path: root/src/ajax
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ajax')
2 files changed, 271 insertions, 220 deletions
diff --git a/src/ajax/ajax.js b/src/ajax/ajax.js
index c30f9138f..e5a3854cf 100644
--- a/src/ajax/ajax.js
+++ b/src/ajax/ajax.js
@@ -33,34 +33,6 @@ jQuery.fn.extend({
* @desc Same as above, but with an additional parameter
* and a callback that is executed when the data was loaded.
- * @test stop();
- * $('#first').load("data/name.php", function() {
- * ok( $('#first').text() == 'ERROR', 'Check if content was injected into the DOM' );
- * start();
- * });
- *
- * @test stop(); // check if load can be called with only url
- * $('#first').load("data/name.php");
- * $.get("data/name.php", function() {
- * ok( $('#first').text() == 'ERROR', 'Check if load works without callback');
- * start();
- * });
- *
- * @test stop();
- * window.foobar = undefined;
- * window.foo = undefined;
- * var verifyEvaluation = function() {
- * ok( foobar == "bar", 'Check if script src was evaluated after load' );
- * ok( $('#foo').html() == 'foo', 'Check if script evaluation has modified DOM');
- * ok( $('#ap').html() == 'bar', 'Check if script evaluation has modified DOM');
- * start();
- * };
- * $('#first').load('data/test.html', function() {
- * ok( $('#first').html().match(/^html text/), 'Check content after loading html' );
- * ok( foo == "foo", 'Check if script was evaluated after load' );
- * setTimeout(verifyEvaluation, 600);
- * });
- *
* @name load
* @type jQuery
* @param String url The URL of the HTML file to load.
@@ -129,10 +101,6 @@ jQuery.fn.extend({
* @after name=John&location=Boston
* @desc Serialize a selection of input elements to a string
- * @test var data = $(':input').not('button').serialize();
- * // ignore button, IE takes text content as value, not relevant for this test
- * ok( data == 'action=Test&text2=Test&radio1=on&radio2=on&check=on&=on&hidden=&foo[bar]=&name=name&=foobar&select1=&select2=3&select3=1', 'Check form serialization as query string' );
- *
* @name serialize
* @type String
* @cat AJAX
@@ -244,51 +212,6 @@ if ( jQuery.browser.msie && typeof XMLHttpRequest == "undefined" )
* @cat AJAX
- * @test stop(); var counter = { complete: 0, success: 0, error: 0 };
- * var success = function() { counter.success++ };
- * var error = function() { counter.error++ };
- * var complete = function() { counter.complete++ };
- * $('#foo').ajaxStart(complete).ajaxStop(complete).ajaxComplete(complete).ajaxError(error).ajaxSuccess(success);
- * // start with successful test
- * $.ajax({url: "data/name.php", success: success, error: error, complete: function() {
- * ok( counter.error == 0, 'Check succesful request' );
- * ok( counter.success == 2, 'Check succesful request' );
- * ok( counter.complete == 3, 'Check succesful request' );
- * counter.error = 0; counter.success = 0; counter.complete = 0;
- * $.ajaxTimeout(500);
- * $.ajax({url: "data/name.php?wait=5", success: success, error: error, complete: function() {
- * ok( counter.error == 2, 'Check failed request' );
- * ok( counter.success == 0, 'Check failed request' );
- * ok( counter.complete == 3, 'Check failed request' );
- * start();
- * }});
- * }});
- * @test stop(); var counter = { complete: 0, success: 0, error: 0 };
- * counter.error = 0; counter.success = 0; counter.complete = 0;
- * var success = function() { counter.success++ };
- * var error = function() { counter.error++ };
- * $.ajaxTimeout(0);
- * $.ajax({url: "data/name.php", global: false, success: success, error: error, complete: function() {
- * ok( counter.error == 0, 'Check sucesful request without globals' );
- * ok( counter.success == 1, 'Check sucesful request without globals' );
- * ok( counter.complete == 0, 'Check sucesful request without globals' );
- * counter.error = 0; counter.success = 0; counter.complete = 0;
- * $.ajaxTimeout(500);
- * $.ajax({url: "data/name.php?wait=5", global: false, success: success, error: error, complete: function() {
- * ok( counter.error == 1, 'Check failed request without globals' );
- * ok( counter.success == 0, 'Check failed request without globals' );
- * ok( counter.complete == 0, 'Check failed request without globals' );
- * start();
- * }});
- * }});
- *
- * @name ajaxHandlersTesting
- * @private
- */
new function(){
var e = "ajaxStart,ajaxStop,ajaxComplete,ajaxError,ajaxSuccess".split(",");
@@ -321,17 +244,6 @@ jQuery.extend({
* }
* )
- * @test stop();
- * $.get('data/dashboard.xml', function(xml) {
- * var content = [];
- * $('tab', xml).each(function() {
- * content.push($(this).text());
- * });
- * ok( content[0] == 'blabla', 'Check first tab');
- * ok( content[1] == 'blublu', 'Check second tab');
- * start();
- * });
- *
* @name $.get
* @type undefined
* @param String url The URL of the page to load.
@@ -376,12 +288,6 @@ jQuery.extend({
* }
* )
- * @test stop();
- * $.getIfModified("data/name.php", function(msg) {
- * ok( msg == 'ERROR', 'Check ifModified' );
- * start();
- * });
- *
* @name $.getIfModified
* @type undefined
* @param String url The URL of the page to load.
@@ -403,16 +309,6 @@ jQuery.extend({
* alert("Script loaded and executed.");
* })
- * @test stop();
- * $.getScript("data/test.js", function() {
- * ok( foobar == "bar", 'Check if script was evaluated' );
- * start();
- * });
- *
- * @test
- * $.getScript("data/test.js");
- * ok( true, "Check with single argument, can't verify" );
- *
* @name $.getScript
* @type undefined
* @param String url The URL of the page to load.
@@ -442,21 +338,6 @@ jQuery.extend({
* }
* )
- * @test stop();
- * $.getJSON("data/json.php", {json: "array"}, function(json) {
- * ok( json[0].name == 'John', 'Check JSON: first, name' );
- * ok( json[0].age == 21, 'Check JSON: first, age' );
- * ok( json[1].name == 'Peter', 'Check JSON: second, name' );
- * ok( json[1].age == 25, 'Check JSON: second, age' );
- * start();
- * });
- * @test stop();
- * $.getJSON("data/json.php", function(json) {
- * ok( json.data.lang == 'en', 'Check JSON: lang' );
- * ok( json.data.length == 25, 'Check JSON: length' );
- * start();
- * });
- *
* @name $.getJSON
* @type undefined
* @param String url The URL of the page to load.
@@ -487,15 +368,6 @@ jQuery.extend({
* }
* )
- * @test stop();
- * $.post("data/name.php", {xml: "5-2"}, function(xml){
- * $('math', xml).each(function() {
- * ok( $('calculation', this).text() == '5-2', 'Check for XML' );
- * ok( $('result', this).text() == '3', 'Check for XML' );
- * });
- * start();
- * });
- *
* @name $.post
* @type undefined
* @param String url The URL of the page to load.
@@ -525,50 +397,6 @@ jQuery.extend({
* @example $.ajaxTimeout( 5000 );
* @desc Make all AJAX requests timeout after 5 seconds.
- * @test stop();
- * var passed = 0;
- * var timeout;
- * $.ajaxTimeout(1000);
- * var pass = function() {
- * passed++;
- * if(passed == 2) {
- * ok( true, 'Check local and global callbacks after timeout' );
- * clearTimeout(timeout);
- * $('#main').unbind("ajaxError");
- * start();
- * }
- * };
- * var fail = function() {
- * ok( false, 'Check for timeout failed' );
- * start();
- * };
- * timeout = setTimeout(fail, 1500);
- * $('#main').ajaxError(pass);
- * $.ajax({
- * type: "GET",
- * url: "data/name.php?wait=5",
- * error: pass,
- * success: fail
- * });
- *
- * @test stop(); $.ajaxTimeout(50);
- * $.ajax({
- * type: "GET",
- * timeout: 5000,
- * url: "data/name.php?wait=1",
- * error: function() {
- * ok( false, 'Check for local timeout failed' );
- * start();
- * },
- * success: function() {
- * ok( true, 'Check for local timeout' );
- * start();
- * }
- * });
- * // reset timeout
- * $.ajaxTimeout(0);
- *
- *
* @name $.ajaxTimeout
* @type undefined
* @param Number time How long before an AJAX request times out.
@@ -671,54 +499,6 @@ jQuery.extend({
* });
* @desc Save some data to the server and notify the user once its complete.
- * @test stop();
- * $.ajax({
- * type: "GET",
- * url: "data/name.php?name=foo",
- * success: function(msg){
- * ok( msg == 'bar', 'Check for GET' );
- * start();
- * }
- * });
- *
- * @test stop();
- * $.ajax({
- * type: "POST",
- * url: "data/name.php",
- * data: "name=peter",
- * success: function(msg){
- * ok( msg == 'pan', 'Check for POST' );
- * start();
- * }
- * });
- *
- * @test stop();
- * window.foobar = undefined;
- * window.foo = undefined;
- * var verifyEvaluation = function() {
- * ok( foobar == "bar", 'Check if script src was evaluated for datatype html' );
- * start();
- * };
- * $.ajax({
- * dataType: "html",
- * url: "data/test.html",
- * success: function(data) {
- * ok( data.match(/^html text/), 'Check content for datatype html' );
- * ok( foo == "foo", 'Check if script was evaluated for datatype html' );
- * setTimeout(verifyEvaluation, 600);
- * }
- * });
- *
- * @test stop();
- * $.ajax({
- * url: "data/with_fries.xml", dataType: "xml", type: "GET", data: "", success: function(resp) {
- * ok( $("properties", resp).length == 1, 'properties in responseXML' );
- * ok( $("jsconf", resp).length == 1, 'jsconf in responseXML' );
- * ok( $("thing", resp).length == 2, 'things in responseXML' );
- * start();
- * }
- * });
- *
* @name $.ajax
* @type XMLHttpRequest
* @param Hash prop A set of properties to initialize the request with.
diff --git a/src/ajax/ajaxTest.js b/src/ajax/ajaxTest.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0462aadcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ajax/ajaxTest.js
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+test("load(String, Object, Function) - simple: inject text into DOM", function() {
+ expect(1);
+ stop();
+ $('#first').load("data/name.php", function() {
+ ok( $('#first').text() == 'ERROR', 'Check if content was injected into the DOM' );
+ start();
+ });
+test("load(String, Object, Function) - inject without callback", function() {
+ expect(1);
+ stop(); // check if load can be called with only url
+ $('#first').load("data/name.php");
+ $.get("data/name.php", function() {
+ ok( $('#first').text() == 'ERROR', 'Check if load works without callback');
+ start();
+ });
+test("load(String, Object, Function) - check scripts", function() {
+ expect(6);
+ stop();
+ window.foobar = undefined;
+ window.foo = undefined;
+ var verifyEvaluation = function() {
+ ok( foobar == "bar", 'Check if script src was evaluated after load' );
+ ok( $('#foo').html() == 'foo', 'Check if script evaluation has modified DOM');
+ ok( $('#ap').html() == 'bar', 'Check if script evaluation has modified DOM');
+ start();
+ };
+ $('#first').load('data/test.html', function() {
+ ok( $('#first').html().match(/^html text/), 'Check content after loading html' );
+ ok( foo == "foo", 'Check if script was evaluated after load' );
+ setTimeout(verifyEvaluation, 600);
+ });
+test("serialize()", function() {
+ expect(1);
+ var data = $(':input').not('button').serialize();
+ // ignore button, IE takes text content as value, not relevant for this test
+ ok( data == 'action=Test&text2=Test&radio1=on&radio2=on&check=on&=on&hidden=&foo[bar]=&name=name&=foobar&select1=&select2=3&select3=1', 'Check form serialization as query string' );
+test("test global handlers - success", function() {
+ expect(6);
+ stop();
+ var counter = { complete: 0, success: 0, error: 0 },
+ success = function() { counter.success++ },
+ error = function() { counter.error++ },
+ complete = function() { counter.complete++ };
+ $('#foo').ajaxStart(complete).ajaxStop(complete).ajaxComplete(complete).ajaxError(error).ajaxSuccess(success);
+ // start with successful test
+ $.ajax({url: "data/name.php", success: success, error: error, complete: function() {
+ ok( counter.error == 0, 'Check succesful request' );
+ ok( counter.success == 2, 'Check succesful request' );
+ ok( counter.complete == 3, 'Check succesful request' );
+ counter.error = counter.success = counter.complete = 0;
+ $.ajaxTimeout(500);
+ $.ajax({url: "data/name.php?wait=5", success: success, error: error, complete: function() {
+ ok( counter.error == 2, 'Check failed request' );
+ ok( counter.success == 0, 'Check failed request' );
+ ok( counter.complete == 3, 'Check failed request' );
+ start();
+ }});
+ }});
+test("test global handlers - failure", function() {
+ expect(6);
+ stop();
+ var counter = { complete: 0, success: 0, error: 0 },
+ success = function() { counter.success++ },
+ error = function() { counter.error++ };
+ $.ajaxTimeout(0);
+ $.ajax({url: "data/name.php", global: false, success: success, error: error, complete: function() {
+ ok( counter.error == 0, 'Check sucesful request without globals' );
+ ok( counter.success == 1, 'Check sucesful request without globals' );
+ ok( counter.complete == 0, 'Check sucesful request without globals' );
+ counter.error = counter.success = counter.complete = 0;
+ $.ajaxTimeout(500);
+ $.ajax({url: "data/name.php?wait=5", global: false, success: success, error: error, complete: function() {
+ ok( counter.error == 1, 'Check failed request without globals' );
+ ok( counter.success == 0, 'Check failed request without globals' );
+ ok( counter.complete == 0, 'Check failed request without globals' );
+ start();
+ }});
+ }});
+test("$.get(String, Hash, Function) - parse xml and use text() on nodes", function() {
+ expect(2);
+ stop();
+ $.get('data/dashboard.xml', function(xml) {
+ var content = [];
+ $('tab', xml).each(function() {
+ content.push($(this).text());
+ });
+ ok( content[0] == 'blabla', 'Check first tab');
+ ok( content[1] == 'blublu', 'Check second tab');
+ start();
+ });
+test("$.getIfModified(String, Hash, Function)", function() {
+ expect(1);
+ stop();
+ $.getIfModified("data/name.php", function(msg) {
+ ok( msg == 'ERROR', 'Check ifModified' );
+ start();
+ });
+test("$.getScript(String, Function) - with callback", function() {
+ expect(2);
+ stop();
+ $.getScript("data/test.js", function() {
+ ok( foobar == "bar", 'Check if script was evaluated' );
+ start();
+ });
+test("$.getScript(String, Function) - no callback", function() {
+ expect(1);
+ stop();
+ $.getScript("data/test.js");
+test("$.getJSON(String, Hash, Function) - JSON array", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ stop();
+ $.getJSON("data/json.php", {json: "array"}, function(json) {
+ ok( json[0].name == 'John', 'Check JSON: first, name' );
+ ok( json[0].age == 21, 'Check JSON: first, age' );
+ ok( json[1].name == 'Peter', 'Check JSON: second, name' );
+ ok( json[1].age == 25, 'Check JSON: second, age' );
+ start();
+ });
+test("$.getJSON(String, Hash, Function) - JSON object", function() {
+ expect(2);
+ stop();
+ $.getJSON("data/json.php", function(json) {
+ ok( json.data.lang == 'en', 'Check JSON: lang' );
+ ok( json.data.length == 25, 'Check JSON: length' );
+ start();
+ });
+test("$.post(String, Hash, Function) - simple with xml", function() {
+ expect(2);
+ stop();
+ $.post("data/name.php", {xml: "5-2"}, function(xml){
+ $('math', xml).each(function() {
+ ok( $('calculation', this).text() == '5-2', 'Check for XML' );
+ ok( $('result', this).text() == '3', 'Check for XML' );
+ });
+ start();
+ });
+test("$.ajaxTimeout(Number) - with global timeout", function() {
+ stop();
+ var passed = 0;
+ var timeout;
+ $.ajaxTimeout(1000);
+ var pass = function() {
+ passed++;
+ if(passed == 2) {
+ ok( true, 'Check local and global callbacks after timeout' );
+ clearTimeout(timeout);
+ $('#main').unbind("ajaxError");
+ start();
+ }
+ };
+ var fail = function() {
+ ok( false, 'Check for timeout failed' );
+ start();
+ };
+ timeout = setTimeout(fail, 1500);
+ $('#main').ajaxError(pass);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "GET",
+ url: "data/name.php?wait=5",
+ error: pass,
+ success: fail
+ });
+test("$.ajaxTimeout(Number) with localtimeout", function() {
+ stop(); $.ajaxTimeout(50);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "GET",
+ timeout: 5000,
+ url: "data/name.php?wait=1",
+ error: function() {
+ ok( false, 'Check for local timeout failed' );
+ start();
+ },
+ success: function() {
+ ok( true, 'Check for local timeout' );
+ start();
+ }
+ });
+ // reset timeout
+ $.ajaxTimeout(0);
+test("$.ajax - simple get", function() {
+ expect(1);
+ stop();
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "GET",
+ url: "data/name.php?name=foo",
+ success: function(msg){
+ ok( msg == 'bar', 'Check for GET' );
+ start();
+ }
+ });
+test("$.ajax - simple post", function() {
+ expect(1);
+ stop();
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "POST",
+ url: "data/name.php",
+ data: "name=peter",
+ success: function(msg){
+ ok( msg == 'pan', 'Check for POST' );
+ start();
+ }
+ });
+test("$.ajax - dataType html", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ stop();
+ window.foobar = undefined;
+ window.foo = undefined;
+ var verifyEvaluation = function() {
+ ok( foobar == "bar", 'Check if script src was evaluated for datatype html' );
+ start();
+ };
+ $.ajax({
+ dataType: "html",
+ url: "data/test.html",
+ success: function(data) {
+ ok( data.match(/^html text/), 'Check content for datatype html' );
+ ok( foo == "foo", 'Check if script was evaluated for datatype html' );
+ setTimeout(verifyEvaluation, 600);
+ }
+ });
+test("$.ajax - xml: non-namespace elements inside namespaced elements", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ stop();
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "data/with_fries.xml", dataType: "xml", type: "GET", data: "", success: function(resp) {
+ ok( $("properties", resp).length == 1, 'properties in responseXML' );
+ ok( $("jsconf", resp).length == 1, 'jsconf in responseXML' );
+ ok( $("thing", resp).length == 2, 'things in responseXML' );
+ start();
+ }
+ });
+}); \ No newline at end of file