module.exports = function( grunt ) { "use strict"; function readOptionalJSON( filepath ) { var data = {}; try { data = grunt.file.readJSON( filepath ); } catch ( e ) {} return data; } var gzip = require( "gzip-js" ), srcHintOptions = readOptionalJSON( "src/.jshintrc" ); // The concatenated file won't pass onevar // But our modules can delete srcHintOptions.onevar; grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON( "package.json" ), dst: readOptionalJSON( "dist/.destination.json" ), compare_size: { files: [ "dist/jquery.js", "dist/jquery.min.js" ], options: { compress: { gz: function( contents ) { return contents, {} ).length; } }, cache: "build/.sizecache.json" } }, build: { all: { dest: "dist/jquery.js", minimum: [ "core", "selector" ], // Exclude specified modules if the module matching the key is removed removeWith: { ajax: [ "manipulation/_evalUrl", "event/ajax" ], callbacks: [ "deferred" ], css: [ "effects", "dimensions", "offset" ], sizzle: [ "css/hiddenVisibleSelectors", "effects/animatedSelector" ] } } }, npmcopy: { all: { options: { destPrefix: "external" }, files: { "sizzle/dist": "sizzle/dist", "sizzle/LICENSE.txt": "sizzle/LICENSE.txt", "qunit/qunit.js": "qunitjs/qunit/qunit.js", "qunit/qunit.css": "qunitjs/qunit/qunit.css", "qunit/MIT-LICENSE.txt": "qunitjs/MIT-LICENSE.txt", "requirejs/require.js": "requirejs/require.js", "sinon/fake_timers.js": "sinon/lib/sinon/util/fake_timers.js", "sinon/LICENSE.txt": "sinon/LICENSE" } } }, jsonlint: { pkg: { src: [ "package.json" ] }, bower: { src: [ "bower.json" ] } }, jshint: { all: { src: [ "src/**/*.js", "Gruntfile.js", "test/**/*.js", "build/**/*.js" ], options: { jshintrc: true } }, dist: { src: "dist/jquery.js", options: srcHintOptions } }, jscs: { src: "src/**/*.js", gruntfile: "Gruntfile.js", // Right know, check only test helpers test: [ "test/data/testrunner.js", "test/data/testinit.js" ], release: "build/*.js", tasks: "build/tasks/*.js" }, testswarm: { tests: "ajax attributes callbacks core css data deferred dimensions effects event manipulation offset queue selector serialize support traversing".split( " " ) }, watch: { files: [ "<%= jshint.all.src %>" ], tasks: "dev" }, uglify: { all: { files: { "dist/jquery.min.js": [ "dist/jquery.js" ] }, options: { preserveComments: false, sourceMap: "dist/", sourceMappingURL: "", report: "min", beautify: { ascii_only: true }, banner: "/*! jQuery v<%= pkg.version %> | " + "(c) 2005, <%='yyyy') %> jQuery Foundation, Inc. | " + " */", compress: { hoist_funs: false, loops: false, unused: false } } } } }); // Load grunt tasks from NPM packages require( "load-grunt-tasks" )( grunt ); // Integrate jQuery specific tasks grunt.loadTasks( "build/tasks" ); grunt.registerTask( "lint", [ "jshint", "jscs" ] ); // Short list as a high frequency watch task grunt.registerTask( "dev", [ "build:*:*", "lint" ] ); // Default grunt grunt.registerTask( "default", [ "jsonlint", "dev", "uglify", "dist:*", "compare_size" ] ); };