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1 files changed, 86 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/test/unit/selector.js b/test/unit/selector.js
index 3b18f16ae..3332b1bbd 100644
--- a/test/unit/selector.js
+++ b/test/unit/selector.js
@@ -171,7 +171,6 @@ test("name", function() {
test("multiple", function() {
@@ -182,7 +181,7 @@ test("multiple", function() {
test("child and adjacent", function() {
- expect(49);
+ expect(24);
t( "Child", "p > a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] );
t( "Child", "p> a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] );
t( "Child", "p >a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] );
@@ -199,6 +198,7 @@ test("child and adjacent", function() {
t( "Adjacent", "p[lang=en] + p", ["sap"] );
t( "Adjacent", "a.GROUPS + code + a", ["mark"] );
t( "Comma, Child, and Adjacent", "a + a, code > a", ["groups","anchor1","anchor2"] );
+ t( "Element Preceded By", "p ~ div", ["foo", "moretests","tabindex-tests", "liveHandlerOrder"] );
t( "Verify deep class selector", "div.blah > p > a", [] );
@@ -210,43 +210,6 @@ test("child and adjacent", function() {
same( jQuery("> *:first", document.getElementById("nothiddendiv")).get(), q("nothiddendivchild"), "Verify child context positional selctor" );
t( "Non-existant ancestors", ".fototab > .thumbnails > a", [] );
- t( "First Child", "p:first-child", ["firstp","sndp"] );
- t( "Nth Child", "p:nth-child(1)", ["firstp","sndp"] );
- t( "Not Nth Child", "p:not(:nth-child(1))", ["ap","en","sap","first"] );
- // Verify that the child position isn't being cached improperly
- jQuery("p:first-child").after("<div></div>");
- jQuery("p:first-child").before("<div></div>").next().remove();
- t( "First Child", "p:first-child", [] );
- reset();
- t( "Last Child", "p:last-child", ["sap"] );
- t( "Last Child", "a:last-child", ["simon1","anchor1","mark","yahoo","anchor2","simon","liveLink1","liveLink2"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#main form#form > *:nth-child(2)", ["text1"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#main form#form > :nth-child(2)", ["text1"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3)", ["option1c"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(0n+3)", ["option1c"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(1n+0)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c", "option1d"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(1n)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c", "option1d"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(n)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c", "option1d"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(even)", ["option1b", "option1d"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(odd)", ["option1a", "option1c"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(2n)", ["option1b", "option1d"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(2n+1)", ["option1a", "option1c"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n)", ["option1c"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n+1)", ["option1a", "option1d"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n+2)", ["option1b"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n+3)", ["option1c"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n-1)", ["option1b"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n-2)", ["option1a", "option1d"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n-3)", ["option1c"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n+0)", ["option1c"] );
- t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(-n+3)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c"] );
test("attributes", function() {
@@ -269,14 +232,6 @@ test("attributes", function() {
t( "for Attribute", "form label[for]", ["label-for"] );
t( "for Attribute in form", "#form [for=action]", ["label-for"] );
- jQuery("form input")[0].test = 0;
- jQuery("form input")[1].test = 1;
- // Disabled tests - expandos don't work in all browsers
- //t( "Expando attribute", "form input[test]", ["text1", "text2"] );
- //t( "Expando attribute value", "form input[test=0]", ["text1"] );
- //t( "Expando attribute value", "form input[test=1]", ["text2"] );
t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name^='foo[']", ["hidden2"] );
t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name^='foo[bar]']", ["hidden2"] );
t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name*='[bar]']", ["hidden2"] );
@@ -310,29 +265,70 @@ test("attributes", function() {
t( ":not() Equals quoted attribute", "#form select:not([name='select1'])", ["select2", "select3"]);
-test("pseudo (:) selectors", function() {
- expect(75);
+test("pseudo - child", function() {
+ expect(31);
t( "First Child", "p:first-child", ["firstp","sndp"] );
t( "Last Child", "p:last-child", ["sap"] );
t( "Only Child", "a:only-child", ["simon1","anchor1","yahoo","anchor2","liveLink1","liveLink2"] );
t( "Empty", "ul:empty", ["firstUL"] );
- /* Temporarily disabled some tests - Opera 10 doesn't appear to support
- disabled/enabled/checked properly.
- t( "Enabled UI Element", "#form input:not([type=hidden]):enabled", ["text1","radio1","radio2","check1","check2","hidden2","name","search"] );
- t( "Disabled UI Element", "#form input:disabled", ["text2"] );
- t( "Checked UI Element", "#form input:checked", ["radio2","check1"] );
- */
- t( "Selected Option Element", "#form option:selected", ["option1a","option2d","option3b","option3c"] );
+ t( "Is A Parent", "p:parent", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );
+ t( "First Child", "p:first-child", ["firstp","sndp"] );
+ t( "Nth Child", "p:nth-child(1)", ["firstp","sndp"] );
+ t( "Not Nth Child", "p:not(:nth-child(1))", ["ap","en","sap","first"] );
+ // Verify that the child position isn't being cached improperly
+ jQuery("p:first-child").after("<div></div>");
+ jQuery("p:first-child").before("<div></div>").next().remove();
+ t( "First Child", "p:first-child", [] );
+ reset();
+ t( "Last Child", "p:last-child", ["sap"] );
+ t( "Last Child", "a:last-child", ["simon1","anchor1","mark","yahoo","anchor2","simon","liveLink1","liveLink2"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#main form#form > *:nth-child(2)", ["text1"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#main form#form > :nth-child(2)", ["text1"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3)", ["option1c"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(0n+3)", ["option1c"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(1n+0)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c", "option1d"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(1n)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c", "option1d"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(n)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c", "option1d"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(even)", ["option1b", "option1d"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(odd)", ["option1a", "option1c"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(2n)", ["option1b", "option1d"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(2n+1)", ["option1a", "option1c"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n)", ["option1c"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n+1)", ["option1a", "option1d"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n+2)", ["option1b"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n+3)", ["option1c"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n-1)", ["option1b"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n-2)", ["option1a", "option1d"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n-3)", ["option1c"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n+0)", ["option1c"] );
+ t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(-n+3)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c"] );
+test("pseudo - misc", function() {
+ expect(6);
+ t( "Headers", ":header", ["qunit-header", "qunit-banner", "qunit-userAgent"] );
+ t( "Has Children - :has()", "p:has(a)", ["firstp","ap","en","sap"] );
t( "Text Contains", "a:contains('Google')", ["google","groups"] );
t( "Text Contains", "a:contains('Google Groups')", ["groups"] );
t( "Text Contains", "a:contains('Google Groups (Link)')", ["groups"] );
t( "Text Contains", "a:contains('(Link)')", ["groups"] );
- t( "Element Preceded By", "p ~ div", ["foo", "moretests","tabindex-tests", "liveHandlerOrder"] );
+test("pseudo - :not", function() {
+ expect(17);
t( "Not", "a.blog:not(.link)", ["mark"] );
t( "Not - multiple", "#form option:not(:contains('Nothing'),#option1b,:selected)", ["option1c", "option1d", "option2b", "option2c", "option3d", "option3e"] );
- //t( "Not - complex", "#form option:not([id^='opt']:nth-child(-n+3))", [ "option1a", "option1d", "option2d", "option3d", "option3e"] );
t( "Not - recursive", "#form option:not(:not(:selected))[id^='option3']", [ "option3b", "option3c"] );
t( ":not() failing interior", "p:not(.foo)", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );
@@ -350,7 +346,10 @@ test("pseudo (:) selectors", function() {
t( ":not Multiple", "p:not(p,a)", [] );
t( ":not Multiple", "p:not(a,p,b)", [] );
t( ":not Multiple", ":input:not(:image,:input,:submit)", [] );
+test("pseudo - position", function() {
+ expect(25);
t( "nth Element", "p:nth(1)", ["ap"] );
t( "First Element", "p:first", ["firstp"] );
t( "Last Element", "p:last", ["first"] );
@@ -359,7 +358,30 @@ test("pseudo (:) selectors", function() {
t( "Position Equals", "p:eq(1)", ["ap"] );
t( "Position Greater Than", "p:gt(0)", ["ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );
t( "Position Less Than", "p:lt(3)", ["firstp","ap","sndp"] );
- t( "Is A Parent", "p:parent", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );
+ t( "Check position filtering", "div#nothiddendiv:eq(0)", ["nothiddendiv"] );
+ t( "Check position filtering", "div#nothiddendiv:last", ["nothiddendiv"] );
+ t( "Check position filtering", "div#nothiddendiv:not(:gt(0))", ["nothiddendiv"] );
+ t( "Check position filtering", "#foo > :not(:first)", ["en", "sap"] );
+ t( "Check position filtering", "select > :not(:gt(2))", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c"] );
+ t( "Check position filtering", "select:lt(2) :not(:first)", ["option1b", "option1c", "option1d", "option2a", "option2b", "option2c", "option2d"] );
+ t( "Check position filtering", "div.nothiddendiv:eq(0)", ["nothiddendiv"] );
+ t( "Check position filtering", "div.nothiddendiv:last", ["nothiddendiv"] );
+ t( "Check position filtering", "div.nothiddendiv:not(:lt(0))", ["nothiddendiv"] );
+ t( "Check element position", "div div:eq(0)", ["nothiddendivchild"] );
+ t( "Check element position", "div div:eq(5)", ["t2037"] );
+ t( "Check element position", "div div:eq(27)", ["hide"] );
+ t( "Check element position", "div div:first", ["nothiddendivchild"] );
+ t( "Check element position", "div > div:first", ["nothiddendivchild"] );
+ t( "Check element position", "#dl div:first div:first", ["foo"] );
+ t( "Check element position", "#dl div:first > div:first", ["foo"] );
+ t( "Check element position", "div#nothiddendiv:first > div:first", ["nothiddendivchild"] );
+test("pseudo - visibility", function() {
+ expect(13);
t( "Is Visible", "#form input:visible", [] );
t( "Is Visible", "div:visible:not(#qunit-testrunner-toolbar):lt(2)", ["nothiddendiv", "nothiddendivchild"] );
t( "Is Hidden", "#form input:hidden", ["text1","text2","radio1","radio2","check1","check2","hidden1","hidden2","name","search"] );
@@ -381,26 +403,11 @@ test("pseudo (:) selectors", function() {
t( "Is Visible", '#nothiddendivchild:visible', ['nothiddendivchild'] );
t( "Is Not Visible", '#nothiddendivchild:hidden', [] );
$div.width('').height('').css({ fontSize: '', lineHeight: '' });
- t( "Check position filtering", "div#nothiddendiv:eq(0)", ["nothiddendiv"] );
- t( "Check position filtering", "div#nothiddendiv:last", ["nothiddendiv"] );
- t( "Check position filtering", "div#nothiddendiv:not(:gt(0))", ["nothiddendiv"] );
- t( "Check position filtering", "#foo > :not(:first)", ["en", "sap"] );
- t( "Check position filtering", "select > :not(:gt(2))", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c"] );
- t( "Check position filtering", "select:lt(2) :not(:first)", ["option1b", "option1c", "option1d", "option2a", "option2b", "option2c", "option2d"] );
- t( "Check position filtering", "div.nothiddendiv:eq(0)", ["nothiddendiv"] );
- t( "Check position filtering", "div.nothiddendiv:last", ["nothiddendiv"] );
- t( "Check position filtering", "div.nothiddendiv:not(:lt(0))", ["nothiddendiv"] );
+test("pseudo - form", function() {
+ expect(8);
- t( "Check element position", "div div:eq(0)", ["nothiddendivchild"] );
- t( "Check element position", "div div:eq(5)", ["t2037"] );
- t( "Check element position", "div div:eq(27)", ["hide"] );
- t( "Check element position", "div div:first", ["nothiddendivchild"] );
- t( "Check element position", "div > div:first", ["nothiddendivchild"] );
- t( "Check element position", "#dl div:first div:first", ["foo"] );
- t( "Check element position", "#dl div:first > div:first", ["foo"] );
- t( "Check element position", "div#nothiddendiv:first > div:first", ["nothiddendivchild"] );
t( "Form element :input", "#form :input", ["text1", "text2", "radio1", "radio2", "check1", "check2", "hidden1", "hidden2", "name", "search", "button", "area1", "select1", "select2", "select3"] );
t( "Form element :radio", "#form :radio", ["radio1", "radio2"] );
t( "Form element :checkbox", "#form :checkbox", ["check1", "check2"] );
@@ -409,6 +416,5 @@ test("pseudo (:) selectors", function() {
t( "Form element :checkbox:checked", "#form :checkbox:checked", ["check1"] );
t( "Form element :radio:checked, :checkbox:checked", "#form :radio:checked, #form :checkbox:checked", ["radio2", "check1"] );
- t( "Headers", ":header", ["qunit-header", "qunit-banner", "qunit-userAgent"] );
- t( "Has Children - :has()", "p:has(a)", ["firstp","ap","en","sap"] );
+ t( "Selected Option Element", "#form option:selected", ["option1a","option2d","option3b","option3c"] );