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1 files changed, 28 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/test/unit/manipulation.js b/test/unit/manipulation.js
index 4038f1a74..a33856282 100644
--- a/test/unit/manipulation.js
+++ b/test/unit/manipulation.js
@@ -1173,7 +1173,8 @@ test("clone() (#8070)", function () {
test("clone()", function() {
- expect(39);
+ expect( 44 );
equal( "This is a normal link: Yahoo", jQuery("#en").text(), "Assert text for #en" );
var clone = jQuery("#yahoo").clone();
equal( "Try them out:Yahoo", jQuery("#first").append(clone).text(), "Check for clone" );
@@ -1255,7 +1256,32 @@ test("clone()", function() {
clone = div.clone(true);
equal( clone.length, 1, "One element cloned" );
- // equal( clone.html(), div.html(), "Element contents cloned" );
+ (function checkForAttributes( $ ) {
+ // IE6/7 adds some extra parameters so just test for existance of a defined set
+ var parameters = ["height", "width", "classid"],
+ $divObject = div.find("object"),
+ $cloneObject = clone.find("object");
+ $.each( parameters, function(index, parameter) {
+ equal( $cloneObject.attr(parameter), $divObject.attr(parameter), "Element attributes cloned: " + parameter );
+ });
+ })( jQuery );
+ (function checkForParams() {
+ // IE6/7/8 adds a bunch of extram param elements so just test for those that are trying to clone
+ var params = {};
+ clone.find("param").each(function(index, param) {
+ params[param.attributes.name.nodeValue.toLowerCase()] =
+ param.attributes.value.nodeValue.toLowerCase();
+ });
+ div.find("param").each(function(index, param) {
+ var actualValue = params[param.attributes.name.nodeValue.toLowerCase()],
+ expectedValue = param.attributes.value.nodeValue.toLowerCase();
+ equal( actualValue, expectedValue, "Param cloned: " + param.attributes.name.nodeValue );
+ });
+ })();
equal( clone[0].nodeName.toUpperCase(), "DIV", "DIV element cloned" );
// and here's a valid one.