path: root/src/css/defaultDisplay.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/css/defaultDisplay.js')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/css/defaultDisplay.js b/src/css/defaultDisplay.js
index 0090ca644..42e436a84 100644
--- a/src/css/defaultDisplay.js
+++ b/src/css/defaultDisplay.js
@@ -13,19 +13,9 @@ var iframe,
// Called only from within defaultDisplay
function actualDisplay( name, doc ) {
- var style,
- elem = jQuery( doc.createElement( name ) ).appendTo( doc.body ),
+ var elem = jQuery( doc.createElement( name ) ).appendTo( doc.body ),
- // getDefaultComputedStyle might be reliably used only on attached element
- display = window.getDefaultComputedStyle &&
- ( style = window.getDefaultComputedStyle( elem[ 0 ] ) ) ?
- // Use of this method is a temporary fix (more like optimization)
- // until something better comes along,
- // since it was removed from specification and supported only in FF
- style.display :
- jQuery.css( elem[ 0 ], "display" );
+ display = jQuery.css( elem[ 0 ], "display" );
// We don't have any data stored on the element,
// so use "detach" method as fast way to get rid of the element