHeight(), "unconnected element outerHeight() is wrong see #9441" );
- equal( $divUnconnected.outerHeight(true), $divNormal.outerHeight( true ), "unconnected element outerHeight( true ) is wrong see #9300" );
+ // Support: IE 10-11, Edge
+ // Child height is not always decimal
+ equal( $divUnconnected.height().toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.height().toFixed( 3 ), "unconnected element height() is wrong see #9441" );
+ equal( $divUnconnected.innerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.innerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), "unconnected element innerHeight() is wrong see #9441" );
+ equal( $divUnconnected.outerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.outerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), "unconnected element outerHeight() is wrong see #9441" );
+ equal( $divUnconnected.outerHeight( true ).toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.outerHeight( true ).toFixed( 3 ), "unconnected element outerHeight( true ) is wrong see #9300" );
// teardown html
@@ -329,10 +333,12 @@ test("box-sizing:border-box child of a hidden elem (or unconnected node) has acc
equal( $divChild.outerWidth(), $divNormal.outerWidth(), "child of a hidden element outerWidth() is wrong see #10413" );
equal( $divChild.outerWidth(true), $divNormal.outerWidth( true ), "child of a hidden element outerWidth( true ) is wrong see #10413" );
- equal( $divChild.height(), $divNormal.height(), "child of a hidden element height() is wrong see #10413" );
- equal( $divChild.innerHeight(), $divNormal.innerHeight(), "child of a hidden element innerHeight() is wrong see #10413" );
- equal( $divChild.outerHeight(), $divNormal.outerHeight(), "child of a hidden element outerHeight() is wrong see #10413" );
- equal( $divChild.outerHeight(true), $divNormal.outerHeight( true ), "child of a hidden element outerHeight( true ) is wrong see #10413" );
+ // Support: IE 10-11, Edge
+ // Child height is not always decimal
+ equal( $divChild.height().toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.height().toFixed( 3 ), "child of a hidden element height() is wrong see #10413" );
+ equal( $divChild.innerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.innerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), "child of a hidden element innerHeight() is wrong see #10413" );
+ equal( $divChild.outerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.outerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), "child of a hidden element outerHeight() is wrong see #10413" );
+ equal( $divChild.outerHeight( true ).toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.outerHeight( true ).toFixed( 3 ), "child of a hidden element outerHeight( true ) is wrong see #10413" );
// tests that child div of an unconnected div works the same as a normal div
equal( $divUnconnected.width(), $divNormal.width(), "unconnected element width() is wrong see #10413" );
@@ -340,10 +346,12 @@ test("box-sizing:border-box child of a hidden elem (or unconnected node) has acc
equal( $divUnconnected.outerWidth(), $divNormal.outerWidth(), "unconnected element outerWidth() is wrong see #10413" );
equal( $divUnconnected.outerWidth(true), $divNormal.outerWidth( true ), "unconnected element outerWidth( true ) is wrong see #10413" );
- equal( $divUnconnected.height(), $divNormal.height(), "unconnected element height() is wrong see #10413" );
- equal( $divUnconnected.innerHeight(), $divNormal.innerHeight(), "unconnected element innerHeight() is wrong see #10413" );
- equal( $divUnconnected.outerHeight(), $divNormal.outerHeight(), "unconnected element outerHeight() is wrong see #10413" );
- equal( $divUnconnected.outerHeight(true), $divNormal.outerHeight( true ), "unconnected element outerHeight( true ) is wrong see #10413" );
+ // Support: IE 10-11, Edge
+ // Child height is not always decimal
+ equal( $divUnconnected.height().toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.height().toFixed( 3 ), "unconnected element height() is wrong see #10413" );
+ equal( $divUnconnected.innerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.innerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), "unconnected element innerHeight() is wrong see #10413" );
+ equal( $divUnconnected.outerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.outerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), "unconnected element outerHeight() is wrong see #10413" );
+ equal( $divUnconnected.outerHeight( true ).toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.outerHeight( true ).toFixed( 3 ), "unconnected element outerHeight( true ) is wrong see #10413" );
// teardown html
diff --git a/test/unit/support.js b/test/unit/support.js
index 07478e014..b5865b2bd 100644
--- a/test/unit/support.js
+++ b/test/unit/support.js
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ testIframeWithCallback( "Check CSP (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Sec
"cssFloat": true,
"deleteExpando": true,
"focusin": false,
+ "gBCRDimensions": true,
"html5Clone": true,
"htmlSerialize": true,
"input": true,
@@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ testIframeWithCallback( "Check CSP (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Sec
"cssFloat": true,
"deleteExpando": true,
"focusin": true,
+ "gBCRDimensions": true,
"html5Clone": true,
"htmlSerialize": true,
"input": true,
@@ -146,6 +148,7 @@ testIframeWithCallback( "Check CSP (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Sec
"cssFloat": true,
"deleteExpando": true,
"focusin": true,
+ "gBCRDimensions": true,
"html5Clone": true,
"htmlSerialize": true,
"input": true,
@@ -178,6 +181,7 @@ testIframeWithCallback( "Check CSP (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Sec
"cssFloat": false,
"deleteExpando": false,
"focusin": true,
+ "gBCRDimensions": false,
"html5Clone": false,
"htmlSerialize": false,
"input": false,
@@ -212,6 +216,7 @@ testIframeWithCallback( "Check CSP (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Sec
"cssFloat": true,
"deleteExpando": true,
"focusin": false,
+ "gBCRDimensions": true,
"html5Clone": true,
"htmlSerialize": true,
"input": true,
@@ -244,6 +249,7 @@ testIframeWithCallback( "Check CSP (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Sec
"cssFloat": true,
"deleteExpando": true,
"focusin": false,
+ "gBCRDimensions": true,
"html5Clone": true,
"htmlSerialize": true,
"input": true,
@@ -276,6 +282,7 @@ testIframeWithCallback( "Check CSP (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Sec
"cssFloat": true,
"deleteExpando": true,
"focusin": false,
+ "gBCRDimensions": true,
"html5Clone": true,
"htmlSerialize": true,
"input": true,
@@ -308,6 +315,7 @@ testIframeWithCallback( "Check CSP (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Sec
"cssFloat": true,
"deleteExpando": true,
"focusin": false,
+ "gBCRDimensions": true,
"html5Clone": true,
"htmlSerialize": true,
"input": true,
@@ -340,6 +348,7 @@ testIframeWithCallback( "Check CSP (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Sec
"cssFloat": true,
"deleteExpando": true,
"focusin": false,
+ "gBCRDimensions": true,
"html5Clone": true,
"htmlSerialize": true,
"input": true,
@@ -372,6 +381,7 @@ testIframeWithCallback( "Check CSP (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Sec
"cssFloat": true,
"deleteExpando": true,
"focusin": false,
+ "gBCRDimensions": true,
"html5Clone": true,
"htmlSerialize": true,
"input": true,
@@ -404,6 +414,7 @@ testIframeWithCallback( "Check CSP (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Sec
"cssFloat": true,
"deleteExpando": true,
"focusin": false,
+ "gBCRDimensions": true,
"html5Clone": true,
"htmlSerialize": true,
"input": true,
@@ -436,6 +447,7 @@ testIframeWithCallback( "Check CSP (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Sec
"cssFloat": true,
"deleteExpando": true,
"focusin": false,
+ "gBCRDimensions": true,
"html5Clone": true,
"htmlSerialize": true,
"input": true,